Chapter 302

When Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian outside heard Lu Manman's roar coming from the bathroom, they thought something serious happened, so they got up and went to have a look.

Only Shangguan Jueshi and Leng Yisheng were left behind, and Leng Yisheng said with a puzzled face, "Looking at the situation, it is likely that they really have a child! Chang Ye is going to be a father, but Lu Manman is like that, this matter hang!"

Leng Yisheng shook his head, whether to keep the child or not is still a problem, Chang Ye will be forced to do so.

But Shangguan Jueshi didn't take it seriously. He believed that Chang Ye had a way to make Lu Manman keep the child. Besides, although Lu Manman was so emotional now, this child was still a piece of meat in her stomach. It was her and Chang Ye. I believe that she will not abort the child so cruelly.

"It's Jazz, do you and Ye Xiaoniu want a child? I will definitely be ahead of you then."

Leng Yisheng asked Shangguan Jueshi who was on the side. Jueshi was different from them. If his child was born, it would definitely cause some troubles. You must know that when Master Shangguan was alive, he had explained who would be born first, he or Shangguan Liunian Xia Haier, whether it is a man or a woman, the power of the Shangguan family will be transferred to that person, and other family elders will fully support it, which is a power that the old hag cannot control.

But with this child, Ye Qingxin's situation will be in danger.

"Wait and see!"

Shangguan Jueshi curled his lips into a smile, his face full of confidence.

"Hmph, although you got married before me, I am very efficient. I will definitely let your child be my younger brother!"

Leng Yisheng laughed and said, it seems that he has to hurry up, he must not fall behind.

"Lu Manman, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian came together, and when Lu Manman saw them, he looked aggrieved, "Woo, my life is too hard!"

Lu Manman complained with snot and tears, today she was more exciting than riding a roller coaster, her heart went up and down, it couldn't be more exciting.

"Manman, don't be sad, there is no child this time, we still have a chance next time!"

Liu Silian comforted her, thinking that she was sad because the test found out that she didn't have a child, and the child's matter could not be rushed. Besides, Man Man and Gu Changye have not been together for a long time, so it's normal to have no child yet!

In fact, she also couldn't figure out why she wanted a child so soon. Wouldn't it be a better world for the two of them, but Yisheng seemed to be looking forward to them having a child too.

It doesn't matter to her, because she has nothing to do all day long, and if she has children, her life will be more lively.

"Idiot Liu, if I don't have children, I won't be able to be happy in time!"

If she had no children, she would be so happy that she would fly to the sky now, how could she be in such a terrible mood like she is now.

But he didn't know that one of her unintentional words fell into Gu Changye's ears. Although he acted calmly, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Ye Qingxin naturally noticed something wrong with Gu Changye's expression, but now Manman only cared about her own sadness, so how could she have time to worry about Gu Changye's feelings.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you go out first, we girls are more reasonable, and we will help you persuade Manman."

Ye Qingxin turned her head and said to Gu Changye who was behind her, that she was afraid that Lu Manman would say hurtful words again, but Gu Changye nodded with a smile on his face.

Hearing her say that she didn't want this child face to face, he was actually sadder than anyone else.

Ye Xiaoniu and Liu Shabi are her good friends, Man Man probably listened to what they said, maybe he should go away at this time.

"Manman, don't cry, it's not good for your health."

Before leaving, Gu Changye did not forget to care, but Lu Manman just pouted angrily and stopped crying.

"Lu Manman, don't cry, don't speak so directly, it hurts!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said, if it were an ordinary couple, they would have already started bickering.

Gu Changye kept silent because he cared about Manman and considered her feelings.

However, the authorities are confused by the bystanders, and it probably doesn't matter who they put it on.

However, it must be broken in time to prevent the relationship between the husband and wife from becoming estranged.

"Who did I hurt! It's too late for me to be sad! How can I have time to hurt people!"

