Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 315 Dad, 8 words have not been written yet

Chapter 315 Dad, I haven't written my horoscope yet
But at this moment in the Ye family, Ye Maosheng was overjoyed, thinking that the girl would bring him a wife later, he was very excited.

"Sister-in-law Wang, what do you think of me wearing this Tang suit? Does it make me look too old and difficult to get close to?"

Ye Maosheng asked Mrs. Wang who was at the side, it was the first time seeing his wife today, so he had to make a good impression.

He has been thinking about what to wear since the afternoon, and he looked too serious in his military uniform, for fear of frightening other girls; why did he feel that this suit was out of place with him, so he picked it out and picked it out. I still feel that this Tang suit is pleasing to the eye, formal and old-fashioned.

"No, no, sir, this one is just right!"

Mrs. Wang said with a smile, this is the first time seeing the master dressed so grandly at home, it seems that she really cares about Master Haoxuan's marriage!It's just that Master Haoxuan hasn't met the girl yet, and he doesn't know whether the two of them are attractive, whether the master is a little overjoyed.

But seeing the master expecting so much, she really couldn't puncture his dream.

"That's good. I also think this one is pretty good. Mrs. Wang, today's menu should be richer. If there are any ingredients missing, I'll ask someone to buy it now."

Ye Maosheng did not forget to say that the most important thing is to invite girls to eat at home on the first day, and to eat something good.

"Master, no need, I'm almost ready."

The master didn't know how many times he emphasized it since the afternoon, he was so happy that he forgot what he said.

"Sister-in-law Wang, hurry up and help me think about what else needs to be prepared."

The clothes have been taken care of, the house has been cleaned, the dishes are rich, and these are basically all there, and I don’t know what else is left behind, and I really can’t remember it for a while.

"Master, the key lies in our young master! Our young master usually leaves early and returns late, so we have to let him go home early today so as not to leave a bad impression on other girls." Mrs. Wang said emphatically.

The others are not important, the key lies in Master Haoxuan.

It is good that this man loves his career, but he is too enthusiastic about his career and ignores the girl's feelings, which will inevitably make people feel ruthless.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I almost forgot about it. I must let Haoxuan come back early today! No, I should let him come back now."

After being told by Mrs. Wang, Ye Maosheng finally thought of the important point. The most important thing is that this boy Haoxuan must know how to advance and retreat, so call him now and ask him to go home.

Just do what you said, Ye Haoxuan quickly dialed the number, and just as Ye Haoxuan walked out of the operating room, the mobile phone in his pocket just rang. Seeing that the call was from home, Ye Haoxuan's pretty brows couldn't help but wrinkled.

However, he still pressed the answer button quickly, and his tone was full of respect, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"You kid, what are you asking for? Of course it is an important matter. Come back now, I have something to tell you!"

Look at this kid's tepid tone, this is a matter of his life, he is so indifferent, it's really that the son is not in a hurry, and the father is in a hurry. He has been worried recently, and he has not seen other good things. It is the white hair on this head that has grown a lot.

"But dad, I'm not off work yet!" Ye Haoxuan said with a look of embarrassment, although he finished his several important surgeries today, he can take a breather for the rest of the time, but he still wants to stay until the end of get off work, Don't want to do anything special.

Besides, the thought of Xin'er pulling her friend to meet him, and his father's enthusiasm for it now, made his scalp tingle, and he didn't want to go back even more.

"You boy, what should I say about you! Nothing is as important as your marriage, anyway, I don't care, whether you are absent from work or asking for leave, you must go home immediately, or I will go See your mother!" Ye Haoxuan said harsh words, this kid is still thinking about work, so it's possible that he wants to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, and wants to end his Ye family's queen!

It's really outrageous!
"Dad! You have to wait until I get off work!"

Ye Haoxuan's tone was a little helpless, he couldn't help pinching the hot brows, he was already a little tired, but now his father said that, he was even more tired.

"Then you just wait for my myocardial infarction to send me to the hospital!" Ye Maosheng cursed.

Ye Haoxuan had no choice but to agree, "Dad, then I'll go back now!"

"Immediately, quickly!"

Hearing his promise, Ye Mao took a breath and calmed down a lot.

