Chapter 304
At this time, Ye Qingxin, Liu Silian and the others all came out. Once outside, there were singing and dancing, lights flickering, and it was beautiful.

There are a lot of people coming and going, most of them are young people, handsome and beautiful women, with hot bodies, everywhere there are scenery lines, and the scene is very lively.

"Idiot Liu, if it's not now, I should call you the proprietress. How much RMB did you pocket this night?" Ye Qingxin asked curiously. With so many guests, you must have earned a lot in one night!
Now idiot Liu is married to Leng Yisheng, and she is a real proprietress, so she doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

"I don't know either!"

Liu Silian looked ignorant, she only cared about eating and drinking for three meals a day, she didn't have time to worry about how much she earned, besides numbers knew her, she didn't know numbers!

Counting so many fractions made her dizzy.

I remember that on the first night of just getting married, Yi Sheng handed over all his properties to her. She was looking at the passbook and kept counting the change, which dazzled her eyes. In the end, she didn't know what it was How much, anyway, I know that I don't have to worry about eating and drinking in this life.

"You're stupid! You don't know. Now that you are the proprietress, you should control the finances. Could it be that Leng Yisheng didn't let you manage the money?"

Ye Qingxin pulled Liu Silian over and asked in a low voice.

This idiot didn't act smarter even after he got married. Of course, the first step is to manage the money. A man who manages the money wants to go outside to do bad things, and he can't do anything without money.

Anyway, all of Shangguan Jueshi's wealth is placed with her. Although she is not very interested, letting her take care of it at least shows his sincerity.

Didn't Leng Yisheng say he loves idiot Liu?Why don't you even have the most basic sincerity!

"Yes, he has handed over all his property to me, but you also know that sometimes I get confused, and the money is so large, I am afraid that I will lose it, so I will return it to him."

It's too insecure to keep so much money with her, maybe she gets confused sometimes and forgets where to put the money, that's bad!
So for the sake of safety, she let Yisheng take care of herself.

"That's about the same! Wait, idiot Liu, you are so stupid, why do you want to pay him back!"

Listening to the first half of what idiot Liu said, she was satisfied with Leng Yisheng's actions, but when she heard that she returned the money back in a daze, Ye Qingxin wanted to beat her up.

This idiot Liu doesn't even know what to say about her!
Usually tens of dollars, hundreds of dollars are very important to her, but now she doesn't want hundreds of millions of dollars, is she out of her mind!

"Aren't I afraid that I will have too much money on me, and people will think about it!"

Liu Silian said with a giggle, but Ye Qingxin was speechless towards her.

Who told her to carry money with her every day, she won't find a place to hide it!
"A man becomes bad when he has money. I'll see how you die then! Especially people with a dark history like your Leng Yisheng are more likely to make mistakes."

Ye Qingxin poked her head with her finger, what kind of scum was in it, she really didn't know what to say to her.

"No way!" Liu Silian looked dull, was Qingxin scaring her?

Yisheng has changed his ways now, and he probably won't be the same again, besides, he said that he will only love her in this life.

"It will be too late to know at that time, anyway, remember to ask for the money back when the time comes."

Ye Qingxin taught, and Liu Silian nodded, anyway, without a man, at least the money in his hands would not be empty.

"Wildcat, are you biting the back of my tongue again?"

Looking at the mysterious look of the two of them, yearning eyes fell on him from time to time, with probing elements, needless to say, the wild cat must be talking bad about him again.

"I'm too lazy to talk about you! Anyway, you should be nice to my idiot. If you let me know that she has been wronged, then I won't be able to spare you."

Ye Qingxin put down her harsh words, but Leng Yisheng didn't care.

"You don't have this chance."

Several people found a place to sit, Leng Yisheng greeted the waiter at the side, and after a while, someone came over with snacks.

Sure enough, the boss is different. Look at this coquette, he has the courage to be a boss, and he really can't tell it normally.

"Qingxin, what would Manman think? She wouldn't kill the child for her career, would she?"

Stupid Liu couldn't help asking, it was obvious that Manman didn't welcome this child very much!

"I don't think so! Although Lu Manman loves work, she still knows what's important. I'm just waiting to be the child's godmother."

