Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 318 The twisted melon is not sweet

Chapter 318 The twisted melon is not sweet
"Old man, how can you say it so seriously? Feelings are something you would like me to complain about. Forced melons are not sweet! You must act rationally!"

Ye Qingxin persuaded again and again, if she knew the old man had this idea early in the morning, she shouldn't have agreed to him to bring Fei Ya here. It was clear that she was watching Fei Ya fall into a trap!

Anyway, she can't do this kind of thing, especially when she thinks that she was driven to the shelves like this back then, she feels sad.

She can do it by herself, she can't help it if she is tricked by her old man, who made her face such a funny dad who doesn't play cards according to common sense.

But Fei Ya is different, if she and her elder brother really cooked raw rice and cooked rice, it would be so unfair!
"I'm very rational now. Didn't you and Jazz have deep grievances at the beginning, even worse than your brother's matter, but in the end, the melon I twisted is also sweet. I believe it will be the same this time." Ye Maosheng insisted, anyway, this time he has to hold his grandson, otherwise, according to Haoxuan's attitude of procrastinating, it is estimated that he will not hold his grandson when he enters the coffin.

Last time, the girl and Juzzy had a big quarrel, especially the girl Xin'er, who had a big opinion on Juzzy, but in the end it wasn't because of his help that the relationship between the two got better and better.

This time Ye Haoxuan will do as he expected.

"These are completely different things! How can they be compared!"

Seeing the old man's insistence, Ye Qingxin's small face kept wrinkling, and she was very tangled up, not knowing how to persuade the old man.

There is no comparison between her and Shangguan Jueshi, and my brother and Fei Ya. Shangguan Jueshi was arrogant and unreasonable at the beginning, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal!I have been eyeing her all the time, and I want to be with her purposefully; but my brother and Fei Ya don't like each other. It's okay if one of them likes each other, but they don't care about each other at all. Favorable, random pairing will really cause trouble.

"It's the same thing in my eyes! Girl, I don't want you to help with this matter, but at least you don't want to sabotage my plan!"

Ye Maosheng said, seeing the girl's appearance of fighting against the enemy, it seems that she can't be counted on to help.

It's fine if she doesn't help, but at least she can't destroy his plan.

"Old man, don't mess around, I'm your daughter and you can arrange it as you please, but Fei Ya is also someone else's treasure!"

Seeing her old man being so stubborn, Ye Qingxin hurriedly said, hoping to dispel his idea.

It's fine for her to have such an asshole father, but Fei Ya also has parents who love her!

"Is it possible for you to talk like that, a stinky girl like you? It's as if I've sold you, so just tell me how your little life is going, fortunately, or not!"

This girl spoke so miserably, as if his father was going to sell her to make money.

He just asked, how is she doing now!

"I feel happy, but my brother and Fei Ya are different."

She admits that her relationship with Shangguan Jueshi has gone from a stalemate at the beginning to a further step, but her brother's situation is different from hers!It can't be compared at all.

She had a good impression of Shangguan Jueshi at first, but it was suppressed by her resentment, but it was hard to say for the elder brother and Fei Ya.

"You just take care of your own happiness, and don't worry about other things. Well, you just need to turn a blind eye to this matter."

Ye Maosheng still insisted on that bandit behavior, Ye Qingxin blew a sigh of relief, with a helpless expression on her face, she said so much that her mouth was spitting, but the old man's decision could hardly change her mind, she had no way to convince him at all!

Later, I can only play by ear and find an appropriate time to remind the two of them.

Anyway, it's fine for her to sabotage secretly when the time comes, and when Ye Maosheng saw that she was very quiet with her head lowered, he knew that this girl hadn't given up.

"Girl, I have warned you, if you dare to sabotage later, you will pay me a grandson."

Ye Maosheng did not forget to warn, don't think that he doesn't know what this girl is up to, and he is too busy to inform her. He has already seen her small thoughts clearly.

If he loses his wife and grandson then, this girl will have to pay him back!
"Old man, can you do it!"

Ye Qingxin is completely convinced by her old man, she still turns a blind eye to this matter, otherwise if it is really bad, the old man will definitely bombard her 24 hours a day, asking her to have a baby, just thinking about it makes her feel horrible !
You must know how patient the old man is, she can do what she says, but she still plays it safe, Fei Ya, I'm sorry for you!

