Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 316 Quack doctor!It's you! ! !

Chapter 316 Quack doctor!It's you! ! !
Brother calling at this time?Could it be that he also has the idea of ​​falling in love.

She said no, but she was quite honest in her heart. Ye Qingxin smiled, took out her mobile phone and answered, "Brother, didn't you say don't let me mess around? Why are you taking the initiative now!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help teasing.

"Xin'er, don't talk nonsense! Have you gone home by car now?"

Ye Haoxuan asked, his tone a little unsteady, wishing that they had already set off, so he wouldn't have to carry people anymore.

When he thought about being alone with her friend later, his scalp became numb. It would be fine if it were other strangers, but it was Xin'er's friend. How embarrassing it was to meet for the first time!In addition to this level of relationship, if he refused at that time, wouldn't it embarrass the other party, and even affect their friendship.

Xin'er, this girl is simply messing around!Originally, she was expected to find an extra, but unexpectedly she took it seriously.

Before leaving, Dad told him that he should seize this opportunity and try to make a good impression on other girls, but he is not ready to accept a new relationship at all. !
"Brother, what do you mean by asking that? Could it be that Dad wants you to pick us up?"

Ye Qingxin said casually, from his tone of voice, he seemed to wish they were on the road now, could it be that the old man really wants his brother to pick them up, if so, it would be much easier.

"Have you taken a taxi?"

Ye Haoxuan didn't answer the question directly, this girl is very smart, she knew the result just as soon as he asked her.

"Brother is very helpless. I want to tell you a piece of unfortunate news. We are waiting for the bus now, but now that we have you as a free driver, we don't have to work in vain. It's settled, we'll wait for you!"

Ye Qingxin smiled gloatingly, seeing how nervous my brother is, this is the first time I've seen him so embarrassed, it's right to be nervous, it means this is a good sign!


Ye Haoxuan loves and hates this younger sister who often likes to add insult to injury!

"Brother, it's okay. I won't laugh at you. You are right now nervous. Your nervousness means that you have expectations in your heart. This is a good sign of love!"

Ye Qingxin comforted with a suppressed smile, Ye Haoxuan was completely speechless for her comfort.

This is no consolation!That was obviously adding salt to his wounds!This girl has no conscience.

"Okay, I'm not going to drive now, I'll be there soon!"

If you continue to chat with this girl, it's no wonder he doesn't die of anger!
What is nervousness? Nervousness means that I am looking forward to it in my heart. The few blind dates arranged by my father have been blown away, let alone her friends this time.

But being able to be a good friend of Xin'er is worthy of Xin'er's help, which only shows that she should be a good friend, and she probably has a lot of personality.

Just like Si Lian, cute and cute, like a blank sheet of paper, it makes people want to protect.

Thinking of Si Lian, a gloomy look quickly flashed across Ye Haoxuan's eyes.

He quickly put this unnecessary thought behind his head, speeded up, and galloped on the road, as if only stimulation could make him temporarily forget her aside.

"Ha ha!"

Ye Qingxin looked at the hung up phone and laughed out loud, this was the first time seeing her brother hang up on her phone, it seemed that she was really nervous.

The elder brother who is usually leisurely and stable is sometimes nervous, and this time he will also be kicked out of the shelves.

Ok!She admits she's a little gloating right now.

And Zhang Feiya saw that she hadn't stopped the car, but stood there alone, giggling for some reason, and she walked over step by step with her legs turned.

"Xiaoye, why are you so happy! Look at your smile."

Seeing her grinning all the time, Zhang Feiya couldn't help asking.

In the office just now, Xiaoye was still frowning, but now after answering the phone call, the whole person is much happier. What made her so happy.

"Fiya, we don't need to stop the car, someone specially came to drive us."

Ye Qingxin pretended to be mysterious and said, my brother was so nervous, I don't know if Fei Ya would be scared and run away temporarily if she heard that her brother was driving them over.

"who's that?"

Zhang Feiya looked puzzled, seeing that Xiaoye could be so happy, could it be the president?

"you guess!"

"Is it the president?"

Zhang Feiya guessed that if it was the president, if she was sitting in the same car as the president, she would feel that she was dreaming.

"No, guess again!"

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi was mentioned, Ye Qingxin looked depressed, and now she didn't want to hear about him.

