Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 336 I will leave if I don't open the door

Chapter 336 I will leave if I don't open the door

At this time outside the door, Ye Qingxin and Shangguan Jueshi got out of the car and kept ringing the doorbell, but it was strange that no one came out to open the door after pressing it for so long.

"What's going on? Could it be that they're not here!"

Ye Qingxin wondered, her hand was sore from pressing it down, but there was no one there, what kind of plane is there!

Didn't Lu Manman say that they were all at home just now, even idiot Liu and Leng Saobao came, but there was no one, so they couldn't be teasing her!
If you don't take them to play like this, you must know that she is a birthday star today, so why not give her a surprise?
"probably not!"

Shangguan Jueshi whispered, and Ye Qingxin took out her mobile phone and called Lu Manman, but because she was carried away just now, her mobile phone was thrown on the sofa and no one listened to it.

"It's really strange, my mother hasn't opened her throat for a long time."

Ye Qingxin cleared her throat and was about to call.

When Shangguan Jueshi saw her fighting so hard, a hint of amusement crossed the corner of his mouth.

"Lu Manman, Liu idiots, are you at home? If you are, answer quickly, or I'll go home with the spicy pot and eat it by myself."

Ye Qingxin clasped her hands to her mouth and yelled loudly, if she didn't come out again, she would take it home and enjoy it all by herself, and see what Lu Manman would do then.

"Yi Sheng, I heard Qing Xin calling for someone, let's go there quickly!"

But at this moment, Liu Silian and Leng Yisheng revealed their thoughts to each other and made things clear, and the relationship was reconciled as before.

Too bad, Qingxin is still waiting outside!As I was talking just now, I forgot, and I don't know if Qingxin will get angry.

Liu Silian trotted over quickly, and although Leng Yisheng was very depressed about the fact that she would stay here for a few days, he felt a little better when he thought about what Si Lian said just now that he would give birth to many children .

But at this moment in the room, Lu Manman was hugged into the room before she could scold her enough. She was very upset. She stared at Gu Changye with a dissatisfied expression, "Gu Changye, why are you hugging me in! I haven't sneered yet." What a mouthful!"

Lu Manman was dissatisfied, thinking that Leng Yisheng dared to curse her child just now, she is still angry now.

"Manman, just wait until another day and I'll help you teach him a lesson. It's inconvenient for you to be pregnant now. What should you do if something happens to the big movement just now! That guy Yisheng is just playing tricks, he No ill intentions."

Gu Changye watched his wife take her anger out on him, and he said innocently.

The two of them quarreled so badly just now that they almost had a fight. If they hadn't separated earlier, the scene would have been out of control, not to mention that Yisheng would fight back. As long as she is like this now, she wants to beat people. On the contrary, if you make a mistake, the gain will outweigh the loss.

That guy Yisheng cared most about Liu Silian, and besides, Yisheng's temper was a bit paranoid, if he pushed him into a hurry, he would not be able to control his anger, and what he said was just angry words, he understood all of this.

"Hmph! You are still helping him to speak, what you said is to teach him a lesson for me, and you must be ruthless. Don't show mercy."

Lu Manman entered the room, calmed down for a while, and her anger subsided a lot. She realized that her temper had become a lot more out of control recently. She really suffered. Now that she has calmed down, she is a little more sober.

"Okay, okay, as long as you're happy, I'll definitely beat him to the ground, he can't beat me." Gu Changye nodded in agreement, and said good things to her, and Lu Manman just let it go.

"Lu Manman, idiot Liu, it seems that you really have no luck, I'm leaving."

Ye Qingxin's cry came from below again, and Lu Manman only heard it now that he had calmed down.

"Too bad, Ye Xiaoniu is still down there!"

Lu Manman got up quickly, and walked quickly to the bed. Seeing her being so lavish, Gu Changye was sweating for her.

I hope his seeds are of better quality and can withstand her mother's toss.

Afraid that Ye Qingxin was going to leave, Lu Manman pulled the chain and stuck his head towards the window, "Ye Xiaoniu, don't go, I'll ask someone to open the door."

If Ye Xiaoniu left, wouldn't she not be able to eat Malatang, and she would starve to death by then. What she was thinking about now was the heavy taste. She finally got a taste, but she couldn't just watch it like this The delicious food just flew away.

It's all the fault of Leng Saobao, she didn't fight with her just now, so she won't forget Ye Xiaoniu.

"Lu Manman, do you know how long I waited and pressed for a long time outside, and said that I was going to surprise me. That's how you surprise me."

Ye Qingxin followed the sound source and raised her head, just in time to meet Lu Manman's gaze, her face full of resentment.

He also said that he wanted to surprise her on her birthday, but after a long time, she was asked to wait at the door, not knowing what they were doing.

"Don't go, there are surprises inside, you have to watch!"

Lu Manman anxiously asked to stay, and then looked at the big pot of Malatang held in Shangguan Jueshi's hands, the aroma wafted up, she couldn't help but swallowed, her stomach was beating loudly.

"Okay then, you hurry up and open the door, I'd like to see some surprises."

As soon as Ye Qingxin heard that they had prepared a surprise for her, she naturally didn't plan to leave. Of course, what she said was angry, and it was rare for everyone to get together, so she naturally didn't want to leave either.

"Gu Changye, Gu Changye, hurry up and open the door!"

Lu Manman urged Gu Changye who was on the side, but Gu Changye didn't care, "Liu Silian and Yisheng went down to open the door."

"Qingxin, I'm coming."

Liu Silian hurried over and opened the door.

"Idiot Liu, I thought you weren't here! You really are, I've been ringing the doorbell for so long, are you deaf!"

When Ye Qingxin saw Liu Silian, she couldn't help cursing, and then she looked at the idiot Liu's complexion, and her face was rounded a lot. It seems that this cold showman is good to her, and she is going to fatten her up to death. ah.

"Hee hee, I'm here to open the door."

Liu Silian laughed a few times, then looked at Shangguan Jueshi beside him, with a stern face, she didn't dare to laugh out loud.

On the other hand, Leng Yisheng walked over slowly, cast a glance at Shangguan Jueshi, and his eyes fell on her again. The man's mouth stinks as soon as he opened his mouth, "Jueshi, wild cat, I said you are so commemorative." Days, you can't go outside for romance by yourself."

Really, what's the point of asking them to come over to join in the fun without going to the world of the two of them on such a good day.

It's good now, and his Si Lian will stay at Lu Manman's house for a few days, Leng Yisheng is always very dissatisfied with this matter.

If it were him, he would definitely bring Si Lian to happy, so he wouldn't join in the fun with them.

(End of this chapter)

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