Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 331 Did You Come To Come To Come To Me? Chapter [-]

Chapter 331 Did You Come To Come To See My Joke?
Could it be that what she gave made them sink deeper and deeper? She suddenly realized that she had done something wrong. What she did would only harm them and make them sink deeper and deeper. Only by cutting off their source of income can they survive No money to gamble.

But she was wrong, how could a person who is addicted to a bad gamble give up, wouldn't they borrow money if they had no money?
This is the last time she came back, and she won't come back in a short time, her heart is completely cold, and she doesn't expect them to care about her, she just hopes that they quit this gambling, and she will come back by then look at them.

"Damn girl, it's her feet and not her hands that were hurt, she can still cook, what are you talking about, I don't want to cook." Zhang Tianfu said angrily, this stinky girl is obviously lazy, and she used this wound as an excuse , It is clear that I am full outside.

I knew that this girl had no conscience, she only cared about her own food and disregarded her parents, so she might as well just get married and earn some gift money for her family.

Seeing her father's ferocious face, and the fact that every sentence he said was even worse than one sentence, Zhang Feiya looked chilled, and she continued to insist, "I feel uncomfortable all over now, if you think it's troublesome to do it yourself , you might as well go to the stall outside to eat."

"Well, you damn girl, your wings are stiff, you dare to talk to me with such an attitude, don't think that I can't beat you now, since you don't cook, you can get money!"

Zhang Tianfu said that he was about to slap Zhang Feiya, but he didn't do it because he thought that this damn girl would marry a good family with her face.

He just reached out to her for money. Since this girl doesn't cook, he might as well take some more money from her to gamble.

This dead girl just took such a small amount of money, maybe she has hidden a lot of money.

Zhang Feiya looked surprised, "Didn't I just give you the money just now?"

Could it be that in the blink of an eye, he gambled away his money.

She has less than one thousand left on her, and she has to pay the rent and live in a few days. He must spend all her money before he is willing to give up.

"You said it was just now. Now I want to eat. If you don't cook, I will naturally ask you for money. Otherwise, why did I raise you since childhood and pay for your college education?"

Zhang Tianfu took it for granted, but Zhang Feiya looked chilled.

He can still say this, since she was sensible, she has been doing handwork at home to earn tuition fees, and even used her hard-earned tuition fees to gamble, which made her almost unable to go to school at that time. Fortunately, at that time, I met a good head teacher who temporarily helped her pay for her tuition. From elementary school to university, it was either the money for her handicrafts or the money for her to go out to work a few part-time jobs a day. He could say that he gave birth to her, but he never gave birth to her. to the responsibility of being a father.

"I don't have any money. As for the food, you can take care of it yourself."

Zhang Feiya said directly, and was about to close the door after speaking, but she didn't expect Zhang Tianfu to be angry, and kicked the door open with her foot. Zhang Feiya didn't pay attention, and the door hit her forehead, and her forehead suddenly became red and swollen. The wound oozes out, very clearly.

"You dead girl, you asked for it yourself, who told you not to give me money."

When Zhang Tianfu saw the injury on her head, he didn't feel guilty but acted like she deserved it. He rushed into her room and started searching randomly, determined to find half a penny from her.

Zhang Feiya stroked her injured forehead and smiled wryly. She was used to this kind of scene.

She didn't feel the wound hurt at all, it was her heart that hurt, she was obviously numb, but there was still a dull pain in her heart, it was very uncomfortable.

What is the head of such a day!She looked tired.

Zhang Tianfu finally found more than 100 yuan in her bag, with a look of disgust, but still put the money in his pocket, "That's all, you damn girl said that you work in an office and earn that little in a month. You might as well pay more for a hotel pick-up."

Before Zhang Tianfu left, he did not forget to scold. Zhang Feiya stood there with a silent expression.

I don't know how many times I have heard these ugly words, her ears are callused, but her heart is bleeding.

She bit her lip, raised her head habitually, sniffed, and then started to pack her things, this time she will not come back again.

Zhang Feiya packed up her things and limped downstairs. As for her parents who couldn't stay at home, maybe they were having a good time gambling outside now. Looking at this house, it was messy and empty. Everything has been taken to gamble, what kind of home is this!

Before she left, she looked back reluctantly for a few times. She obviously felt that there was nothing to love, but the human heart was really strange, and she still kept a trace of expectation in her heart.

She hoped that they would turn back soon, but she had been looking forward to it for so many years, but they still failed one by one.

Zhang Feiya walked out of the alley with her luggage in her hands, and limped to the bus stop. Suddenly, she found that her father had taken away the little money she had just paid for the bus ride. She didn't know what to do for a while. It's good to do it.

She has no money, and it is difficult to go anywhere. I remember that it was the same situation once, and her money was still taken away by her father. At that time, she came out and stopped the car. In other words, she told the driver to pay the money later, or even more. Pay a little, but the driver drove away after scolding her, and she didn't want to see such a thing happen again.

She doesn't blame anyone, after all, in today's society, even helping others may be framed, let alone taking a car without money.

