Chapter 308
"You stinky girl, you finally got your head around it."

"How is it possible? I still can't understand how Brother Min Yu fell in love with me! I'm not an overpowering beauty, and I have a bad temper. How is it possible?"

She is irritable and has a lot of shortcomings. How could someone as outstanding as Brother Min Yu fall in love with me!

Ye Qingxin still can't believe it, besides, if Brother Min Yu likes her, she should be able to feel it!

But she didn't feel it at all, and Brother Min Yu never confessed his love to her, or even hinted at it.

"You still have a little self-knowledge! Girl, now that you are with Jue Shi, you have to keep a proper distance from Min Yu. No matter how you say it, men and women are always inseparable!"

This stinky girl also knows that she is savage, self-willed, and a little bit self-aware!
He also couldn't figure out that such an excellent child like Min Yu and Jue Shi would fall in love with her, a stinky girl. Before, he was worried that she would have a bad temper and wouldn't be able to get married!I didn't expect it to be quite popular.

"Keep a distance? Don't tell me not to talk to Brother Min Yu, wouldn't it be more embarrassing!"

If because of this problem, we deliberately keep a distance from Brother Min Yu, then both parties will be in an awkward position, and their relationship will become estranged over time.

"It's not telling you not to talk to him, but to keep a proper distance. Do you understand the word proper? Do you need me to explain its meaning to you?"

Ye Maosheng deliberately emphasized, just don't behave too intimately. Just now, this stinky girl was talking next to Min Yu. If she didn't understand her temperament, she would have thought she fell in love with Min Yu.

"No, no, I understand!"

Ye Qingxin crossed her hands, it's better to save it, otherwise the old man's nagging would be endless.

"You don't have feelings for Min Yu, but Min Yu has been letting go of you. If you want him to let go, you should pay attention to your every move, so as not to give him wrong information and make him feel hopeful. One more thing, don't worry about it. Tell Min Yu what happened before you caught up with Shangguan Jueshi, lest he think he still has a chance."

Ye Maosheng repeatedly emphasized that if the child Min Yu knew that Qingxin's marriage contract with Jazz was forced, he would definitely not give up.

Although the two of them had some unhappiness, it can be seen that the little life of the two of them is going well now, and the life of the two of them is the best, if there is one more person, it will be bad.

"I see!"

Ye Qingxin nodded, the old man made sense.

"By the way, old man, what kind of partner did you introduce to my brother?" Ye Qingxin wanted to gossip. My brother likes the style of idiot Liu, and I don't know what kind of partner the old man gave him?

"Don't join in the fun, if you have time to spare, you might as well hurry up and give birth to a big fat grandson for me."

Ye Maosheng gave him a blank look, this girl has to take care of everything, if she really has nothing to do, she should hurry up and give birth to a little bun.

As for the person he introduced to Haoxuan, he is naturally a good character, a pleasing child, I hope this child Haoxuan will not let him down.

"Come on, come on, I still don't ask."

As soon as Ye Qingxin heard about the children, one head and two older, she quickly stopped discussing this topic.

"You stinky girl, whenever I mention a child, you avoid it on purpose. No matter how much you avoid it, you will have it sooner or later. You have to pass this test sooner or later."

Regardless of the order, you have to suffer a knife!

"Old man, you should count on my brother! Don't count on me."

Ye Qingxin waved her hand, avoiding her like a tiger.

"Hey, isn't this brother coming back? Why are you so fast! I'll go and open the door for you."

Halfway through the talk, I saw Ye Haoxuan driving over, my brother was simply her savior, he came so timely.

Ye Qingxin ran towards the gate halfway through her speech.

Ye Maosheng looked helplessly and smiled, this girl ran away every time she talked about the key point, forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so he doesn't worry about it.

"Brother, brother, I heard that you went on a blind date, how did it turn out! And why did you come back so soon!"

Ye Haoxuan put the car away and walked towards them. When Ye Qingxin saw him, she couldn't help gossiping.

This blind date should not be dated for a day, why come back so soon.

What the girl asked was exactly what he wanted to ask, Ye Maosheng said, "Haoxuan, why did you come back so soon, why don't you have to treat someone to a meal outside, or come to eat at home!"

