Chapter 373
He has the desire to vomit blood, so he doesn't bring such a thing!

Si Lian, it doesn't matter if you want to punish me, but at least change it to another way, without such torture.

Looking at the peaceful and innocent little face in front of him, she was asleep, but he didn't feel any sleepiness at all.

Leng Yisheng groaned, his face full of desire and dissatisfaction, he could only help her pull up the quilt, then got up and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.


But at this moment in the living room of the Ye family, because Shangguan Jueshi has been busy day and night for the past few days, she can't see his people when she goes home, and she is too tired to go back and forth all day, so she just stays in her own room. I won't go back home.

Fortunately, she still has a source of motivation - her recent Anshen drama in New Amway, in which Zhongji Ouba's eyes are so ecstasy, she is very happy to see her, wishing to replace her as the heroine, but sister Qiao is also gentle and lovely , she also fell in love with.

If the male lead she co-produces is so warm and charming, she must be as excited as a chicken blood every day, and she won't be so lifeless every day.

"Girl, you're not going home tonight, did you call and talk to Jazz?"

Ye Maosheng sat on the sofa and couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Seeing her listless, her eyes dozed off, she was still staring at the froth, smiling nonchalantly, she didn't know what was interesting.

This girl, go to bed quickly when you are sleepy. It's not like you don't have to watch this TV series.

"I'll call him when I finish watching this episode, I don't have time right now."

Ye Qingxin waved her hand with an attitude that it doesn't matter, now her male god is important, her husband and dad can't stop her determination to look at the male god.

It was only updated a little bit every week, and she looked left and right, her neck almost turned into a giraffe.

Now that she has managed to catch up, she naturally has to stare at him tightly, not to miss every plot.

"Girl, I'm telling you something serious. Hurry up and call Jurst, otherwise he won't be able to see you when he goes back, and he's worried about what you will do!"

Ye Maosheng was in a hurry, why didn't this girl care about the importance, this TV can be watched anytime, the important thing is to call back.

"No, Shangguan Jueshi came back very late recently. I can't even see anyone. Besides, when he can't see me, he will call me. Don't worry, you still have to wash up Go to sleep, it's not too late now."

Ye Qingxin said nothing on her face, talking to the old man was quite strenuous, so he had better go to bed quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be able to watch TV with peace of mind.

Wow, the muscle base is so manly!Ye Qingxin watched with love in her eyes, and her saliva was almost drooling.

"Smelly girl, I'm telling you something serious! What's going on, maybe the relationship between you and your husband is deadlocked."

This girl, her marriage is about to have problems, she is still watching TV carelessly, why doesn't she understand the sense of crisis at all!

If she continues like this, her man will run away with other women.

This man coming home every night is a major crisis signal, and she needs to be vaccinated.

Oh, can the old man stop talking to her, she can't do two things at once, her brain is almost splitting.

"No, no, we're fine! Old man, you can't expect me to be better. Shangguan Jueshi has been very busy recently, leaving early and returning late every day. Every time I go home, I fall asleep before he comes back. Every morning He left when I woke up, but we still have a mobile phone connection, and the relationship is still good, so you can rest assured!"

Why is the old man worrying about what is there all day long? Before, he was worried that no one wanted her, so he had to force her to get married. Now that she is married, he is either worried about her having a baby or about her getting divorced. Isn't he tired?

Can you let her watch TV and give her a quiet space!She would have gone home if she knew it earlier, but now she has seen half of it, her heart is trembling, so naturally she has to finish watching it.

"Girl, don't watch TV anymore. If you watch it again, it's someone else's husband. If you don't care about it, your own husband won't be able to watch it anymore."

Ye Maosheng saw that she was still so free and at ease, without any sense of crisis. The emperor really didn't worry about the eunuchs, so he took the remote control on the table without saying a word, and turned it off.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Old man, what are you doing! You might as well kill me!"

As soon as the screen went black, her Zhongji Ouba disappeared from her sight, and Ye Qingxin howled like a pig through the roof, her face was blown up.


You must know that if you miss Joong Ki Ouba's sunny and charming smile, she will be gloomy for a whole week.

