Chapter 323

In the bedroom, there were messy clothes and rags on the floor, some of which were almost out of shape. The mess on the side of the battlefield was enough to show how fierce the battle was yesterday.

Looking through the curtains, one can see the two of them cuddling together on the bed, very harmonious.

Zhang Feiya muttered a few words, turned over, and left Ye Haoxuan's arms, as if she was about to wake up.

Feeling the softness in his arms and escaping, Ye Haoxuan turned over according to the feeling, and wrapped Zhang Feiya in his arms again, his hand landed on her flat belly, the heat from his hand made him shrink back, Realizing that something was wrong, Ye Haoxuan suddenly opened his eyes.

And Zhang Feiya, who was about to wake up, was restrained by him like this, and she was always the only one sleeping, but now she felt that there were living people behind her, and the warm temperature scorched her back. Realizing that something was wrong, she opened her mouth Eyes turned to look.

The four looked at each other, and the two were shocked in addition to being shocked. After a moment of silence, there was a shocking roar in the room.



Ye Haoxuan never thought that she would sleep on his bed, and his eyes fell on her. At this moment, she was in such a state, and without thinking, he pulled the quilt aside to cover her.

Looking at his state again, Ye Haoxuan frowned. It seemed that something that shouldn't have happened happened last night.

Now my head is still a little heavy, and I can't figure out the reason for what happened last night, but look at her at the side, she let out a cry, and then acted very quietly, as if nothing happened, which is what ordinary people should have. performance?

Normally, when such a situation happened, she shouldn't have yelled, but after she yelled, she acted as if it had nothing to do with her. Seeing her such a tepid performance, he felt inexplicably angry.

Could it be that she doesn't cherish herself that much?Get rid of everything from last night.

On the other side, Zhang Feiya was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She never thought that such a thing would happen, and she slept with him. What should she do now.

She sneaked a glance at Ye Haoxuan at the side, he seemed very unhappy, as if he was at a disadvantage, and she was also at a disadvantage, okay?This is also her first time, and she doesn't know what he will do, whether she will be held responsible, at this time, she can't mess up, and can only force herself to be quiet.

"last night……"

Ye Haoxuan was about to speak, but Zhang Feiya preempted him.

"Quack doctor, can you change your clothes first!"

This time she made a mistake first, and she couldn't help but relax her tone.

And Ye Haoxuan originally wanted to have a quiet conversation with her, but she was right, the way they are now is really not suitable for conversation, and it won't be too late to talk with each other after they are sorted out.

Although she is not the girl he likes, he is a responsible man. Since something like this happened, he must be responsible for her.

"Okay! You wait for me here!"

Zhang Feiya didn't answer, but Ye Haoxuan got off the bed and wanted to help her pick up the clothes, but he didn't expect that the clothes inside her were all ruined and torn to pieces, which was enough to show how impulsive he was last night.

He could only pick up his clothes and go to the bathroom. After he finished changing, he went to Xin'er's room to change for her.

And Zhang Feiya watched him walk in, she was obviously relieved, she got up and wanted to get dressed without even thinking about it, but her little clothes and trousers were all out of shape, only her professional clothes were left, there was no way she could It can only be put on casually.

Dressed like this, she casually picked up Ye Haoxuan's mid-length coat on the sofa and put it on, and then looked at the movement in the bathroom, he told her to wait, he didn't mean to make her responsible, right?
At this time, she really doesn't know how to face it, so she should run away quickly!

She and the quack doctor don't look good when they see each other. Now that something like this happened, the relationship is even worse. Although the two of them slept together, she would never agree with two people who don't love each other. Yes, she knew quack doctors didn't like her, and she felt flat towards him, and she just wanted to find someone who loved her.

Listening to the movement in the bathroom, Ye Haoxuan probably won't come out so soon, so she should leave quickly.

As soon as she said go, Zhang Feiya walked out with her injured foot, and quickly went downstairs. This script was injured at the beginning, and what happened last night, she is now walking tremblingly, very uncomfortable.

But now compared to her nervousness, this pain is nothing.

She thought she would walk out of the gate smoothly, but she didn't expect to run into Uncle Ye in the living room. Zhang Feiya pursed her lips, not knowing how to get through this level.

