Chapter 337
"Lengshaobao, you will die if you keep your mouth shut, why does it stink like shit in the toilet when you open your mouth!"

Before Ye Qingxin could open her mouth, Lu Manman from upstairs opened her mouth. Why is this cold flirt so annoying, I can't keep my mouth clean.

If it weren't for Liu idiot's relationship, who would invite him to come together, it would be an eyesore to watch.

I don't know why, but she didn't like Leng Sao Bao before, but now she looks at it for a long time, and it's even more annoying.

And Ye Qingxin suppressed her laughter, and did not forget to give Lu Manman a thumbs up. What Lu Manman said was exactly what she wanted to say. This Leng Saobao couldn't say something nice in the first sentence when they met. I really don't know Liu Manman How can I stand him? It's no different from a dog skin plaster.

As soon as Lu Manman opened his mouth, Leng Yisheng burst into flames of anger, and the sparks in the air ignited again, tumbling ragingly, and seeing that he was about to fuck again, Liu Silian took his hand in time, "Yisheng."

Hearing Liu Silian's soft call, Leng Yisheng finally came back to his senses, he almost got angry just now, these two women, why don't they want to see him so much!

He is just a cheap talker, and he offended someone by saying that casually.

Liu Silian tugged at the hem of his clothes again, motioning for him to say something, Leng Yisheng was willing to show his face.

"Forget it, wild cat, happy birthday!" Leng Yisheng said unwillingly, if it wasn't for Si Lian's sake, he would have left long ago.

"Thank you!"

Ye Qingxin smiled, looking at the situation, Lu Manman probably had a fight with Leng Yisheng just now.

This Leng Yisheng's mouth is a bit stinky, but he doesn't have any bad intentions, but just now when Manman is in a rage, it is expected to do it.

"Qingxin, go in, go in!"

Afraid that they would fight again, Liu Silian took Ye Qingxin's hand and walked inside. She was still a little afraid of the cold air emanating from Shangguan Jueshi's body, but in order to prevent them from quarreling, she had no choice but to bite the bullet. up.

She can vaguely feel that her spine is now chilly, and she is almost frozen.

But Shangguan Jueshi and Leng Yisheng walked behind, seeing his wife walking so close to the wild cat, Leng Yisheng looked aggrieved.

He felt that everything he had done during this period seemed to be in vain. He wanted to divert Si Lian's attention and let her focus more on him, but when she got together with Yemao and Lu Manman, her gaze It's not on him anymore.

At this moment, he looked at the backs of the two of them with a displeased expression on his face, just like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Shangguan Jueshi gave him a look of contempt, can he still behave like a man, and hang around a fool all day long.

"Idiot Liu, did Lu Manman and Leng Sao of your family settle the fight just now?" Ye Qingxin couldn't help gossiping.

"Enn, Manman is emotionally unstable now, and Yisheng is open-mouthed. The two of them got into a fight accidentally. They almost had a fight just now. It wasn't me and Gu Changye who stopped it in time. They didn't know what would happen when they separated. What's the matter!"

Liu Silian said while walking, her tone was full of helplessness.

"Then I missed a good show! But idiot Liu, your Lengshao Bao sticks to you like a bullshit plaster, don't you feel tired!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, if Shangguan Jueshi was bored with her and stared at her 24 hours a day, she wouldn't be able to bear it, at least they would have each other's private space.

"It's okay, but I told him just now, let him stand a little longer, and we all know that Yisheng is a bit paranoid."

Liu Silian didn't have any troubles, she still felt quite happy when she was with Yisheng most of the time, if she was not in a good mood for a few days, she felt a little cumbersome, most of the rest were fine, and there was no problem.

"Idiot Liu, I have to say that this cold show bag is pretty good to you. Look at how round your face has become recently."

Ye Qingxin teased that, apart from being so paranoid and stubborn, Leng Saobao took good care of Liu idiot in other ways, and Liu idiot also seemed very happy.

"Qingxin, don't talk about me, don't you realize that you have grown a lot more round?"

Liu Silian smiled and said, and the mellowness of the heart is obvious.

"It's not Shangguan Jueshi who always cooks delicious food. I get fat when I eat too much."

That's what she said, but there was a bit of complacency in her tone.

The two chatted and walked, and immediately left behind the two men.

Leng Yisheng expressed very dissatisfied, "Jay Shi, I don't even know what to say about you. Don't you think it's a pity that you don't go romantic with wild cats on such a beautiful day!"

I don't know what Jazz is thinking, let the two of them stay in the world, and insist on a group of people to join in the fun.

It made him and Si Lian also join in the fun, but now it's good, he will have to stay alone in the vacant room in the next few days.

She knew that if Si Lian got too close to Yemao and Lu Manman, nothing good would happen.

The thought of him having to stay alone in the vacant room for the past few days made him very aggrieved.

"We were romantic last night."

Shangguan Jueshi said calmly, meaning that he didn't need it now, and compared to Leng Yisheng's impatience, he seemed very calm.

This control needs to be moderate. If you look at her too closely, it's no wonder she doesn't resist. Although he likes to be alone with her very much, in order to have more opportunities to be alone with her in the future, he is willing to set aside such a little time. .

Unlike this kid like Yi Sheng, who is impetuous for a while, only focusing on the immediate interests.

This marriage also needs to know the strategy.

"Jess, you can't take care of your wild cat, don't let her come to my Si Lian all the time, who can stand having a party every three days!" Leng Yisheng spat, very annoyed at this party .

"This is also your family's Liu Silian's proposal, no one to blame! I advise you not to take it too seriously, so as not to drive people away."

Shangguan Jueshi suggested that Yisheng's current state doesn't seem to be very good. He was not lifeless with Liu Silian before, but now he is too important to be together. Should he adjust his mental state?

"Don't talk nonsense."

Leng Yisheng reacted a bit, but when he spoke, his face darkened. Did he become too neurotic recently, even Si Lian felt that way, and now even Jue Shi said that, it seems that his spirit has really gone wrong again up.

Seeing him like this, Shangguan Jueshi wanted to say something more, but he held back.

"Jazz, I don't want you to help me make an appointment with the previous psychiatrist."

Leng Yisheng took the initiative to mention, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes showed a look of surprise, he wanted to bring up this matter at first, but he didn't expect him to bring it up instead, it seems that for Liu Silian's sake, he has to face the problem in his heart thoroughly. closed.

(End of this chapter)

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