Chapter 351 The Hidden Black Hand

"But I don't think there's anything wrong with Shangguan Jueshi!"

Liu Silian couldn't help interjecting at this moment, saying that he couldn't see that Shangguan Jueshi would be someone with problems.

"How to say this is accurate. No matter how good a person's body is, if there is a congenital problem, there is nothing to do."

Besides, no one is perfect, Shangguan Jueshi might have this fly in the ointment.

"To be honest, Ye Xiaoniu, you should find some time to have a good talk with Shangguan Jueshi. You are the closest person to him now. Your words are useful to him. Only by facing him positively can he be healed. You don't know me The distant relative of my husband didn't seek medical treatment in time because of face, and now he has no child to hug one, and it's too late for him to regret it." Lu Manman said with a serious face, and Ye Qingxin had to be cautious when he said it.

What Lu Manman said is not unreasonable, to be honest, it seems that there is really no news at all.

"If it's not like this, I'll just take Shangguan Jueshi to go with him, and we both go for an examination, so that he won't be so embarrassed."

Ye Qingxin made a decision, and she will accompany Shangguan Jueshi to the inspection, so that Shangguan Jueshi won't feel so embarrassed.

"Anyway, there are so many people with that kind of disease, and Shangguan Jueshi is not the only one, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about! Besides, with your Shangguan Jueshi's **** iceberg face there, others can say whatever they want. Difficult!" Lu Manman quite agreed with her decision, there is no such thing as a cold face in this world, but Ye Xiaoniu is the only person in Shangguan Jue Shinuan.

But as soon as the words were finished, why did she feel a gloomy pain in her back, and then she looked at Ye Xiaoniu and Liu idiot winking at her desperately, their eyes almost rolled out, what are you doing!Don't be so crow-mouthed!
Isn't Shangguan Jueshi right behind her?Don't play like this!

Her limbs and head are stiff now, and she dare not turn her head to look, "Hee hee, the weather is so nice today!"

As she spoke, her teeth were chattering, while idiot Liu on the side lowered her head and her eyes were almost on the ground.

"Shangguan Jueshi, why are you here?"

Ye Qingxin waved awkwardly to Shangguan Jueshi behind him, pretending that nothing happened, and Shangguan Jueshi's expression was a little frightening at first, but when he looked at her again, his expression softened a lot.

Ye Qingxin was secretly startled, she was dead now, and she would never have a good life in the future.

She smiled at Shangguan Jueshi with a friendly face, but Shangguan Jueshi ignored him.

It wasn't that he had a good chat with him just now, why is he quiet now, "Why, don't you continue to chat?"

Shangguan Jueshi sat next to Ye Qingxin, and asked in a low voice, his words were so cold that it made people shudder.

It's fine if others suspect him, but this little wild cat doesn't defend him, it's fine, but he still joins in the fun with them, saying that he is sick. It seems that he has let her be too leisurely these two days. I thought she was busy for a while. Tired from all the work, he behaved a lot to her at night, but she didn't expect her to suspect that there was something wrong with him. It seems that he will continue to work hard tonight to see if she still has the time to suspect.

Looking at those solemn and slightly punishing blue eyes, Ye Qingxin's smile was uglier than crying, she was eager to clean up, it was really none of her business, she felt that tonight she would be gnawed to the bone of.

No matter how innocently she blinked, Shangguan Jueshi didn't accept it, her little face was wrinkled like a bitter melon.

Shangguan Jueshi's fingers clasped the table intentionally or unintentionally, and there was a burst of sound, which made them all restless.uneasy.

If the chair wasn't big enough and stable enough, idiot Liu would have almost fallen from it.

"You guys talk first, I, I'll go for convenience."

Liu idiot said hesitantly, his feet trembled when he got up, but he didn't even have the right to tremble if he didn't walk.

This time idiot Liu was very clever and took the opportunity to escape.


Ye Qingxin opened her mouth wide, and wanted to stop Liu idiot, but unexpectedly, Shangguan Jueshi cast his gaze on her, so she could only smile dryly, thinking of crying.

I didn't expect the idiot to slip away so fast this time, it's too dishonest, but when did she become so flexible, Emma!Is now the time for this question!