Ye Qingxin said with a reassured face, the children of other people's families are the ones who are the most fun.

"I want to be a godmother too!"

When Liu Silian heard that Qingxin wanted to be the child's godmother, she also looked very interested.

And Leng Yisheng on the side had a smile on his face, what's so good about this godmother, they can be parents if they give birth to a child, it's still authentic.

"It's you wild cat, when will you give birth to a kitten!"

Leng Yisheng joked, but Ye Qingxin gave him a blank look, he didn't speak and no one thought he was dumb.

Now that Lu Manman is only pregnant, she should stop joining in the fun, especially after seeing her pregnancy reaction, thinking about it, she can still play to her heart's content.

Otherwise, when she is pregnant with a child, the Statue of Liberty will wave goodbye to her.

"Si Lian, let me tell you, don't have children if you can't have children, otherwise you will have to drag a little bun wherever you want to go in the future, and you will feel uncomfortable wherever you go..."

Ye Qingxin talked to Liu Silian kindly, and gave Leng Yisheng a provocative look from time to time.

"Yes, yes, yes, grandma, can you do it!"

Afraid that Ye Qingxin would continue to talk nonsense to bewitch Si Lian, Leng Yisheng begged for mercy first, each of these women was more powerful than the other, it was better for him to provoke her less, and it was better for his family, Si Lian, to never trouble her.

It's fine that this wild cat doesn't want to have a baby. Don't drag Si Lian into his family. If she continues to talk nonsense, maybe he doesn't know that it will take years to become a father.

"You're funny!"

Ye Qingxin raised her chin with a smug face, wanting to fight her, and then go back to practice!
"Si Lian, we haven't been high for a long time, why don't we go dancing and warm up!"

Looking at the center of the dance floor, everyone is dancing wildly. She wants to warm up when she looks at it. She has never carnivaled in public places before. Looking at the smiling faces of the people below, she must have had a good time.

Anyway, it's a rare visit, so it would be a pity not to cheer.

"Okay, I see them dancing so enthusiastically below, and my heart itch."

Liu Silian nodded, in fact, she already had this idea.

"Then let's hurry up and join in the fun!"

Regardless of whether Shangguan Jueshi and Leng Yisheng agreed, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian got up and walked down to the dance floor hand in hand.

Leng Yisheng and Shangguan Jueshi looked at each other, showing helplessness, they basically had no right to speak!Whatever they do, they just nod and obey orders.

"Jazz, I can't see that one day you will be controlled by your wife to death. Where is your usual aura? You can't talk about your wild cat and tell her not to make troubles all the time. My family misses you."

Leng Yisheng couldn't help complaining, he didn't expect Jue Shi to become a strict wife one day.


Shangguan Jueshi's tone was sombre, and he glanced at him coldly.

"You have nothing to do with your wife, you will only threaten me!" Leng Yisheng looked contemptuous.

Fearing that they would be taken advantage of below, the two also followed behind them.

You must know that none of the men here are so gentlemanly and gentlemen, and some are even promiscuous, taking advantage of the opportunity.

Especially their two young girls are even more eye-catching and will become prey in the eyes of others.

They are most familiar with this kind of place, so naturally they can't let their women be bullied and taken advantage of in their own territory.

"Idiot, come here quickly."

Because of the large crowd, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian were relatively thin and small, they crossed the crowd and forcibly squeezed their way out.

As for Shangguan Jueshi and Leng Yisheng, it was not so easy, they could only look at them from a distance, and it was difficult to get close to them.

"Hot girl is hot, hot girl is hot!"

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian simply stayed in this area, and the two began to entertain themselves, instead of following the rhythm, they hummed and danced wildly by themselves, the two of them played like crazy.

Comparing all kinds of weird postures, the people beside them watched the two of them playing cards unreasonably and jumping randomly, their eyes were attracted by them, they stopped the rhythm, and kept watching the two of them dancing crazily .

At this time, several pairs of eyes were moving in the dark, staring at them all the time.

"Si Lian, it's really you! I thought I made a mistake!"

They were dancing happily when suddenly a person came in and abruptly interrupted their rhythm.

"Zhao Shijun!"

Liu Silian was surprised, she never expected to meet Zhao Shijun here.