She rubbed her hot eyebrows, took out her mobile phone from her bag, and looked at her address book again, only to realize that there was really no one to contact.

Because I was in a hurry to find someone to help, I naturally didn't see the dozens of missed calls in the address book.

No money, no friends, Zhang Feiya, you are living in a more and more embarrassing situation.

Zhang Feiya smiled self-deprecatingly, she sat there leaning against her, bowing her head in silence.

Just when she was worrying about how to go back and racked her brains for a solution, the mobile phone rang suddenly, and she couldn't help being startled, pulling her out of her thoughts.

Zhang Feiya looked at the phone listlessly, who else is calling her at this time.

She picked it up casually, with a somewhat disappointed tone, "Hello? Who is it?"

"Zhang Feiya, where are you now!"

Ye Haoxuan's tone was anxious and joyful, and he finally dialed the phone. Why couldn't this woman get through the phone just now? After he made so many calls, she finally turned on the phone.

Thinking of the voice of the rude man on the phone just now, and then she turned off the phone again, he was worried that something would happen to her, so he called Xin'er to ask her home address, but Xin'er said she didn't know, but finally asked her Her colleagues probably knew the location of her hometown, so he navigated here, but the surrounding terrain is a bit complicated, and now they don't know where to turn.

Now that she finally turned on the phone, he didn't know that his whole heart was hanging on the beam of his heart along the way, and he was afraid that something would happen to her. This was the first time he was so uneasy. This woman really worried him.

Originally, he wanted to yell at her, but at this moment, through her voice, he heard the helplessness in her tone, and he couldn't get angry at all.

Now I just want to ask where she is, is An safe!Nothing else was important compared to her safety, he just wanted to find her quickly and see her.

"Quack doctor, is that you?" Zhang Feiya's voice was choked up, and she couldn't control her emotions.

Hearing his gentle voice, at this moment, she couldn't help but feel a little warmth in her heart, and she couldn't express the joy in her heart. She never thought that at this time, someone would come to her, and it was the quack doctor she hated the most.

Her heart suddenly became bitter, and her eyes turned red unconsciously.

"It's me, where are you now, send me the address, and I'll find you!"

Ye Haoxuan didn't ask any further questions, but asked her for the address directly.

You must know that this woman usually looks strong in front of him, but now her tone is very strange, something must have happened, otherwise how could her voice sound so helpless and wronged!
"No, I'm fine now."

Zhang Feiya said with a brave face, she subconsciously didn't want the quack doctor to see her in a mess, anyway, she just didn't want him to see it.

"Zhang Feiya, don't talk nonsense, give me your address quickly."

Ye Haoxuan took an orderly tone, because of the urgent relationship, his attitude seemed a little blunt, and he just couldn't help but see her now.

And when he yelled like this, Zhang Feiya felt aggrieved in her heart and couldn't help crying. She sobbed, "Stinky quack, why are you yelling at me! Why do you order me like this, who are you to me!"

She's already like this, and still talking about her like that, what's wrong with her, she's so unlovable.

Hearing the crying on the other side of the phone, Ye Haoxuan felt that his atrium was severely torn. He actually wanted to ask her address, but never thought of yelling at her. It was the first time he heard her crying in front of him. I was a little overwhelmed.

"Zhang Feiya, stop crying. It's all my fault. My attitude shouldn't be so bad. Where are you now? I'm lost at the entrance of Huaxi Alley."

Ye Haoxuan's voice couldn't help softening a lot. Knowing that she had lost her virginity in the morning, she had never been so wronged and cried so much. There must be something wrong now, and she couldn't restrain her emotions and started crying in front of him.

Hearing sobs from the opposite side made his heart ache, damn it, what did he say just now!
Ye Haoxuan looked depressed, and wanted to bite off his tongue.

"Huaxi Lane, why are you near my house!"

Hearing his apology, Zhang Feiya vented a lot of grievances in her heart, but she was surprised that Ye Haoxuan came to Huaxi Lane, could it be that he came to find her?
No, how could a quack doctor come to her specially!
"I came here to find you at the risk of being caught by the traffic police. Tell me your current address, and I'll pick you up!"

Ye Haoxuan spoke humorously, wanting to make her laugh.

"Why are you looking for me! I told you that I have gone home."

Zhang Feiya was indeed amused by him successfully. I really can't see that a person who abides by principles like him would violate the rules. I really can't see it!

I remember talking to him just now, but I didn't expect him to be at the entrance of Huaxi Lane now, this guy came by flying, he is not afraid of death!

But what is he doing here?How did he know her home address?

"Anyway, I'm lost here now, you have to take me out."

He had lied for the first time in order to get her to give him the address.

"It's none of my business. You came here with nothing to do. You deserve to get lost."

Zhang Feiya sniffed, with a tone that deserved it, even though she said so, the expression on her face did not look so relaxed.

The smelly quack doctor is not very good, how could he get lost, and I don’t know if he is deliberately teasing her, but the terrain here is indeed a bit complicated, especially the alleys strewn around, it is easy to make people faint, maybe Smelly quack he really lost his way.