How long did it take to go out and come back so soon? Could it be that he is not satisfied with that girl? This kid has always been humble and polite, always a step behind others, but when meeting for the first time, embarrassment is inevitable. You get to know each other after meeting a few times, and you have common topics.

"Xin'er, did you come back alone?"

Ye Haoxuan looked a little tired, and when he thought of the blind date in the morning, he felt a headache.

"There is also Shangguan Jueshi who came together, brother, don't change the subject, talk about your feelings quickly."

Ye Qingxin cut off Ye Haoxuan's desire to pay attention, and asked him to answer quickly.

"Young girl is right, why did you come back so soon, don't you think you can't see that girl?"

Ye Maosheng said with a serious face, this brother and sister have no other skills, but they are very good at changing the subject.

It shouldn't be, he has seen the photo of that girl, she looks graceful, dignified and elegant, she is a lovely daughter, very flattering, logically speaking, Haoxuan should also like it.

"Dad, I don't know what to say! I don't feel it!"

Ye Haoxuan spread his hands, looking helpless.

The other party is indeed very good, and he is also beautiful, but his rigid temperament makes him hard to be tempted. They talked all morning, as if they were talking about business, how will they live in the future.

"This feeling doesn't just happen once you meet, maybe you will feel it the next time you meet."

Ye Maosheng said disapprovingly, and wanted to continue to give him blind dates.

"Dad, there's no need. If you don't like it, you just don't like it. No matter how you meet, you won't feel it."

Upon hearing that Ye Maosheng wanted to continue asking him to go on dates, Ye Haoxuan stopped him in time.

He is very concerned about eye contact, if he doesn't like it at first sight, no matter how many times he looks at it, he still won't be tempted, so don't waste each other's time.

"How can this work! If you don't like this, I'll ask someone to pick another one for you. I don't believe that there is no one who can make your heart beat."

Ye Maosheng is endless, he doesn't believe it, looking around the world, apart from Si Lian, he can't find anyone who can make his son fall in love with.

"Dad, let's talk about this later!"

Ye Haoxuan looked like he was having a headache, and turned to Ye Qingxin who was at the side for help.

Ye Qingxin shrugged her shoulders with a look of helplessness.

She also came all the way, and the sadness in it, I have to experience it myself to know the sourness.

"No, you see that you are not young now, you have a career, and the next step is to start a family. You are still young, but your father is too old, so you can't wait! Since your mother died, I will shit and piss you When I grow up, I hope that you can get married soon and find your own happiness, and one day I will go underground to meet your mother, and I won’t be beaten!" Ye Maosheng said earnestly, with a look of embarrassment. expression.

Every time as long as he moves out this trick, they will definitely have nothing to do.

She didn't know how many times she said this sentence, and now she has memorized it fluently.

"If you have someone you like, I'm not worried, but you don't have any. I'll help you find you and say no. Do you really want me to die with regret!"

Seeing that Ye Haoxuan was still indifferent, Ye Maosheng spoke even more earnestly, speaking so painfully.

This kid, he said so much that spittle flew from his mouth, but he was not moved at all.

"Hey, my life is miserable. It's easy for me to support you! Your sister has found her own place now, but you, an older brother, have no news at all..."

Ye Maosheng continued to complain, and Ye Qingxin's ears were almost callused.

"Old man, come on, come on, it's a pity you don't go to act!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but interrupted, this old man's acting is even more penetrating than her, it's a pity not to act.

"Smelly girl, it's none of your business, don't mess around."

Ye Maosheng glared at her, he was talking to Haoxuan now, why is this stinky girl bothering her.

Being stared at by the old man, Ye Qingxin consciously closed her mouth.

"Haoxuan, you are the only seedling of our family. The inheritance of our Ye family can't be stopped here. Otherwise, how can I meet the ancestors of the Ye family after I die!"

The old man is really good enough, in order to impress the old brother, he even invited the old ancestors over.

His body is still so strong, he can live another 50 to [-] years without any problem, and he hasn't gone to see his ancestors so soon!
Ye Qingxin stood behind Ye Maosheng, imitating his tone of speech, sternly speaking, Ye Haoxuan watched her performance, and laughed out loud.

