Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 307 Shangguan Jueshi's Love Rival

Chapter 307 Shangguan Jueshi's Love Rival

Since the last time he heard the news of her sudden marriage, he had visited her house every weekend, but he had never seen her. It was difficult for him to think about her.

She was very disgusted with marriage before, and she was afraid that his confession would affect the relationship between the two of them, so he has been by her side all the time, wanting her to accept him slowly, but he never thought that he waited hard, but changed The news came that she was married to someone else.

For a long time, he wanted to find a chance to ask the reason in person, thinking that she was forced to agree, but now he saw the joy and happiness on her face, which was full of happiness from the beginning to the end. unseen.

It can only be explained that with that man, she is very happy and happy at this moment, so his worries are naturally superfluous.

Thinking of this, Liu Minyu pursed a wry smile, and his heart sank.

He has no chance at all.

"Min Yu, let's have a cup of tea! Just wait for them to come in."

Ye Maosheng looked at his lost soul and sighed.

This child, Min Yu, has no destiny with that girl Xin'er in this life.

"Well, Uncle Ye!"

Liu Minyu gave a light grace, hiding his lost emotions.

"Old man, old man! I'm back!"

Ye Qingxin got out of the car and trotted in, feeling very good, while Shangguan Jueshi followed behind her.

He heard his voice before seeing him, "Old man, do you want to kill me?"

Isn't the old man very boring without her at home now?

"Brother Min Yu, you're here too!"

Ye Qingxin looked surprised when she saw that there was still brother Min Yu sitting beside her. She didn't expect that she would run into Brother Min Yu when she came back today.

It seems that they haven't seen each other for a while. Brother Min Woo seems to have lost a lot of weight, but his charm is still the same.

"Well, Qingxin, long time no see."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Liu Minyu's mouth, listening to her calling him, half of the haze in his heart dissipated.

She is still the same as before, nothing has changed.

"Brother Min Yu, do you work too hard? You have lost a lot of weight recently and turned dark, but you are still very handsome!"

Ye Qingxin simply sat next to him, and said with concern.

"Hehe!" Seeing that she cared so much about him, Liu Minyu's smile widened.

"Smelly girl, come here as soon as you come, if you insist on shouting, I'm not deaf yet!"

Ye Maosheng said with a grumpy face, this stinky girl doesn't even look at herself as a married woman, she just stands aside when she doesn't see Juzzy!

Look at Jazz's face again, it's not that pretty.

This girl is really sloppy, she doesn't know how to distinguish the scene at all.

This child Min Yu has a heart for her, and it was difficult to give up at first, but this stinky girl can't tell the situation clearly, and she is so close to Min Yu.

Especially now that he made so many eye contact attempts to remind her, but she didn't realize it, she just focused on chatting with Min Yu, and looked at Jazz's gloomy face, this girl will feel better later on.


Shangguan Jueshi called Ye Maosheng respectfully, his sharp eyes kept falling on Liu Minyu who was opposite him, and then he looked at his wife, who actually walked so close to other men in front of him and talked so much Joy, with a gloomy face, as if the sky was covered with dark clouds and it was about to rain.

Now she can only see other men in her eyes, so how could she be aware of his existence!

He glanced at Liu Minyu on the opposite side, and Liu Minyu's gaze was also looking at him at the same time. The moment the four eyes converged and confronted, no one gave way to the other, and they were all very strong.

"Jess, you're here, let me introduce you! This is Liu Minyu, my childhood sweetheart, Min Yu, and this is Xin'er's current husband, Shangguan Jues."

Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Maosheng tactfully interrupted their private confrontation, especially when he mentioned the word "husband", he emphasized his tone, trying to make Liu Minyu retreat.

Sure enough, upon hearing this title, Liu Minyu's face changed slightly, his confidence was greatly weakened, and Shangguan Jueshi was powerful and won a round.

"Hi! Mr. Shangguan, nice to meet you!"

Liu Minyu looked humble, and offered to extend his hand to show friendship.


Shangguan Jueshi gave a lukewarm grace, shook hands in return, and acted like I was a gentleman.

The corners of the slender eyes were slightly raised, and the blue eyes were arrogant.

