Chapter 354

"Xin'er, what happened just now? How could you guys be hunted down?"

Hearing that they were in danger, Ye Haoxuan said with a worried face, he had a kung fu foundation, but Manman and Si Lian were only a little superficial, and now Manman was pregnant and had trouble moving, it was dangerous.

Ye Haoxuan's gaze fell on Shangguan Jueshi, his gaze was as sharp as a sword, the Ye family seldom made enemies, so they probably wouldn't offend anyone, unless it was him, who the hell was he, who actually caused a murderous disaster? , and even a few of them were in trouble.

Before, he faintly felt that the identity of Shangguan Jueshi and the others was not so simple, and he was concerned about his son's safety. Now he has to think carefully, if it is really him who caused the disaster, he can't let Xin'er suffer any harm. Even if the relationship between the two is to be separated, no matter what he or his father thinks, in their eyes, the safety of Xin'er is more important than anyone else.

Shangguan Jueshi's eyes were as deep as the sea, as cold as ice, he looked into Ye Haoxuan's eyes without any intention of avoiding them.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely cold because of the two of them. It was really hard to say this matter, because this matter probably had something to do with him, and it was understandable for Ye Haoxuan to have an opinion on Jazz.

Ye Qingxin looked at her elder brother, and then at her husband. This is going to be troublesome. It would be bad if the two of them start fighting and make things worse.

Ye Qingxin hastily pulled Shangguan Jueshi's arm, telling him not to always target her elder brother and make the relationship stiff. Shangguan Jueshi paid attention to her little actions, and then looked away, and the atmosphere eased a lot for a while.

And Ye Qingxin took the opportunity to quickly explain, "Brother, this matter really has nothing to do with Guan Jueshi. This is the trouble I caused before. I beat Bei Renshan. He has a grudge, and now he is looking for revenge. , nothing happened to the few of us, and Shangguan Jueshi has arrested her, so don't worry about it."

Although this matter has something to do with Shangguan Jueshi, but at this time it can't be said that if my brother knows the identity of Shangguan Jueshi, then my father will also know, and I don't know how to treat the relationship between the two of them. She knew very well that her father and brother would not put her in a dangerous situation.

"Xin'er, pay more attention in the future. Although you are good at martial arts, but you are in the dark, if you accidentally get tricked, what should you do? It's lucky that nothing happened today, so what about next time?"

Ye Haoxuan said with a helpless face, it seems that today's matter really has nothing to do with the officialdom, it was provoked by the heart, this girl, why is she still messing around like this after getting married, if there is something good or bad, then what should I do? .

"There won't be a next time."

Ye Qingxin wanted to say something more, but Shangguan Jueshi's firm words came from beside her. She turned her head and saw his firm expression through his eyes. He would never let her fall into crisis again.

If something like this happened today, he will definitely be secretly protected in the future, so that she will not make any mistakes again.

Now this time is very dangerous, the old hag can't hold back anymore, he is afraid that he will resist at that time, he is ready to strike first, and wants to take down his weakness, if possible, he really wants to temporarily send her to a safe place , but according to her temperament, it might be difficult.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Jueshi frowned even tighter. As long as it was her, even if she was protected tightly, he was still worried.

"I hope you can do what you say." Ye Haoxuan said lightly, but Shangguan Jueshi had a cold face.

"Lu Manman, you must be tired too, why don't you go to my room to rest first!" Ye Qingxin saw that Lu Manman's mental state was not in a good state, so she couldn't help but said.

"it is good!"

Lu Manman nodded, she was indeed a little frightened today, but luckily everything was safe in the end, Lu Manman put his hand gently on her lower abdomen with a look of relief.

Ye Qingxin and Zhang Feiya sent her up, while Liu Silian sat uncomfortably, so she went out for a walk.

But Ye Haoxuan couldn't bear to look at her leaving back, and finally followed her.

Liu Silian went out, walked around, and finally sat on the swing in the yard with a smile on her face.

Yisheng, are you okay now?Do you know that we were almost in danger today, but don't worry, we all escaped safely, and you must come back safely, I will wait for you.