You can only do it yourself!May God bless you!
"Smelly girl, you said just now that they have a bad relationship, look at how good they are, it seems that my decision is right!"

Ye Maosheng looked up, just in time to see his boy coming in with his girl's friend in his arms. This boy looks very proud!

The corner of his mouth is smiling high, it seems that Haoxuan has listened to his words, if he should be gentle with girls, he should be gentle, if he should be strong, he should be strong, this boy has the demeanor of his back then!

Just one click!One must know that if he had listened to his words at the beginning, and cooked rice with Si Lian earlier, so many things would not have happened later.

No matter what this time, the raw rice must be cooked.

The girl said just now that the two of them couldn't close their eyes, which was too sweet.

And Ye Qingxin followed his line of sight, her mouth was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, what the hell is going on!

This scene switched too fast, and her recognition was a little low.

Just now the two of them pinched each other when they met, they were very angry, but now they are hugging each other, what happened in the middle, she seems to have missed the good show!

The old man ignored Fei Ya just now, but now he actually embraces her. Could it be that what the old man said is true—it’s a joke.

"I don't know either! It was obviously not like this just now."

Ye Qingxin said quietly that she couldn't understand the current situation at all.

"Quack doctor, put me down quickly! You don't think I'm ashamed, but I'm ashamed!"

Noticing that a strange gaze had been falling on her, Zhang Feiya became nervous. Needless to say, it must be Xiaoye's father.

When I think of my embarrassing appearance, being hugged by a quack doctor, how embarrassing it is!

"Anyway, it's not like you haven't lost face before, and it's no big deal if you lose face again!"

Ye Haoxuan lowered his voice and said with a light smile, this woman didn't make a scene in the hospital, why now at his house, she will know how to restrain herself.

"Quack doctor, I won't quarrel with you now!"

Zhang Feiya gritted her teeth and said, holding back her anger.

It was the first time she came to Xiaoye's house today, so she naturally couldn't be rude, and she would settle the score with this quack doctor sometime later.

"It's really rare!" Ye Haoxuan curled his lips into a smile, and seeing her woman deflated, he suddenly recovered.


Zhang Feiya raised her finger and almost swears, she was almost bruised from holding back.

This quack is too much.

"My dad is watching!"

Seeing that she was about to reveal her original shape, Ye Haoxuan spoke in time, Zhang Feiya bit her lip, and had no choice but to forcefully suppress the anger in her heart.

Seeing her deflated again, Ye Haoxuan's smile deepened.


Ye Haoxuan came over, put Zhang Feiya on the sofa beside him, and then deliberately chose a place far away to sit.

The kid praised him for his good performance just now, but now he is messed up again, leaving such a good seat and not sitting, Ye Maosheng glanced at him dissatisfied, Ye Haoxuan pretended not to see anything.

But Ye Qingxin was afraid that she would be lonely and nervous sitting alone, so she simply came over to sit with her, and Zhang Feiya who was beside her secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She has a signature smile on her face, and this smile will become stiff after a long time, especially when she is facing a distinguished elder, she feels like sitting on pins and needles.

"Fiya, don't be nervous, my old man is easy to get along with."

Ye Qingxin shook her hand with a calm expression, sitting on the same sofa with Fei Ya, she felt the sofa shaking.

In fact, there is really nothing to be afraid of. Her old man is usually very talkative, but sometimes he gets angry when she gets angry.


Zhang Feiya gave a low acknowledgment, but she still didn't have the confidence to speak.

This brat actually pretended to be confused with him, and he will be confused later.

Ye Maosheng had no choice but to look away, and looked at Zhang Feiya who was beside him kindly, with admiring eyes, this child looks very real, not bad!
The eyebrows are beautiful, and it looks serious
"Uncle Ye, good!"

Zhang Feiya noticed that Xiaoye's father's eyes fell on her, and raised her head to say hello hastily.

This pair of upward glances, seeing the front face, was not as severe as she imagined, but the casual smile on his face gave people a kind feeling, and Zhang Feiya's tense body relaxed a lot.