Ye Qingxin's eyes quietly fell on Lu Manman who was beside her, signaling her to stand up, don't be so dishonest, if she leaves, what will she do!

Lu Manman gave her a helpless look. This topic was started by her, and it would be no wonder if Shangguanjushi didn't beat her up again.

"Ye Xiaoniu, sister, I'll go first, your Shangguan Jueshi won't do anything to you."

Ye Qingxin wanted to convey something, but Lu Manman had already stood up, "Ye Xiaoniu, I'm going to the bathroom first, I'm pregnant now, and I urinate very frequently."

After finishing speaking, Lu Manman hurriedly slipped away. I didn't expect idiot Liu to slip away so fast this time, and it would be too late if she didn't slip away.

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but touch her forehead, these two guys are too dishonest, they just left like this, it's really okay, can she also say that she wants to make things easier.

Why don't you give it a try!
"Shangguan Jueshi, I drank too much just now, I'll go first for convenience, and I'll talk about it later when I come back."

Ye Qingxin stood up, chattering in bursts, wanting to strive for greater possibilities.

"Go! Don't hold back."

Seeing her like this, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help but smile, punishment is inevitable, but don't hold her back.


Ye Qingxin was stunned, and looked at him from time to time, did it turn out to be a little smooth, so smooth that she couldn't bear it, but if she didn't leave, she would be a fool!

"Why, are you in no hurry?"

Shangguan Jueshi saw that she still had time to stare blankly, so he couldn't help raising his voice. Although he knew that she might be lying, of course, he might be really anxious. No matter what kind, her body is the first of.

"Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! I'm so anxious that I'm about to pee my pants. Shangguan Jueshi, I'll leave first."

Ye Qingxin thought that he was going to repent, so she immediately jumped up and ran.

"Pay attention to the road, don't fall."

Seeing her flustered look, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help smiling, and said that she had already run away, he shook his head helplessly.

However, when he thought of the phone call he received just now, his face sank. It is said that the woman Fei Dali has stretched out her hand here, in order to stop all his actions on the anniversary of his father's death in the near future. It seems that he should be more or less careful. up.

His current weakness is her, although she is not bad at kung fu, but he is still worried, Shangguan Jueshi took out his mobile phone and ordered some people to come over to protect her secretly, but he didn't expect it to be such a short time , it was delayed.

I don't know if it's because he is too sharp, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes swept to the corner, but he didn't find anything suspicious.

"Mrs. Fei Dali, things are as you expected, this time I will bring Ye Qingxin back to you."

"Well done, I await good news from you."

At this time, the woman who was hiding in the dark hid, smiling triumphantly, her voice seemed a little familiar, her eyes showed a ferocity that didn't match her face, Lu Manman, Ye Qingxin didn't expect to be able to bump into you all at once this time, it seems like God Still take care of me, I will not let you two have a good life.

She couldn't help stroking her ordinary face, and when she thought of the days when people were neither human nor ghost, her eyes became even more fierce. Those two women brought her that terrible memory. She will never let it go once, she will make them pay back thousands of times.

It was they who caused her to lose all her reputation, just like a lost dog. Fortunately, there is no way out. She met a savior and saved her life, but her face could no longer be refined. Become what it is now.

Hiding the hatred on her face, she walked towards them. At this time, idiot Liu went out and waited first. Lu Manman and Ye Xiaoniu should be fine. Fortunately, she ran out in time. Liu Silian smiled playfully.

Lu Manman came out, and immediately saw idiot Liu standing there, idiot Liu also saw her, and the two couldn't help but smile tacitly.

"Idiot Liu, you are so unjust, you have to drag me along if you want to leave!"

"Manman, it seems too coincidental that we are going out together. Besides, you are coming out now, or I don't know what happened to Qingxin, but I feel that there must be no good end."

Liu Silian couldn't help but sweat for Ye Qingxin, Shangguan Jueshi's face must have been scary at that time, she didn't dare to raise her head, but now thinking of the chilly aura just now, her feet trembled.

"Ye Xiaoniu, it's fine, Shangguan Jueshi is not willing to beat her, at most he just squeezes her."

Lu Manman wasn't too worried about Ye Qingxin, and Ye Xiaoniu wouldn't lose even if she fought. After all, Shangguan Jueshi was afraid of hurting her, so he would restrain his hands and feet, but Ye Xiaoniu was different, she would seize this opportunity. The point turned defeat into victory.

