Chapter 317 You Are a Bandit

"Fiya, don't take what my brother said to you. He is not like this usually, and I don't know if he ate explosives today."

Ye Qingxin looked at Fei Ya who was at the side, her face was very ugly, and she hurriedly explained.

He stretched out his hand and poked Ye Haoxuan in front of him, and then held Zhang Feiya's hand affectionately. Now she is like the layer of meat inside a hamburger, and she is almost suffocating when she is caught in the middle. I never thought that the grievance between the two of them would be so great. Big, it can't be eased at all.

Seeing that neither of them gave in to the other, especially the elder brother who didn't know what was going on today was very angry, and he didn't know where his usual gentlemanly demeanor was.

"Pristine guy!" Zhang Feiya said with a hum, she had a deep prejudice against Ye Haoxuan.

"I'm too lazy to care about it!"

Ye Haoxuan did not forget to retort, this time, the atmosphere suddenly cooled down again.

Ye Qingxin looked at her elder brother, and then at Fei Ya who was beside her. It was probably impossible for either of them to bow their heads first. She wondered if she shouldn't be able to match up this matter, and felt that it was difficult for either of them. Not nice!

She played the role of the meat in the hamburger along the way, and she was so crowded that she couldn't bear it any longer. Looking at the door of her house, Ye Qingxin breathed a sigh of relief and finally arrived home.

"Come, come, my daughter-in-law is here."

Ye Maosheng was sitting in the living room, watching the monitor from time to time, and finally he was looking forward to it. He stood up with joy on his face. He wanted to go outside to have a look, but he thought it was not good. If he frightened the girl like this What about the child.

He stroked his hair, adjusted his clothes, and sat back again, trying to make a good impression on others.

When Ye Haoxuan got out of the car, he helped his sister open the door, and Ye Qingxin got out of the car.

"Brother, go!"

Ye Qingxin kept pushing Ye Haoxuan, asking him to help Zhang Feiya drive too. Ye Haoxuan thought about it, and felt that it was not a gentleman's demeanor to care about a woman, so he walked over.

Seeing that he was willing to go over, Ye Qingxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, one person is willing to compromise, which shows that there is still play.

Unexpectedly, before his hand touched the car door, Zhang Feiya in the car opened the car door by herself. She rolled her eyes at Ye Haoxuan, and then walked out by herself.

This guy is obviously unwilling, so she doesn't need her sympathy. It's her feet that were hurt, not her hands.

Ye Haoxuan withdrew his hand, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. He only looked at his sister, and spread his hands with a helpless expression. It wasn't that he was unmannered, but that she didn't appreciate it.

He didn't want to argue with her, she was the one who always wanted to be reasonable.

Seeing this froze scene, Ye Qingxin shrugged, and it was like this again.

"Brother, now is the time for you to show your demeanor. Hurry up and help them! Otherwise, the old man will scold you later for not being sympathetic!"

Ye Qingxin walked over and muttered in the voice of only the two of them, brother and sister.

You must know that the old man is the most uncomfortable thing for girls to be bullied. If the old man doesn't behave well, he will be criticized!

"Fiya, bro, I'm in a hurry to pee, it's convenient to go inside first."

Ye Qingxin made an excuse and ran away.

Ye Haoxuan looked at her running so fast, this girl ran very fast.

Handing over this mess to him, he looked back at Zhang Feiya and saw that her feet were swollen, so he couldn't bear it, so he still walked over.

"I'll help you!"

Ye Haoxuan walked over and said patiently. He was about to support her arm, but he didn't expect to be slapped away by Zhang Feiya.

"You don't need to pretend!"

Zhang Feiya said coldly, looking at his unwillingness, especially with that obtrusive smile on his face as if he was making fun of her, Zhang Feiya became more and more depressed, and naturally her prejudice against him deeper.

With a stubborn face, she passed Ye Haoxuan's side and walked step by step. In fact, she was dying of pain, but she lost face in front of this man who didn't want to do it again.

But Ye Haoxuan turned his head and looked at Zhang Feiya in front of him who was turning hard step by step. This woman's feet are swollen like that, and it must be in excruciating pain. High-heeled shoes, but this woman didn't listen to it, and called him a quack doctor when his feet were swollen like that.

It was simply unreasonable, but looking at the stubborn back at this moment, Ye Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and he really couldn't stand it anymore.