Lu Manman was not in a good mood, so her tone was a bit off-putting, because she knew her temper and was familiar with her temper, and she was a little tempered now that she was pregnant, Ye Qingxin and the others didn't take it to heart at all.

They are fine, but Gu Changye is.

"Lu Manman, didn't you consider your family's Gu Changye's feelings? You acted so unwelcome in front of this sudden child, have you ever thought about his feelings? If it were another man, I quarreled with you a long time ago, and Gu Changye didn't say a word, it's because he loves you." Ye Qingxin said face to face, and Lu Manman looked dazed.

She seemed to really do this just now, without considering how Gu Changye felt at all, just complaining to him, she didn't think about whether Gu Changye was looking forward to this child.


Lu Manman couldn't help being rude, she said such hurtful things just now, what would Gu Changye think at this time!

Thinking that she didn't want their child, Lu Manman scratched her head and breathed out with her tongue, she was going crazy.

"Manman, do you have children or not! I'm almost confused by you."

Liu Silian looked confused, she didn't know what the two of them were doing, if they had children, they should be happy!

But Man Man's current state is just sad!Is it hard to be pregnant with a child?

"I'm confused too! I don't know if this stick is accurate!"

Lu Manman was in a bad mood, and his good mood was ruined by this stick. It's hard to say whether this thing is accurate.

"Why don't I go outside and get those sticks, and you'll know if you try it."

Liu Silian asked, but Lu Manman nodded, "Okay, go get it quickly, I'll try it!"

Everything can go wrong, maybe this stick is one of them!

"Then I'll get it!" Liu Silian hurried out.

"Lu Manman, this stick has been strictly verified, and the chance of making mistakes is extremely small."

Ye Xiaoniu told the truth, it's not that she wants to hit her, but she needs to choose to face it instead of deceiving herself like this.

The child had come now, and she should not deny it, but admit and accept it.

Besides, if she really doesn't want this child, she has to find a way to solve it, instead of delaying and fooling around like this.

Besides, the child grows up day by day, and her belly grows up day by day, so is it possible that she can still turn a blind eye to it!

"Ye Xiaoniu, if you don't hit me, I will die! If you make me a turtle, I will die!"

Lu Manman stomped her feet, she naturally knew that the probability of making a mistake was extremely small, so it would be impossible for her to relax for a while!

The thought of a doll being stuffed into her stomach suddenly, without any preparation, gave her a headache!

"Forget it, as you said, everything is possible, and when these dozens of branches come in handy, you will know whether it is correct or not."

Ye Qingxin followed her heart, at least in this way she could be sure of one thing: the child really existed.

"Here, here, I brought them all, Lu Manman, hurry up and give it a try."

Liu Silian came over with a dozen sticks in his hand, and stuffed them into Lu Manman's hands.

Holding it in her hand, it was as heavy as a thousand catties, and it almost made her breathless. You must know that if all these are verified one by one and the result is the same, then her bitter life is really about to begin.

She suddenly didn't want to try it anymore, but it's not the way to escape like this!

"Then wait for me first."

Lu Manman turned around and walked back, messing around.

She came out with more than a dozen sticks in her hand, stuffed them into the hands of the two of them, and each of them basically had four sticks in their hands, "You all have to open your eyes to see clearly. Tell me if the result is one bar, and don’t tell me anything else.” Lu Manman explained in advance.

"Manman, does this make you pregnant?"

Liu Silian on the side couldn't help asking, staring intently, not daring to relax for a moment.

"Anyway, just tell me the first bar, and don't tell me the rest."

Lu Manman's tone was a little anxious, and the time passed by, and she kept praying silently in her heart, a bar!Please, just a bar!
She has never been superstitious, but this time, will she believe it!Ani Tuo Buddha, Buddha bless!

But as time went by, another bar slowly appeared, all four bars were like this, she shook her head, sighed, with a dejected look on her face.

"Manman, all four of my sticks are two bars! Not one bar!"

Liu Silian said with a puzzled face, is this pregnant or not?