Ye Haoxuan took off his professional uniform, then went to the dean's office to explain, and then left.


"This girl, why don't you answer the phone!"

Ye Haoxuan kept calling Ye Qingxin's number, but no one picked up. He wanted to tell her not to take a taxi back, but to let her brother pick them up. In this way, Jazz and the girl will ride together, and her friend Get alone with this kid Haoxuan, and create more opportunities for the two of them.

"Master, maybe the lady's mobile phone is not around for a while, so it's not too late to call later!" Aunt Wang said with a smile.

"It's also possible, but why hasn't this kid come back yet! I was thinking that he would go to the Jazz Group to take Xin'er and her friends over."

Ye Maosheng sat on the sofa and waited. The suit was also prepared for him. The next step is to see his performance.

If you want to win a girl's heart, you have to prove it through actions.

If it doesn't work this time, it will be a benevolence. Anyway, no matter whether the two of them meet or not, he will take care of this matter. Cooking raw rice is the best way.

Ye Maosheng has already made a plan in his heart, this time he will skip several levels in a row, skip the tedious process of falling in love, getting engaged, getting married, etc., and directly embrace his grandson.

Thinking of Si Lian's child, he was about to become his wife, but this kid didn't like it, so he became someone else's wife.

This time, I can't make any mistakes, I have to take a shortcut.

"Master, you see, the young master is back!" Aunt Wang looked at the monitor, Ye Haoxuan was driving in at this time, to see how anxious the master is.

Ye Haoxuan put the car away and walked into the living room, "Dad!"

"Boy, why don't you hurry up and change into this suit, let's see what you look like!" Seeing Ye Haoxuan coming home, Ye Maosheng immediately asked him to change into his clothes.


Ye Haoxuan was speechless, he usually dressed like this to go to work, and he didn't see what his father said, besides, he was about to go somewhere with his outfit!

Look at the formal suit on the sofa again, what is it for?
Isn't it time to go home for leisure, why wear it so grandly!

"What are you looking at, hurry up and change it, and then pick up Juzzy Group and your wife back!"

Ye Maosheng roared, but Ye Haoxuan looked surprised, he didn't know when he had a wife.

"Dad, I haven't even written the horoscope yet! Are you so impatient!"

Ye Haoxuan shook his head, not knowing what to say at all.

"Whatever you call me, hurry up and change your clothes. Remember to call your sister and tell her that you are going to pick up someone." Ye Maosheng rolled his eyes at him, Ye Haoxuan was forced to change clothes, and passed by before leaving. A profound lesson from Ye Maosheng.


"Bell! Bell! Bell!"

When it was time to get off work, the lights in the office went out one after another, and the president's office was completely dark, only the sound of even breathing could be heard from the sofa. Ye Qingxin curled up on the sofa, sleeping soundly.

At this time, people in the administrative department had almost left, and Zhang Feiya was the only one left. When she thought of going to Xiaoye's house to meet her brother later, her heart was beating up and down, and she was very nervous.

This is the first time she has formally met the opposite sex. Although she is Xiaoye's brother, the incident happened too suddenly. Even if she is usually resilient, she has to be cautious when it comes to her boyfriend!

She sat there with a nervous expression, everything was packed, but she sat in her seat and didn't really want to leave, suddenly remembered that working overtime was really good!

In fact, she really wanted to change her mind temporarily, but if she said she would not go now, it would be difficult for Xiaoye to explain it!Xiaoye seems to have explained everything to her family. If she refuses to talk about it temporarily, it will probably leave a bad impression on people.

Zhang Feiya sat there anxiously, circling around like ants on a hot pot. Speaking of Xiaoye, why hasn't she come over yet!
Shouldn't she be looking for her?But would she be acting too expectant like this, as if she was in a hurry to get married.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's hard to tell whether it's right or not, she will treat it as nothing special when she meets a client, and she doesn't have the temper to leave as soon as she says, Zhang Feiya just got up and took her bag, limping around When he walked out of the office, he did not forget to turn off the lights before leaving.

She came to the door of the president's office, and through the glass, she could only see the darkness inside. What's going on?Could it be that Xiaoye has already gone back from get off work first.


