Chapter 348 Scenario Restoration
"Karol, do you still need to go through the scene restoration?"

Leng Yisheng asked, he just failed to restore the scene last time, he couldn't help being stimulated and that's why he went crazy, to be honest, when he mentioned this now, he was very confused.

He knew that it was the most difficult pain in his heart to face. Scene restoration, as the name suggests, is to reproduce the situation at that time. Through the reflection of everything in his mind, under the special effects of high technology, the picture is realistic, as if returning to the origin of the past, The family members in my heart will be counseling on the sidelines to see if he can face it thoroughly.

He had been hypnotized before, and Karal could be said to be a master of hypnosis, but because that incident had dealt a lot of blows to him, hypnosis had no effect on him at all.

But if he doesn't face it directly, then he will be the same as now, he will never be able to make a foundation, not to mention that he is still a family member now, thinking of Si Lian's little face, the heart that was a little bit flinched just now becomes firm again.

"Well! But this time, I have added some new ways to restore the scene. I will inject some new characters into the scene when you can't restrain yourself, especially your closest people. When you see them , you will feel more comforted in your heart and be encouraged to face it positively.” Karal said in advance that he underestimated the trauma in his heart last time, which led to failure. In recent years, he has made new plans for him. I believe it will help him this time.

He needs encouragement from people around him, so before treatment, he must first understand his life, because only a deep understanding of the people around him can help him.

"I'll listen to you."

Leng Yisheng agrees with his approach, anyway, the most important thing is for him to get through the test in his heart, this time he will definitely be able to get over it, not only for himself, but also for Si Lian.

"Senso, I think your situation will be much better this time, because your condition is much better than before, can you tell me why?"

Karal looked at him and smiled. From the moment he saw him just now, he found that he has changed a lot. Although he still has some problems, the overall state is many times better than last time. I believe this time it will definitely improve. .

He would like to know what happened to him to be so happy.

Leng Yisheng couldn't hide the joy at the corner of his mouth, it was because he encountered the most beautiful sunshine, dispelling the haze in his heart.

"Karal, I have good news for you. I am married. She is the sunshine in my life. It is him who makes me want to find myself again."

Leng Yisheng told him not minding, but Karal was stunned, "Spurse! OHMAG! I probably understand, do you have a picture of her on you now? I think I will use it later."

Originally, the photos he prepared were only his two friends. It seems that the most important person is his wife. I didn't expect Senso to get married so soon. No wonder he is in such a good state.

Under the power of love, there is nothing weaker than illness.

He'd love to meet his sunshine girl, it's nothing short of a miracle!
Leng Yisheng took out his mobile phone and opened the pictures. Almost all the pictures in him were Si Lian, and she smiled brightly in every picture, "No, this is my wife. I have a chance to let you know each other."

"Your wife is really beautiful! She has a charming smile."

Karal looked at the photo and couldn't help but praise, her wife has clear eyes and a bright smile, she is indeed very attractive.

He entered a few of them into his computer, which would help him later.

"Of course!"

"Can you tell me about your love history in detail, she is the key person later, it will be very helpful to you."



Leng Yisheng told Karal all the process of getting acquainted with Si Lian, and when he recalled, his body radiated happiness.

"Your love is as wonderful as a fairy tale, and it makes people yearn for it." Karal smiled and said that he wanted to fall in love, but his luck was not so good, and he still couldn't meet his Cinderella, nor could he. I know if I can meet you when I come here this time.

"You will also meet, maybe she is waiting for you to find her now!" Leng Yisheng clapped his hands and comforted him, even though Karal is a professional psychiatrist, but he is still quite romantic, he believes it Wonderful encounter.

"Bless you!"

The joke is over, let's get down to business.

"Karol, don't provide me with any scene help until the final point. This time I want to rely on my own strength. When the situation is not good, you can follow your original method."

Leng Yisheng insisted, this time he believed that he would get through it by himself.

