Chapter 350 I miss him so much
At this time, Leng Yisheng was lying on the couch, because he was facing the most difficult moment in his heart, his whole body was shaking, and his whole body began to twitch uncontrollably, trembling, convulsions, his condition was not very good , over and over again, completely unable to calm down.

Karal originally thought that he could hold on for a while longer, but seeing his situation, it seemed that it was not impossible. He still couldn't face the hurdle in his heart, so he had to wake him up quickly.

Hearing the sound of "Dang", Leng Yisheng opened his eyes involuntarily, his face was pale and his head was sweating profusely, as if he had had another nightmare.

"Karal, I still can't face it."

Leng Yisheng slowed down, shook his head, a little disappointed.

Just now he tried his best to restrain himself, thinking about the smile of missing, and thinking about more beautiful things, but it was completely useless, and he still couldn't resist the intense fear in his heart - like a flood.

"Senso, your condition has improved a lot now, take your time, isn't there a saying here that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! Your condition has improved a lot."

Karal handed him a cup of calming tea, and Leng Yisheng took it, still feeling weak in hands and feet, unable to exert himself.

One must know that when the last scene was restored, he couldn't stand it once, and even started to go crazy, thus closing himself up. Now he can wake up consciously, which is already a very good phenomenon.

As long as he persists, his condition will improve.

"When I think about that scene, I can't help but panic! It's completely useless!"

Leng Yisheng was a little agitated. Over the past few years, he had slowly accumulated all his misfortunes, but when the real situation returned, he still couldn't overcome the fear in his heart.

"Don't be discouraged, take your time, you have consumed a lot of energy just now, drink this cup of calming tea and sleep well!"

Karal patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him, knowing that he was eager to recover, but it was useless for him to be anxious now, he needed to take a good rest.



In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed, and during these half a month, the outside world has undergone dizzying changes.

Ye Qingxin has become a well-known actress, and has started to accept various jobs.

In the past half a month, Shangguan Jushi has tailor-made her star dream for her. She is now a well-known spokesperson of the Juaze Group, and some investors have begun to come to her to discuss with her one after another. He was willing to let her accept commercial endorsements, but nothing else, especially when there was an opportunity to cooperate with other male stars, he refused without hesitation.

And they also started to work together in a play, which was written by Shangguan Jues privately based on the examples of a few of them. The name of the play: "Trial Marriage True Love" also started for a while, and the set was taking a break.

Ye Qingxin was dissatisfied, "Shangguan Jueshi, you added these yourself, how could we have such intimacy at the beginning!"

I remember that when I first played with him, she couldn't help laughing when she saw his familiar face, but after being threatened by him, she could only slowly mediate, because those scenes had happened before, they were all The two of them have experienced it personally, they can be said to act in their true colors, but they have a tacit understanding.

Of course, there are some more intimate scenes in it. Needless to say, Shangguan Jueshi must have added it privately. He really knows how to plan, which makes her very embarrassed, especially when so many people are staring at them. It's like being appreciated like a monkey.

"Naturally, we have to cater to the tastes of the audience!"

Shangguan Jueshi said disapprovingly, could it be possible to make him clear from the beginning to the end, then how can he act as a domineering president!

These days, he is acting and acting, and he quite likes this feeling, especially some intimate scenes between the two of them, which are very exciting.

"Don't say it so nicely, how could I not know your thoughts!"

But I have to say that Shangguan Jueshi's comprehension ability is quite high. Let's say that they didn't fight each other at the beginning. There is no doubt that she is a professional actor and she can perform in the performance, but Shangguan Jueshi can also do this. Generally speaking, after all, the two of them are together now, and they know each other very well. It is quite difficult for him to act out that scene of not knowing each other again, especially since various facial expressions cannot reveal his love for her. , I have to admit that he has a good grasp of this point.

But what makes her uncomfortable is that she needs all kinds of makeup, but Shangguan Jueshi doesn't need anything, just act in his true colors.

"This is what the plot needs! It can better outline my character. Isn't that what you watch in all the frothy dramas?"