Xiaoye is a person who keeps her word, so she probably won't let her go!

Zhang Feiya tried to knock on the door, but after knocking several times in a row, there was no movement at all inside. With a puzzled face, she cleverly took out her mobile phone and dialed her number, keeping her eyes on the glass. Seeing the scene inside, she was able to recognize the light, and vaguely saw a faint light emitting from inside. As soon as she hung up the call, the light disappeared. It was Xiaoye's mobile phone. Her mobile phone is still there, so she should be inside.

Zhang Feiya held the doorknob in her hand, and tried to turn it around, but the door opened. She couldn't help being surprised, and pushed the door gently, only to see the darkness inside, she tried to call softly, "Xiaoye, are you here?" Is it? Answer me if you are here!"

She cleverly turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone to take a picture, successfully found the button to turn on the light, pressed it, and the room was suddenly brightened.

Now I don't have the time to appreciate the environment of the president's office. I followed the small sound source and saw Xiaoye sleeping on the sofa. She seemed to be sleeping very sweetly, so she hurried over.

"Xiaoye, Xiaoye, wake up!"

Zhang Feiya called out softly, she fell asleep without a quilt, she could easily catch a cold.

Are you too tired, otherwise how could you sleep so soundly!The president didn't come back this afternoon, maybe all the work fell on Xiaoye, that's why she was so tired.

"Shangguan Sir!"

Ye Qingxin was in a deep sleep, but suddenly dreamed that something happened to Shangguan Jueshi, she couldn't help screaming in fright.

"Xiaoye, it's me! Are you having a nightmare!"

Zhang Feiya held her hand in time, and said softly, seeing her sweating all over her head, she must have had a nightmare!

But what's strange is how Xiaoye called the president's name directly, and she called it very smoothly. She faintly felt that the relationship between Xiaoye and the president was a little delicate, but she couldn't say it for a while.

"Fiya, it's you! What time is it now!"

Ye Qingxin recovered, only to realize that she had slept for a long time, and looking at the sky, she didn't know what time it was.

Shangguan Jueshi hasn't come back yet?Could something really happen?Why are you still so late!

Thinking of the nightmare she had just now, she still had lingering fears. They all said that the dream was reversed, and that Shangguan Jueshi should be fine.

"Xiaoye, I just got off work now. I think you didn't come to see me, but came to see you. Are you too tired from work?" Zhang Feiya asked concerned.

"A little bit! I overslept this time, and almost forgot about business."

Ye Qingxin said apologetically, she took the mobile phone on the table, and it looked like they were all missed calls, they were all from his elder brother and father, but Shangguan Jushi didn't have a single call.

It would be a lie to say that she is not angry. She is full of anger now, and of course she is more worried.

"Xiaoye, if you're tired, why don't you go home and rest early! As for my feet, it's been fine for so many days anyway, and it doesn't matter if it drags on for another day, or just put it aside for now!"

Looking at Xiaoye's worried face, it seems that something has happened, and it really shouldn't cause her any more trouble at this time.

"How can this work! Fei Ya, your foot needs to be healed first, and what should you do if the root cause of the disease falls after you drag it on? I just took a nap, and now I am more energetic. I pack my things and let's go now." Bar!"

Hearing what Fei Ya said, Ye Qingxin was incredulous.

Forget it, she will put aside the matter of Shangguan Jueshi first, and now let's talk about the matter of the elder brother.

"That's good! Let me help you clean up the files on the desk first!"

Saying that, Zhang Feiya was about to go to help her clean up, but Ye Qingxin stopped her.

"Fiya, your feet are injured like this and you still keep walking. I can do it by myself. You should sit down first! I have regained my energy!" Ye Qingxin said with a high-spirited face.

After speaking, Ye Qingxin pressed her shoulders and sat down, while she stood up and began to pack her things.

"Okay, let's go down!"

With her bag on her back, Ye Qingxin came over to support her.

After locking the office, the two went downstairs, "Fiya, you just need to stand here if your feet are inconvenient, I'll call a taxi!"

Ye Qingxin did not forget to care, she walked to the side of the road, ready to hail a taxi.

She didn't expect that the cell phone in her pocket just rang, and she looked, brother's phone?
(End of this chapter)

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