Chapter 338 Today I am the Queen
You must know that over the years, Yisheng's mood has sometimes not fluctuated much. Since the last psychological intervention failed, he refused to see any psychiatrist. Now, in order to be better with Liu Silian, he cheered up again. What a rare thing, but Shangguan Jueshi still frowned, a little worried.

Because seeing a psychiatrist means that he has to face the past all over again, and the bloody scar in his heart will be uncovered again. If he fails to grasp it by then, he may go crazy!

One must know that Yisheng went crazy once, and he didn't know how long it took him to recover. If something really happened this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

But his current condition is not so good. If he doesn't see a psychiatrist, then he will get worse. He has to face the hurdle in his heart early and learn to control his emotions.

"Are you sure you can?"

Shangguan Jueshi looked at him with a serious expression on his face.

You must know that he has always felt guilty towards Yisheng in his heart, but in order not to make this guy feel pressured, he seldom shows it, and has always been indifferent to him, but now when he hears that he is going to face it again, he can't help feeling a little worried .

"En! This time I want to live for myself, and I want to be with Si Lian without any scruples." Leng Yisheng nodded heavily, as if he had made a big decision. It's a bit abnormal, if it goes on like this for a long time, it will inevitably hurt Si Lian, which is the last thing he wants to see, so he has to start again, this time he has enough faith to recover.

"I will contact Karol for you. You should prepare yourself first, and I will let you know when the time comes."

Seeing his confident state, what he said at this time is useless, he believes that he will fight for idiot Liu.

"Jazz, let's arrange it for these few days! Take advantage of the few days when Si Lian lives at Chang Ye's house."

Leng Yisheng suggested that if something really happened to him, Si Lian would still have her best friend by his side, so he wouldn't be so lonely and helpless.

"You won't tell her?"

Shangguan Jueshi said with a look of astonishment, he was planning to hide it from Liu Silian. At first he thought he would tell Liu Silian, so that Liu Silian's company with him might help his illness, but he didn't expect him to keep silent I just want to face it myself, but it's right to think about it, any man doesn't want his beloved woman to see his worst and most embarrassing side, and he is no exception.

"I don't want her to worry, I want her to see me back healthy."

Leng Yisheng nodded, if she told Si Lian about this, she would definitely stay up all day and night because of worry, it's better not to tell her, so that she can live in peace of mind, and then come back to see her when he is cured , and he didn't want her to see the embarrassing side of him in the past.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on her for you."

Shangguan Jueshi spoke concisely and patted him on the shoulder to cheer him up.

At this time, the two brothers didn't need to say anything, they knew each other well.

"Jazz, if something really happens to me, tell her that I betrayed him and I'm not worthy of her love. I will make everything ready before I leave."

Leng Yisheng said cautiously, because he didn't know if he would be able to overcome the illness this time. You must know that last time he went crazy for a long time, he didn't want to see Si Lian suffer because of him, so he had to do all of this in advance. Arrangement, even though he didn't want such a result very much in his heart, but for her benefit, he had to make such an arrangement in advance.

"Let's talk about it then! Go in!"

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, he didn't want to talk about this sad topic anymore.

One must know how deep Yisheng's love for Liu Silian is, but this time he was afraid that his unstable condition would harm her, how painful it was for him to make such a choice!

"Jazz, it looks like the Spring Festival last night was wonderful!"

Leng Yisheng regained his ruffian look, and started to make fun of him.

"You're not bad either!"

Shangguan Jueshi said nonchalantly, he has long been pissed off about his ruffian appearance. Although this guy's mouth is frivolous, he still wants to cover up the dignified atmosphere just now, so as to create a more cheerful atmosphere.

If he hadn't been familiar with his conduct, he would have been beaten up long ago, and he always spoke poorly.

No wonder he was so annoying!
At this time, Lu Manman left the room, following the spicy scent along the way, and smelling the spicy scent, she immediately became energetic, as she hadn't felt such an appetite for a long time.

"Ye Xiaoniu, happy laying eggs!"