The jasmine flowers in the yard were in full bloom, and when the breeze blew, the fragrance hit her, making her feel refreshed. She, who had been sluggish before, suddenly became more energetic.

There were waves of footsteps coming from behind, Liu Silian was overjoyed in his heart, he turned his head and before seeing the face of the person coming, he exclaimed with joy, "Yisheng!"

When she realized it, her face blushed a lot.


Ye Haoxuan called her name, but he could clearly hear the name she was calling, and seeing her smiling awkwardly because she called him by mistake, she kept smiling, but she couldn't hide the disappointment in her heart .

Just now she thought he was Leng Yisheng!Ye Haoxuan also smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his heart was very calm.

"Brother Haoxuan, I'm sorry, I thought it was Yisheng who came back."

Liu Silian said apologetically, because she kept her head down because of embarrassment.

"I know, Xin'er told me about you, Si Lian, you don't have to worry, Leng Yisheng is only on a business trip, he will come back."

Ye Haoxuan sat next to her, and said softly, even if he can't be his wife, they are still friends, brother and sister, seeing her lost, he still can't help but want to care about her, this has probably become a habit, However, the previous hotness gradually became flat, and of course there were unavoidable ups and downs in my heart sometimes, but it gradually evolved into the same concern for my sister.

"Well! He'll be back."

Liu Silian nodded and smiled at Ye Haoxuan.

"But Si Lian, you should keep your spirits up now, eat when you need to, sleep when you need to sleep, play when you need to play, and live life as heartlessly as that girl in Xin'er, otherwise when Leng Yisheng sees you Sullen and skinny, it's no wonder he doesn't feel bad."

Ye Haoxuan comforted, and wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat with Si Lian, not wanting to alienate their relationship because of the previous relationship, and even make her feel a little embarrassed, they shouldn't be like this, they are a family.

"I see, brother Haoxuan, I will take good care of myself, and you have found your happiness, I wish you well."

Liu Silian wished sincerely, Brother Haoxuan's words made her feel relieved.

And Ye Haoxuan showed a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, looking very happy.

He subconsciously looked at Ye Qingxin's room. He didn't expect such a coincidence that she happened to be drawing the curtains. Zhang Feiya was also taken aback. She saw the two of them sitting alone together and thought that Haoxuan still hadn't put it down. She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but when she saw him smiling at her, she couldn't help but also smiled, her heart was sweet, as if she had eaten honey, and any feeling of boredom flew into the sky.

Noticing that Brother Haoxuan was silent, Liu Silian followed his gaze and saw Fei Ya who was standing by the window. No wonder Brother Haoxuan lost his mind. In order to say hello, Zhang Feiya also waved, and then walked away blushing.

Seeing that Brother Haoxuan is very happy with Fei Ya now, she breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help joking, "Brother Haoxuan, when can I have your wedding wine?"

"Si Lian, like that girl Xin'er, you started making fun of me. The wedding ceremony, sooner or later, you have to put it on. You should prepare the big red envelope!"

Ye Haoxuan chuckled, but he didn't know what Fei Ya was thinking, every time he talked about it, she would find all kinds of excuses to avoid it, it seemed that he was going to step up the pace.

"Brother Haoxuan, you are getting more and more humorous, and you have also learned badly."

Liu Silian couldn't help but tell the truth, found that Brother Haoxuan has changed a lot during this period of time, of course Brother Haoxuan was also very good before, but now he seems to have more vitality, this is when he was with him before None, presumably because of Fei Ya's relationship, it was Fei Ya who changed him.

"Isn't there a saying that men are not bad, but women don't love them?"

Ye Haoxuan smiled. In fact, he found that he has indeed changed a while, and he is satisfied with such a change. He likes this state at this moment.

"Ha ha!"

Liu Silian couldn't help laughing, she was very happy, and when Ye Haoxuan saw that she finally smiled, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

At this time, Zhang Feiya walked towards them, Liu Silian couldn't help but said, "Brother Haoxuan, do you think Feiya didn't worry about you, that's why she came down."

Ye Haoxuan raised his head, and indeed saw Fei Ya not far away, and she really came down.

He really wanted to see her attitude, and he became playful, "Si Lian, how about you do me a favor?"

"Ah? What can I do for you?"

