Chapter 339

Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin were all sitting together, while Shangguan Jueshi and Leng Yisheng were sitting across from each other chatting.

As long as there are wild cats and Lu Manman around, he won't even think about sitting with his family, Si Lian.

Gu Changye packed up the bowls and chopsticks and came out, put them in front of each other, and put a large pot of Malatang on the induction cooker, and reheated it, only to see that the pot was bubbling all the time, the spicy taste was rolling, and the room was filled with With the spicy taste, everyone is ready to eat.

"Lu Manman, you look so pale! Have you lost your appetite recently?"

Ye Qingxin looked at Lu Manman's complexion not so well, but lost a lot of weight. Needless to say, it must be because of the pregnancy, this child is too much trouble.

You must know that Lu Manman usually pays the most attention to his appearance, but looking at what he looks like now, with disheveled hair and a casual look, he must have been tossed by this child so much that he doesn't even have the energy to dress up.

She felt distressed when she looked at it, but although Lu Manman was not in a good state of mind, from the inadvertent joy on her face, it could be seen that she liked this child very much. After all, it is not so easy to conceive in October. Pain and pleasure.

"Well, it's terrible. I vomited after eating. I wanted to eat but couldn't eat. I always wanted to sleep, but I still felt sleepy after sleeping for a long time."

Lu Manman complained, these days she felt that she was about to become another person, that Lin Daiyu was possessed, she was so weak that she was almost bored to death.

You must know that she usually pays the most attention to her appearance, but now she doesn't want to dress up at all, and the more she lives, the more decadent she becomes.

"These are normal reactions and it will get better in a few days."

Ye Qingxin comforted and said that she had read some books on this topic during this period, some of which were really severe during pregnancy, but unfortunately Lu Manman fell into this category of more serious ones.

Lu Man nodded. In fact, she had told all these doctors, but a day seemed like a year to her now. She stretched her neck and waited, but it felt like a year, and she was so sad.

"Wild cat, why are you so familiar with it? Could it be that you are also prepared to be a mother in advance!"

Seeing that Ye Qingxin was so familiar with this knowledge, Leng Yisheng couldn't help but joked.

It seemed that this wild cat had prepared his homework beforehand, and he elbowed the Shangguan Jueshi who was beside him, "Jueshi, it seems that you are going to be a father soon."

Leng Yisheng couldn't help teasing, but Shangguan Jueshi didn't expect that she would even know these things. She always refused to talk about this topic before, but she didn't expect that she started to prepare in private.

"Leng Yisheng, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

I don't know why, every time Leng Yisheng speaks, she can't help but want to quarrel with him, and the tone in her heart will be smooth.

And Leng Yisheng raised his eyebrows, with an expression of a good man who doesn't fight with women.

"By the way, Ye Xiaoniu, Shangguan Jueshi has prepared some surprises for you, hurry up and tell me."

Lu Manman continued to ask, she was very curious what surprise Shangguan Jueshi would prepare for Ye Xiaoniu, and seeing Ye Xiaoniu's smile on this day, Shangguan Jueshi must have prepared something for her.

"That's right, Jazz, tell me what you have prepared for the wild cat."

When this topic was brought up, Leng Yisheng was also very interested. You must know that Jazz is very unstyled, and he doesn't know what gift he will prepare this time.

Shangguan Jueshi stared at Ye Qingxin who was opposite, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and doting eyes.

The two looked at each other and smiled, indescribably sweet.

"Don't flirt with each other, who are you torturing! There are no single dogs here."

Looking at them, Leng Yisheng almost couldn't stand it any longer. It was more than enough to abuse him as a single dog in the past, but unfortunately he has no longer been called a single dog.

Let's see if this couple can get any more nasty.

"People call it a good relationship. If you don't understand Leng Sao Bao, just get out of here."

Anyway, as soon as Leng Saobao said something, Lu Manman chased after him.

"Seriously, Ye Xiaoniu, what kind of gift has made you smile all day long? Tell me quickly and let me be happy too."

Lu Manman asked curiously, especially wanting to know what Shangguan Jueshi gave. For an unpredictable person like Shangguan Jueshi, it is really impossible to guess what he will give.

"If you want me to tell you, this gift must be chosen for the wild cat's hobby. The wild cat's hobby is nothing more than acting. Could it be that you agreed to let her act."