If Uncle Ye knew that she and the quack doctor were together last night, she would definitely not be able to get out of this gate.

But he didn't know that he planned this matter from the beginning to the end, and he had been here for a long time.

"Fiya, you slept well last night. Has my girl woke up yet?"

Ye Maosheng pretended to be ignorant and said, but Zhang Feiya's scalp was numb when she heard what he said, she didn't sleep with Xiaoye last night, but with a quack doctor, but how can she say it ah.

She doesn't even know how to explain to Xiaoye now!
She only remembered that she drank a lot of wine last night, but she had no memory of what happened afterwards.

"Uncle Ye, Xiaoye hasn't woken up yet!"

Facing the elders, Zhang Feiya shouldn't have lied, but now she has no choice but to follow his words.

"This girl always likes to sleep late, Fei Ya, I have asked Auntie to prepare breakfast, so you can stay and have breakfast!"

Jiang's is still old and spicy, Ye Maosheng didn't expose her lie, judging by Fei Ya's situation, it seems that last night she really had cooked rice with Haoxuan's child.

But she looked like she was running away in a hurry, and she didn't seem to have a good impression of his boy.

"No, Uncle Ye, no need, I have something to do so I'll leave first, and I'll definitely come to see you again some other day."

When Zhang Feiya heard that Ye Maosheng wanted to keep her for breakfast, she immediately became anxious.

How can this work!It's too late for her to run now, so how can she have time for breakfast!

"Uncle Ye, I'm really sorry! I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Zhang Feiya said hello to Ye Maosheng with an apologetic face, and hurried out of the gate.

When Ye Maosheng saw her hurried back, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, now that he entered the gate of his Ye family, it would not be so easy to leave.

But Haoxuan is a real kid, he doesn't know what he's doing, if he doesn't hurry up, he won't be able to catch up with him.

Although I don't know what the girl's family means, but his boy is a child with a strong sense of responsibility. Now that this kind of thing happened, he will definitely be responsible. He has taken advantage of his strengths in the first place.

Ye Haoxuan got dressed, washed and walked out, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see, he frowned, where did she go?

Ye Haoxuan looked puzzled, looked around, and looked back to see where her clothes were still on the ground. The idea suddenly popped up in her mind - she ran away, and according to that woman's temperament, she could indeed do it.

Didn't this woman tell her to wait here to speak clearly just now, she didn't expect her to run away, could it be that nothing happened last night, she can forget it, but he can't.

Ye Haoxuan walked out without thinking, and hurried downstairs.

"Boy, hurry up and chase her out, that girl's foot is hurt, she can't go far."

As soon as Ye Haoxuan saw him coming down, he immediately warned, and Ye Haoxuan ran out without thinking.

Seeing his anxious expression, Ye Maosheng smiled even wider. This kid even said he doesn't like him, look at him in a hurry.

Ye Haoxuan stopped at the gate, looked to both sides, and thought for a while. The one on the left is the place with the most buses. According to that woman's stingy temperament, she would definitely not spend money on taxis, so she would definitely go to the bus stop Waiting for the bus.

Thinking of this, Ye Haoxuan immediately turned to the left, and his steps were very fast. This woman didn't even look at how she was still injured, but she turned all the way out. Does she have any brains?

Thinking that Zhang Feiya didn't know how to cherish herself, Ye Haoxuan felt an inexplicable anger in his heart, and he ran faster.

And Zhang Feiya walked very fast this way, walking desperately regardless of her foot injury. She originally wanted to take a taxi, but when she asked just now, she actually wanted a green cow from here to her house, and she refused without hesitation.

It's better to walk a few more steps to the bus station and wait, and you can still have dozens of dollars left. The total cost of taking the bus and waiting to transfer to the subway is only ten dollars, which is much cheaper.

Fearing that Ye Haoxuan would chase her along the way, she turned step by step and came to the bus stop.

"Why haven't you come yet!"

Sitting there waiting anxiously, she noticed that the eyes of the side fell on her from time to time, she subconsciously closed her clothes, and then saw that she was wearing a man's coat at this time, no one was surprised Strange.

Afraid of being caught up by Ye Haoxuan, and not liking being watched like a monkey, Zhang Feiya stood up and looked around, with a look of surprise on her face, her car finally arrived.