"Xiaoye, I can't guess, tell me!"

Zhang Feiya shook her head, really couldn't think of anyone else.

"My brother, he's coming soon!"

Ye Qingxin smiled, while Zhang Feiya was so shocked that her eyes widened and her mouth opened into an O-shape, enough to stuff a duck egg.

"Xiaoye, are you kidding me! Your brother wants... come!"

Zhang Feiya was stunned, she usually spoke quickly, but now she couldn't complete her words.

Xiaoye's brother is coming!No kidding!

She was still flustered just now, but now she feels that her whole heart is about to jump out, she is not ready yet!

Originally, she wanted to calm down her nervous mood on the way to Xiaoye's house, but now there is no need to calm down, because her whole heart is boiling with blood, and her blood pressure has soared!
"Fiya, are you okay? Don't worry, my brother is easy to talk to, he is humble and polite, and won't put too much pressure on others."

He had already expected that Fei Ya would have such a reaction, but he didn't expect that she would be so frightened that she couldn't even finish her sentence.

But this is also human nature. After all, girls are thin-faced when it comes to emotional matters.

"Xiaoye, I think I'd better see your brother another day!"

It's not that she retreated, she was really panicked!

When meeting clients, she can speak well, but now she falters and haws, and can't complete a sentence. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to go to Xiaoye's house later.

Listening to Xiaoye, their family is a military family, enjoying a reputation in this generation, and his father is a famous soldier. In her impression, soldiers are serious and serious, not easy to talk to or even difficult to get along with. She immediately felt pressured !

Seeing that she was about to leave, Ye Qingxin grabbed her hand in time, how could this work!

Now it's a critical moment, how can we leave like this.

"Fiya, you can't leave! If you leave, my old man will whip me." Ye Qingxin persuaded her to stay in time, but the old man said harsh words. If the old brother's business fails, he will find her to settle the score.

Now it seems that we are almost successful, but we can't give up halfway.


What whipping!Zhang Feiya was puzzled by what she said.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry, my old man is not old fashioned, he's easy to talk to, he's just teasing and has the same temper as me, just take it easy!" Ye Qingxin smiled and said, Almost exposed.

"But Xiaoye, I still don't know what to do!" Zhang Feiya said honestly, Xiaoye's family background was originally prominent, but she was so ordinary, now thinking about it, she felt that she should not have agreed to Xiaoye's matter.

"Fiya, why don't you think too much, just go to my house and have a meal, and put other things aside for now."

Seeing her hesitating, she might not be able to say anything at any time, Ye Qingxin was very anxious.

"but I……"

This is not to say that you can not want to if you don’t want to!

"Fiya, my brother is here!"

Before she finished speaking, Ye Qingxin saw her brother's car heading towards her and interrupted her.

Zhang Feiya looked nervous, and raised her head to look at the direction Xiaoye was pointing at. She saw a row of luxurious Bentleys approaching from the opposite side, and her palms began to sweat.


She cleared her throat, because of the tense relationship, she kept biting her lower lip, and the skin was almost torn.

"Brother, brother, here!"

Ye Qingxin waved her hand towards Ye Haoxuan and shouted excitedly, but Ye Haoxuan saw her at the first sight, he stopped because of the red light, and his eyes also fell on the girl standing with her, because she was on the opposite side , there is still a distance, he can only see a rough outline, not so clear, but it seems to be quite petite, much thinner than Xin'er.

But the strange thing is that there are only these two girls, where did Shangguan Jueshi go?
I usually stick to my heart like chewing gum, but why is there no one here!

"Fiya, Feiya! I'll let my brother take a look at it for you when I go back to have a good meal!"

Ye Qingxin took her hand and said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Zhang Feiya smiled a bit reluctantly, but now she had no choice but to shoot, Xiaoye and her brothers were here, so it was impossible for her to run away halfway!

As soon as the red light passed, Ye Haoxuan drove over, he stopped aside, and then got out of the car.

"Brother, you are here! Come, come, let me introduce you, brother, this is my new friend Zhang Feiya; Feiya, this is me..."

"Quack doctor!! It's you!!!"

Before Ye Qingxin could finish speaking, Zhang Feiya looked up, and saw that familiar face—that flat face, she couldn't help but exclaimed, isn't this that quack doctor?

