Chapter 330

I knew that this woman had no conscience, and she didn't call to report her safety when she returned home, making him restless, and worried that something would happen to her on the road. After all, her foot was injured now, and if she encountered any gangsters, she would run away if she wanted to. but.

"Quack doctor!!! It's you! How do you know my phone number!"

Zhang Feiya exclaimed, she never thought that he would actually call. She was thinking of getting rid of him just now, but she didn't expect him to come to her instead. How did he know her phone number? She didn't know I remember telling him.

She sorted out her emotions, for fear that her sad emotions would be discovered by him.

At this moment, I was indescribably surprised, and mixed with a little nervousness.

"How dare you say that, didn't you tell me to call me as soon as you got home? If you don't call, then I have to call you. "

This woman didn't ask why she called, but the first question was how did she know her number? It seemed that she really wanted to get rid of him, but she didn't even think about it. She wanted to get her relevant information and then... It couldn't be easier.

"I forgot for a moment."

Zhang Feiya said with a guilty face, if the quack doctor knew that she didn't call on purpose, maybe with his ability, he would not only know her phone number, but he might find her directly.

"Forget it, but you forgot it in time."

Ye Haoxuan smiled lightly, this woman doesn't make drafts when she lies.

He was sure that if he didn't call her, she definitely wouldn't call.

"It's just right, and the talking fee is quite expensive. I've got that quack doctor home now. If it's okay, I'll hang up."

Zhang Feiya laughed a few times and continued.

Now that they knew she was home, they seemed to have nothing to talk about, and they had nothing to talk about when they met, let alone on the phone now.

"Wait, I still have something to say!"

As soon as Ye Haoxuan heard that she was going to hang up, he said in time, this woman really has her, and it doesn't cost much to call her, look how stingy she is.

"Huh? What can the two of us talk about?"

Zhang Feiya spoke very directly, she didn't remember any topics to talk to him about.

"You! How's your foot?"

Ye Haoxuan was so angry with her that he almost lost his patience. Fortunately, he adjusted his mood in time, otherwise they would have to quarrel again.

"It's okay!"

Zhang Feiya looked at her feet and applied the medicine. The pain is not so bad now, and it should be effective.

"Remember to come and ask me to apply the medicine in three days."

Ye Haoxuan didn't forget to remind that this way of chatting is a bit dry, isn't this woman usually able to talk when meeting, why is it so quiet on the phone now, making him a little bit speechless.

"let's discuss it later!"

Zhang Feiya said perfunctorily that she had decided to keep a distance from him, so naturally she would not look for him again.

"You'd better do what you say, or I won't just call you when the time comes."

Ye Haoxuan warned, don't think he doesn't know what he's thinking, this matter is endless, and he doesn't want to.

"It's my feet, none of your business!"

Hearing his domineering tone, Zhang Feiya couldn't help but gag.

"Your people are mine now, and your feet are naturally mine. I am naturally responsible for her."

Ye Haoxuan's tone was domineering, swearing his sovereignty.

"Who wants you to be responsible, I don't care!"

Zhang Feiya's voice became tense, what did this guy say.

Usually a serious guy, but now the conversation is full of ridicule, a sanctimonious guy.

"Damn girl, why are you staying in there? Why don't you hurry up and come out to work, you really think of yourself as a rich lady!"

There was a scolding sound outside the door, and the curse was ugly.

Zhang Feiya listened to the scolding outside, subconsciously wanted to hang up the phone, for fear of being heard by Ye Haoxuan.

"Who is speaking?"

Ye Haoxuan listened to the scolding sound coming from the phone, it sounded very uncomfortable, who is this man?A big man actually said such ugly words, is he scolding her?

"Stinky quack, I won't tell you anymore, I have something to hang up."

Hearing his question, subconsciously not wanting him to know about her, Zhang Feiya hastily cut off the call.


"Damn girl, are you deaf, why don't you get out and cook!"

The rough voice came to mind again outside the door. Zhang Feiya looked at the phone in her hand, and then listened to the voice outside. She forced a wry smile on the corner of her mouth.

Ye Haoxuan looked at the phone that was hung up, and he called back again. The man's voice just now was vaguely heard, no, she must have something.

Zhang Feiya just put down her phone and was about to go out, but unexpectedly the phone on the table rang again, she looked at the number on it, it was him calling, she hesitated for a moment, her father's impatient voice came from outside again, Zhang Feiya was heartbroken and turned off the phone directly.

They are not from the same world at all, their identities are very different, his family is illustrious, and her family... No matter what, she must not embarrass their Ye family, you must know that their family is a bottomless pit, she Her parents are gamblers, this hole will never be filled one day, if she is really with a quack doctor, according to her parents' temperament, she will only go to Ye's house to ask for money again and again, she doesn't want to see such a situation screen.

Xiaoye and Uncle Ye are all good people, she can't do this.

Ye Haoxuan continued to dial, but he didn't expect her phone to be turned off. What happened to this woman, she hung up halfway through.

Ye Haoxuan frowned, could it be related to that man just now?
Judging from the man's voice, he seemed to be about the same age as him, but behaved rudely. Could it be her family?
Reminiscent of her sometimes gloomy face and forced smile, it is possible that it has something to do with her family.

Xin'er said before that she was going in the direction of getting married, but they had a relationship, logically she should readily accept that he was responsible for her, but she didn't, maybe she refused because of her family relationship.

Thinking about it, it's really possible. I'd better ask Xin'er to see if she knows her family situation.

Zhang Feiya put the phone in the drawer, and then walked out.

As soon as she opened the door, she was greeted with swearing, "Damn girl, what did you do after dying inside for so long, I want to starve to death, why don't you hurry up and cook."

Zhang Feiya was already tired of this way of life, this time she did not back down, "Dad, didn't you see that my foot hurts badly?"

Why do they only see money and her value in their eyes, why can't they see her injury!
Her face was cold, this time she didn't want to wrong herself like this again.

All these years, it wasn't she who went outside alone to support her, but they used her hard-earned money to gamble. Don't they know that her life is not easy?

To save money, she hardly hangs out with her friends, but they do!Her heart really hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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