Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 319 Raw rice cooked into cooked rice

Chapter 319 Raw rice cooked into cooked rice

She was a little flattered, she never thought that Xiaoye's father would help her vent her anger, and she felt an indescribable warmth in her heart.

"Fiya, let me just say that my old man is quite funny!" Ye Qingxin said with a smile, his old man is notorious for helping his relatives, especially now that the old man wants to ask for a wife, he has to help Fei Ya speak up.

Then look at the old brother opposite, with an innocent but helpless expression on his face, it's really satisfying.

Zhang Feiya laughed a few times, to be honest, Xiaoye's father was really amiable and easy to talk to, without any pretensions of an elder, and talked to him as if he were a friend.

"Uncle Ye! In fact, I'm also partly responsible for this matter. I didn't follow the doctor's advice and my feet swelled like this. This matter has nothing to do with quack doctors... and Mr. Ye."

Zhang Feiya changed her words in time and swallowed the word "quack doctor". She had forgotten the name of the quack doctor.

Now that there are elders present, she naturally can't yell quack doctor one after another, it would appear that she is impolite, she still knows how to behave.

In fact, she was really wrong about this matter. It was her disobedience that caused her feet to become more and more swollen, but she didn't want to admit it in her heart, but this quack doctor would not be sympathetic at all. Straightening her bones, she was in so much pain that she was on the verge of tears. When she thought of this, she became angry, and naturally she took all her anger on him.

And Ye Haoxuan raised his head and raised his eyebrows, with a look of surprise, this was the first time he heard her call her by a normal name, and he didn't call him a quack, it's really rare!

"Anyway, it's the kid's fault, Fei Ya, don't call him so unfamiliar, you can call him a quack, or Hao Xuan!"

Ye Maosheng said with a smile, while Zhang Feiya looked embarrassed, never thinking that even Xiaoye's father knew about it.

"You can also call me Doctor Ye!"

Ye Haoxuan opened his mouth and said, of course he knew that Dad was trying to draw a red line indiscriminately, and he was not used to the thought of her calling him by his own name, he was used to her swearing.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Maosheng gave Ye Maosheng a dissatisfied look. This brat dared to smash the scene he deliberately arranged.

Ye Haoxuan lowered his head, pretending he didn't see anything, and continued reading.

"Old man, can I eat now, I'm almost starving to death!"

It doesn't matter if she's hungry, but Fear is a guest.

"Yes, yes, I was so busy talking that I forgot my business, son, you must be starving after working all afternoon, it's because my uncle didn't think carefully and made you laugh.

Only then did Ye Maosheng think of his business, he quickly stood up and said.

Anyway, there is plenty of time, so it's not too late to chat after dinner.

"No, no!"

Zhang Feiya waved her hand and looked okay.

"Fiya, let's go, let's go eat!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingxin took her hand and walked towards the dining table, while the Ye family father and son walked behind and whispered.

"Stinky boy, I'll see how you behave later, girl, you should love me more!"

Due to Ye Haoxuan's poor performance just now, Ye Maosheng was afraid that he would forget what he said to him just now, so he repeated it again.

This pair of girls needs to be careful, care more, and be patient, so that the girls can feel safe and have a good impression.

"Dad, she's not a weak little girl, she doesn't need special care, and she won't appreciate it! The two of us are not suitable!"

Ye Haoxuan directly stated that his father had never seen her tough appearance, and probably even a tiger would be scared away if he saw her.

Besides, that woman is very stubborn and will not accept help from others easily.

She's not the type he likes, and besides, the two of them don't like each other when they meet, let alone walk together.

"If you don't try it, how will you know it's not suitable, boy, no matter how strong and independent a girl is, there is still a soft place in her heart that hopes to be cared for."

Ye Maosheng said earnestly, this kid doesn't understand emotional matters, especially girls' hearts.

"She doesn't need to be cared for. Dad, you'd better give up this idea. I'm eating."

After speaking, Ye Haoxuan sat down, not wanting to continue this topic.

Ye Maosheng had no choice but to sit down, boy, you will have to compromise later.

"Fiya, don't be polite! It's important to know if you are full! Girl, don't worry about eating by yourself, but also give Fei Ya more food."

Ye Maosheng did not forget to greet warmly, and then looked at his own girl, only caring about eating himself, and did not show his kindness as a landlord.

