Chapter 309 Don't You Explain?
Liu Minyu's face was a bit ugly, and he was speechless to object, because he understood the most sincerely. If it was something she didn't want to do, no one could force her to do it. Is it really because of love, as Shangguan Jueshi said? ?
How can it be!

Liu Minyu felt a little unwilling. He and Qingxin grew up together, and the time they spent together couldn't be longer, and it couldn't compare to Shangguan Jueshi's short two months. How could he believe this result.

"Mr. Liu must be very curious. You spent so many years getting along with her, but she never knew your intentions, but I only spent more than two months, but we got married. Even myself I can't believe that such a thing will happen to me, this is the power of love! After all, love is a miracle, and no one can guess it."

The smile on the corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth was very deep, and at the same time he did not forget to declare his victory in words, because of joy, every bit of his outline showed joy, and just a few words solved the doubts in his heart.

Liu Minyu was silent, because what Shangguan Jueshi said was right, love is something that no one can grasp, and no one can explain it. If you love, you love it, and if you don't love it, you don't love it.

Perhaps his strong self-esteem was causing trouble, but he was still unwilling to do so. He felt that Shangguan Jueshi's words were not credible, so he wanted to ask in person.

As long as he sincerely says that she is in love with Shangguan Jueshi, then he can really give up, but if the result at that time is really as what Shangguan Jueshi said, then he will be in pain, but he is still unwilling to hear her admit it. .

In the past, people had the opportunity to take advantage of it because they had too many worries. This time, he must ask him personally.

"Min Yu, you're here too."

Ye Haoxuan came in, and saw Liu Minyu sitting beside him at a glance, he was a little surprised!It seems like Min Woo hasn't been to his house for a long time.

Also, his complexion didn't seem so good-looking, and he looked at Shangguan Jueshi on the side, with a smile on his lips, he probably already knew about it.

"En, Haoxuan, long time no see!"

Liu Minyu hid his dissatisfaction and turned to a gentle face.

"Min Yu, do you want to stay and have dinner together at noon?"

Ye Maosheng greeted with enthusiasm, and Liu Minyu's eyes fell on Ye Qingxin who was opposite, and saw her sitting beside Shangguan Jueshi, the two of them were holding hands, acting intimately, and all movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water , not fake at all.

This can only show one thing, the life of the two is very affectionate, thinking of this, the light in Liu Minyu's eyes dimmed, and the pain in his heart was suppressed.

"Okay, Uncle Ye, I'm really sorry to bother you."

The corners of Liu Minyu's mouth curled up slightly, with a faint smile on his face.

"You don't have to be polite to me what you say, kid. Besides, my Xin'er used to go to your house for a meal, and it's reciprocal."

Ye Maosheng joked that the stiff atmosphere was relieved a lot.

"Old man, do you say that about your daughter? Besides, if you weren't so busy working every day that you didn't have much time to accompany me, would I always go to Brother Min Yu's house for dinner?"

The old man, really, actually brought out her old stories in front of so many people, and she was ashamed to death.

"Xin'er, you are welcome to Cengfan at the gate of my house at any time."

Min Yu looked at her, the love in his eyes was obvious.

If the old man hadn't pointed her out just now, she really wouldn't have noticed, but now through Brother Min Yu's eyes, she really saw the extraordinary affection for her, Ye Qingxin laughed a few times, avoiding his raging gaze.

Liu Minyu naturally felt the deliberate evasion and alienation in her expression, and felt unspeakably depressed, because the last thing he wanted to see was a crack in their relationship.

Now that he hasn't asked the answer she wants, she has avoided it like this. If she expresses her feelings in person later, I'm afraid she will hide from him in the future.

"I was ignorant before, but now I cook so-so by myself, and I won't go hungry."

"Xin'er, have you learned how to cook?"

Liu Minyu was stunned, he never thought that Xin'er learned to cook, could it be for him?
"En, er, my cooking is so-so, but Shangguan Jueshi's cooking is delicious."

Ye Qingxin nodded, and Liu Minyu felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it. Xin'er used to hate doing housework, especially afraid of going into the kitchen, but now she changed for the sake of Shangguan Jueshi. A woman does this for a woman. Not love or what!
He didn't need to ask any more because the answer was obvious.

A burst of bitterness spread in the atrium, and Liu Minyu smiled wryly.

