Chapter 355 Memory Conflict
"What's going on? You didn't ask you to keep an eye on that woman, but you let her run away. Is it because I haven't trained you for too long that your vigilance has dropped."

Shangguan Jueshi's face was extremely ugly, and his deep blue eyes radiated a cold air. He never thought that Bei Renshan, a woman who was so cunning, could slip out of his hands.

It has been more than half a month since the kidnapping. In the past half month, he has played hard and soft, trying to get some useful information from her, and even as long as he can get evidence from her that Fei Dali ordered her to kill secretly. Then it will help the action to bring down Fei Dali in the near future, and the situation will change a lot.

If he takes the opportunity to cause chaos at that time, to be honest, it will be difficult for him to resist with the power of the family. If he can find out that some things that Fei Dali has done over the years have damaged the reputation of the Shangguan family, then he can still gain by resisting. With the help of most people in the clan, so as to reduce the necessary damage, but he didn't expect that this woman's mouth is so hard, she refuses to admit it, and now she can escape from her, because he underestimated that woman.

Fei Dali is a ruthless woman, and she never leaves any clues when she does things. Even the men she raises in private, get rid of them when they get tired of using them.

I'm afraid that Bei Renshan will go out now, she will definitely not be reconciled, damn it, then she will be in danger.

For more than half a month, he has sent secret guards to secretly protect her safety, but now that Bei Renshan has escaped, so he should be careful not to guard against it. The anniversary of his father's death is approaching, and Yisheng is also coming out today. In those days, it is still unclear what his condition is, and all of a sudden, everything came together, and Shangguan Jueshi looked devastated.

Because of concerns about Manman's safety, Changye has already placed Manman in a very safe place. Lu Manman was also reluctant at first, but finally left for the safety of the child. As for Liu Silian, no matter what he said, he refused to leave and insisted on waiting until It's impossible for Leng Yisheng to come back, let alone his wild cats. Now her career is booming, and she is too busy to think about it. It's just that exposing her to so many people's eyes like this makes her a little more dangerous.

"Send someone to look for it, and if you find this woman, get rid of it quickly."

Shangguan Jueshi frowned, looking a little tired.

Since there is no use value for her, if she is kept in this world, I am afraid that it will be a threat to them. Anyone who threatens her safety must be eliminated. There is a trace of bloodthirsty in Shangguan Jueshi's eyes.

And his subordinates heard the order and went down one after another.

Shangguan Jueshi tilted his head back, and was about to close his eyes to rest, but he didn't expect that his phone suddenly remembered. Hearing the familiar ringtone, Shangguan Jueshi's face rarely showed a trace of emotion, and she was the only one who could make him happy for a while.

Shangguan Jueshi sat upright, put away his lazy posture, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and softened the lines on his face, he asked in a low voice, "Honey, what's wrong?"

Because Yi Sheng was receiving treatment, Chang Ye sometimes couldn't get out of bed, and he was dealing with it alone for a while, so he came back late during this time, and when he was about to chat with her, she was already so tired that she fell asleep. People's time is staggered, some neglected her.

When these things pass, then everything will return to normal.

"Shangguan Jueshi, tell me what's going on with you these days? You always go out early and come back late. Could it be that you're hiding in the golden house behind my back?"

Ye Qingxin's dissatisfied voice came from the phone, expressing his dissatisfaction with Shangguan Jueshi's actions these days.

She couldn't help but think wildly. Previously, Shangguan Jueshi told her to leave for a while, and he would arrange for her to go to a safe place, but she refused, and she didn't know if he would be angry because of it.

"Wait a little longer, and we will resume our normal life before."

Shangguan Jueshi's tone is full of doting, and he still loves the golden house. He is so tired that he can't even spare time every day. How can he have such idle time, but it's rare that she starts to care, thinking that she has a job He left it on the back of his head.

"Shangguan Jueshi, no matter what happens, you must pay attention to my safety! You still have me! If you don't have enough manpower, you can call me."