Liu Silian was stunned, what does brother Haoxuan want to do?Why did she feel a bad premonition.

"Si Lian, when the time comes, you will be like this..."

Ye Haoxuan whispered in his ear, but Liu Silian shook his head, not quite agreeing.

"Brother Haoxuan, this is not good, what if Fei Ya is really angry and leaves later?"

I feel that Haoxuan's approach is very inappropriate. It would be bad if Fei Ya really misunderstood the two of them. Brother Haoxuan's joke is too big.

It doesn't matter to her, but Fei Ya is really angry and leaves, brother Haoxuan is still alone, so what should I do?

And Fei Ya is her good friend, she can't lie to her, Liu Silian raised her eyebrows, and seemed to have other thoughts in her heart.

"The more angry she is, the more she cares about me. She's always been indifferent to my marriage proposals these days. I'm a little bit lost, Si Lian. Just help Brother Haoxuan this time. Brother Haoxuan's marriage depends on you gone."

Ye Haoxuan planned to make a big move, trying to get Zhang Feiya to quickly agree to his marriage proposal.


This also works!When did Brother Haoxuan become so cunning!She was almost out of recognition.

"She's here, she's here, Si Lian, hurry up!"

Ye Haoxuan left behind Zhang Feiya, who was approaching step by step, he hurriedly urged, success or failure depends on one action, and a cunning flashed in Liu Silian's eyes.

Brother Haoxuan, I'm sorry!I am still on the front line of female compatriots.

Seeing the people behind him approaching, Ye Haoxuan wanted to take Si Lian over in a hurry, but he didn't expect Si Lian to slip away at this critical moment, and instead ran to Fei Ya's side.

It turned out that Zhang Feiya felt a little strange seeing the two of them getting so close.

"Fiya, brother Haoxuan, want to use me to stimulate you..."

Liu Silian ran to Zhang Feiya's side and told Zhang Feiya brother Haoxuan's plan verbatim. Ye Haoxuan looked at the two of them and felt that the strategy was wrong. Unexpectedly, the girl Silian turned her arm out.

Look at Fei Ya again, with his hands on his waist, with a ferocious expression on his face, as if he wanted to settle accounts with him.

"Brother Haoxuan, take care! I'm leaving."

Liu Silian stuck out her tongue and walked away with a mischievous expression.

"Ye Haoxuan, okay, you actually came up with such a bad trick to deal with me."

Zhang Feiya covered her fists, ready to go.

Fortunately, Si Lian told him in time, otherwise she would really have been fooled by him. To be honest, she felt a little grudge about the relationship between the two of them in the past, but seeing Si Lian standing by her side now, what grudge does she have? All gone.

There's no way to make her jealous.

"Fiya, you haven't been under too much work pressure recently, I just want to joke with you and make you happy!" Ye Haoxuan changed the subject in time, hoping that she would listen.

"Ye Haoxuan, let me tell you now, I'm going to take a month off to travel, that's all."

After Zhang Feiya finished speaking, she turned and left, but Ye Haoxuan was in a hurry.

I thought she would be so angry that she ran over to fight him, but she turned around and left, and said that she would travel for a month, leaving him to go outside alone, how could this work.

It was with great difficulty that he abducted her to his home. What would happen if she was abducted halfway through a trip.

"Fiya, where do you want to travel, or I will ask for leave, and we will go together."

Ye Haoxuan followed, smiled and said, anyway, he now believes that she is such a woman, so he has to follow her with a stern face.

"No, it's fine for me to travel alone, it's a lot quieter."

Zhang Feiya continued walking with a smile on her lips, while Ye Haoxuan followed her closely.

"It's too dangerous for a girl to be outside, and a man should be around to protect her."

"Don't worry, I'll be with the group at the worst."

"What's so good about joining a group? It's expensive and restricted. Aren't you the cheapest?"

"Then tell me what to do?"

Zhang Feiya paused, and asked with her arms around her.

"Of course we should go together!"

"Then you can dream slowly, because I have no such plan at all, haha!"

Zhang Feiya laughed, now to see if he dares to tease her in the future.

Leaving Ye Haoxuan alone, he held his forehead with a look of confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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