"It's not that bad!"

Liu Silian shrank her neck involuntarily, Qingxin, you can only do it yourself.

"You two unrighteous guys actually let go and ran away. You are really my good sisters!"

With her hands on her waist, Ye Qingxin walked over with a sullen expression on her face.

These two dishonest guys left her behind whenever something happened.

Lu Manman and Liu Silian thought they heard it wrong, they glanced at each other, and then looked forward, unexpectedly it was Ye Xiaoniu who came.

"What's going on!"

"I don't know either!"

Lu Manman slipped so smoothly. Could it be that Shangguan Jueshi didn't hear what they were talking about just now? It's impossible. He clearly felt that he was very angry just now.

Ye Qingxin walked over, saw their surprised expressions, raised her fist, and couldn't help but hit the two of them hard on the head.

"Why, is it possible that you want to see that I have something to do?"

Who started the topic just now, this matter ran faster than anyone else, especially Liu idiot's IQ this time, was simply beyond her expectations.

"Emma! It hurts!"

Lu Manman stroked his forehead and said in a muffled voice, Ye Xiaoniu knocked too hard.

"It's good to know the pain, who is so ungrateful!"

Ye Qingxin snorted, and Lu Manman and Liu idiot were both a little embarrassed by the words.

"Aren't I afraid that our entire army will be wiped out! We can only withdraw first, we were still discussing how to rescue you just now!"

Lu Manman opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, and Liu Silian also agreed.

"Come on, you two, you don't write drafts when you lie, but you idiot Liu, you are much smarter this time."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help laughing.

"I'm not bad at all!"

Liu Silian looked embarrassed after being praised, and received another chestnut on his forehead.

"The guy who is not righteous can still laugh."

Liu Silian had a pained look on her face, well, they are indeed a bit dishonest, and they should be angry with each other.

"But Ye Xiaoniu, how could you come out so quickly!"

Lu Manman tilted his head, looking puzzled.

"Lu Manman, damn it, could it be that you wish I could not come out! I'll tell Shangguan Jueshi that I'm also in a hurry to pee!"

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, in fact, she was quite surprised that it went so smoothly this time.

Shangguan Jueshi could actually expose her, but he didn't, probably because he was really afraid of being overwhelmed. Thinking of this, a touch of sweetness flashed across her heart.

"Ah, this is still believable!"

"Shangguan Jueshi's head is soaked in water, I believe it all! There are no three people who are in a hurry to urinate together."

Lu Manman and Liu Silian looked at each other in disbelief.

Shangguan Jueshi's IQ is amazing!

"You're in the water! My dear husband, it's because you're worried about me."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but refute when she heard them speak ill of Shangguan Jueshi.

"Ouch, I have goosebumps all over my body."

Lu Manman shook his body, seeing how sweet Ye Xiaoniu is.

"Screw you."

"It's Ye Xiaoniu, have you discussed with Shangguan Jueshi about going to the hospital!" Lu Manman mentioned, it is possible that Shangguan Jueshi agreed.

"Come on, come on, Lu Manman, don't tell me about this anymore, I don't dare to mention it again if you give me a hundred heads, it's better if you say it's all right, run away if you have something to do, I'm not alone in the end."

Ye Qingxin waved her hand, anyway, she wouldn't bring it up again if she was killed.

As for the child, it is a matter of fate.

Besides, the matter just now is over, when she goes back, she still wants to give an explanation to Shangguan Jueshi, if the explanation is not clear, she will never have a good life, so let's save it!

At least she now thinks she is quite "happy".

"You're right, Shangguan Jueshi has such a good physique, it really doesn't seem like there is a problem."

Lu Manman was so embarrassed by what was said, that he changed his words immediately.

If she wasn't pregnant now, Ye Qingxin would have wanted to beat her to death.

"Okay, I'll take you to see a better scene, which is just arranged, super beautiful and romantic."

Ye Qingxin said with gusto, hearing that the two of them would die if they didn't go.

The three of them walked together, because Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin were very engaged in chatting, but idiot Liu felt a little uneasy, always feeling as if someone was following behind.

(End of this chapter)

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