Chapter 366 The Silly Woman

"Liu Silian, tell me what's going on here? Who allowed you to transform my place into such a ghost without authorization."

As soon as Liu Silian walked in, Leng Yisheng's anger immediately spread to her head, and asked her angrily.

You must know that every detail here was designed by him himself, and it is his most proud place. Who allowed her to make her own decisions, and who gave her such fat courage.

If he didn't see her as a woman, he would have done it long ago.

But Leng Yisheng was so angry that he kicked all the tea utensils off the table with one kick, and there was an endless "clang" sound, Liu Silian was startled by his excessive behavior.

"Yisheng, you made this yourself."

And it was reformed for her, but she didn't say this sentence, for fear that he would lose face.

After they got married, because they often went to the bar, he moved his mind and changed the atmosphere here to be roughly the same as their home. She had some opinions before. After all, it can be seen that this VIP room is his. A proud work, but he still made an exception for her.

Now that he doesn't remember the past, he should be angry for a while, so Liu Silian didn't feel wronged.

"I modified it myself?"

Leng Yisheng pointed at himself, not knowing how to get angry for a while.

Is what this woman said true?Could it be that he remodeled it himself?How is it possible!How could he change his perfect design into this ghostly appearance? Is this woman using his amnesia as an excuse again.

"Well, not long after we got married, you remodeled it yourself."

Liu Silian nodded, the anger in Leng Yisheng's heart had nowhere to vent, whoever made him forget, so he couldn't get angry at her, he was at fault for that.

"Needless to say, it must be your idea!"

Needless to say, it must be because of this woman's threats that he would renovate his proud VIP room. Seeing how it looked like, his heart was bleeding.

"You think so!"

Liu Silian did not explain, because she knew that what she said would be superfluous, and in his heart he had already positioned her as a vain woman.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you clean it up quickly."

Leng Yisheng sat on the sofa, looked at her, as if he deliberately bullied her, pretend!Pack!She pretends again!
Seeing her standing there, he felt that it was an eyesore, and he couldn't help but want to send her off. Since she was his wife, it was natural to do these things.

"it is good!"

Liu Silian didn't say anything, just squatted down, took a tray of trash cans, picked them up with bare hands, and put them one by one in the trash can.

I don't know why, seeing her silent, he was very annoyed in his heart, he wished to see this woman quarreling with him, but she was such a submissive appearance, it made him more and more annoyed.

I don't know if he has nothing to do and wants to quarrel with someone!
Let's see if this woman has a brain, she won't use a face towel to pick it up, and she won't be afraid of hurting her hands.

Realizing his subconscious concern for her, Leng Yisheng felt that he was almost hopeless, she was hurt, he should be happier.

"You stupid you, you don't know how to sweep up with a broom, it's shameful to waste time."

Seeing that she was still picking it up with his hands, Leng Yisheng couldn't help but make a sound.

Liu Silian was preoccupied and a little absent-minded, but she didn't pay attention when he called her out, her finger was scratched by the glass, and blood flowed out.


She couldn't help but let out a dull pain, but she still didn't plan to deal with it, and continued to pick it up.

Leng Yisheng crossed Erlang's legs and whistled all the time, but he still couldn't help sweeping his eyes over her, just in time to see the scene where she was scratched, he thought this woman would use this excuse to be lazy For a while, unexpectedly, she continued to pick it up.

It made him even more angry, and he felt that he was a contradictory body.

"Are you a stupid pig? You got scratched and you still pick it up with your hands like this. Maybe you want to make me feel guilty on purpose!"

Leng Yisheng couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up, walked towards her, and pulled her up. Liu Silian was taken aback by her rude behavior, but fortunately he stabilized his position in time, otherwise he would have to fell to the ground.

Leng Yisheng didn't allow any further explanation, and directly pulled her to the sofa beside her, and she fell down on the sofa.