Ye Qingxin calmed down and said seriously, in fact, she also probably knew that Shangguan Jueshi was really busy these days, and he should have taken a big action. He was afraid that she would be in danger, so he didn't reveal a word to her. In fact, she really wanted to say, She wanted to face it with him.

What she doesn't want is to be protected, but to stand shoulder to shoulder with him and face it together. When will he understand her thoughts!

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxin felt a little annoyed. .


In fact, he knows what she thinks, and he is very happy to see her wanting to integrate into his world so much, but his world is not what she imagined, it is a dark, bloodthirsty place, not what she should enter Well, it's enough for him to be blackened alone, she just needs to keep her pure whiteness - which is the part he wants to see most in his heart.

He couldn't see that she was half wrong, and he couldn't imagine what would happen to him if she was good or bad.

What happened to Yi Sheng had caused him to have a mental breakdown once, if there was any mistake in her, he really couldn't imagine it!I can't even imagine it!
He just wanted to protect her under his wings so that she wouldn't get hurt at all.

"You have nothing else to say?"

Ye Qingxin originally thought that he would still say yes, and call you when there are not enough people, but he just said grace, and he didn't even want to face her together. Could it be that in his heart, she is so useless? Yeah, that's why I didn't think about her at all.

She usually has a bit of a savage temper, and sometimes she likes to cause trouble, but she will be careful and vigilant at critical moments, why don't you believe her!

"miss you!"

Shangguan Jueshi whispered softly, he really misses her a little bit, but he can't get out of his body for the time being, and he has to check on Yisheng's situation later, the time should be almost up.

But when Ye Qingxin heard what he was saying, her mind suddenly became messy, she grinned and kept smirking, as if she forgot what to say for a while.

"Take good care of yourself, wait for me to come back, okay!"

"Okay, bye!"

Ye Qingxin hung up the phone sweetly, looking at the phone, Shangguan Jueshi's love words kept lingering in her ears.

"Oops, I didn't say anything important." When she realized it, she realized that she forgot what she wanted to say just now.

She also wanted to ask why she wasn't allowed to face him together, did she think she was useless and looked down on her, but she didn't expect to be stunned by Shangguan Jueshi's sugar-coated bullets, how could she be so stupid!
Ye Qingxin clasped her head with her hands, her face full of annoyance, she could only wait to go back tonight to talk about it, anyway, she had to resist the sleeping bug tonight, she had to wait for him to come back and ask for clarification.

After Ye Qingxin finished talking on the phone, she came out of the bathroom, but she didn't expect to notice that the sister-in-law who was cleaning suddenly raised her head, looking at the direction Ye Qingxin was leaving with a hint of sternness in her eyes.

After Shangguan Jueshi hung up the phone and dealt with the matter in hand, he rushed to the basement.

In the treatment room, the scene reappeared again and again, but Leng Yisheng didn't struggle anymore, lying there very calmly, the effect looked very good.


With the sound of "铛", he opened his eyes, and a ruffian smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yisheng, congratulations on your recovery!"

With a smile on his face, Karol wished him well. In the past month, he had really lost many brain cells. Half a month ago, Yisheng's situation was not optimistic. He almost felt that there was no hope. I began to challenge slowly, pumped up again and again, trembling, and finally calmed down slowly, and now I seem to be recovering well.

"Karol, thank you for your hard work."

Leng Yisheng stood up and gave him a big hug, feeling as if he had walked through the gate of hell, his head was a little heavy.

"No, what you should thank most is the wife you miss the most in your heart. She gave you strength. One month has passed, and you are now in good health. You can go back to see her. She should be in a hurry."

Karol smiled. In fact, it is the person in his heart who should be grateful the most. It is her love that tolerates his flaws.

Now that he has recovered, he can go back to see his lover, so as not to worry her badly.

"Wife? Karol, what international joke are you making! Where did my wife come from? I promised to be a bachelor all my life. Women are all troubles. I only play for fun, but I won't make trouble for myself!"

Leng Yisheng snorted and said with a smile, after seeing each other for a few years, Karal has learned to talk nonsense.

Return my wife!This joke can't be played casually!Leng Yisheng shook his body with pimples, he didn't want to cause trouble to his upper body.