Leng Yisheng crossed Erlang's legs and said with reason.

But when Ye Qingxin heard Leng Yisheng's answer, she couldn't help but exclaimed, could this Leng Sao Bao's mouth not be so effective, and he guessed it right again.

Of course, Shangguan Jues not only agreed to let her act, but also specially created a star project for her, and he himself would participate in it, but Leng Yisheng's guess was pretty close.

"The Crow's Mouth was really guessed by Leng Sao again, Ye Xiaoniu, Shangguan Jueshi really agreed with you to act."

I have to admit that Lengshao Bao, this crow's mouth is quite accurate.

"Well, not only that, Shangguan Jues also specially created a star project for me, arranged everything for me, and he himself will join the play to act with me."

Ye Qingxin licked her lips, and when she said this, the corner of her mouth was always smiling, it could be seen that she liked this gift very much.

"Wow, you husband and wife should work together, but I can trust your acting skills, but Shangguan Jueshi, can he act?"

Lu Manman said in surprise, he didn't expect that the gift of Shangguan Jueshi was quite special. He was afraid that Ye Xiaoniu would be taken advantage of when he acted with other men, so he joined it himself. It doesn't look like he still has this ability.

But he has an expression of not getting close to strangers, can he act?Let him play an ice sculpture is probably fine.

And Liu Silian at the side also wanted to ask this question, but due to Shangguan Jueshi's majesty, she didn't dare to speak out, unexpectedly Manman asked it.

There is no doubt about Qingxin's acting skills, but Shangguan Jueshi's face is as frightening as a ten thousand year iceberg, can he act well?
"We can only wait and see when the time comes."

Ye Qingxin smiled at Shangguan Jueshi who was facing him, her eyes seemed to say: I am not the only one who doubts you!There are many people there!

On the other hand, Shangguan Jueshi looked relaxed, acting was nothing, what Shangguan Jueshi wanted to do, as long as he was willing to learn, there was nothing he couldn't learn.

"By the way, Jue Shi, you have to act too! How about I join in too. It would be a shame for the people of the whole country not to be on TV for a handsome person like me! Anyway, I have to show off my handsome face. "

As soon as Leng Yisheng heard that Shangguan Jueshi wanted to act, he also joined in.

Jazz is going to be on TV. It's a pity that he can't be on TV with such a handsome face, and taking this opportunity, he also wants to prove his charm. By then, he will become a well-known star. Who will watch it? bad him.

Especially the wild cat still has a long way to go, he must fight for it.

"I want to join too. Just let me play a small role at that time. In this way, I have something to do. Besides, all of us will participate in the performance, which can save a lot of money!"

Lu Manman also said with interest, as for money is not an issue, the key is that everyone has a rare opportunity to go on TV together, it's fun to think about it.

"I want it too, I want it too."

Liu Silian heard that all of them were going to act, and she felt itchy in her heart, and wanted to join in. She had never learned acting skills, but thinking that Shangguan Jueshi could act, she should not be far behind. Thinking of this, she felt that she was still okay.

"Jazz, that's the deal, all three of us have joined, and we don't charge any money. This will save you a lot!"

Before Shangguan Jueshi could speak, Leng Yisheng made his own plans.

"That's a pretty good idea!"

Ye Qingxin listened to what they said, and found it very interesting. It was rare for them to be able to go on TV together. What a meaningful thing, and there was no need to specially invite any celebrities, and it could save a lot of money.

"Okay, Ye Xiaoniu is the birthday star today, she has the final say, everyone will get together to act in a play together, it feels fresh to think about it, and I don't know if anyone will watch our play by then."

Lu Manman couldn't help laughing and said, it's probably going to be a loss by then, after all, they don't have much fame, but thinking of the recent online drama Princess Concubine, which came out like a dark horse, the ratings are pretty good, and it has surpassed many excellent TV dramas, And even the protagonist is very popular, so anything is possible.

"With someone so handsome, I won't be popular if I join. Of course, there is Lu Manman, you, the female star, my lovely Si Lian, the powerful wild cat, the gentleman's long night, and the freezing Jazz, It doesn't matter if it's not popular!" Leng Yisheng wasn't worried about the ratings at that time, they were so handsome and beautiful together, they were so eye-catching, even if they weren't popular.