It is the first time for this girl to be a guest at home, so she will inevitably be cautious, and this girl does not know how to entertain.

"Uncle Ye, don't bother, I'll just do it myself."

Zhang Feiya declined and said, how embarrassing it is!

As for Ye Maosheng, he brought some vegetables for her. The child was even thinner than her girl, and he didn't know how much he had suffered.

"Fiya, eat more, it's not good for a girl to be too skinny! I thought my girl was skinny, but I didn't expect you to be even thinner. Eat more long meat. Girls' work is important, but it's also important. Pay more attention to nutrition." Ye Maosheng said with concern.

Today's young people are under a lot of pressure, especially girls are more competitive and stressed in the workplace, but they need to pay more attention to their health.

In the past, this girl couldn't get fat no matter how much she ate, but after she got married, she became a lot rounder. It seems that getting married is also a good thing.

When Fei Ya and Haoxuan are successful, he must order his aunt to cook more soup for her and raise her better so that she can have a good child.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Ye for your concern!"

Zhang Feiya thanked her face, and couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart. You must know that her family members have never cared about her so much. She never thought that an elder who had just met once cared about her more than her parents. She felt sad in her heart. Happiness intertwined, and a touch of bitterness flashed in his eyes.

And Ye Haoxuan just raised his head to pick up vegetables, and he happened to bump into this scene, he frowned, why did he always see sad expressions on her face, isn't she very strong?
Is it true that as Dad said, no matter how strong a girl is, there are times when she is weak, Ye Haoxuan looked puzzled.

"Emma! I forgot, Fei Ya, don't be restrained, you can eat whatever you want, the only important thing is to be full."

After being reminded by the old man, Ye Qingxin thought of leaving Fei Ya aside. She was so hungry that she forgot everything as soon as she had something to eat.

"Fiya, do you like celery? Do you like green peppers?"

Ye Qingxin habitually carried her favorite dishes, but suddenly thought that these were in line with her appetite, so she didn't know if they were suitable for Fei Ya's taste, so she had better ask her first.

"I'm not picky about food."

She used to work several jobs every day, and she was exhausted to death, as long as she had something to eat, she didn't have the capital to choose what to eat.

"Okay, eat more!"

Ye Qingxin helped her hold the bowls, and with what Uncle Ye made for her just now, her bowls were piled up into a hill. This was the first time she felt warm, a warmth she had never felt before, and it still had no blood relationship with her. The feeling that people bring her.

It's really sad to think about it.

"Come on, come on, Fei Ya, drink some wine, it's good for girls to drink some wine! Girl, you can drink with Fei Ya too!"

Ye Maosheng looked at the wine on the table. It was a good wine that he had treasured for many years. It was not an ordinary wine. A glass of wine with a low capacity would make you drunk.

There was an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth, seeing that his plan was about to succeed.

"Good! I haven't had a drink for a long time."

Ye Qingxin let out a sigh, it just so happened that she was not in a good mood tonight, so a drink can relieve her boredom.

"Fiya, stay at my house tonight, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

Ye Qingxin poured herself a cup, and then brought one to her.

Zhang Feiya took it over and stayed here tonight?it's not good!She has never lived in someone else's house, and she is really not used to it.

"Fiya, my girl is not in a good mood today, you can drink with her, anyway, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, so you can stay at home tonight!" Fearing that his plan would not succeed, Ye Maosheng simply gave Ye Qingxin Pulled into the water.

At first glance, Fei Ya is just as loyal as her girl. Hearing what he said, he will definitely stay with Xin'er.

"Then I'll stay tonight and cause trouble for Uncle Ye."

Zhang Feiya nodded in agreement, in fact, she really wanted to indulge herself tonight and didn't want to go back.

"Don't bother, don't bother! It's a great blessing for Xin'er to have a loyal friend like you!" Ye Maosheng said with a calm face, and he should thank her.

"Fiya, let's do it! If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home!" Ye Qingxin raised his glass, and Zhang Feiya also raised his glass. The two clinked glasses, and then began to drink.

I thought that Fei Ya would drink just one glass, but I didn't expect her to drink quite well. Fortunately, Xin'er knows how to cooperate. She will be drunk in a short time, and now only Haoxuan is left.

"Boy, we haven't had a drink together for a long time, let's not get drunk!"