"Smelly girl, why are you crying like a wolf, my heart is almost scared out of my head by you."

Ye Maosheng was taken aback by her, he never thought that she would be so excited, this stinky girl, she wanted to scare people to death, it was just a frothy drama, and she looked like she was about to kill her.

Now his whole heart is startled, this stinky girl, does she want to collect his body sooner?

"Old man, who told you to touch my TV, do you know that my heart has been hurt by ten thousand points now, and my whole week in the future will be dark."

Ye Qingxin quickly picked up the remote control on the table and turned it on. Fortunately, their TV can be played backwards, and then the place she saw just now was restored, especially when she saw Zhongji Ouba's charming smile, she Resurrected with full blood.

And Ye Maosheng couldn't figure it out, and followed her to look at it, with a disgusted look on his face, what's so interesting about it, it's simply corrupting people's hearts, especially girls like them.

"Girl, do you have any brains? Do you think it's easy to be a soldier? Look at this kid with a delicate skin and tender face, how can he be a soldier! It's simply idealism, obliterating reality. You know your father At that time, I was in the army, and my skin was cracked every day, how could I have this time to look handsome!"

Ye Maosheng expressed strong dissatisfaction, remembering that they were tanned like bronze men every day, and their bodies were dirty every day. It's not like in this TV, they are so happy and relaxed.

Also flirting with girls!When the girl saw that they all looked like eighteen bronze figures, she was scared away.

"Old man, you don't understand this. You look thin when you wear clothes, and you look fleshy when you take off your clothes. Being a soldier is already hard enough, so it's hard to keep suffering. This is a kind of love for life. It is a kind of positive energy to find joy in a hard life! It is worth learning from.”

Ye Qingxin disagrees with her father's views. Of course, the plot of the TV series is fictitious and somewhat exaggerated, but the key is that they can see the full of positive energy from it, as if she saw Zhongji Oppa's smile. The whole week felt full of sunshine, and my mood was extraordinarily bright.


Ye Maosheng looked at her nympho look, full of disgust.

With positive energy, this girl is clearly a nympho.

"I'm superficial and I'm happy!"

Ye Qingxin smiled with satisfaction, never expecting the old man to discuss TV dramas with her.

"Smelly girl, I'm telling you something serious, have you noticed that Jazz's behavior is a bit abnormal these days?"

Anyway, he can't stand watching this TV series anymore, and he still has something important to say!

This girl is careless and extremely careless, if the husband and wife continue to get along like this, nothing will happen to them.

"Old man, I'm so exhausted from work every day that I fall asleep right away when I get home. I don't even have the time to pay attention to these things. I don't have enough time to sleep!"

It happened that there was an advertisement for the TV series, so Ye Qingxin took the time to talk to him.

"Then what do you usually do on the phone? Didn't you find something wrong with his tone?"

Ye Haoxuan was ashamed, asking this girl a question didn't piss her off, her heart is thicker than a hemp rope, it's really hard to expect her to notice these details.

"Haha, old man, this question is too funny. Shangguan Jueshi usually speaks in a declarative tone, what kind of tone do you expect from him!"

Ye Qingxin laughed a little. Of course, Shangguan Jueshi usually spoke to her, sometimes with strong rhetorical questions, revealing threats.

But why is the old man so entangled with these things when he has nothing to do, and he is even entangled with the tone of voice. Does he have nothing to do for a while, and he is so boring.

"Girl, give me something to eat. It's not good for this man to be too generous. He ran away with him as soon as he was young."

Ye Maosheng said earnestly, especially for a man as outstanding as Jue Shi, it's no wonder that girls don't flock to him, and it's only this heartless girl who doesn't care so much.

"Pfft, who are you running with? Old man, don't you want to say that Shangguan Jueshi hooked up with other women behind my back!"

Ye Qingxin chuckled, this question is impossible at all, Shangguan Jueshi is exhausted from work every day, he still has time to be with other women, besides, if he wants to, he must be in good health!

Anyway, she was completely assured that Shangguan Jueshi would never do anything wrong to her.