"Fiya, now is not the time to joke. Although you and I had a little grievance before, I still carefully healed your foot injury for you. You will not be ungrateful!"

Ye Haoxuan said a little bit weakly, this little path naturally won't trouble her, but in order to find her, how can I not show weakness at this time!
And he found that as long as he softened his attitude a little, she wouldn't always be against her.

After finding out her little temper, he naturally found a way to deal with her.

"I'm not such an ungrateful person, tell me which alley you are in now, and I'll find you."

Zhang Feiya said sullenly, ready to stand up and look for him.

"No, you just need to guide me your current address, and then you can take me out, otherwise I will faint again in here."

As soon as Ye Haoxuan heard that she was going to turn her feet, her feet were injured at this time, so naturally she couldn't let her go anymore.

"I'm at the bus station now. I'll guide you to the address. You can walk out by yourself. If it doesn't work then, I'll go find you."

"it is good."

The corner of Ye Haoxuan's mouth showed a satisfied arc, so he knew that she had a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

Zhang Feiya gave him the address, and specially marked some difficult alleys so that he could see clearly. According to his shrewd mind, it should not be difficult for him, but it may take a while to get around. time.

Zhang Feiya sat there, took out a wet towel from her bag and wiped her face, and put her bangs aside to cover the wound on her forehead, for fear that Ye Haoxuan would catch her in such a bad state. I don't have the money to take a taxi back, so I will use my words to ride back in his car.

Zhang Feiya sat here for a while, thinking that Ye Haoxuan would hang around for a while, but she didn't expect him to come here so soon.

His car horn honked, and Zhang Feiya looked up just in time to see him open the car door and come out.

She was stunned, how could he come out so quickly?Judging by his calm face, he doesn't appear to be lost and anxious at all, so it's possible that he wasn't lost at all.

"Smelly quack, you are not lost at all, did you come to see my joke on purpose?"

Seeing how relaxed he was, she couldn't help thinking about it.

"I did get lost in it just now, but I'm always calm when things happen. Being nervous will only make my mind unclear. With your guidance just now, I found the way out at once, so naturally I drove faster."

Ye Haoxuan said innocently, I have to say that she is really sensitive, and look at her swollen eyes as big as walnuts, she must have cried just now.

Who was that man just now?Is it her family?It seems that we can only get a little information from her slowly.

"Okay, now that you have found your way, you can go back."

Zhang Feiya pursed her lips and said, now that he has found his way, he can go back. I don't know if it's because of his pride, but she suddenly doesn't want to ask him to give her a ride.

"Okay, get in the car, let's go back together!"

Ye Haoxuan smiled, and took the initiative to help her carry the luggage in her hand. Seeing her current appearance, maybe it was the result of a quarrel with her family just now. Since she doesn't say anything now, he will wait until she is willing Open day.

"What are you doing! Just go by yourself, I will find a way to go back by myself."

His action startled her, she hurriedly dragged her luggage over, she didn't want to take his car now.

It doesn't matter if she is hypocritical or stubborn, anyway, she doesn't need his help now, she doesn't want to owe favors anymore, she can't afford it.

Thinking of what happened at home just now, she subconsciously kept a distance from Ye Haoxuan.

"Aren't you the cheapest at ordinary times? Now I'll drive you back, so you can save money."

Ye Haoxuan frowned, somewhat puzzled by her approach.

She didn't even care about that little phone bill. Now that he takes her back, he can save a lot of money. Why is she not willing? Looking at her small movements, she deliberately kept a distance from him. She really thought that He didn't find out.

What the hell happened to this woman? Why did she become so cautious after going back for such a trip?

"No need, just go back by yourself."

Zhang Feiya shook her head, now she doesn't want to owe him any more favors, she will only talk forever, anyway, the two of them are not from the same world, why bother to get entangled.


Seeing her stubbornness, Ye Haoxuan didn't know what to say for a while, and the two of them were in a stalemate.

When the breeze blew, the jasmine flowers planted on both sides swayed gently, exuding a refreshing fragrance, and at the same time messed up her hair, Ye Haoxuan's eyes happened to fall on the wound on her forehead.

"What's wrong with your forehead?"

As soon as Ye Haoxuan saw her forehead injury, he no longer cared about the difference between men and women, so he came over to see her injury.

Seeing this, Zhang Feiya took a few steps back subconsciously, trying to block it with her hand, but Ye Haoxuan held her hand, "Don't move, let me see!"

His voice was as gentle as the wind, and her heart couldn't help shrinking, and she forgot to resist for a moment.

"How could it hurt?"

Ye Haoxuan asked softly, she was red, swollen and bleeding, how did she take care of herself, she made herself like this just after returning home.

For some reason, seeing her shocking wound, his heart tightened.

You know how many worse injuries he's used to seeing, he seldom frowned, but this time his emotions were easily aroused by her.

Can she still take good care of herself?

 This chapter is [-] words, I hope you like it, vote, and reward Xiao Wu if you have money, Xiao Wu will work hard to update.

(End of this chapter)

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