"OK! If this is your special request, I will do it according to your idea, but after all, there are many variables in the process, and it is difficult for me to guarantee that I can completely heal you."

Karol said in advance that if he wanted to do it according to his own ideas, it would be impossible, but if he forced to insert situational help at that time, it might stimulate him a lot and not help him at all. This is a big variable.

Of course he wants to overcome the psychological barrier by himself, as a doctor he understands.

He originally set it like this, that is, when he encountered that painful scene, he would intervene in the scene to help, at least to minimize the harm in his heart, but he has said so now, he can only follow what he said first After all, he has to respect everyone's true inner thoughts.

"I will work hard, because she is still waiting for me to go home." Leng Yisheng nodded, he knew that the scene help Karal said was to reduce the least damage in his heart through the subconscious transformation of his brain, But this is estimated to be a temporary solution, not the root cause, and ultimately depends on himself.

He will get through it, Si Lian is still waiting for him at home!

"Yes, you can't live up to your wife's wishes. I will do my best to cure you."

"So can we start now?"

"You really don't need to take another break?"

"No, I want to reply as soon as possible, go back and see her!"

He didn't want Si Lian to wait for him for too long, she would be sad.

"OK, then you lie on it now, and I will start to hypnotize you. The scheduled time limit is one month. Of course, you can quickly overcome it, and the time will naturally be shortened. But if you can't face the test in your heart, you can only repeat it every day. Restore the scene until you really get through it, if you can't bear it, I can only temporarily suspend it, and we will continue when you feel better, this is a cycle of torture."

Karal said with a serious face, the restoration of the scene is a cruel way, but it is also the most direct way to recover, it only depends on how strong the patient's psychological quality is.

Of course, if he still doesn't get any results by then, he can only use the scene to help him temporarily restore his emotions.


Leng Yisheng nodded, and was ready.

He stood up, lay on the chair, and put the machine on his head familiarly. The restoration of the scene relies on this device to sense the electromagnetic waves of the brain through the chip, thereby creating an illusory scene, as if returning to the scene. a piece of the past.

"Relax your whole body slowly, look at this necklace, what do you see, do you see the beautiful European grasslands, listen carefully, the sea breeze is blowing towards you..."

Karal shook the necklace in his hand, and said softly, while Ye Haoxuan slowly closed his eyes under his hypnosis.

The content reflected in his brain will appear on the opposite screen. From the meeting of the few of them, from rivals fighting for food, they gradually became good friends. Both he and Chang Ye were abducted by human traffickers, and they lived an upside-down life since they were young. As for Jursh, he also met on the street one day. At that time, his mother died of illness, and he was floating alone on the street. A noble son asked them to fight each other for his own selfishness. In a game, whoever wins will get something to eat. At that time, the few of them didn't know each other, and they have become good friends since then.

Afterwards, Jazz's identity was revealed, and he was taken back to Shangguan's house, and they followed suit, and the scene quickly turned around.

In the past, everything was beautiful before Juzzy returned to Shangguan's house, but it gradually changed.

"Jazz, don't go! Maybe it's some kind of trick from that old hag, what should you do if something happens to you when you go?"

Leng Yisheng desperately tried to dissuade them. At that time, they were still young and energetic. Although they experienced early poverty, it did not make them discouraged about life. They still had hope and longing for the future.

Especially Shangguan Jueshi, who is completely different from the indifferent him now, he returned to Shangguan's house, although the old witch treated him badly, but his elder brother Shangguan Liunian has been helping him, besides Leng Yisheng and Gu Changye Good brother, the one he trusts the most is Shangguan Liunian.

So as long as it is what Shangguan Liunian said, he will believe it, and as long as it concerns him, he will definitely not ignore it.

"Yisheng, this is my elder brother asking me out. He must have something important to ask me. I must go. You wait here for me. I will be back soon."