Needless to say, she must have done it on purpose. She clearly wanted to make him feel uneasy. This woman is too good at making wishful thinking, but he just softened her heart.

"Let me tell you, don't think that I will soften my heart to you. Let me tell you, you made a wrong calculation."

Leng Yisheng turned his head away, and said with a detached expression.

And when Liu Silian saw his arrogant appearance, he obviously cared about her, but also looked indifferent, seeing his awkward appearance, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

Isn't this a good phenomenon!Even if he forgot everything about them, he still cared about her subconsciously, which made her more confident.

"What are you laughing at? Are you stupid? Your hands are bleeding and you are still laughing."

Hearing the laughter from the side, Leng Yisheng turned to look at her, whether this woman's brain is soaked in water, her fingers are still bleeding, and she can still laugh, so she knows she is faking it.

"I'm so happy! Yisheng, even if you forget me, you still care about me."

Liu Silian grinned foolishly, making Leng Yisheng a little confused.

He laughed so badly that he was no different from a fool.

"Who cares about you, you don't want to be proud there, it's just that you are my wife in name now, if you have any troubles, it's not that I want to take care of you by your side, so Liu Silian, you'd better grow up for me Brain, just use the shrewd brain that confronted me just now, don't trouble me."

Leng Yisheng said with an unnatural expression, who cares about her? Is this woman too self-righteous? He only said a few more words because she was still relying on the name of his wife.

I don't know what's going on with this woman, or her acting skills are too good, sometimes she's stupid, sometimes she's as shrewd as a fox, but no matter who it is, he always has a little more compassion for women by nature.

"I will take good care of myself and not cause you any trouble." Liu Silian was laughing, and listening to her words, Leng Yisheng felt awkward.

"Why are you still standing there! Don't hurry up and clean up your hands. Don't think that you don't have to work. Hurry up and clean up everything here. It's dirty."

The woman was still giggling, she didn't see that her hands were still bleeding!
Don't think that he cares about her, he just doesn't want his place to be too dirty, the place has become such a ghost, if she still stains the whole room with blood, how can he live there.

"I'll clean it now."

Upon hearing his explanation, Liu Silian thought about working without even thinking about it. Because she was so happy, she forgot the injury on her hand for a while.

"Idiot Liu, it's a pity that you don't call me by that name. You plan to use your bloody hand to make my VIP room smell of blood everywhere. You want to disgust me, don't you?"

Seeing that she was about to go to work without even taking care of her wound, Leng Yisheng stopped her.

What is the purpose of this woman's ears? They are used as decorations. Didn't she listen to what he said just now?It was because she deliberately wanted to make him feel uncomfortable watching him.

Leng Yisheng took a deep breath, this woman was clearly his evil star, and she was here to piss her off.

"Yeah, I forgot for a while."

Liu Silian scratched her hair with her hands, looking embarrassed.

Because he was always indifferent to her today, she felt a little wronged, but now he was subconsciously caring about her, and she was very happy.

"Then you just forget about me."

Leng Yisheng said bluntly, this way he wouldn't have to get angry all the time.

"Yisheng, even if you forget me, I won't forget you."

Liu Silian looked into his eyes and said seriously, because he had been deeply engraved in her heart.

"That's right, my young master has goose bumps all over his body, you are even more nasty than this young master."

At that moment, when he looked into her sincere water eyes, his heart was surging like a torrent, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. This woman was even more nasty than him. You must know that he had a lot of love words, but she was even more skilled. one chip.

The corner of Liu Silian's mouth smiled slightly, anyway, this was what was in her heart, no matter whether he listened to it or not.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you heal the wound quickly."

Seeing her blood dripping from her fingers, his heart couldn't help but twist into a ball, as if he had been injured.

"it is good!"

Liu Silian took out a tissue on the side, and then wiped it off. Seeing that the blood had stopped temporarily, she took out the hemostatic sticker from under the table, and was about to stick it on, but Leng Yisheng stopped her.