The two hands clenched tightly, the air was stagnant, and their eyes met. They didn't let go of each other. They could only hear the sound of bone hitting bone, and it was impossible not to attract attention.

"Are you guys wrestling your wrists?" Ye Qingxin glanced at them, seeing the veins appearing in their hands, thinking they were wrestling their wrists!

And Ye Maosheng gave her a dry look, this girl is really worthless, this doesn't show the battle between men!

Ye Qingxin was stared blankly, what is this old man doing!
Eye convulsions!Why are you staring at her gracefully!
She came back once in a while, and that was how he welcomed her.

Ye Qingxin pursed her lips, and simply ignored Ye Maosheng's warning.

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi and Liu Minyu heard her words, they put their hands away calmly.

Liu Minyu thought silently in his heart, this Shangguan Jueshi is definitely not an ordinary person, but he has never heard Qingxin mention this person, and looking at his elegant demeanor, could it be that Qingxin met him abroad?

Otherwise, why the two of them got married so soon, Liu Minyu felt so heavy and couldn't figure it out.

But Shangguan Jueshi didn't need any expressions, he had his own aura, and he didn't take Liu Minyu seriously at all.

Liu Minyu?This name seemed to have some impression, he frowned, thought for a while, and suddenly passed through his mind what his subordinates reported to him, this is her previous blind date.

Seeing how close the two of them are, Shangguan Jueshi's sense of crisis has risen, and he has to get to know Liu Minyu again - this is his rival in love.

Seeing the two of them having such a happy chat, if he didn't stop it then, she might be someone else's wife now, Shangguan Jueshi secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, this is really wrong.

"Girl, come here, I have something to tell you."

Ye Maosheng said, this stinking girl is so ignorant, she will cause big trouble sooner or later.

"Old man, why don't you just say it here if you have something to say, making it look mysterious? Maybe I'm going to have a little mother."

Ye Qingxin teased, since he entered the door just now, the old man either slapped his eyes or his face, and he didn't know what he was doing?Could it be that she was really looking for a little mother outside, otherwise why would she have a mysterious and unknown expression.

"Smelly girl, if you talk nonsense again, I will beat you. Don't think that you are married, and I will have nothing to do with you."

Ye Mao's lungs were about to explode, this stinky girl has been thinking wildly all day long, she's still a little mother!I really thought he was so lonely and cold!

Seeing Ye Maosheng lose his temper, Ye Qingxin stuck out her tongue mischievously, causing Liu Minyu who was on the side to chuckle. Although Shangguan Jueshi was not very happy, his handsome outline rarely showed a touch of emotion.

But seeing the smile on Liu Minyu's face, his seldom-moving outline returned to iceberg solidity again. He didn't like other men staring at his woman so blatantly, possessive in his heart, and his eyes swept over Liu Minyu coldly. Min Yu glanced at him as a warning, but Liu Minyu didn't take it seriously.

He was naturally aware of the change in Shangguan Jueshi's aura, but he, Liu Minyu, was not a vegetarian and had never seen the scene, so he would not be timid about this warning.

Besides, he and Xin'er were childhood sweethearts, and he has known each other longer than him!Even if Xin'er gets married, their relationship will remain the same as before, and no one can change it.

Seeing Liu Minyu's disapproving attitude, Shangguan Jueshi raised his pretty lips slightly, which is very good, so that he can be regarded as his "rival in love".

It's a pity that he has already lost his chance. Now that the two of them are married, letting him have other thoughts in his mind will also change the fact. Shangguan Jueshi looked at Liu Minyu provocatively. This was the first time he Show off!

Even though Liu Minyu had participated in the past, but now and in the future, he will live with Shangguan Jueshi. Based on this, Liu Minyu should retreat in spite of difficulties.

"Smelly girl, come out!"

Seeing the urgency of the situation, Ye Maosheng dragged her out regardless of whether Ye Qingxin agreed or not.

If this relationship is not handled well, it is estimated that both of them will fight.

"Old man, what are you doing! Your hand is almost broken by you, so I can't speak properly if I have something to say!"

Ye Qingxin was dragged out of the living room, and said with a pained face.

It was still some distance away from the garden outside, Ye Maosheng let go of her, and Ye Qingxin shook her hand, and then looked at her wrist, the old man had drawn a red circle, what is the old man trying to do? !

