Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 367 It's fine if you don't say it

Chapter 367 It's fine if you don't say it
Liu Silian saw his changed attitude, although he was not as close as before, but seeing her complexion improved a lot, she couldn't help grinning.

"What are you laughing at, what's so funny about it."

Leng Yisheng came over and sat beside her, looking at the smile on her face, his expression was a little unnatural, whether this woman was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid, her hand was stuck by the glass, and she could still laugh.

He pressed her fingers without saying a word, because she was pressed too tightly, she shrank subconsciously, "Don't move! Press harder to see the glass shards."

Does this woman understand?I don't know any common sense knowledge.

Leng Yisheng moved his head closer, with a serious look on his face, he carefully helped her remove the shards of glass with clippers, then wiped her with disinfectant, and then put on the hemostatic patch on her.

"All right."

Leng Yisheng said in a nonchalant tone, put all the medicines back into the box and put them back to their original places, you must know that he has never been so considerate to a woman, and he doesn't know if he owed her a debt in his previous life.

Liu Silian kept her head buried in looking at her bandaged fingers, feeling sweet and greasy in her heart, and couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Look at the shards of glass on the ground, yes, she still needs to clean it!

Leng Yisheng put away his things, turned around, and was about to come over, when he saw that she was about to start working, and seeing her ignorant look, what if she got hurt again.

"Sit there and don't move!"

Leng Yisheng pointed at her, this woman should stop causing trouble for him, he doesn't have so much time to fool around with her.

Besides, if she makes herself covered in injuries, then he will be the one who suffers!Maybe she just has such a mind, wanting to play hard to get.

After being pointed at by him, Liu Silian stayed put and maintained her original posture. She blinked her innocent eyes and looked at him strangely. What is Yisheng doing? Didn't he just let her Clean up here?Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?

"sit down!"

Leng Yisheng swept it with his hands, while Liu Silian sat down obediently. Seeing her obedient appearance, Leng Yisheng's mouth flashed a hint of satisfaction, this is not too bad, an obedient woman is the cutest.

Leng Yisheng walked over, skimming the shards of glass on the ground, some images suddenly flashed in his mind, it seemed that they were all shards of glass, such a scene seemed familiar, what was going on.

He shook his head, those fragments never came back to his memory, instead it made his head ache, so he didn't want to think about it.

"Yisheng, let me clean that?"

Liu Silian sat there, watching him standing there with a weird expression, thinking he was angry, she couldn't help but said.

"Just sit there obediently and don't cause me any trouble. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to clean in the future. Let's forget about today."

Leng Yisheng's thoughts slowed down, and his tone was much gentler, thank God for this woman not to cause him any more trouble.

Look at the mess on the ground again, impulsiveness is the devil, if I knew he would not lose his temper, this is good, I have to clean it up myself.


Leng Yisheng walked to the corner, picked up the broom, and started to clean, all of this was natural and very easy to do, as if he had done it before.

"Woman, did I often do these jobs before?"

Leng Yisheng was cleaning, suppressing the doubts in his heart and couldn't help asking.

Look at the places he cleaned, but they were all spotless. If you haven't practiced this skill, you will definitely not be able to do it for a while. Did this woman always make him work and exploit his labor force?

Otherwise, I wonder how he, a young master who never touches the sun, can do these chores so easily, needless to say, he must have done it before.

"Yi Sheng, did you remember something?"

When Liu Silian heard him ask this question, she thought he had remembered something, and her tone of voice couldn't contain the surprise.

"It's true to say that, you used to make me work, woman, you are too lazy."

Leng Yisheng groaned, vomit is vomit, the work in his hands still hasn't come down, and the cleaning is getting more and more vigorous.

"No, you didn't let me do it."

Liu Silian thought he had misunderstood again, and hurriedly explained that it seemed that he still hadn't remembered anything, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Seeing the loneliness in her eyes, Leng Yisheng was moved, and couldn't help joking to ease the atmosphere, "That means I'm a good man, and a good man is me."

Seeing this woman's expression doesn't seem to be lying. Being able to make him do these housework willingly shows that he really cares about this woman, and these small details of life will not lie.

"You are a good man, a good husband."

Liu Silian couldn't help but smiled. Since the two of them got married, he had changed all his bad habits. He even learned how to cook for her. He even paid for all the housework in order to avoid her hard work. She remembers it most clearly The most important thing is that he said: A wife is married to hurt, not married to work.

"Of course!"

Being praised by Liu Silian so much, Leng Yisheng climbed up the ladder even more, felt indescribably proud, and worked even harder.

Good man!good husband!This sentence really spoke to his heart, and at this time he gradually became accustomed to the role of "husband".

"Woman, let me ask you, have I been pierced by glass before?"

For some reason, when he saw these shards of glass, he had some impressions. He still remembered the circles of gauze. Did he also get pierced by glass?

"Well, well, Yisheng, do you have an impression?"

There was joy in Liu Silian's eyes, did he think of something.

"Anyway, after seeing these shards of glass, I have some impressions. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Leng Yisheng frowned, he could only think of these things, he really couldn't think of anything else for a while, he supported the broom with one hand and his chin with the other, waiting for her answer, it seems that this really happened .

"Yisheng, that was the second time we met. It was at your bar. Shangguan Jueshi kept chasing after her, making your bar a mess. At that time, I was almost killed by Shangguan Jueshi. Throwing it out, it was you who protected me in time, and you were injured because of this, your back was pierced by glass, I was here to bandage it for you at that time, and I used the set of bandaging animals to put it on On you, wrapped you like a mummy, remember?"

Thinking of the past, she had happiness on her face and kept giggling non-stop.

From then on, the two of them started to have a connection, and she also started to have a crush on him.