Lu Manman watched her walk in the door, pressed the sprinkler in his hand, and sprayed towards her. Ye Qingxin was startled with a sound of "Lying", before she could react, there were ribbons all over her head, and she was holding The glittering golden fragments, and looking at the layout inside, the whole living room is surrounded by ribbons and balloons, circling around, almost making her faint.

I have to say that it has a festive atmosphere, especially the huge "heart-shaped" rose in the middle, which is coquettish and bright, with petals falling from time to time, accompanied by dancing ribbons, fluttering and falling, going round and round , very interesting.

Small and exquisite wind chimes are fished from top to bottom. They are colorful and eye-catching.

Especially when the wind blows outside the window, the wind chimes ding dong ding dong. Listening carefully, it really is the rhythm of the birthday song!how did you do that!
Ye Qingxin looked at everything they had carefully arranged for her, with a look of joy on her face, she really felt it, and this day was quite a surprise.

Shangguan Jueshi gave her such a big surprise in the early morning, and she still hasn't fully digested it yet, and now they have organized a birthday party for her, which is even more joyful.

"Lu Manman, idiot Liu, thank you!"

Ye Qingxin smiled and hugged them both.

"Wild cat, I also have merit, okay, why don't you thank me!"

Unexpectedly, Leng Yisheng's squishy voice came from behind, and Lu Manman rolled his eyes at him. Why is there a role for Leng Sao in everything, and I don't know who was being lazy just now, and hasn't done anything yet I rested for more than half of the time and kept complaining.

"Thank you Leng Yisheng, and Gu Changye, everyone is so caring."

Ye Qingxin smiled, it is rare for everyone to get together today, the most important thing is to be happy.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!"

As the music sounded, Gu Changye rolled out a cake from behind, and everyone stood up and surrounded the cake cart.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen a cartoon cake with flowers! The person on it is still me!"

Ye Qingxin's eyes lit up, this cake is very interesting, it is all carved from blossoming flowers, it is exquisite and small, especially the shape of this material, it looks like real flowers without a doubt, blossoming in the most beautiful posture, It makes people feel reluctant to eat it.

What people like the most is that each flower is covered with her various Q-version emoticons. The various emoticons are so cute. She counted them, and there are exactly 24 flowers and 24 Q-version emoticons. Isn’t this her? age.

If you didn't know her so well, how could you prepare such a gift carefully? I really like it so much.

"Wow, it's so beautiful and cute, I don't want to eat it."

Ye Qingxin said reluctantly, while Shangguan Jueshi lit a candle, Lu Manman and Liu Silian hurriedly urged, "Ye Xiaoniu, hurry up and make a wish, but there are three wishes!"

"it is good!"

Ye Qingxin nodded with a smile, closed her eyes with her hands in her hands, and made a wish devoutly.

After she made a wish and opened her eyes, everyone blew out the candles together, and then everyone was ready to start cutting the cake.

"Ye Xiaoniu, what three wishes did you make?"

Lu Manman couldn't help asking, seeing Ye Xiaoniu's smiling face just now, she must have made some wish.

"Yes, Qingxin, what wish did you make?"

Liu Silian couldn't help asking, but Shangguan Jueshi was standing beside her, in fact, he also wanted to know.

"If you want me to tell you, the wild cat must have made a wish and said that he will give birth to a fat son for the Sir."

Leng Yisheng half-jokingly said, but Ye Qingxin was dumbfounded, with a weird expression, how could this Leng Sao Bao guess so accurately.

She did have one wish just now, which was to conceive Jazz's child as soon as possible, as for the second, she hoped that Lu Manman would be in better health and give birth safely, and the third was that Liu Silian and Leng Saobao would be in love forever.

At the same time, she also noticed that Shangguan Jueshi's expectant eyes also fell on her, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"Qingxin, didn't she really get guessed by Leng Saobao?"

Seeing Ye Qingxin's reaction, Lu Manman felt that Leng Sao had really hit the mark.

When Shangguan Jueshi behind him saw her expression like this, he knew that he was almost inseparable. His cool and handsome face could not help but pull out a shallow arc, which was very beautiful. She really surprised him every second.

He actually made such a good wish for him. Although he never believed in these things, this time he chose to believe and hoped that her wish would come true.

"I knew I was right!"