She doesn't like wearing jewelry, so why not give her this gift!

When Ye Maosheng saw her slightly red and swollen wrist, his eyes showed distress. He was only focused on bringing her out just now, but he forgot about it.

"Okay, girl, does it still hurt? Dad used too much force just now."

Ye Maosheng said softly, if it wasn't for being very angry, he would rarely be rough on this girl.

"It's okay, but old man, what on earth do you want to say to me? Shangguan Jueshi and Brother Min Yu are not outsiders, so there's nothing they can't say. Could it be that you feel embarrassed?"

Ye Qingxin said nothing on her face, but the old man's behavior was so weird that she had to think about it.

"I'm ashamed of your size! Damn girl, stop those random thoughts in your head, I'm loyal to your mother."

Ye Maosheng poked her little head with her finger, really wanted to see what kind of scum she was pretending to be in. She just wanted to find her stepmother all day long, and it was too late for other girls to hate her, but she was so enthusiastic like fire.

"Old man, even a mother like you can't see it. She hopes that someone can take care of you. If you have any thoughts, don't suppress them. My brother and I will understand."

Ye Qingxin continued, speaking of her elder brother, isn't today the weekend?Why is there no sign of him!

"If you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for serving you with a whip." Ye Maosheng said with a straight face, and Ye Qingxin made a gesture of sticking the tape to his mouth, covering his mouth so he didn't dare to guess again.

"By the way, old man, where's the elder brother?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, she didn't know if the elder brother had recovered from the love injury of idiot Liu.

"Your elder brother, I sent you on a blind date."

Speaking of the child Haoxuan, everything is good, but it is not good to be too aggressive. Working overtime all day does not necessarily mean that he will stop to rest, let alone find a partner, so under his strong request, he Today I can only go out on a blind date.

Ye Qingxin opened her eyes wide, "Brother, this is a disaster."

Fortunately, she has already passed this hurdle, so she doesn't have to worry about anything, now my brother can only do it on his own.

You must know that if you don't agree, the old man can bomb every minute and every second, but it won't work if you don't answer.

"What's so tragic about this major event in life, you stinky girl, I still want to talk about you! You didn't see the atmosphere at home just now, you are married now, you are a married woman, how can you do other things?" The man walked so close, he didn't care about Jazz's feelings at all."

I almost forgot about it, this stinky girl is usually not very flexible, so she didn't notice it when she was on her body.

The scene just now was so embarrassing, he winked from time to time, but this stinky girl wasn't alert at all.

"Old man, what are you talking about? It's not that you don't know the relationship between me and brother Min Yu. We grew up together since we were young, just like brother and sister. Something is wrong."

Ye Qingxin said it indifferently, she didn't feel anything wrong at all!

But the old man mentioned Shangguan Jueshi just now, could it be that Shangguan Jueshi is not happy.

Too bad, Shangguan Jueshi's domineering appearance made her die.

"Old man, since you know that Shangguan Jueshi is unhappy, why didn't you remind me earlier."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining, now it's all right, if you know the consequences of offending Shangguan Jueshi, she will be as big as a head or two.

"Smelly girl, how dare you say that, I kept giving you hints just now, but you ignored them."

It's fine if I don't understand, but this stinky girl blamed her instead.

"I thought you were glaring at me just now! I didn't know you were reminding me! Forget it, anyway, I have always treated Brother Min Yu as an older brother, and I will explain it to Shangguan Jueshi later."

If she hadn't forgotten to act like a baby when she explained earlier, there should be no problem with Shangguan Jueshi.

"Xin'er, you are pregnant. You have been pregnant for three years. You see that your brain is flexible now. You treat brother Min Yu as a brother. You are almost going on a blind date. You have no idea about him." , does not mean that Min Yu has no thoughts about you!"

Ye Maosheng shook his head, this girl's brain has degenerated so quickly.

"Old man, what nonsense are you talking about! I'm not pregnant! If you say that, it's possible that Brother Min Yu likes me?"

Ye Qingxin opened her mouth wide with astonishment on her face.

She never thought about it deeply, and only regarded Brother Min Yu as her elder brother!

This message was a bit difficult to digest for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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