"It seems to have some impression, but it's not so clear, Emma, ​​I have a headache again."

Leng Yisheng followed her memory, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, he pressed his head in pain, why the hell did he get a headache when it was critical.

But what the woman said seemed to be true, because he did have an impression of it.

"Yisheng, don't think about it if you can't remember it, it will get better gradually."

Liu Silian came over and patted his shoulder. Seeing him in such pain, she couldn't stand it anymore.

If remembering her hurt him so much, she hoped he wouldn't.

"No, you do these jobs, don't put your hands in the water, I want to lie down!"

Leng Yisheng shook his head, a little dizzy, and threw the broom in his hand to her, then lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.

Liu Silian looked at him, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable. Although he closed his eyes, his brows were still furrowed, as if he was not so comfortable.

Liu Silian simply put down the broom in his hand, walked over to him, and was about to put his hand on his temple, but unexpectedly he opened his eyes suddenly, with a distant expression on his face, "What do you want?"

Why is this woman so close? What is she trying to do!Didn't you see that he is in a bad state now?
Hurry up and stay away from him, or it will be bad if he gets angry at her when he is in a bad mood.

"Yisheng, is your head uncomfortable? How about I give you a massage?"

Liu Silian said softly, remembering that when he was here before, he was lying on her lap, and she helped him massage him to sleep.

"You know how to massage?"

Leng Yisheng looked puzzled, he couldn't see that she had the ability to massage, but he really wanted someone to massage him at this moment, of course, the premise was that she could, and don't massage him worse and worse.

"I will, I will!"

Liu Silian nodded heavily, trying to convince him.

"Then try it! Sit up!"

Leng Yisheng got up, and Liu Silian sat down, he lay directly on her lap, his movements were natural, this kind of behavior seemed familiar.

Liu Silian lowered her head, just in time to meet his gaze, when the eyes met, his heart couldn't help but miss a few beats, it was indescribably strange.

"Why are you still standing there, didn't you say you would press it?"

When he met her eyes, his heart began to beat wildly, without any rules at all. In order not to let her notice his strangeness, he simply closed his eyes, but he could still clearly hear his heart beating violently. beating.

For him, a veteran in the field of love, he is the most clear about all kinds of uncontrollable actions, which can only explain one thing - he is interested in her.

This is strange, she is not so beautiful, and her figure is also shriveled, what is he looking for in her.

"Yisheng, is this comfortable?"

Liu Silian lowered her head, and pressed for him with a serious face. Seeing that he was silent, she didn't know whether the strength was appropriate, so she couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, it's okay! Continue!"

As soon as he heard her voice, he was a little out of tune, and said perfunctorily.


Liu Silian let out a sigh, and continued to massage him. Looking at his thin and handsome face, she felt pity, Yisheng, you idiot, although he can't think of anything at the moment, she is very happy that they can get along so well. Satisfied.

"Woman, have you massaged me like this before?"

Leng Yisheng enjoyed her massage, and had to admit that her technique was not bad, and he was indeed much more comfortable.


"No wonder I'm a little familiar with it, but who did you learn this massage from? It's okay!"

Leng Yisheng nodded, it seems that they had a happy life before, and now it's fine, with a woman taking care of them, it's not that troublesome.

"I learned from brother Haoxuan."

Liu Silian smiled, seeing that Yisheng had an impression of all these, which meant it was a good phenomenon.

"Is it Wildcat's brother?"

I don't know why when he heard this name, he felt extremely uncomfortable, as if there was a big stone blocked in his heart.

"En! Yisheng, do you remember anything?"

Liu Silian paused, and continued to ask.

"It's just that I don't like this guy named Haoxuan. What's his relationship with you?" Leng Yisheng told the truth, anyway, whenever this name was mentioned, he would feel blocked.

Then look at her brother Haoxuan screaming, it's very annoying.

"Yisheng, can you really think of nothing?"

Liu Silian looked astonished, never thought that Yisheng had such a deep prejudice against Brother Haoxuan, before he lost his memory, he had objections to Brother Haoxuan, even after they got married, he still felt a little pimple in his heart, But now he is like this again, did he remember something?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this.

"I can't remember, tell me now, do I have any prejudice against that Ye Haoxuan?"

Anyway, when he mentioned this name once, he was very upset, and he had to figure it out.

Looking at her embarrassed expression again, it seems that there is something strange about this matter?Could it be that she had an affair with that Haoxuan behind his back, otherwise why would he hate this name so much?

"No, Yisheng, don't think too much!"

Liu Silian looked confused, wondering if she should tell him clearly about the matter between them, but she remembered that he was very concerned about her and brother Haoxuan's affairs, if she told him now, what would he do if he was provoked later.

I remember that before Gu Changye left, he said that he should take good care of him and make him feel calmer before he recovered, so don't be stimulated for the time being.

I don't know if he can accept the past between her and brother Haoxuan.

"Say it, why don't you say it?" Leng Yisheng urged impatiently, thinking of what this woman had to do with that Ye Haoxuan, he felt very depressed and unhappy.

Seeing that she is still hesitating, is it so difficult to say?Or was she deliberately hiding something.

Seeing that his anger started to rise again, Liu Silian knew that he was angry, but if she told him the truth, what would he do if he couldn't stand that one later.

"Yisheng, I'll tell you about some things later, so don't think too much about it."

Liu Silian said lightly, and Leng Yisheng was a little impatient for waiting, especially because her answer now was just perfunctory to him, she didn't want to tell her the truth at all, which made him feel that she really had something to hide He does.

Thinking of this, he became even more irritable, "It's fine if you don't say it, well, you don't need to give me a massage."

Leng Yisheng got angry and shook her hand, it seems that he still needs to figure out some things by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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