Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 324 I Don't Need You To Be Responsible

Chapter 324 I Don't Need You To Be Responsible
Seeing her sad face, Ye Haoxuan realized that what he said just now was a bit serious, so his face softened a lot, "Sorry, what I said just now was too serious, don't take it to heart."

Ye Haoxuan apologized and said that this incident was not her fault, but he was inexplicably angry when he saw her acting as if it had nothing to do with him just now, but now seeing her being so wronged, he was somewhat worried.

He thought she could really act as if nothing had happened, but she actually cared about it, so he had to make it clear to her.

"You put me down!"

She didn't expect that he would take the initiative to apologize to her. At this time, she couldn't swear all the bad words in her stomach, but she was still not used to being hugged so intimately by him. Some fragments of last night couldn't help flashing through her mind. Here she blushed even more.

"Now is not the time to be angry. Your foot is still injured. If you have anything to do, wait until you get home."

Ye Haoxuan insisted, this woman didn't even look at what was going on, her feet were so swollen and she wanted to run away, she really planned to think that running would solve the problem.

When Zhang Feiya heard that he was going to take her home, she immediately shook her head and refused, "I don't want to go to your house, you can say whatever you want."

If this went to his house, if Uncle Ye found out that the two of them had a relationship, he would definitely be forced to take responsibility. Such a situation was not what she wanted to see. ,
Since she can't run away, it's better to speak clearly, otherwise the quack doctor will definitely catch her and make things worse, and she will be ashamed!

"Then let's sit in a restaurant and talk about our affairs!"

Look at this woman's frightened expression when she heard that she was going to his house. Is it necessary to be so nervous?
However, seeing her current reaction was better than her indifferent look just now, Ye Haoxuan felt inexplicably better.


Zhang Feiya hummed lightly, while Ye Haoxuan hugged her directly.

She was carried into the dining room by him in such a swaggering way, which attracted the attention of many people along the way.

"Over there, over there!"

Zhang Feiya pointed to a relatively hidden place by the window in a low voice, for fear of being watched like this, and Ye Haoxuan saw her embarrassing red face, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. When this woman is also shy, he can vaguely I remember when she made a fuss in the hospital and was shameless.

Ye Haoxuan listened to her, walked over there, and put her down.

"are you hungry?"

Ye Haoxuan looked at her and asked, and Zhang Feiya nodded silently. In fact, she was already starving to death. She didn't feel that much when she was busy running away just now. Now that she sat down, she felt that the bones in her body were about to be torn apart, and her stomach was still beating. .

"What do you want to eat?" Ye Haoxuan asked softly.

"I can do whatever I want, eat whatever is cheap."

Zhang Feiya said casually, now she just wants to serve food quickly to fill her stomach, she is almost starving to death.

This is Ye Haoxuan's rare chuckle when he heard such words, but it's not surprising that these words came from this woman's mouth, after all, she went to the hospital to make a big fuss for money!
"What are you laughing at!"

Seeing the smile on his face, Zhang Feiya felt that it was an eyesore. Anyway, he laughed as much as he liked, she was just so stingy.

Fearing that he would leave when he gets angry, Ye Haoxuan didn't make fun of him anymore, and he ordered food with the waiter at the side.

The dish hadn't been served yet, and the atmosphere was a little quiet. Zhang Feiya lowered her head and kept silent, appearing extraordinarily quiet.

"Fiya, I need to talk to you about what happened last night!"

This was the first time that Ye Haoxuan called her name in such a peaceful voice. When he called her like this, there was an inexplicable feeling rippling in his heart, soft and indescribably strange.

"What happened last night was not what we wanted to happen. You don't have to be responsible to me."

Zhang Feiya spoke first, and Ye Haoxuan was ready to talk to her, but now she acted like she was not in the way, the inexplicable anger in his heart surged up again, but when he thought of her aggrieved expression just now, This time Ye Haoxuan could only hold back his anger.

"Everything has a cause and an effect. Since it happened, we can't deny it, but choose to accept it."

Ye Haoxuan said patiently, but Zhang Feiya was confused, what did he mean by that.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Feiya is straightforward and asks questions when she doesn't understand.

"I will be responsible for you."

Ye Haoxuan said succinctly, while Zhang Feiya's mouth was wide open. In fact, he thought that a decent person like him would definitely say such a responsible thing, but when he heard him say it in person, he felt a little unspeakable joy in his heart.