Leng Yisheng said with a smug face, and Lu Manman felt very annoying seeing him so smug.

"Lengshaobao, if you're really that powerful, why don't you tell me what Ye Xiaoniu's other two wishes are!"

Lu Manman couldn't help but criticize, anyway, she couldn't get used to Leng Saobao's arrogant look.

"It's not effective to talk too much, so I'd better save it!"

Leng Yisheng brought up this topic easily, Lu Manman glanced at him angrily, if he didn't know, he didn't know, so why pretend!

"Okay, okay, Qingxin, let's cut the cake!"

Gu Changye on the side watched his wife and brothers fighting openly and secretly, maybe something would go wrong later, and he didn't like Manman's eyes on other men too much, even if his brother couldn't do it, he would Change the subject when appropriate.

"Yes, yes, Qingxin, it's up to you to cut this knife!"

Liu Silian also echoed, afraid that the two of them would do it again.

"I'm really reluctant to cut such a cute file!"

Ye Qingxin held a knife in her hand, with a look of resentment.

"Cut it, cut it! I want to eat it all."

Liu Silian licked her lips, almost drooling.

This is also the first time she has seen such a cute and creative cake. Smelling the strong milky fragrance, it must be delicious.

"OK then!"

Ye Qingxin had no choice but to cut it cruelly. In order not to damage the beauty, the remaining technical work was contracted by Shangguan Jueshi.

Shangguan Jueshi picked up the knife and looked at the various emoticons on it. They were really vividly portrayed. The corner of his mouth could not help but smile. These are all cute Q versions of his heart, so he naturally dare not Hurting her a little bit, he moved like a cloud and flowing water, very skillfully, he divided the cake in two or three strokes, every flower and every cartoon Q-version expression were intact, which is enough to show how powerful his knife skills are.

Of course, Ye Qingxin is not surprised, because Shangguan Jueshi's cooking skills are so good, and his knife skills are not bad, he has demonstrated it at home.

"Wow, Shangguan Jueshi's knife skills are not bad!"

Lu Manman couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration, you must know that cutting this cake is a bit difficult, but he was able to cut it in such a short breath, and the shape of each piece was intact, the perseverance must be too good.

You must know that if this heart is unstable, it may be broken at any time.

"Of course, I don't even look at whose brother it is."

Leng Yisheng said proudly, as if he cut it with his own hands.

And Lu Manman cut it off, every time this Leng Yisheng didn't take the credit, he would die!

"Qingxin, you are the queen today, so this queen expression is yours."

Liu Silian specially gave her such a queen cake with a crown, Ye Qingxin looked at herself on it, couldn't help smiling, it's so cute!

Everyone sat on the sofa and began to enjoy the delicious cake. Leng Yisheng looked at the cake in his hand and laughed, "Wild cat, now you have finally fallen into my hands, and I can finally get your money back." Breathe!"

Ye Qingxin didn't understand what he meant at first, she looked at Leng Yisheng with a puzzled face, only to see that Leng Yisheng picked up the fork in her hand, directly forked the Q version of the person on it, and then stuffed it with a big mouthful. He put it in his mouth and chewed it hard, as if he was venting his anger with a Q version.

You must know that he usually suffers a lot from the wild cats, and because of Jazz, he suffers from being dumb almost every time. This time, he finally got his breath back, which is really cool.

But Ye Qingxin couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw his behavior like this, and looked at him with a speechless expression.

She felt that he had a low IQ, and she was ashamed.

"Lengshao Bao, why are you so angry with the Q version! You are so boring."

Lu Manman said with a grumpy face, this cold coquettish bag is so boring, he dare not fight with Ye Xiaoniu, but vented his anger on this Q version of the emoji, he is really naive and imbecile!

"Anyway, I'm feeling proud now!"

Leng Yisheng said with a face of dissatisfaction, it's easy for him!He can't find a real person to fight, so he can only rely on this person, but after eating all this in his stomach, the suppressed tone in his heart is much more comfortable.


Leng Yisheng shook his head, with a happy expression on his face.

Everyone was speechless to him and wanted to distance themselves from him.

(End of this chapter)

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