"Your name is Fei Ya, isn't it? It's a nice name! Don't be restrained when you come to the house. Our family speaks freely. You can say whatever you want, just say Xin'er, the girl who keeps talking to me is not big or small. of."

Ye Maosheng smiled and Zhang Feiya laughed a few times.

And Ye Haoxuan sat lazily on the sofa, holding a book and reading it casually, with an insignificant appearance, but from the corner of his eyes, he sometimes cast Zhang Feiya on the opposite side, seeing her sitting so upright and silent, He smiled at the corner of his mouth, this was the first time he saw her calm, and to be honest, he was still not used to seeing her!

He is still used to her noisy state, and now that she is such a lady, it makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

As soon as Zhang Feiya raised her head, she happened to meet Ye Haoxuan's gaze, especially seeing that obtrusive smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was deliberately making fun of her, she did not forget to stare back fiercely.

Ye Haoxuan didn't speak, but the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, and he was more used to the current tigress state.

Naturally, Ye Maosheng didn't miss the interaction between the two of them, and it seemed that this matter could be accomplished.

"Old man, how can you belittle me in front of my friends? I also have advantages, okay?" Ye Qingxin pouted dissatisfiedly, now that she has a daughter-in-law, she uses her daughter as a shield. Dad!

"You stinky girl used to cause trouble all day long, and you want me and your brother to wipe your ass for you!"

Ye Maosheng said bluntly, fortunately this girl is married now, otherwise I don't know what will happen!
"I don't speak as badly as you! I just fight sometimes!"

Ye Qingxin retorted that she used to be more meddlesome, with a high level of heroism, and liked to be as powerful as those heroes who fight against injustice on TV.

"Come on, you beat up his classmate until his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, and his parents are looking for a ****. If it weren't for my face, he would have sent you to be educated a long time ago, thinking that because of his young age You can do whatever you want without taking responsibility." Ye Maosheng said with a grumpy face, but Ye Qingxin rolled his eyes, the old man was too much, he actually exposed all those things about Chen Gu's rotten sesame seeds to her, no matter what, he had to blame her friend Save some face for her in front of her!

"Old man, I have forgotten what you said, look how good I have been since I was sensible!"

Ye Qingxin wanted to redeem some of her lost face.

"Come on you! If I hadn't told you to run away after hitting someone and not let anyone catch your tail, I don't know how many people would come to my house to look for me."

Ye Maosheng smiled, and Zhang Feiya sat aside, listening to their father and daughter talking to each other. Although it seemed that they were arguing, the atmosphere was harmonious and warm. The feeling came from Uncle Ye's kindness to Xiaoye. The strong fatherly love, these are things she has never felt since she was a child, and she looks envious.

Ever since she was a child, how could she have the right to speak at home? If she had made troubles outside like Xiaoye, she would have been beaten and bruised. Sometimes she would hardly be punished for doing things obediently, let alone causing trouble. Fortunately, now that she has grown up, With independent financial ability, her parents will not be violent to her for the sake of money.

Thinking of her gloomy life in the past, Zhang Feiya's face was gloomy. Everything is in the past, and now she will no longer be bullied by others. Zhang Feiya tried her best to have a smile on her face, and she will live a happy life. It was better before.

And her bleak background in this scene was just left out by Ye Haoxuan, Ye Haoxuan looked puzzled, just now this woman actually showed a sad and sad expression, and then instantly returned to her original appearance!

Isn't she usually very powerful!You shouldn't be bullied!

Ye Haoxuan was a little surprised that he cared about her so much, it shouldn't be his business, this woman quarrels so fiercely, she is no different from a tigress, she is the one who bullies people!

How can anyone bully her!
His worry was too much, but what about the sad emotion she was hiding just now!

"Fiya, my kid Haoxuan's medical skills are good, but he just doesn't know how to be compassionate and sympathetic. When I massaged you for you, it must have hurt you. I have taught him a lesson for you just now."

Ye Maosheng said to Zhang Feiya, and Zhang Feiya looked surprised, and looked back at Ye Haoxuan's deflated look, and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

 Xiao Wu wants to eat meat, so hungry recently!Dear friends, reward a piece of meat, maybe vote for me!

(End of this chapter)

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