"What is your way of dealing with it? Do you deliberately want to look at me guilty!"

He didn't turn his head to look at her all the time, but in the end he glanced back worriedly, just in time to see her treating the wound so sloppily and preparing to put on the hemostatic patch, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he stopped her.

Does this woman have a brain!I don't know if the glass got into it just now, so I just wiped it to stop the bleeding, why I don't know how to take care of myself at all.

He was really pissed off, he felt that his head was going to explode with anger today.

"what happened?"

She treated the wound according to what he said, but something was blocking his eyes. Liu Silian looked at him blankly, not knowing what was wrong.

After Yisheng's mental health recovered, his temper became more irritable, but he was able to control his emotions well.

You must know that when he was annoyed before, he would not be able to control himself and wanted to hit someone.

Leng Yisheng breathed out again and again, calm and calm, if he continues to be angry like this, it's no wonder he won't be pissed off to death, he still wants to live for decades!
Forget it, just treat it as the debt he owed this woman in his previous life, and he came to be angry with her in this life.

Leng Yisheng came over and looked at her with a speechless face. Compared to this idiot at this time, he really hoped to see that shrewd her so that she could take care of herself.

Just when Liu Silian didn't know his next move, she saw Leng Yisheng holding her hand, she subconsciously wanted to shrink back, he pressed her fingers, and said in a low voice, "Don't move."

He lowered his head and leaned over to look carefully, wanting to see if there were any broken glass inside.

Seeing how seriously he hurt her at this time, Liu Silian had a smile in his eyes and an indescribable warmth in his heart.

"What are you still giggling about, there are shards of glass that need to be pinched out."

With sharp eyes, Leng Yisheng saw a shard of glass caught in his finger, because it was too small, it was impossible to take it out with his hands, so he could only use tweezers.

This woman is still laughing, if she handles it according to her way, it's no wonder her hands won't rot after a long time.

"Where's the medicine cabinet?"

Leng Yisheng asked, now the place looks like this, and he doesn't know if the original things are still in place.

"It's the grid over there, I'll get it."

"No, just sit down and don't trouble me."

Liu Silian said that he was going to bring it, but Leng Yisheng was one step ahead of her, and got up to get it. Seeing his wandering figure, Liu Silian kept smiling stupidly.

Leng Yisheng looked at the things placed in the grid, they were all in place, they were all necessities of life, his hands couldn't help but paused, feeling very warm in his heart.

Could it be that before he lost his memory, the lives of the two of them were very sweet, and looking at the things around them, they were all in pairs, cups, slippers, pajamas, T-shirts... etc were all in couple suits, could it be possible Really as she said, the two of them are very happy together.

His eyes couldn't help falling on the photos on the side, which were all photos of the two of them, their various life interests, and various intimate actions. Through the photos, he could see that he was very cute inside. Happy, and it was rare for him to show such a relaxed smile.

You must know that he has dated many women, and rarely reveals his sincerity, showing such a relaxed smile. Now that he sees such a photo, he has to re-examine his thoughts.

To be honest, his heart is really a little complicated at the moment. He didn't believe it very much before, and felt that his words were empty, but now seeing these little things, these traces of life cannot be fabricated, he couldn't help but look back at her. Is it true what women say?

Then what he did to her today is very hurtful!

But why is he still not impressed at all!
"Yisheng, didn't you see it!"

Seeing him still standing there, Liu Silian thought he hadn't found him, and couldn't help but ask, her voice came from next to his ear, which pulled him back from his thoughts.

It seems that he can't come here indiscriminately. If he really fell in love with this woman before, if he hurt her and she left him, then he should be the one who suffers.

No, he must recover his memory as soon as possible. He wants to figure out everything and really understand her.

Hearing a rustle from behind, Leng Yisheng turned around and saw that she was about to get up, and said, her attitude was much better than before, "Sit still, I found it."

(End of this chapter)

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