Why is he here!

"It turned out to be you, the patient who didn't listen to advice!"

Ye Haoxuan was very impressed by this quack doctor, and then looked at the woman in front of him, she was the woman who refused to listen to the persuasion and called her a quack doctor, who did not expect that the friend Xin'er was talking about was actually her!
It's really a narrow road for enemies!
When Zhang Feiya heard what he said, she couldn't help but glared at him, let her bump into this quack doctor today, let's see if she doesn't curse him well!
And Ye Qingxin looked at the two of them with raised eyebrows and raised eyebrows, the air was rubbed with sparks, the smell of gunpowder was very strong, it is possible that the two of them knew each other.

"Brother, Fei Ya, do you know each other?" Ye Qingxin interrupted, seeing the situation, it would be strange if the two of them didn't quarrel later!She still plays by ear.

"Not only do I know each other, but I have a deep relationship with this Miss Zhang! Right, Miss Zhang!"

Ye Haoxuan pursed his lips and smiled, but when Zhang Feiya saw the smile on his mouth, she felt very embarrassed, so she turned her head and didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Xiaoye, is this quack doctor really your brother?"

Zhang Feiya looked disbelieving, she couldn't connect Xiaoye with this poisonous quack doctor.

"It's true! This is my brother, Fei Ya, the quack doctor you mentioned is my brother!"

Ye Qingxin said with a dry smile, her brother is one of the best professional doctors, how could he become a quack doctor in Fei Ya's mouth, what is going on between the two of them!

This was the first time she had seen his elder brother treat a girl so unkindly. There seemed to be a lot of conflict between the two of them!

This time, she was ordered by the old man to match the two of them instead of making them quarrel.

"Well, it's him!"

Zhang Feiya nodded heavily, and did not forget to give Ye Haoxuan a hard look.

"My brother's medical skills are very good, there must be some misunderstanding between you, why don't we get in the car and talk first!"

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, opened the car door after speaking, half pushed and pulled Feiya in.

According to the grievances between the two of them, maybe Fei Ya would not want to go to her house because of this, so she would not be able to explain to the old man, so it is better to push her into the car first.

And Ye Haoxuan saw her feet swelled up so much, she was walking with a limp, he was a doctor's parent, even if there was a little grievance between them, he didn't say anything to irritate her at this time.

"Fiya, I didn't help my brother to talk, I sprained my waist last time, and my brother massaged it for me."

In the car, Ye Qingxin smelled that the smell of gunpowder in the air was getting stronger and stronger. She was so uncomfortable that she couldn't help but speak to break the stiff atmosphere.

"Really? Is he that powerful?"

Zhang Feiya snorted, not so convinced.

The last time this quack doctor helped her massage, the action was so cruel that she burst into tears from the pain.

"Well, well, my brother is very powerful!"

Ye Qingxin never forgot to say good things for her elder brother, but Ye Haoxuan on the side showed a face of indifference, especially with a slight smile on his face all the time, which made Zhang Feiya feel very annoying.

"Xin'er, since your friend doesn't believe in my medical skills, I don't think I need to show her."

Ye Haoxuan said lightly, no one has ever questioned his ability, but this woman repeatedly called him a quack doctor, no matter how patient he is, he would not be full and have nothing to do, and scold him a quack doctor for not believing in his medical skills It is an insult to him to see a doctor.

"I'm still afraid that my feet will be disabled by you, so don't bother you!"

Zhang Feiya snorted and said, for the sake of her being Brother Xiaoye, there are many more ugly words than this!
Fortunately, Xiaoye still wants to introduce him to him, so let's save it!She wants to live a few more years!

Anyway, it's good to go to Xiaoye's house to have a meal, and there is no need to talk about other things in depth.

"That's good! I don't have that free time either!"

Ye Haoxuan heard that what she said was very unpleasant, so he couldn't help but refute.

This woman is really too unreasonable and has a bad temper. I don't know what Xin'er is thinking, but she still wants to introduce such a woman to him.

Don't talk about it!

Ye Qingxin was dissatisfied, what happened to my brother today, he is usually gentle and gentle, and doesn't get angry easily, but today he seems to have eaten explosives, so angry.

(End of this chapter)

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