"You girl, I just want you to pay more attention to Jazz, don't run around every day, men need to care sometimes."

Ye Maosheng's expression was shocked by her, and his forehead was full of slashes. This stinky girl spoke more simply and directly than him.

Why can't a girl be euphemistic at all!After all, he is also her father!Besides, she is married now, so she still has to be a little more scrupulous!

"Hey, old man, my TV series has started. Let's stop here for a while. I will keep your words in mind and reflect on it. It's getting late, so you should go to bed quickly!"

Ye Qingxin said in a perfunctory manner, and this episode, after watching she washed up and went to sleep.

"You girl, I don't care about you."

Ye Maosheng shook his head, sighed, he didn't know what to say to her, so he just ignored her and went upstairs.

Ye Qingxin was sitting on the sofa with a silly look on her face, she was fascinated by it, when the mobile phone on the table rang.

who?What a coincidence to call at this time!She has no time to answer the phone!

Ye Qingxin simply ignored it and continued to watch TV, but the mobile phone on the table seemed to be against her, it kept ringing non-stop, which seriously affected her mood while watching the drama, so she had to pick it up and didn't watch the TV. Displayed, directly connected.

"Hello, friend, I'm not free right now, can I call you later?"

Before the other party could speak, she took the lead in grabbing people's attention.

She was about to hang up the phone, but unexpectedly, a magnetic voice came from the phone, "wife? What are you doing now?"

"Ah? Peerless husband, it's you! By the way, I was just about to call you to tell you that you just called me. What a coincidence. I'm home. I'll be staying at home tonight. I won't go back, don't work too late, pay attention to rest!"

As soon as she heard the voice of Shangguan Jueshi, Ye Qingxin turned her face squarely, her attitude changed 360 degrees, completely different from before.

If Shangguan Jueshi knew that she ignored him in order to see the male god, it would be no wonder he didn't get mad!
"Honey, I'm at your door right now, just open the door."

The tone of Shangguan Jueshi next to the phone was full of gentleness. He came back from get off work early tonight, just to go home and spend more time with her. After hearing the report from his subordinates, saying that she had returned to Ye's house, he still wanted to wait for her to call and tell him One sound, but there was no one, so he had to call her.

Especially the tone of her speech now, which is weird, as if she has done something to apologize to him.

"Ah? You came to my house!! Peerless dear husband, are you kidding me?" Ye Qingxin almost screamed, why did Shangguan Jueshi get off work so quickly tonight, and he also knew that she had gone home , she is going to stay up late to watch the male god!What now!

"Don't you know if it's true or not by looking at the monitor?"

If it weren't for fear of waking up others, he would have honked the horn long ago, but why did he feel that his wild cat was so unhappy, as if he didn't welcome him?Could it be that she was angry after ignoring her these days?
"Hehe, I'm so happy to see you coming, I'll drive it for you now!"

Looking at the monitor, Shangguan Jueshi in the car was waving to her!She grinned and looked at Oppa in the TV series with an expression of wanting to cry.

Ever since the peerless husband found out that she fell in love with the male god Paul, he secretly destroyed the movies, albums, and posters about the male god at home one by one. By the time she found out, it was already too late.

Afraid that her Zhongji Ouba would be ruined by him, she didn't dare to go home to watch it these days, and naturally she couldn't watch it because she was busy at work, and was just about to stay until today to go home to watch it, but she didn't expect her to come too.

Ye Qingxin quickly pressed the button and opened the door for him.

Then she stared fixedly at the TV again, because when Shangguan Jueshi arrived, she would no longer be able to look at him with such nympho eyes, and now before he came to the living room, she could just take a few more glances .

Because he wanted to see her, Shangguan Jueshi stepped a little wider this time. You must know that they didn't have a chance to talk properly these days. She fell asleep when he came back, or she was still sleeping when he went to work. with.

"Ten...ah! Shangguan Jueshi, why are you so fast?"

Ye Qingxin stared at the TV without blinking, and secretly counted Shangguan Jueshi's footsteps, but when he stood in front of him, blocking her male god, she was stunned?
Isn't there still nine steps?
(End of this chapter)

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