"Then I must try your cooking when I have the chance." Liu Minyu said casually, a little absent-minded.

"Okay, okay, when you are free someday, I will definitely invite you to come and eat the meal I cooked."

"it is good!"

I'm afraid that eating the food she cooks by herself will make him feel even more uncomfortable. After all, she didn't learn her cooking skills for him. Liu Minyu's face is covered with a layer of melancholy, which is hard to let go.

Some people are sad and some are happy.

"Okay, it's getting late now, everyone get up and eat!"

Ye Maosheng stood up first, and he didn't need to eat lunch any more.

In addition, the flames in the air flickered from time to time, turning from a small fire to a fire at any time, and he had to come out to put out the fire from time to time, how tired he was!Or eat more easily.

A few of them got up together, but Shangguan Jueshi and Qingxin clasped their hands. The relationship between the couple was very good. Ye Qingxin wanted to pull her hands away to see what to eat first, but her hands were clasped. With Guan Jueshi's expression on his face, she obediently followed his footsteps.

"Min Yu, let's go!"

Liu Minyu's eyes fell on the clasped hands of the two of them, his expression was very unpleasant, and he even thought that it was a mistake for him to stay for dinner, which only added to his heartache.

Ye Haoxuan naturally saw such a situation, so he smiled and called Liu Minyu to come with him, so as not to leave him alone. This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable, and he has experienced it himself.


"Min Yu, come on, don't be too polite, I don't know if these meals suit your appetite, you just eat it!"

Everyone sat down, and Liu Minyu happened to be sitting opposite Ye Qingxin, so he could always see through her every move.

"Uncle Ye, you were joking."

Liu Minyu smiled lightly, and his eyes fell on Ye Qingxin from time to time, but Ye Qingxin only cared about eating and didn't have time to pay attention to other things. This temperament is also one of Shangguan Jueshi's favorites.

"Jazz, you should eat more too, hey, brat!"

Ye Maosheng looked at Ye Qingxin, who was lying on his stomach, struggling with the food, and yelled angrily.

Why did this girl eat like this, and she didn't even look at the guests at home, people who didn't know thought she was starving at home, eating like this, she was no different from a starving ghost.

"Old man, you call me!"

Ye Qingxin raised her head, she was holding a vegetable in her mouth, with a dazed expression on her face.

What's the matter, she is eating well, why call her!

"Look at you, a girl, who eats like this, are you ashamed? Don't worry about eating by yourself, and add more food to Zazz!"

This girl is married, but she is still so ignorant, why can't she listen to what he said, and let him worry about it.

Fortunately, Jue Shi has a good temper and is very tolerant to her, and there are no elders in the family, otherwise his Ye family's face will be lost by this girl.

"I'm hungry! Besides, there are no outsiders in the family, they are all our own people."

Ye Qingxin pouted and said aggrievedly, besides, the family is full of familiar people, and there are no outsiders around, why do you have to cover up, and besides, isn't a family meal just to try to be happy and free, all those etiquettes are rolled aside go!
"Uncle Ye, this is Xin'er's true temperament."

Liu Minyu on the side listened to what she said, especially when she heard her say that they were all her own. This was even more pleasant, and it also proved that he still had a place in her heart, even though this position was not what he wanted. the desired position.

But at least they didn't treat him as an outsider, and didn't alienate him.

"Min Yu, I really made you laugh."

Ye Maosheng smiled, while Shangguan Jueshi sat aside and remained silent, but his hands kept moving, helping her peel the shrimp all the time.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you eat too."

Ye Qingxin ate his peeled shrimp with relish, and at the same time did not forget to add vegetables to Shangguan Jueshi.

The movements of the two are very familiar, and they seem to have gotten used to this kind of life style. Seeing their young couple being so affectionate, Ye Maosheng felt unspeakable joy in his heart.

But to Liu Minyu, it was as if he had only eaten half of a candy just now, and half of it was bitter in his heart.

"Xin'er, I remember you used to like stir-fried beef with green peppers, eat it quickly."

I don't know if it's because of selfishness, Liu Minyu also wanted to prove his place in her heart, so he specially made some food for her.

"Thank you Min Yu!"