Leng Yisheng thought he was handsome and raised his head, and walked to the mirror to look at it. He didn't know if he didn't see it. When he saw that he was startled by his ghostly appearance, he looked anxious, "Karal, don't tell me The person in my mirror is me, my God! I thought I was handsome all my life, but I didn’t expect to be like this beggar now. fainted."

After finishing speaking, Leng Yisheng opened the door and walked out. He didn't expect the light outside to be so dazzling. It's been a long time since he came out. If he wasn't familiar with the environment here, he would almost think he was imprisoned!

He stayed here for a month?How does he feel like staying for many years.

"Yi Sheng!"

Karol looked puzzled, this guy must be joking, there shouldn't be any mistakes in the process!I can only wait until it comes out.

Maybe it was this kid's prank!
And Shangguan Jueshi dodged the tail behind him, came to the basement, and arrived at the treatment room in no time. He left the reclining chair at a glance, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

"Karal, where did Yisheng go?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked, is it possible that he has recovered?
"This kid just woke up, he couldn't stand seeing his ghostly appearance, so he went to wash it."

Karal spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

Originally, he thought that when he woke up, he would run out to meet his lover first, but he didn't expect that he would actually be so beautiful. That's right, if he went to meet his lover like that, he would probably scare her.

"How is his recovery?"

Seeing Karal's relaxed way of teasing, it seems that Yisheng's condition has improved, but I don't know if he has fully recovered.

"It can be said that the hurdle in my heart is over, and my health has recovered."

Karal smiled and said, being able to cure Leng Yisheng, he can also enjoy the challenges brought by it, and of course he is also happy for his recovery.

"thank you!"

Shangguan Jueshi shook his hand, said these two words emphatically, his emotion was beyond words, and they couldn't be happier that Yisheng could recover smoothly.

Yisheng's illness has always been the saddest and most worrying thing in their hearts, even more important than revenge. Now that the doctor said that he recovered, how could he not be excited, because this incident has always been the most unacceptable pain in his heart. Once, Shangguan Jueshi's blue eyes showed some water vapor.

Shangguan Jueshi arrived on the front foot, and Gu Changye also arrived on the back foot.

"Jueshi, you're here too, how is Yisheng?" Gu Changye knew that today was the day when Yisheng's results were due, so he rushed over. As soon as he arrived at the basement, he came to the treatment room first. faster than him.

Looking at Jue Shi's expression again, Gu Changye patted him on the shoulder. In fact, this incident was not only painful for Yi Sheng, but for so many years, Jue Shi suffered more in his heart than anyone else.

"He's back to health."

Shangguan Jueshi said every word, and every word was bitten, which is enough to show how restless he is at the moment.

"I know that kid will make it through."

Gu Changye also laughed lightly, his eyes were covered with mist.

Karal looked at the three brothers with emotion on his face. Although they were not biological and had no blood relationship, they were more biological than his own. He was really lucky to meet such loyal friends as them.

The two of them sat outside and waited for half an hour, "Yi Sheng is really flamboyant and makes people wait. He is not in a hurry to see his Liu Silian."

Gu Changye couldn't help but said, now he can go to see his woman in good health, so as not to make Liu Silian worry too much. In the past month, Liu Silian has really worn down a lot.

"Don't rush this moment, anyway, I have waited for so long."

Shangguan Jueshi said indifferently, as long as he recovers safely, everything else will be fine.

And his cleansing is just to face them in a better state. Of course, the most important thing is that idiot Liu, and she probably won't be able to wait any longer.

"Oh, why are there so many people today? Why don't you all go to accompany your wife, but come to see me instead."

Wearing a bathrobe, Leng Yisheng walked out with a silly face, not forgetting to be handsome.

When he thought of his sloppy appearance just now, he still couldn't think of him, and now after washing for a while, he felt like a spring breeze again, very refreshed.

These two came on time today, they are not usually quite ungrateful, but now they have a wife and leave him aside, now they finally think of him as a good brother.

(End of this chapter)

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