Chapter 347 Receiving Treatment
The sky is getting late, the shadow of the moon is hazy, the sky tonight seems not so charming, and the smell of parting is the most annoying.

"Si Lian, I'm leaving, you must take good care of yourself while I'm not by your side."

wait me back!These words were like a fishbone stuck in his throat, he couldn't get up or down, it was hard for him to say it, because even he didn't know if he could come back safely, it would be better not to give her hope.

If possible, he really hopes to be by her side all the time. He knows that she is very reluctant, but his condition has started to deteriorate these days. If he keeps doing nothing like this, he really doesn't know what will happen Whatever happened, it might even hurt her.

For the sake of the long life of the two of them in the future, he must cheer up now.

Liu Silian sent him out of the door with a look of reluctance, she didn't know why, her heart was very restless, she always felt like something was about to happen, she really wanted to stop him and tell him not to go, but I don't want to slow him down because of myself.

"Well, I will take good care of myself, Yisheng, you promise me that you will come back safely, and I will wait for you." Liu Silian held his hand and said every word, she didn't want to cry, she didn't want to let Yisheng Before Sheng left, he saw her sad, and he didn't want him to miss her because he couldn't let go of her.

A month passed quickly with her eyes closed, she comforted herself in this way.


In the end, Leng Yisheng still couldn't help holding her tightly in his arms, his eyes were full of reluctance, if he could, he really wanted to take her away, but the last thing he wanted was for her woman to see him in the most embarrassing way .

Si Lian, I will definitely let you see a healthy me, then I can take better care of you and protect you.

The two hugged like this, and this time she took the initiative to withdraw from his embrace, "Yisheng, hurry up, don't delay."

Leng Yisheng stretched out his hand to caress her face, Liu Silian's mouth was always smiling, Yisheng said that he likes to see her smile the most.

"Silian, I'm leaving."

Her smile will always be engraved in his mind and will never be forgotten.

Leng Yisheng turned around and left, this time he didn't look back, because he knew that if he turned back again, he would really be reluctant to let her go alone.

Liu Silian watched his leaving back, couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and fell down.

Yi Sheng, you must come back properly, I will wait for you.

God knows that now that he has left, she starts to miss him, so what should she do for the next month!

"Idiot Liu, don't cry. It's not that your Leng Saobao won't come back. It's only been a month, and it's gone in the blink of an eye." Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin walked over and comforted them. Bao bickered and almost got into a fight, but now I still hope that he can come back safely.

"That's right, idiot Liu, what's there to be sad about? Although Leng Sao Bao is not serious at ordinary times, he still has a little cleverness. Just rest assured that nothing will happen to him."

Ye Qingxin patted her on the shoulder with a calm expression. She wondered if she was too sensitive. She always felt that at the dinner table, the faces of Shangguan Jueshi and Gu Changye were very heavy. She didn't know what happened. thing.

Logically speaking, the two of them shouldn't have shown such expressions when Leng Saobao went on a business trip. Could it be that something dangerous will happen during this business trip?

"Well, he'll be fine."

Liu Silian nodded, since Yisheng is so powerful, there must be no accidents.

"Okay, don't think about it, the two of us will live together for this month, and this day will pass in the blink of an eye. If you are so sad, when Leng Saobao comes back and won't recognize you, go find another woman gone."

Leng Saobao is not here now, so she naturally has to take good care of idiot Liu. With the two of them as companions, life will not be boring and will pass quickly.

"I'll come here often, too. We play together with three of us, and our lives are still the same."

Besides, in the next month, Shangguan Jueshi will launch a new play for her, and they will all be participating in the performance at that time, so busy, the time will pass in no time.

"Go, go, go in!"

Lu Manman pushed idiot Liu in, otherwise idiot Liu would easily think wildly if he stayed alone, anyway, they could just sleep together for this month, and Gu Changye could sleep in the guest room.

At this time, Shangguan Jueshi also walked towards Ye Qingxin, and after greeting them, they also left.

