Chapter 303

"Idiot Liu, fuck you, you raise my child like a cat or a dog!"

Lu Manman stretched out his hand and slapped her hard on the head. This idiot Liu can't spit ivory out of his mouth, and his mouth is so smelly after being with that Lengshaobao for a long time.

She actually compares her child with a cat and a dog. May I ask if her future child can be safely handed over to her?It would be strange not to be killed by then!

You must know that idiot Liu, who has no brains, has starved to death of many cats and dogs, and maybe the next one will be her child.

Thinking about it, I feel that this scene is too miserable. No matter how busy she is in the future, she can't leave the child in her care!

"It hurts me to death! Isn't it all the same!"

Liu Silian stroked her head and said with pain on her face!

Isn't this child the same reason, besides, human beings also evolved!
Ye Qingxin listened to the conversation between the two of them, holding back a smile from the sidelines, wondering if they could still have a pleasant conversation!

Look at Lu Manman's efforts to protect the child. She really cares about her own child. She subconsciously treasures this child!
"In the future, you will go to have a baby and take care of yourself."

She can't use her precious child as an experiment for idiot Liu, she wants to try to work harder by herself.

"Lu Manman, look at how nervous you are now, it seems that you want to give birth to this child?"

Ye Qingxin tried to ask, but when Lu Manman heard this topic, her little face collapsed again.

"Let me think about it again! Let's go out, this is not a good place to talk!"

Look at them, they are still chatting in the bathroom, it's really good!
"I've had this idea for a long time." Ye Qingxin smiled, it wasn't because she cared about her feelings!

"Go, go, hurry up, lest my children like the smell of toilets in the future!"

After Lu Manman finished speaking, he hurried out. The smell inside is not so good, and it will affect the child's development. She doesn't want his child to be born in the future.

And Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian were amused by her.

When Gu Changye came out, Leng Yisheng whistled all the time, with an embarrassed expression on his face, "Changye, why are you so cowardly, shouldn't you be happy when you have a child! Or is the test result incorrect?"

Just now he was as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood, but now he looks like a listless ostrich.

Could it be that the stick made a mistake?no kids?
Otherwise, why did Si Lian take all the sticks just now, could the result be unsatisfactory?

At this time, Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin walked over, Gu Changye raised his eyes and landed on Lu Manman, what was her plan?
Gu Changye was worried at this moment, afraid of hearing something he didn't want to hear from her mouth, because her attitude just now made him uneasy.

Seeing Ye Qingxin come out, Shangguan Jueshi had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at her with soft eyes.

He got up and walked towards her, Ye Qingxin also had this intention, now is the time when Manman and Gu Changye are talking, it is not suitable for them to stay here, so as not to affect their conversation.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I want to go out and get high!"

"it is good!"

As soon as Si Lian heard that Ye Qingxin wanted to go out to play, she naturally shouted to go, "I'll go too!"

For Si Lian to go, Leng Yisheng, a follower, was naturally indispensable, and several people walked out in pairs, and at this time there were only the two of them in the VIP room.

"Manman, sit down, don't stand for too long!"

Gu Changye smiled slightly, took her hand and sat down beside him.

"it is good!"

Lu Manman nodded, and sat quietly beside him. At this time, the two of them really need to have a good chat.

"Gu Changye!"

"Long Man!"

The two spoke almost in unison, looked at each other and smiled, they really had a tacit understanding.

"Why don't you talk first!"

"Manman, tell me and I'll listen!"

The two spoke again almost at the same time, and the stiff atmosphere made her feel a little uncomfortable.

When did the two of them become so separated? It shouldn't be!

Lu Manman took the initiative to lean into his arms, and asked softly, "Gu Changye, what do you think of this child?"

As soon as Gu Changye mentioned this topic, his heart was raised in suspense.

"Manman, no matter what decision you make, I will respect your choice!"

Gu Changye held her hand and said seriously.

Compared with losing his child, he is more unwilling to lose her, even though he is very sad, it's a pity!
"Then what if I say I don't want this child?"

Lu Manman said casually, and when she heard her say that she didn't want children, Gu Changye's face darkened, and his body stiffened unconsciously.

Did she finally choose to give up their children for the sake of her career?

His chest seemed to be entwined with a mass of dense silk threads, which made him almost unable to breathe, and a deadly pain flooded his heart.

Lu Manman never thought that his reaction would be so big. Although he didn't say it on the surface, his reaction has already shown his attitude. He is looking forward to this child!

"I respect you, we will have children in the future."

Gu Changye said with a little reluctance, and when he answered, he had to utter every word with difficulty, almost exhausting all his strength.

"Then what if I say I want to give birth to this child?"

Lu Manman continued, in fact, she has already made a choice in her heart. Since this child exists, and he is still looking forward to it, she is not willing to let her go. She will give birth to her, no matter how brilliant her career is, but this It is also a living little life!She has no right to take its life away.

Gu Changye was stunned for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face, he couldn't believe what he heard.

He hasn't recovered from her words yet, and must have been stunned for quite a while.

"Gu Changye, you are talking! Don't you want me to give birth to this child?"

Lu Manman smiled and said, what is his reaction?

He should have been very excited when he heard that she was going to give birth to a child, but why did he calm down instead? Doesn't he like this child?

Or was he terrified!

"Manman, is what you said true? Did I hear you right? You really want to give up your career to give birth to this child for me."

Gu Changye reacted in a daze, put his hands on her shoulders, and said with an expression of disbelief.

Isn't he dreaming?I feel that everything in front of me is a little unreal, but she is indeed in his arms!

"En! Let's talk about the child first, and then talk about the rest of the things slowly."

Lu Manman nodded. As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Changye held her tightly in his arms. Because of joy, his heart kept beating strongly, and because of excitement, his breathing became heavy. With great excitement.