Regardless of Leng Yisheng's dissuasion, Shangguan Jueshi went directly to the destination in the letter.


Leng Yisheng watched him leave, stomping his feet angrily, why Jushi didn't have any precautions at all, Chang Ye was not around for a while, he had to follow anyway, it would be fine if Shangguan Liunian was looking for him, but it would be terrible if he fell into a trap up.

Shangguan Jueshi arrived at the destination mentioned in the letter, but he did not see his eldest brother, but saw his stepmother. Seeing that the situation was not good, Shangguan Jueshi turned around and ran away, but the old witch had already laid a net of heaven and earth Waiting for him, because he was very small at that time, no matter how strong he was, he could not match a dozen thick and tall men, so he was detained.

"You bastard, you shouldn't have been born in this world. If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you just go for it. You don't even know what kind of bastard you are. You actually want to compete with me like your bitch!" Don't even think about Shangguan's property, this time I will let you know how powerful I am."

Old witch, your wanton laughter lingered back and forth in the air. When Leng Yisheng heard this sound, he couldn't help but tense up, and his mood was slightly unstable.

"On the beach, the sun is so bright, it is the guide of light..."

Karal was watching the situation from the side, and when he saw that something was wrong with him, he began to guide him slowly, and Leng Yisheng gradually settled down.

"Did my brother do this?"

Shangguan Jueshi was pressed to the ground, but he still asked unwillingly.

"Bastard, do you really think that Fleeting Time is sincere to you? You bastard is here to fight for property with him. How could he help you? The reason why he helped you so much before was just to get close to you. I didn't expect you, a bastard, to be as stupid as your mother, to be fooled."

The old hag smiled ferociously, especially when she saw Shangguan Jueshi's ashamed face, she smiled even more proudly.

"Impossible, impossible, elder brother will not lie to me." Shangguan Jueshi had a look of disbelief, his elder brother's kindness to him in the past was vivid in his memory, how could all this be fake!But the letter just now was clearly written by the elder brother.

Could it be that the elder brother really lied to him? Thinking of this, Shangguan Jueshi didn't even want to struggle anymore.

"You bastard, don't worry, I won't kill you, I will let you live or die, your mother was a vixen who likes to seduce men the most, this time I will let his son experience the torture of many vixens taste."

The old hag smiled crazily. She had just finished speaking when more than a dozen seductive women came out of nowhere, each dressed less than the other, and they all coveted Shangguan Jueshi.

"Come on, take good care of Shangguan Second Young Master. I will reward everyone who takes good care of you. Remember to take good care of him."

You must know that this group of women are the most powerful vixens in the area, and they will definitely let this bastard taste it, and want to compete with her for property, regardless of how much they are.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Second Young Master Shangguan, the servants will take good care of you."

One by one came towards Shangguan Jueshi, whose hands and feet were tied up, unable to move, he could only watch these women groping around him one by one, he felt extremely disgusted.

How many times he couldn't stand the strong smell of these women, he wanted to vomit but he finally endured it, but these women smiled even more proudly when they saw him like this.

The old witch kept watching from above, not wanting the old witch to get her way, he bit his lips tightly and kept silent, but he didn't know that he angered the old witch, this bastard is as cheap as her mother.

"Jazz, I'm here to save you."

Just when the old witch was trying to torture Shangguan Jueshi, Leng Yisheng appeared, and he kept sweeping with a submachine gun in his hand, because he appeared suddenly, several big men didn't take precautions, and died under the fire.

And none of the old witch's bodyguards were vegetarians. Dozens of them shot at Leng Yisheng alone, but Leng Yisheng was quick and beat up a few bodyguards instead.

"Catch me that bastard."

The corner of the old hag's mouth curled up, as if she had a good idea, and the bodyguard pointed at Shangguan Jueshi as soon as she heard the order.

"Kid, if you don't put down your gun, I'll kill this bastard."

the old hag threatened.

(End of this chapter)

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