Along the way, Ye Qingxin kept staring at Shangguan Jueshi, wanting to see some clues from his face, her sixth sense told her that Shangguan Jueshi must be hiding something from her.

"You're staring at me like that, I think you're implying something to me?"

Shangguan Jueshi was driving the car, and being looked at by her like this, his expression did not change, and he even teased her.

His woman's eyes are really poisonous, and she can tell something is wrong immediately. With her indomitable strength, it may not be easy to hide her.

If he doesn't say it, she will definitely pursue it to the end.

But it's really not suitable to tell him about it, lest there be any mistakes in the middle.

"Stop playing sloppy with me, Shangguan Jueshi, tell me, Leng Yisheng's trip this time is not as simple as going on a business trip!"

Ye Qingxin went straight, but he still teased her, don't think she won't pursue it, it's about idiot Liu's happiness, she must get to the bottom of the matter.

"This business trip is also accompanied by danger. This is a moment to test him."

Shangguan Jueshi followed the topic, because he spoke with a serious face, making it impossible for anyone to see anything wrong.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you can't let other people go. If something really happens to Leng Saobao, it's hard to make Liu idiot a widow."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said, taking his words seriously.

She has always spoken out loud, and Shangguan Jueshi is used to her words, but she is not as serious as she is, and she is still a widow. I really don't know why these new words always pop up in her mind.

To be honest, since Yisheng failed in the process last time, he couldn't help but feel worried this time.

The kid said that all of them should not visit him this month, and he would stand up and face it alone. Naturally, he couldn't disclose his news to the wild cat, it was a matter of a man's dignity.

"Sometimes no matter how dangerous it is, you can't back down."

Shangguan Jues said seriously, but Ye Qingxin felt a little nervous when she heard what he said. She knew that Shangguan Jues, Leng Yisheng and the others were not simple, and only superficially knew that they wanted to deal with Shangguan Liunian's mother. She didn't know anything about it, but now that she heard what he said, she was a little worried.

The danger must exist, but his current tone seemed to be desperate, so she had to start thinking wildly.

"Shangguan Jueshi, aren't the things you are doing very dangerous, and you may lose your life at any time?"

Ye Qingxin looked at him, her eyes were full of worry, she wanted to know everything about them now.

"In the past, it could be said that you were fighting with your life, but now this is my territory, it's not so brutal, life is much easier than before, you don't have to worry."

Knowing that she was worried, Shangguan Jueshi said calmly, you must know that during the days in Europe, you lived at gunpoint almost every day, if you were not vigilant, you would die.

He walked out of the gate of hell many times, they were all tired of the smell of blood, and with the power to make money, they quickly evacuated here. It can be said that they have had a lot of leisure time in the past few years, but they never Dare to relax.

Because they didn't dare to be distracted before defeating that woman and gaining power.

"Shangguan Jueshi, no matter what, you must take good care of yourself. I don't want to be a widow. If there is anything wrong with you, I will remarry."

Ye Qingxin pouted and said, anyway, I just don't want him to have an accident, if possible, I really want him to give up all these disputes.

But no, Shangguan Jueshi must have hated this struggle in his heart, he was forced to come here step by step, he wanted to let go, but Shangguan Liunian's mother would not let him go, so they wanted to live a peaceful life , you have to beat her.

She couldn't figure it out, how could a woman's heart be so cruel, so fond of killing and power, she would be happy if she killed her husband's son, it's really terrifying.

But a man's heart is not on her, no matter what she does, it won't help.

"I won't give any other man a chance."

The corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth couldn't help but smile, he would not let anyone hurt a single hair of her hair.

"Is there nothing wrong with the cold show bag?"

"He's fine, there's someone over there to pick him up."

"That's good, by the way, Shangguan Jueshi, I asked you to inquire about Xia Jin last time, did you inquire about it?"

When she mentioned Shangguan Liunian, she thought of Xia Jin. It had been such a long time, and she didn't know what happened to Xia Jin.