Shangguan Jueshi emphasized again, why did she praise those male protagonists to the sky when she watched those Korean dramas, now it's him, why can't it work.

Shangguan Jueshi felt a little unbalanced, how could he lose to her male god, he is really tall, he can make money and act, he can be said to be omnipotent.

"You are my male god too!"

Don't look at Shangguan Jueshi who looks very mature, in fact, he is like a child in private, he has to compete in her heart.

"I want to be the only male god in your heart." Shangguan Jueshi put down these words, insisting on squeezing out other male gods in her heart, no, it was completely crushing.

"Okay, okay, you're right."

Ye Qingxin said weakly, last time she insisted on arguing with him, and he punished her severely in the play in the end, thinking of that scene, she dare not provoke him now, compromise is the best.

It seems that his wild cat has learned a lot and knows how to please him.

These days, he often couldn't help molesting her in the play, so as to defend his position in her heart.

"Miss Ye."


The two were chatting when they heard two familiar voices. Shangguan Jueshi frowned when he saw that it was Lu Manman and Liu Silian. tired.

Especially after three months of pregnancy, Lu Manman's body began to improve a lot, and now he can't stay at home all day, and always comes out to chat with his wild cat.

"Lu Manman, idiot Liu, you guys are here. When we have a scene with the three of us, we can film together. After get off work, let's go out and have a good meal."

When Ye Qingxin saw that it was the two of them, she was very excited.

She used to think that being a star was very glamorous, but after experiencing it now, she was actually quite tired. Fortunately, his family, Shangguan Jueshi, would help her make reasonable arrangements, so she would not be so tired, especially if these good sisters acted together. It was even more enjoyable.

These days, even the idiot Liu and Lu Manman's acting skills are getting better and better. Gu Changye occasionally comes to play, but without the cold show, it's not as lively as before.

For more than half a month, there was no news about Leng Sao Bao. In order to prevent idiot Liu from thinking wildly, they accompanied her almost every day.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Lu Manman smiled. Now she is in such a good spirit that she can't stay at home anymore. Every day she either goes out with idiot Liu or visits Ye Xiaoniu's class.

She is now in a good state of mind in all aspects, and occasionally accepts endorsements, but Gu Changye refused some for her because he was afraid that she would be exhausted. Fortunately, she is naturally beautiful and can easily control all kinds of maternity clothes.

"You guys chat first, I'll go out and answer the phone first."

Shangguan Jueshi's cell phone rang at this moment, and he did not forget to say to Ye Qingxin before leaving.

"Oh, Ye Xiaoniu, it's really irritating for you to sing like a husband and wife now."

Lu Manman couldn't help teasing that now Shangguan Jueshi had to report to Ye Xiaoniu every time he went out to answer the phone.

Looking at the expression of idiot Liu on the side, he smiled forcedly, a little absent-minded, Ye Xiaoniu promptly gave Lu Manman a reminding look, Lu Manman covered his mouth, and only then did he realize what he said wrong.

"Don't mind me, I'm fine."

Liu Silian said calmly, Yisheng is only on a business trip, and it's not that he won't be back, so they really don't need to avoid it.

Living with Manman for a while now, she can have new tricks every day, she even went to film with the two of them, but sometimes she can't help but miss him when she is free.

It has been almost half a month since Yisheng left, she wished that the days would pass quickly, she was really lonely without him by her side, but while he was not around for a while, she also thought a lot about herself. She didn't care much about Sheng being by her side, but now that he was not by his side, she realized that he had done a lot for her.

Let's just say that she doesn't even know how to cook something by herself, Yisheng made it for her before, as long as Yisheng is by her side, she hardly has to do it.

"Idiot Liu, you look listless. Leng Yisheng is only on a business trip and it's not like he won't come back. Look at you, Leng Yisheng has only been away for more than half a month, and you can no longer be independent. How can this be done!"

Lu Manman couldn't help admonishing her when he saw her listless look.

This woman needs to be mentally independent to some extent, the society is too impetuous now, marriages happen in a flash, no one will die if they leave, and life has to go on, Leng Yisheng is only on a business trip, she is so sad.