Ye Maosheng asked his aunt to bring out the good wine that he treasured, this is the strongest and the highest purity, no matter how good this kid is, he won't be able to resist it for long.

"Dad, you are getting older now, you should drink less wine!"

Ye Haoxuan didn't forget to ask, why Dad was so excited today, and he wanted to drink with him.

"I'll just drink less, then you can drink more for me. This bottle of wine will be finished after opening, so it can't be wasted."

Ye Maosheng turned a corner and said, while Ye Haoxuan looked at his body, but didn't think much about it.

"Okay, okay, I'll finish your drink for you!"

Ye Haoxuan nodded in agreement, and when Ye Maosheng heard his words, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

How could this kid be so easy to deceive!

Looking at Fei Ya on the opposite side, she was almost drunk, tonight will be a different night.

"Boy, come on, have another drink, drink quickly!"

Ye Maosheng took a sip by himself, and then urged Ye Haoxuan to finish the whole glass. Ye Haoxuan's face was a little drunk, and his spirit began to become a little unstable.

"Dad, that's enough. If you drink too much, you'll have a headache tomorrow! And you'll wake up late."

Ye Haoxuan shook his head, he was seldom drunk, except for the time when Si Lian married Leng Yisheng, he was so drunk that he passed out, this was the second time he drank so much, he really couldn't drink any more.

"Boy, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, it doesn't matter if you sleep late, come, drink some more!"

Ye Maosheng continued to pour into his cup, straight into his mouth.

One after another, Ye Maosheng watched them all drunk, he stood up, finally able to carry out his plan.

"Sister-in-law Wang, you help Fei Ya go upstairs to Haoxuan's room first, and I will help Haoxuan go up!"

"Master, have you really thought it through?"

Aunt Wang looked hesitant, the master made up his mind this time, and insisted on matching the two of them, but will it work?
After all, Master Haoxuan and Miss Fei Ya only knew each other!If I wake up tomorrow and find that the two are sleeping together, wouldn't it be a mess!

"Sister-in-law Wang, you are now confused. I also drank a lot of wine and got drunk. I don't know anything! Besides, it's common to be drunk and do stupid things!" Ye Maosheng spread his hands and looked Said nonchalantly.

Is this still his master?Is he so shameless?
Mrs. Wang looked astonished, but she didn't dare to say it in person.

"Sister-in-law Wang, Haoxuan has lost confidence in matters of love since the incident of Missing Love. It can be said that he is in a state of depression. If he is not given a little heavy medicine, he will never get better in his life. I am doing this for his own good. Besides, Fei Ya has a good personality, he is a child who has endured hardships, and Hao Xuan is a tepid kid, so he needs a violent temper to control him and make him motivated."

Ye Maosheng said with a serious face, he didn't know that his actions were a bit extreme, but since Haoxuan experienced the blow of the previous relationship, this kid has no expectations for the relationship, but just now he found that he and Fei Ya are torn apart , he began to have fighting spirit, which is a good sign.

This is the first time that Haoxuan has shown no pity for a girl, and has such a big opinion on a girl. To some extent, this kid Haoxuan has a new idea in his heart.

"What about Miss Feiya!"

Mrs. Wang said worriedly, Master Haoxuan is probably fine, but what about Miss Fei Ya!

"Our Ye family will treat her well, and will compensate her well in the future."

This child, Fei Ya, is a rare good child, how can he not be his wife!Anyway, he believed that she was the daughter-in-law of the Ye family.

"Okay, Mrs. Wang, help her upstairs!"

"Boy, let's go! In order to find happiness for you, I racked my brains to add a few more gray hairs."

Ye Maosheng has a good foundation in kung fu, so he directly helped Ye Haoxuan upstairs.

After doing everything for the two of them, seeing that both of them are drunk, in a half-conscious and half-conscious state, and now they are in such intimate contact, it's no wonder that nothing happened!
Ye Maosheng closed the door, secretly smiling, he doesn't have to worry about anything after tonight.

In the room, a soft body was lying on his body, Ye Haoxuan's head was a little hot and dizzy, he murmured, "Silian!"

"let me go!"

"Si Lian, don't go!"

Ye Haoxuan turned over and imprisoned Fei Ya's body under her body. The sudden weight on her body made her a little overwhelmed, and Zhang Feiya struggled hard.

"Si Lian, I won't let you leave me this time."

He proved everything with his actions.



(End of this chapter)

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