"She became his personal maid. She tried to escape many times but was caught back."

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, anyway, nothing will happen to her friends, because once the men of the Shangguan family find the prey they are interested in, they will naturally not look away. If the prey is disobedient, they will naturally have to make some Very means, but not life-threatening.

But according to her friend's arrogance, it is estimated that she will suffer a lot.

The onlookers are clear about the authorities, and they think that he and she were tormenting each other at the beginning, but in the end, her father was there to point it out. In comparison, the two of them are much luckier.

It might not be so easy for his elder brother, because their tempers are more unique than each of them. For example, his brother looks gentle but is more domineering and authoritarian than anyone else, while her friend seems weak, but his temper They are the most stubborn and hard to give in. If no one finds out, the two of them can only torture each other, and it is estimated that there will be no good results in the end.

"Ah? Got caught! Didn't that anger Shangguan Liunian, Shangguan Jueshi, can you arrange for someone to help me rescue Xia Jin! Xia Jin must be suffering there now."

You must know that Xia Jin is more stubborn than anyone else, she never accepts her fate, even if she is in a bad environment, she will never give up hope of survival.

This time she wanted to escape, it must be because she didn't like to stay there and wanted to escape Shangguan Liunian's clutches.

"My elder brother takes her by his side every day now, and it's hard for others to get close to her. It's hard to do it."

Shangguan Jueshi shook his head, and had to say that he was able to find opportunities to escape from his elder brother many times, which shows that her friend is pretty good. Of course, according to his elder brother's ability, it must be the two of them who made some kind of deal, otherwise no one would want to Big Brother ran away.

"Then what should I do! Xia Jin was arrested because of me, can you think of a way to rescue her by cooperating internally and externally."

Ye Qing became impatient. Every time she thought of Xia Jin, she would feel very guilty. If she had been smarter, Xia Jin would not have been arrested.

"I will find an opportunity for this matter, and don't worry, your friend will not be threatened with his life."

"It can only be this way."

Along the way, Leng Yisheng drove the car to the basement, and he came to one of the secret rooms, where Karol was already sitting there waiting for him.

It was a western face with cubic features. It can be seen that when he was young, he must have been an out-and-out handsome guy. He wore glasses and looked at the person coming. When he saw Leng Yisheng, he smiled, "Senso, haven't seen you for a long time!"

His Chinese is not very standard, so it sounds quite funny when he speaks it.

He stood up and gave Leng Yisheng a big hug, "Karol, to be honest, I really don't want to see you, because every time I see you, nothing good will happen." Leng Yisheng joked, You must know that Karol is their good friend for many years. He once treated Jazz, and of course he treated him for the longest time. He is his long-term patient and the most difficult one to deal with.

"I don't want to see you too much, because I feel like a failure when I see you." Karol said unwillingly. I have to say that his Chinese is pretty good, and he can speak such a long list of words fluently.

You must know that none of the patients he handled had failed, but he was the only one who let him taste the taste of failure.

"Karol, I didn't expect to see you in a few years. You can speak Chinese so well. Then my treatment plan is perfect."

Leng Yisheng hugged his shoulder and couldn't help teasing, as if he was a good buddy.

"Of course, otherwise why would I come here! Of course, the biggest part of this still depends on your own willpower. I thought I wouldn't be able to wait for you to come for treatment, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to contact me this time. It seems You are ready! This is a good direction."

Karol joked that as soon as he heard that it was his appointment, he came here without saying a word, because wherever he failed, he had to stand up there.

"Has your temper been a little out of control recently? Good times and bad times?" Karol asked, and he saw his problem at a glance.


Leng Yisheng nodded, although he came to his senses after going mad, his emotions began to lose his composure. At the beginning, taking medicine could relieve him, but now even the medicine has no effect.

"It's still the problem in your heart, you still can't really face it." Karol said sharply, and Leng Yisheng couldn't be more clear, in the end, the situation still needs to be restored, and he needs to face it again.

(End of this chapter)

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