Ye Qingxin chuckled, looking at the bowl full of vegetables, all added to her by Shangguan Jueshi, she was about to eat the food that Liu Minyu picked up, but she didn't know how to drip it, but felt a force beside her Turning towards her, the beef on the chopsticks fell onto the table.

The sound was not low, Ye Qingxin couldn't help staring at Shangguan Jueshi beside him, Shangguan Jueshi clamped her again, and smiled faintly, as if he understood the result, "Fall in Don't eat what's on the table."

Ye Qingxin didn't say anything, damn it, if he hadn't deliberately swung her towards her, the meat would have fallen on the table!
It's fine now, and he's still pretending to be nothing. He doesn't know what he has to eat. Brother Min Yu just picks up vegetables for her. Does he need to make such a fuss?
Ye Qingxin smiled sheepishly at Liu Minyu who was opposite. Although she was a little dissatisfied with Shangguan Jueshi's actions, she still had a little joy in her heart, which could only show that he cared about her very much.

"Min Yu, you're welcome, eat more."

Ye Maosheng opened his mouth in time to save the siege, he had a panoramic view of the small actions of these juniors, but he did not expect that such a steady person like Juzzi would actually make such a move, and he would care so much about his heart, which surprised him .

Fortunately, the girl Xin'er knows how to restrain herself, and she knows how good Jue Shi is, otherwise, she would have quarreled and quarreled in normal times.

"Uncle Ye, you should eat more too."

Liu Minyu said politely, feeling completely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Xin'er, what are you doing at home now after you get married?"

While eating, Liu Minyu couldn't help asking.

"I have nothing to do, and I'm helping Shangguan Jushi Group now."

"That's fine too."

There was a smile on the corner of Liu Minyu's mouth, a forced smile, as if everything about her was related to Shangguan Jueshi, it seemed that he really had no chance at all.

"eat more."

Shangguan Jueshi interrupted from time to time, always picking the most appropriate time every time, it was difficult for Ye Qingxin to have a further in-depth conversation with Liu Minyu, so he had to give up!

This meal was very difficult, especially for Ye Maosheng, who came out to put out the fire from time to time. He thought he would be able to have lunch easily, but he still had to come out to put out the fire in the end.

"Uncle Ye, I have something to do so I'll leave first. Xin'er will come over to my house some other day when I have time."

After lunch, Liu Minyu received a call temporarily. He was in a hurry and had no time to talk to her in depth, so he had to leave temporarily.

"Min Yu, drive carefully!"

"Brother Min Yu, goodbye!"

After Liu Minyu left, Ye Maosheng breathed a sigh of relief, "It's all your fault, you don't come to the house anymore, I'm more tired than a day of work today, and my brain cells are almost exhausted." It's over."

Ye Maosheng stretched out his hands and made a stretching movement, which completely liberated him.

"Old man, how can you be a father who doesn't welcome your daughter? If I don't come in the future, don't say that I have no conscience and miss you."

Ye Qingxin said with an aggrieved face, this is not what she wanted, who would have thought that as soon as she came home, she would bump into Brother Min Yu coming to do it at home, besides, nothing happened, the old man was so surprised.

"Okay, you can entertain yourself! I'm going to take a nap first."

Ye Maosheng yawned, now that he was getting older, his body was not as good as before, and he was tired at this point.

"Then I'll play at home by myself."

After Ye Maosheng left, the husband and wife were the only ones left in the living room. As for his elder brother, he was afraid that the old man would continue to talk about him after dinner, so he patted his ass and left long ago.

"Aren't you going to explain what happened just now?"

Ye Qingxin cast a contemptuous glance at Shangguan Jueshi who was sitting beside him, he knew very well what he did secretly just now, now everyone has left, shouldn't he explain it.

"Explain what?"

Shangguan Jueshi hooked his lips and asked back, as if he had nothing to explain.

"When I was eating just now, why did you bump me lightly, causing my meat to fall to the ground."

Ye Qingxin sat beside him, holding his face in both hands, looking into his eyes, insisting on an answer from him.

"I just don't like you eating food from other men."

Shangguan Jueshi said slowly, but Ye Qingxin didn't expect him to admit it so quickly.

"It's that simple? Are you jealous of Brother Min Yu?"

"Don't get too close to him in the future."

"I see."

Presumably Shangguan Jueshi can also see Brother Min Yu's attitude towards her, but Shangguan Jueshi's performance today can only show that he is really jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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