Anyway, he is full of confidence, and with the vigorous publicity in the later stage, it will not be far behind.

The most important thing is that they are happy, money is not an issue.

"You finally said something human."

Lu Manman's attitude improved a lot, this time Leng Yisheng finally said something human, which was quite pertinent.

This long journey has finally stopped finding fault with him, it seems that women still have to boast.

"Okay, Manman, you have an appetite, you can eat."

Gu Changye on the side listened to what they were talking about, but he didn't object. He kept paying attention to the pot of spicy soup, stirring it from time to time, for fear of sticking to the pot.

He pressed the button, and the fire became a little lower, ready to eat.

Gu Changye helped Lu Manman hold the food with a caring face. These days, her taste is relatively strong, her appetite is not very good, and she eats very little. Although this spicy pot is not very hygienic, she finally has an appetite now. It's better to let her eat more.

He has always disliked eating food from the outside, thinking it is not hygienic, and he doesn't like too much spicy food. It seems that he will learn this spicy pot in the future, so that he can make it for her at home, which is better than eating outside. The things sold are much more reliable.

"It's finally ready to eat, I just have a soft spot for this spicy pot."

Lu Manman licked her saliva, finally she had an appetite, otherwise she would have starved to death.

She began to feast on it, "This taste is enough!"

After eating this spicy taste, she didn't feel sick at all, her appetite improved.

"Si Lian, you should eat more."

Not to be outdone, Leng Yisheng also brought a bowl full for Liu Silian, and Liu Silian ate with satisfaction.

"Lu Manman, if you are so good at eating spicy food, aren't you afraid that you will give birth to a hot girl in the future, and when she lands, she will sing "La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La!"

Leng Yisheng couldn't help joking, making everyone present chuckle.

"That can only mean that my child has inherited my good genes, and what's wrong with hot girls, so they won't be bullied by bad men like you." Lu Manman said disapprovingly.

"Lu Manman, what's wrong with me, I used to be a little romantic, I've changed it now, you can't keep bringing up my embarrassing things in the past, aunt, I said something you shouldn't say before, Maybe I offended you by doing something I shouldn't do, here I apologize to you and beg the heroine to let me go."

Leng Yisheng begged for mercy, he really didn't want to be clung to by Lu Manman anymore, can he admit defeat?

Seeing that he was so sensible, Lu Manman didn't bother to argue with him.

I have to say that this cold show bag has indeed changed a lot for Si Lian, but his mouth always says some unflattering words, and she can't help but want to argue with her, almost subconsciously.

Now she finally has a big appetite, no time to quarrel with him, it's rare to have an appetite, she eats first before talking, she hasn't realized the connotation of being full for a long time.

"Jazz, I can't tell. Usually you are serious. I didn't expect this time to be quite romantic. You even prepared such a big gift for the wild cat. I don't know any inside information."

Leng Yisheng clicked his tongue, with admiration on his face.

Jazz's EQ is flying very fast. He used to have almost zero EQ, and he is almost catching up with him.

"You have nothing to do all day, how can you have time to go to the group?"

Gu Changye couldn't help but said, he was around Liu Silian every day, how could he care about the group's affairs.

He knew a little about what happened to Jazz this time, and Jazz was quite intentional in his preparations this time.

"Brother, can you stop picking on me!"

Leng Yisheng said with a grumpy face, is this still a good brother? It's fine for their wives to insult him, and they even joked about him together. They didn't see that he is now a married man, and his wife is still there. Listen here!
You can't save him a little face.

"By the way, Jazz, when will this project start, I have to prepare in advance!"

Leng Yisheng asked with great interest, anyway, he would only be in charge of brushing his face.

"next Monday."

Shangguan Jueshi said indifferently, the script is basically done, and it is basically tailor-made for the few of them. From the moment she wanted to act, he had already started to prepare, for today She was a surprise.

"The efficiency is really high!"

Leng Yisheng smiled, but he didn't know if he would still have time, behind Leng Yisheng's smile, a gloomy look flashed across his eyes.

 Xiao Wu is here to wish everyone a happy Year of the Monkey!In the new year, all wishes come true and everything goes well!If you love me, please reward me, if you love me, please vote for me, if there are any shortcomings, please comment and tell me, love everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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