And the same is true in Ye Qingxin's hands, she looked at Lu Manman beside her, she should give up now!
"Lu Manman, don't be so sad, you look so beautiful, maybe you want your future children to be bitter!"

Ye Qingxin made a joke, trying to liven up the atmosphere.

Lu Manman has always loved beauty, and she definitely doesn't want her future child to be ugly and lose face.

"real or fake?"

Lu Manman raised his head and asked, this is impossible!Her genes are so good, they can't be destroyed.

"It is said in this book that a child is spiritual, it can sense the mother's emotions, and maintaining an optimistic mood is healthy for the child in the womb!"

Ye Qingxin copied all the lines from the TV. Seeing that Lu Manman was so nervous, although she said she didn't welcome this child, she still cared about it in her heart. After all, it was the combination of her and Gu Changye!

"Then what do you think I should do now? Is it possible to give birth to it? What about my fledgling career?"

Lu Manman looked sullen. If this child is to be born, then she will be old by then, and will be left behind. Wouldn't all the previous efforts be in vain?

"Manman, I think you still have to discuss this matter with Gu Changye. You have to see how Gu Changye treats this child. Otherwise, if you don't handle it well, it will affect your relationship in the future."

Ye Qingxin carefully persuaded that they were not in charge of this matter, and they needed to discuss it with their husband and wife.

If Lu Manman put all his eggs in one basket, then this marriage would really easily break down.

"It's so annoying, if Gu Changye likes children, what will he do with this child!"

Lu Manman asked back, feelings and career are the most important part of her life, why make her face such a difficult choice!

For this child, she didn't mean that she didn't like it, but it was too late to prepare her mentally for it.

"Just listen to his thoughts and make a decision together with him. If you really don't want this child, Yi Gu Chang Ye has such deep feelings for you, he will definitely respect your choice."

Ye Qingxin said seriously, but Lu Manman felt even more uncomfortable when he heard it.

Don't want this kid!

She never thought about not wanting this child at all. This is the crystallization of the two of them, how could she be willing to do so!

She's not that heartless, and it's not like she doesn't know how kind Gu Changye is to her.

"Manman, why don't you want a child! This child is the crystallization of love between you and Gu Changye. You handsome men and beautiful women will definitely give birth to the best-looking children in the future. The family will be more lively by then. It is the best age to have children." Liu Silian said with a puzzled face, Manman should be happy to have a child, why not have a child!

"Of course, we all have good genes, and the future children will be great."

Lu Manman took it for granted that she couldn't help touching her lower abdomen with her hands. This little brat has parents with such good genes, so she will definitely not be worse in the future. Some hearts are moved, and maternal love is flooding.

Seeing her intoxicated appearance, Ye Qingxin couldn't help chuckling.

"Lu Manman, even though you say that, you actually care about this child very much in your heart. Look at your happy expression, the radiance of maternal love is shining on your face! It's rare to see such softness on your face side!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help laughing and said, but Lu Manman was uncomfortable when she said it.

"How could I! I'm usually so gentle, okay?"

Where is she usually rough, she is a quality person, okay?
"Manman, it's better for this child to be born. I've heard that abortion is bad for women's health. Some of them don't recover well, and they won't even have the chance to be a mother in the future!"

Stupid Liu said, while Lu Manman subconsciously protected his stomach with a look of fear.

"Idiot Liu, is it as scary as you say?"

Can't get pregnant?Thinking of this, Lu Manman felt that the child in her stomach should be kept, and besides, she didn't want to lose it!

"I saw it all on TV. Manman, let's give birth to the baby. If you don't want to take it, you can leave it to me. I often raise cats and dogs. It's definitely no problem to take care of a child."

In order for Lu Manman to give birth to the child, Liu Silian took over the responsibility of taking care of the child in one go.

Anyway, the child is similar to the small animals she raises. As long as she feeds and drinks, and cleans it up from time to time, it shouldn't be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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