She was in front, the car stopped slowly, and the people in the car got out of the car in a rush.

Ye Haoxuan ran away, where did this woman go, she might have already left.

Ye Haoxuan ran to the side of the bus station and looked around. The flow of people getting off the bus blocked Zhang Feiya's figure, so he couldn't see it for a while.

Finally, he could get on the bus. At this moment, the crowd dispersed. Ye Haoxuan looked in the direction of the bus, and suddenly saw a familiar figure. Isn't this the woman who doesn't know what to do?Let's see where she can go now.

Seeing that she was about to get into the car, Ye Haoxuan quickly walked a few steps and caught up with her.

As soon as Zhang Feiya stepped on it, someone grabbed her hand suddenly, "You didn't even say anything, where do you want to go?"

A familiar voice came from behind her, and she seemed to be struck by lightning in an instant. She didn't dare to look back, and struggled to let go of Ye Haoxuan's hand, and wanted to get in the car.

If he caught him on the spot, it would be fine.

How could Ye Haoxuan follow her wishes? He pulled his hand directly, and Zhang Feiya lost her balance and leaned back.


Just thinking that she would fall to pieces, she didn't expect Ye Haoxuan behind her to hug her firmly.

Before she could react, Ye Haoxuan turned around and left with her in his arms.

"Quack doctor, what are you doing, let me down!"

Zhang Feiya kept struggling, what did he want to do!Look at his ugly face at this moment, he seems to be very angry, what exactly does he want!

What happened last night was not what she wanted to happen, and she didn't know what to do!

"Zhang Feiya, I didn't tell you to wait for me, why are you running!"

This was the first time he spoke so loudly. He felt that his patience was almost worn out by this woman. He told her to wait for her but ran away. What did she mean? Could it be that he treated last night as nothing.

Think it's over if you run away?Is she a woman?

"I'm not, run, I'm in a hurry!"

Looking at those sharp black eyes, Zhang Feiya couldn't speak fluently.

"Is it urgent? Look at you, you don't even make a good draft when you lie. What is more urgent than what happened last night?"

Ye Haoxuan directly exposed her lies, what's the matter?This matter is related to her reputation, what is more important than her reputation.

"I, I don't know what happened last night! Then what do you tell me to do!"

Zhang Feiya pursed her lips and looked aggrieved. This was not something she wanted to happen. If he didn't want to, maybe she would.

"Things have already happened, so why don't you run away without knowing it, and treat it as if nothing happened."

Ye Haoxuan disagreed with what she said, what does it mean that she ran away without knowing what to do.

If that's the case, wouldn't he be able to run too!But he, who has always been responsible, would not do this.

"I, I don't know, tell me what you want to do! I know you don't like me, and this kind of thing is not what we want to see. I also suffer, okay? You suffer and I suffer, so let's just Is this good!"

Zhang Feiya discussed that both of them were at a disadvantage, so this matter can only be regarded as never happened.

Although she still has some grudges in her heart, what else can she do!Who let her run into such a bad thing!
"You mean to tell me to treat what happened last night as if nothing happened."

Ye Haoxuan's complexion changed, and he suppressed the anger in his heart. If the woman said "yes", he really didn't know if he would do anything or beat her up.

"Yes, yes, that's it! You agree, don't you!"

Not noticing Ye Haoxuan's expression, Zhang Feiya heard what he said and thought he agreed with her.

If he doesn't mind, then she can rest assured.

"Zhang Feiya, are you still a woman!"

Ye Haoxuan shouted angrily at her, could it be that she doesn't care about her reputation so much, if it was someone else instead of him last night, would she just let it go.

This woman is not very shrewd, she always haggles over every little thing with him about the cost of medicine, and now it's about her reputation, she doesn't care at all, does she have any brains?

Which is more important, don't you know?

"Quack doctor, what do you mean? Don't you know best if I am a woman?"

Zhang Feiya roared dissatisfied, he was unwilling to do this, and neither was she. This matter was related to her reputation and was her most important thing, so she thought she would not be sad.

This quack doctor is still angry at her, isn't she wronged?But what can she do!

Speaking of this, Zhang Feiya's eyes were red, but she had a stubborn face and refused to admit defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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