Startled by her own thoughts, why is she happy?Don't you hate him the most!
"I've said that you don't need to be responsible. You don't like me, and I don't like you. If we are forced together because of what happened last night, neither of us will be happy." Zhang Feiya said truthfully, she vaguely remembered last night Some fragments of it, he seemed to be calling other women's names, he should be her as the person he likes.

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly shrank, and there was a dull pain.

"We can try to be together. Don't some people develop their relationship slowly after they get married?"

Ye Haoxuan continued, he admits that he still can't let go of Si Lian in his heart, but he has a relationship with her, he must be responsible for her, he can't guarantee that he will fall in love with her immediately, but after a long time together, the relationship between the two of them is also will change further.

"I'm with you? I guess it won't be able to be cultivated!"

Zhang Feiya shook her head. If the two still couldn't fall in love at that time, wouldn't it be a divorce? Maybe she might like him a little at that time, but he still likes that person in his heart, so what should she do?

She doesn't want to try such an unstable relationship, what she wants is someone who truly loves her and takes care of her, she can't stand any emotional toss, she just wants a harmonious family, and doesn't want to be like her parents, who have a bad relationship, It's not arguing or fighting all day long.

She is a very selfish person, she just wants to find someone who loves her and understands her, she will not try to love others first.

"If you don't try, why don't you know that we are not suitable?"

Ye Haoxuan was dissatisfied with her statement, she concluded that it was impossible for the two of them to speak so lightly.

"If I say it's not suitable, it's not suitable. Anyway, I don't need you to take responsibility."

Zhang Feiya said stubbornly, being used as a stand-in is a bad thing, anyway, she won't be with him.

"Zhang Feiya, if it's another man, don't you just do the same?"

Ye Haoxuan was a little annoyed, no matter who it was, could she just pretend that nothing happened, what was going on in her mind.

"Of course not."

Zhang Feiya retorted that if it was any other man, she would definitely pester him to take responsibility for him, but if it was him, naturally she couldn't.

Anyway, she couldn't tell why.

"Then why can't I do it?"

Seeing her answer, Ye Haoxuan felt better, but what he couldn't figure out was why other men could do it, but he couldn't.

"Quack doctor, let me tell you the truth, what Zhang Feiya wants is someone who loves me wholeheartedly, and you don't love me, so why should I be with you?"

Zhang Feiya said it as a matter of course, but he was rendered speechless by her words.

He admits that he really doesn't love her that much now, but it doesn't mean he won't love her in the future.

When Zhang Feiya saw that he was silent, a sneering smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Look at yourself and you know that you don't love me, so why do you force yourself to be with me? What happened last night didn't matter. It’s not what you and I want to happen, we’re still going back to the road, don’t mess with anyone.”

"Are you sure you don't want me to be responsible?"

Ye Haoxuan said with an ugly face, he really didn't know what to say about her, this was the first time he was so shamelessly responsible to a woman, but she didn't appreciate it at all.


Zhang Feiya said with a stubborn face that she will find someone who loves her and understands her, but that person hasn't found her yet.

"Zhang Feiya, you said this, don't regret it."

Ye Haoxuan didn't expect that she would speak so terribly, and that she didn't care, so what the hell did he care about.

Ye Haoxuan became more and more depressed, and couldn't figure out what she was awkward about.

Didn't Xin'er say that she doesn't have a boyfriend?Last night was her first time, and she just didn't care.

"No regrets!"

Zhang Feiya said every word, but when she said this, she felt a tight pain in her chest, but she still said it.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't force it."

Ye Haoxuan said with a distant face, since people don't appreciate it, why is he still stalking him!

Zhang Feiya nodded, and Ye Haoxuan's face was very ugly when he saw her reaction.

Neither of them spoke anymore, the atmosphere was very tense, the waiter just brought up the dishes, put them away, and then went down again.

Ye Haoxuan looked at the meals on the table, then looked at her drooping her head without saying a word, her face softened, "Eat when you're hungry."

"it is good!"

Zhang Feiya pouted angrily, picked up the chopsticks, and began to eat quietly.