This woman really doesn't know how to cherish herself!

It's not that he has thoughts about her, it's just his professional ethics!Ye Haoxuan expressed himself in his heart.

Ye Haoxuan walked over quickly, and hugged her without thinking. Before Zhang Feiya could react, she was hugged by Hengkong. The sudden height frightened her a lot.

Her first thought was to grab something around her, and without even thinking about it, she clung to Ye Haoxuan's neck with her hands, wrapping them tightly, for fear that she would fall off if she let go.

When Ye Haoxuan saw her such an intimate behavior, the corner of his mouth could not help but smile a little deeper.

"Quack doctor! What are you doing! Let me down!"

When Zhang Feiya stabilized her mood, she realized that she was hugged by Ye Haoxuan. When she saw his smiling face, she felt even angrier. Looking at the intimate behavior of the two of them at this time, she had a strange expression and quickly withdrew her hand .

She lowered her head, her face aggrieved, she actually threw herself into his arms just now!
What a shame!

"Are you sure?" Ye Haoxuan snorted and said with a smile, she was about to fall if he let go, is she sure she wants to do this?

The woman was quite gentle just a second ago, but when she calmed down, she resumed bomb mode, wanting to get angry at every turn.

"Nonsense, let me down!"

As soon as Zhang Feiya finished speaking, Ye Haoxuan let go of her hand, and she suddenly fell like a kite with a broken string without any support.

"Quack doctor, you bastard!"

Zhang Feiya screamed in fright, she thought she would fall to the ground, but Ye Haoxuan's movements were as fast as a flying arrow, and he quickly caught her, and she fell into his arms again.

Falling into Gentle's arms, Zhang Feiya didn't want to let go at this moment, her hands tightly clung to Ye Haoxuan's neck and wouldn't let go.

When Ye Haoxuan saw her, his eyes were full of smiles, so she was also afraid sometimes!
"I can't let it go!"

Zhang Feiya just opened her eyes, and Ye Haoxuan's voice that seemed to be smiling was heard next to her ears.

When he was talking, his hot breath sprayed on her face, it was so hot, Zhang Feiya realized that her actions were too intimate, and was about to withdraw her hands, but when she thought of the sense of emptiness and crisis just now, She still hasn't let go.

"Hmph! Just bully me, a weak girl!"

Ye Qingxin snorted dissatisfiedly, turned her head away and ignored him, but felt that her face was hot, and she felt a little strange in her heart.

When Ye Haoxuan heard her words, he couldn't help but chuckled, "You're almost turning my hospital upside down. If you're a weak girl, there probably won't be any female men in the world."

With her posture of always wanting to quarrel with someone, who would believe that she is a weak girl!

Ye Haoxuan bared

Zhang Feiya kept silent, she didn't want to talk to this poisonous man, or she would be pissed off by him sooner or later.

Seeing that she didn't resist anymore, Ye Haoxuan smiled with satisfaction, and walked inside with her in his arms.

In the living room, Ye Qingxin ran in and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally she didn't have to make meatloaf anymore.

"Girl, why are you running in such a hurry! Where is my wife!"

This girl runs so fast, maybe someone is chasing her outside!
But why is she alone!Where is her daughter-in-law?And her husband!
"Old man, why do you only care about your daughter-in-law? Now that you have a daughter-in-law, you forget about your daughter!"

Ye Qingxin was dissatisfied, but looking at the old man's serious attire, Ye Qingxin almost burst out laughing.

"Old man, you are dressed so brightly, people who don't know think you are looking for a second spring!" Ye Qingxin giggled, but just as she finished speaking, Ye Haoxuan knocked her.

"You stinky girl, if you tease your father again, I won't beat you! Why are you alone! How come Sir, why didn't you come back with you?"

Ye Maosheng couldn't help asking, usually the two of them came together, but today she was the only one.

"Don't talk about him, talk about my brother and my friend!"

Upon hearing Shangguan Jueshi's name, Ye Qingxin's small face wrinkled into a ball, and she didn't want to mention him very much. He disappeared all afternoon and hasn't called back until now. Why is she still thinking about him? !

Seeing her like this, Ye Maosheng knew something was wrong, so he tried to ask, "Are you two having a conflict?"

"No, we're all right. He's busy with things, and he doesn't have time to call me now."