"Manman, do you know how happy I am at this moment? Listen to how intense my heart is!"

Gu Changye excitedly pressed her hand and placed it on his heart, holding her hand, she could feel that his hand was still shaking!
"Gu Changye, you are usually calm and calm in situations, why are you so happy this time?"

Lu Manman teased, carefully feeling his vigorous and powerful heart, seeing how happy he is, she never personally said she didn't want this child!

"Manman, do you know how happy I was when I found out that you were pregnant? But at the same time, I was worried that you would not want our child. But now that you are going to give birth to this child for me, I'm completely bewildered."

Gu Changye said with joy, her words injected new blood into him, and he seemed to be alive again.

Tonight's mood was ups and downs all night, especially now, the most exciting moment, no matter how calm and calm he was, he couldn't suppress his surging and excited mood at this moment.

"Hehe, how can I be so cruel! Although I love my career very much, I still know what is more important. It was just that I was shocked by the result at the time. It was completely beyond my expectation. All my plans It was disrupted for a while, and I was at a loss, Gu Changye, I never thought about not wanting this child, it belongs to the combination of the two of us, how could I not want it for my career!"

Lu Manman looked into his pupils and said seriously.

She wanted to let him know that she never had this idea, and she didn't want him to misunderstand.

"Besides, I won't be happy if my child is exchanged for a brilliant career. After all, it is a small life. Gu Changye, do you understand what I mean?"

Lu Manman continued, he didn't want to have a gap in their relationship because of this. With this child, they should be close instead of becoming strangers.

"Manman, I knew you wouldn't let me down!"

A deep smile bloomed on Gu Changye's face, and every corner of his face was full of joy.

Now that the two of them have shared their thoughts with each other, they have gotten closer to each other a lot. Gu Changye held her in his arms and placed his hands gently on her lower abdomen, feeling every bit of him.

Lu Manman leaned in his arms with a small bird-like face, and the faces of the two were brimming with happiness.

"Gu Changye, I just can't figure it out. Why did something go wrong? Obviously both of us have taken post-event measures, which can be said to be double protection. Why are we still pregnant?" Lu Manman asked with her head tilted. Still can't figure this out.

The blame is on this point, could there be mistakes at the same time?This is too evil!

When Gu Changye heard her mentioning this matter, his face changed slightly, and a smile flashed across his eyes. Naturally, she couldn't let her know about this matter, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go around.

"Manman, now is not the time to think about these things. Our child does exist. The next thing we want to think about is how to get pregnant. What are you going to do with your work?"

This topic is not suitable for further study, otherwise there will be mistakes, so Gu Changye quickly changed the topic.

Now that she is pregnant, she can no longer work as hard as usual. When she thinks about her running around in high heels all these days, and now thinking about him, her heart clenches tightly. Fortunately, Manman's body is in good shape, and nothing happened. .

Now that she is confirmed pregnant, should she quit her job!

You must know that the fetus is unstable in the first three months, so it is really not suitable for hard work. In addition, her job is even harder, and she has to wear high heels to walk the show from time to time, which is really too dangerous.

So she still hopes that she can quit this job as soon as possible, and it is important to have a baby at home.

"The few endorsements I've accepted have all been completed, and I haven't accepted any new jobs yet, and a few are still considering! I have to go back to the company on Monday, and Qi Jue wants to ask me to renew the contract!"

Lu Manman turned on her phone and looked at her itinerary. Afterwards, there were basically long-term TV drama appointments and some commercial endorsements, but in her current state, she could only reluctantly refuse.

Originally, she wanted to develop across industries, but now it's hard to think about it!

Thinking of this, Lu Manman is still a little bit reluctant, finally able to bloom on the stage, but at this time she is pregnant again, her future is ah!

"Gu Changye, this child will be born in ten months! I can't stay at home these days, I will go crazy!"

Lu Manman couldn't help complaining that her pace had been so fast these years that she had hardly stopped, and it was really hard for her to suddenly tell her not to work!
She is a little famous now, if she waits until she gives birth to a child, fans will probably forget her completely.

You must know that a female star's marriage is the rhythm of losing fans, and her popularity has dropped after getting married, let alone having children.

"Manman, I understand your feelings, why don't we continue working after the three-month stabilization period?"

Gu Changye discussed, it must be settled after a three-month stable period. As for the work, he will arrange it. In the future, he will be her manager. You can rest assured.

"But after three months, I will be pregnant. Wouldn't it be even worse then!"

Lu Manman pouted and said that after three months, her belly will grow a little bit, so it's no wonder that others don't know.

"Manman, think about it, you can also create while resting at home for the past three months! I will have someone turn your home into your recording studio as soon as possible, and then you can continue your singing career and release records without going to Go out to the catwalk, when your record sells well, people will remember you, your ten months are not in vain! You will come back after giving birth, and I will not stop you from doing whatever you want you."

Gu Changye said with a serious face, and Lu Manman sounded quite reasonable. It would make her more comfortable working at home, and she could sing her favorite songs. Isn't the reason why she crossed the line is to let people remember her Singing, but in this situation, she can no longer straddle the line at all, why not continue her old line, she will be more handy, and she doesn't need to deliberately learn catwalks and acting skills.

"That's right! Wouldn't I be more comfortable this way, but Gu Changye, is it worth it for you to throw money at me like this?"

Lu Manman couldn't help but ask, in this way, they can only spend money on themselves in the future. Of course, if the record sells well, it is still possible to make back the money, and they need to bear the risk in the early stage.

"Of course you are worth it! As long as you are happy, this little money is not a problem for me."

Gu Changye said indifferently, as long as she can have a good pregnancy at home, everything else is fine.

(End of this chapter)

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