But thinking about it is right, Zhao Shijun, Chen Shimei, often comes here to fool around, and it is quite normal to bump into him here, and look at his current appearance, he is dressed freshly, it seems that he is doing well, no wonder, It's strange that being raised by an old woman isn't rich.

"Idiot Liu, is this the scumbag you want castrated?"

Ye Qingxin looked at the man in front of him, this is the scumbag who dumped Si Lian!He looks so-so, so he doesn't like it at all, Leng Saobao dumped him several blocks!

Fortunately, idiot Liu walked with Leng Saobao and didn't fall on this kind of scumbag.

She looks quite decent, and today she finally bumped into him, let's see if she doesn't give him a good lesson, and vent her anger for Si Lian!
If it wasn't for this scumbag, she wouldn't have hit the wrong person and offended Shangguan Jueshi. Thinking about it, it was all the scumbag's fault.


Liu Silian nodded and looked at Zhao Shijun in front of her with a displeased expression on her face. She couldn't figure it out. Was it because her eyes were covered by eye feces that she would fall in love with such a scumbag, causing her to lose a lot of money? tears.

This scumbag is still alive and well.

"Silian, this is your friend Qingxin! I've heard you mention it before, hello, I'm Silian's boyfriend Zhao Shijun, nice to meet you."

Zhao Shijun's eyes fell on Ye Qingxin. Ye Qingxin was just looking at him, but he mistakenly thought that she was interested in him, and she said it so familiarly.

Zhao Shijun took the initiative to extend his hand to show friendship.

This kind of scum actually set his mind on her, Ye Qingxin rolled her eyes at him, she didn't intend to shake hands with him at all, shaking hands with this kind of scum would only dirty her hands.

This kind of scumbag is not afraid of biting his tongue when he says such things, and wants to have a relationship with them.

And Zhao Shijun showed embarrassment, he never thought that Ye Qingxin would be so shameless.

"Si Lian, where have you been these days? I haven't been able to find you all the time. Do you know how worried I am about you?"

He ran into Leng Dingzi with Ye Qingxin, and wanted to find comfort from Liu Silian.

Zhao Shijun said it so vividly, he kept looking at Liu Silian, but he didn't expect that this silly woman became much more beautiful after seeing her for a while.

Look at her attire at this time, she is all famous brands, I remember that this woman was stingy to death before, she gave him a few hundred dollars and kept saying to save money, Rory kept talking.

Since when did this silly woman get so rich, maybe she got rich by winning the lottery.

A light flashed in Zhao Shijun's eyes, maybe he could get some more money from her.

"Idiot Liu, this is your chance to take revenge, don't miss it." Ye Qingxin encouraged from the side, if you meet this scumbag today, you have to teach him a lesson.

Idiot Liu hated this scumbag to the core, and now that she bumped into her, she definitely wouldn't let it go easily.

"Zhao Shijun, please don't talk nonsense, who is your girlfriend, let me tell you, return the money you borrowed from me before, or I will be rude to you."

Liu Silian snorted and said, reaching out for money.

Just when Ye Qingxin thought that idiot Liu would make a big move, she didn't expect her to make such a move, and she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood in her heart.

Can she continue to be stupid?At this time, shouldn't he raise his fist and punch him hard, and he actually wants to ask for money, what the hell is this idiot thinking! !
Ye Qingxin admired her so much.

"Idiot Liu, can you give me something to do? The key now is to rush up and beat him up, okay? What kind of money are you asking for? If you want money and beat him to the ground, I won't be too late to give it to you." ah!"

Ye Qingxin pulled her over and said with a sullen face that she wanted to break up with her.

"Si Lian, are you serious?"

Liu Silian's eyes lit up when she heard that Ye Qingxin wanted to give her money.

"I'll give you a hundred for one punch. Hit me to the death and give you the best of your strength. If you don't punch well, you won't have any money."

Ye Qingxin continued to say, seeing how useless she is, is it she who wants to take revenge or is it her revenge?

Others didn't know, and thought she had something to do with this scumbag.


"Si Lian, as long as we reconcile, my money will be your money from now on."

What Zhao Shijun said was so affectionate, but it's a pity that idiot Liu only wants to earn Ye Qingxin's money. She raised her fist and punched Zhao Shijun in the face without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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