"I know, but he has no news at all, I miss him!"

In fact, she understands what Manman said, but for more than half a month, he has no news at all, so why doesn't she worry.

"If you miss him, then you can take a look at his photos more as a consolation. It's hard for us sisters to have such a leisurely time together. The most important thing is to be happy. Look at the negative energy in your body now, it's almost affecting me with the baby."

Lu Manman couldn't help but said, now her tone was full of maternal love, and she subconsciously touched her belly.

Although love is important, the two of them must have their own space, but she also understands that idiot Liu is like this, after all, there is no news from Leng Yisheng, and if it were her, she probably wouldn't be able to calm down.

"Manman, I'm sorry! Baby, the godmother has influenced you, so don't take it to heart."

Liu Silian said softly to the baby in Lu Manman's stomach, for fear that his negative pressure would be transmitted to the baby.

"I'm joking with you, his organs haven't grown yet, how could he hear it!"

Lu Manman joked that thinking about how she was half dead at home in the past three months, she now has a shadow in her heart. Now that she has finally recovered, she naturally wants to come out more to breathe fresh air.

"Speaking of children, it's the two of you, why is there no movement at all!"

Lu Manman couldn't help but said, but Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian looked at each other, this child didn't just happen if he had it, he thought it was a magic trick that would appear in a blink of an eye.

"I don't know either! Anyway, I am happy with the situation, and there is nothing I can do if it doesn't come."

Ye Qingxin spread her hands, with a look of ignorance, but she was also quite puzzled, the two of them were quite positive, why there was no news at all.

"We've only been married for a while!"

Liu Silian smiled and said, anyway, she is not in a hurry.

"It's not surprising that Liu Silian is not pregnant yet, but you, Ye Xiaoniu, you and Shangguan Jueshi have both healed soon, so there must be something wrong with one of you?"

Lu Manman couldn't help but said, otherwise it doesn't make sense that there is no news until now. On the contrary, she has taken double measures, and the child appeared for no reason. It really doesn't make sense.

"How is it possible! I'm in good health, it's not my problem."

Ye Qingxin denied that she had a physical examination before returning to China, and everything was normal, so there was no reason why she had a problem.

"You're fine, but that doesn't mean Shangguan Jueshi is fine! By the way, Shangguan Jueshi still doesn't feel for women now?"

Lu Manman suddenly thought of the important point. Before Shangguan Jueshi, he was not interested in other women except Ye Xiaoniu. I don't know if he is better now, maybe there is something wrong with Shangguan Jueshi.

"I don't know either! Is it possible that I'm still so cheap, looking for other women to seduce my man!"

Ye Qingxin said with a grumpy face, but after Man Man mentioned it, she really didn't know whether Shangguan Jueshi's mental disorder was healed or not. Anyway, for her, he had no problems at all, and his physical strength was very good.

"Maybe the problem is here! Why don't you find a chance to have Shangguan Jues go to the hospital for a checkup."

Lu Manman suggested that this matter is very important, but it cannot be delayed.

"Ah! Take Shangguan Jueshi to the hospital for an examination. It's my fault if he doesn't torture me to death. Let's forget about it."

Ye Qingxin shook her head, she should save herself and don't ask for trouble.

Pulling him to the hospital for an examination is to question his dignity. It's no wonder he won't be angry then.

"Ye Xiaoniu, this is a serious matter. Don't underestimate it! The sooner you know the cause, the sooner you treat it! If it's too late, you won't be saved." It wasn't her alarmist words, but the possibility of early detection and cure of the disease. Sex is great.

Her distant relatives in her hometown had this disease before, and they didn't go to see a doctor because of face, and now it's too late to regret it.

"It's not as serious as you said!" Ye Xiaoniu was a little flustered by Lu Manman's words, but what Lu Manman said didn't seem to be false.

She did accidentally flip through this book in her eldest brother's study, which seems to be well-founded. Could it be that there is really something wrong with Shangguan Jueshi?

(End of this chapter)

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