Seeing her quiet and obedient appearance, Ye Haoxuan's face was full of depression. Could it be that this woman really has nothing to say, anyway, they are also a one-night couple, Bai Yeen, and she really treats him as a stranger.

"Eat more, don't waste it."

Ye Haoxuan helped her pick up vegetables, while Zhang Feiya raised her head with surprise in her eyes.

"Thank you!"

Seeing her polite attitude, Ye Haoxuan became more and more irritated. They did what they should do last night, they were very close, but now they behaved so strangely, what is this?

"After eating, go to the mall to buy your clothes."

Ye Haoxuan said casually, look at what she's wearing now, even though she's wearing his coat on the outside, but she's wearing this business attire, there is no support inside, and she looks empty, which attracts more attention.


Zhang Feiya was stunned, what did he say.

"Are you going to go back dressed like this?"

Ye Haoxuan's eyes fell on her, and he glanced up and down. Zhang Feiya was stared at by him, and hurriedly pulled his clothes.

"Stinky rascal! What are you looking at!"

Zhang Feiya couldn't help cursing, this pious guy.

"It's nothing to look at." Ye Haoxuan couldn't help but venomously said, besides, he not only saw it, but also touched it last night.

Speaking of this, the events of last night were replaying in my mind. Although this woman's body is thin, she still has what she should have, and she feels very good.

"You, quack doctor! I don't need your hypocrisy."

This guy really knows people, faces, but doesn't know his heart. He took advantage of everything, and now he despises it.

Seeing her angry face with puffy face, Ye Haoxuan felt unspeakably proud, thinking that she really didn't care at all as she said on the surface.

After eating, Zhang Feiya wiped her mouth with a tissue and prepared to leave.

She doesn't want to see this duplicity guy for a moment now, and when she sees him, she gets very angry.

"Where do you want to go!"

Seeing that she was about to run, Ye Haoxuan chased after her immediately after paying the money. As soon as this woman got angry, she left as soon as she said it.

I don't even look at how swollen my feet are. If this continues, will her feet still be gone? Look at her walking posture. This woman is uncomfortable but still holding on.

Ye Haoxuan chased after him, while Zhang Feiya limped along with an angry face.

Ye Haoxuan chased after her, and hugged her up without saying a word, "Smelly quack, let me down, I don't need you to worry about it."

As she spoke, Zhang Feiya clenched her hands into fists and kept beating his shoulder.

Ye Haoxuan stretched out his hand, and hit her little butt without thinking, Zhang Feiya's body tensed up, not daring to hit him indiscriminately anymore.

This woman, if she doesn't teach her a lesson, she won't be good.

"Smelly quack, where are you taking me, I want to go home!"

"go home!"

Ye Haoxuan said succinctly that her feet are so swollen now, if she doesn't apply the medicine in time, she won't be able to walk by then.

"But this is not the way to my house!"

"Go back to my house!"

"I don't want to, you put me down, I don't want to go to your house!"

As soon as she heard that she was going back to Ye's house, Zhang Feiya struggled. If Ye Haoxuan didn't hug her tightly, she would almost fall off. This woman couldn't stop tossing.

Without even thinking about it, Ye Haoxuan slapped her little butt hard, Zhang Feiya looked aggrieved.

Where is this quack doctor beating!

"I don't want to go to your house, quack doctor, do you hear that!"

Zhang Feiya emphasized again that she had a bad feeling, and she would never think about it.

"What are you afraid of? You said you didn't care. I brought you home just to apply medicine to you."

Ye Haoxuan said calmly, he vaguely knew what she was nervous about, this woman was afraid of his father, if he took her back, he should let her father teach her a good lesson.

"I don't need your help, I will go to the hospital by myself."

Zhang Feiya said hastily, she is about to go to Ye's house now, how can this work!

According to Uncle Ye's temperament of killing relatives righteously, if he knew that she was with the quack doctor, he would definitely ask the quack doctor to marry her, and she didn't want to go!
"I am the doctor."

Ye Haoxuan smiled, this woman just said very righteously, what are you afraid of now.

"You are a quack, you don't work!"

"I can't help it, who made you bump into me, I like to meddle in other people's business the most." Ye Haoxuan said with an unreasonable face, and when he found out that he was arguing with this woman, his emotions were also stirred up.

The protest was ineffective, Ye Haoxuan still carried Zhang Feiya back home.

(End of this chapter)

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