Ye Qingxin pouted, her tone full of complaints.

And Ye Maosheng smiled when he saw her resentful appearance, it turned out that it was because of this, he was relieved that there was nothing wrong.

"Girl, this man will inevitably be troubled by some things when he is away. It is also a common thing to come back late, so don't take it to heart. Besides, you used to wish that the Lord would not pester you. Why did you not see him all afternoon? You I'm in a hurry."

Ye Maosheng joked, so this girl is worried, she didn't say that the cloud is calm before, but now she is nervous, it seems that this girl now knows that her man is important.

"How can I be impatient! I'm angry that he hasn't called me yet!"

Ye Qingxin denied that she was so depressed that the old man still wanted to laugh at her.

"Maybe something really happened, otherwise, according to Jue Shi's temperament, he will definitely give you news, so just wait patiently!"

Ye Maosheng comforted him, seeing that this girl was getting more and more important to him, he felt relieved.

"Let's not talk about him, let's talk about my brother and my friend Fei Ya, old man, it's not a big deal, and their affairs are probably going to blow up."

Ye Qingxin said urgently, and Ye Maosheng also became anxious when he heard about it.

"Girl, what's going on! Why did you blow it up as soon as we met? Could it be that your friends don't like Haoxuan."

Ye Maosheng said impatiently, Haoxuan is gentle and good looking - he is the object of girls' liking, logically it shouldn't be!

"It's not a question of disdain. The two of them pinch each other when they meet! Especially my brother, it's like eating gunpowder today. I don't know where the usual gentlemanly demeanor is."

The strong smell of gunpowder between the two of them just now, this matter is probably suspenseful!

"Pinch when you meet? Girl, what's going on!"

Ye Maosheng was confused when he heard this, it doesn't make sense that these two people met each other, how could they pinch each other when they met each other?
"Fiya is my brother's patient. Feiya called my brother a quack doctor because his feet didn't heal. The two of them had a grudge for a long time. It was a knife and sword along the way just now. When they met, they fought against each other and wanted to match up. The possibility of them being together is so low that it cannot be lowered, it can be said that there is no chance."

Ye Qingxin told Ye Maosheng the before and after of the matter, and now the old man's idea of ​​becoming a father-in-law was about to come to naught.

It's not that she didn't make a match, it's that she really tried her best.

"Haoxuan is really a kid. Girls, naturally you have to take pity on him! Anyway, I don't care, since she stepped into our Ye family, she is a member of our Ye family. Anyway, I don't care, girl, we will play by ear and try to match up. If they really can't do it, they will cook the raw rice and cook it, they can do whatever they want, and with this level of intimacy at that time, the grievances between the two will naturally be eliminated a lot."

Ye Maosheng had already made up his mind to pay attention, anyway, he didn't want to wait any longer, now that he had entered the door of his Ye family, he wouldn't even think about leaving.

Ye Qingxin listened to her old man's tough remarks, she looked like I was a bandit, she was really scared a lot, she was stunned, as if she felt that the old man in front of her was a little strange, "Old man, you are still in my heart Are you a hero? You are obviously a bandit!"

If it was her, would he be distressed if she was calculated like this!
But thinking about the old man's longing for her to get married before, maybe he will applaud her!
Fei Ya is her good friend, how can she not frame her female compatriots!This kind of practice is shameful, she can't agree with it!
"Whether it's a hero or a bandit, it's a good way to let me hug my grandson sooner!"

Ye Maosheng said disapprovingly, this girl actually called him a bandit, but he is a just, strict and principled person, of course, when encountering some difficult things, it is inevitable to take some extreme measures.

He didn't think there was anything wrong.

Ye Qingxin rolled her eyes, speechless.

Is this still the hero she is proud of?

"Old man, this is related to a girl's reputation, a girl's lifelong happiness! I can't let you mess around!"

Ye Qingxin refused, saying that she couldn't stand on the old man's side this time, she had to resolutely oppose it.

"Smelly girl, try to say it again, maybe you want your brother to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, maybe you want our Ye family to be rooted here, and you want to be our Ye family's sinner!"

Ye Maosheng said solemnly with a straight face, but Ye Qingxin was stunned, she never thought that she would be charged with so many crimes all at once!

She is so innocent!

(End of this chapter)

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