"Smelly girl, try to make trouble!"

Ye Maosheng turned his head quickly, just in time to see her withdraw her hand in time, what he said now is very serious, and this girl is still making trouble.

"Dad, I don't dare anymore, brother, you see that you are indeed not young anymore, it's time to find someone to live with."

Ye Qingxin changed temporarily and stood in Ye Maosheng's position.

This heart, the speed of defection is really fast.

"Dad, you really can't be in a hurry about emotional matters, and you can't be in a hurry. What belongs to me, Ye Haoxuan, is naturally mine. No one can take it away. If we are forced to be together, it will only hurt the other party."

In fact, he understands what Dad said, but his emotional world is blank now, and it is not a matter of a day or two to want to integrate into another person.

"Then I'll give you a deadline of one week. If you don't bring your girlfriend home by then, I'll take off this old face and help you find a wife!"

Ye Maosheng made a decision, and now he has given him time, he can't delay any longer.

If after a week, the matter has not been resolved, then he will put down his old face and find someone for him.

"Dad, this week is too short. You also know that I have to work, and sometimes I even work overtime. I have very little time to spare." Ye Haoxuan looked puzzled.

He stays in the hospital most of the day, how can he have time to make girlfriends!

"This is your business. If you can't even arrange this time, you might as well quit your job."

Ye Maosheng said incredulously, anyway, that's the deadline he gave, as for the time, he can't control it, he arranges it himself.

"Brother, the old man put all his face on for you, don't let him down!" Ye Qingxin said gloatingly, and Ye Haoxuan looked helpless.

"Brother, you have to seize the time! Now you still have the freedom to choose. If you let the old man choose for you, you will lose all freedom. Take good care of it!"

Ye Qingxin patted him on the shoulder, with a self-satisfied expression on his face.

"Smelly girl, what's wrong with my choice? Is my vision that bad? Look at Juzzy, I personally picked it for you. He's not satisfied. Do you want me to tell him?"

Ye Maosheng said angrily, what did this stinky girl say!To actually dislike his gaze, he chose her man.

"Come on, old man, you have the best eyes."

Ye Qingxin laughed a few times, if she let Shangguan Jueshi know that she was not satisfied with him, it would definitely be too much to walk around.

"Okay, let's go in!"

"Brother, tell me, how is the person you met this morning?"

Ye Haoxuan and Ye Qingxin walked behind, Ye Qingxin couldn't restrain her curiosity and wanted to know more.

Who knew that Ye Haoxuan stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead lightly, "It's better that you don't know."

"Brother, there is no such thing as you, I feel itchy in my heart now, I just want to know, tell me!"

Ye Qingxin pouted with dissatisfaction on her face, her curiosity was aroused, how could she not tell her, she would die of curiosity.

And this time the living room.

"I wonder when Mr. Shangguan and Xin'er met?"

Liu Minyu asked with a smile, Ye Qingxin's name was very familiar, and he didn't realize that his words were too intimate.

And Shangguan Jueshi frowned when he heard him calling his wife's name so affectionately, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

He didn't like other men calling her name so affectionately, his eyes were full of domineering sharpness.

"We met two months ago and it was love at first sight."

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, emphasizing that they are in love with each other, even if they have known each other since they were young, so what, but now they are in love with his wife, and their marriage has legal effect.

He spent a lot of time not chasing her, but he spent more than two months, he was defeated, how brave he is!
He dared to show off in front of him, without weighing his own weight.

"But I've never heard Xin'er mention you, Mr. Shangguan, are you sure Xin'er likes you?" Liu Minyu said aggressively, put away his usual gentle side, and spoke sharply.

"Otherwise, Mr. Liu, what do you think! The reason why we got married is naturally because of love. Otherwise, no matter how much I dislike Yi Xiner's temper, no one can make her succumb. She married me willingly, naturally because of love. Live with me for the rest of your life, Mr. Liu, don’t you think so?”

Shangguan Jueshi hooked his lips and asked back.
(End of this chapter)

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