Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 374 Do You Dislike Me For Being Old?

Chapter 374 Do You Dislike Me For Being Old?
It didn't match the pace she had calculated in her mind, as if she had been caught by him, with a guilty look on her face.

"Peerless dear husband, why did you arrive so soon?"

Ye Qingxin had no choice but to look away from the screen reluctantly, and welcomed him with joy.

She remembered the picture she saw just now, and could only look at it again when she had time.

"Why, you don't seem to welcome me very much?"

Shangguan Jueshi tugged at his tie, unbuttoned a few buttons casually, revealing his delicate collarbone, then hugged her in his arms and sat on the sofa together.

His actions were domineering, and he ignored her for only a few days. This little wild cat just doesn't want to see him. It seems that he has to show his masculine charm again.

He used to think that this skin was not very useful, but now he thinks it has a lot of benefits, especially when he unbuttons it so casually, it can make her focus on him again, which is naturally the best.

Seeing his simple and rude actions, Ye Qingxin swallowed her saliva, especially when she looked at his perfect collarbone, the lines presented were so charming, natural, and delicate, in short, she couldn't think of any words to describe it for a while. He is fine.

I can't look away from her. He is really serious. As soon as he comes home, he is going to use the beauty trick to put her down, but this trick is really effective, because she is really interested. Things are always a little more nostalgic.

Although he had seen his figure countless times, to be honest, she never got tired of seeing it once.

He is always able to perform different charms every time, especially now that he has started acting, which is even more vivid. The indifferent iceberg type-he acts in his true colors, the charming and evil type-he only needs to curl the corners of his lips slightly, Blooming those charming blue eyes, full of electricity...

Anyway, now she has no resistance now, and she was recruited in one fell swoop.

"How could it be! I'm too happy for you to come! I thought you would continue to work overtime!"

Ye Qingxin was full of giggles, but she couldn't help but keep her eyes on the TV, especially when she saw the male god Bidong Qiaomei. up.

Wow, come right away, this male god has a high EQ, he drinks and drinks, and immediately goes to the wall, he really is a flirtatious male god, extraordinary.

"After a while, everything will go back to normal."

Shangguan Jueshi touched her mushroom head, and he touched it smoothly, and suddenly found that her hair seemed to grow a lot.

It seemed that he had really ignored her during this time, because the most important moment was approaching, and he had to make sure that there was no leak.


Thinking that she was angry in her heart, so she didn't respond, Shangguan Jueshi spoke again.

How can it be like this, it will be over at the critical moment!What a torture!

Ye Qingxin quickly pressed the fast-forward button. She really wanted to see what would happen next, and she was looking forward to it. You must know that she even signed up as a member to watch this show!


Does this little wild cat really care?

But Ye Qingxin's eyes were all on the TV, watching other people's walls, so there was no time to hear about it.

Shangguan Jueshi waited for a while, but found that she didn't say a word, and began to feel that something was wrong.

He stopped stroking her hair with his hands, and leaned forward, and as expected, he saw that her whole heart was on the foam play, how could she have the heart to listen to him.

What kind of male god has fascinated her now?Shangguan Jueshi looked apprehensive, and his eyes fell on the screen, while Ye Qingxin kept repeating the scene of Bidong just now, smiling silly all the time, and found nothing unusual.

Shangguan Jueshi curled his lips into a smile, could it be that she likes this?To be honest, the two of them haven't had a good relationship for a while, it seems that tonight is necessary, and by the way, it will also wake her up and let her figure out who is her male god.

A few days ago, some of them were eliminated, but she never thought that she would change to a male god again, it really is endless!

Ye Qingxin was so focused on watching TV that she didn't even notice when Shangguan Jueshi got up.

Shangguan Jueshi went to the kitchen, specially took a bottle of red wine from it, opened the lid directly, took nothing from the wine glass, and took out the wine directly.

This little wild cat is really heartless, because he was afraid that she would be bored staying at home alone, so he went home early tonight, but he didn't expect her to put all her mind on other men.

"Come on, you are thirsty, drink some wine!"

Shangguan Jueshi sat back, and before she could say yes, he directly put the mouth of her bottle to her mouth. The service was thoughtful, and it didn't affect her watching the drama at all.

"Well, it's delicious, it's delicious!"

Ye Qingxin nodded, because she was so engrossed in watching at this moment that she didn't even notice what kind of wine she was drinking, anyway, she didn't need to do anything, she would drink whatever Shangguan Jueshi gave her.

This time, I drank a large bottle of wine, Ye Qingxin shook her head, feeling a little dizzy, "Shangguan Jueshi, I won't drink anymore, you can drink it yourself!"

She still has to stay up late to watch dramas!She didn't know what Shangguan Jueshi gave her to drink, and she felt dizzy.

"how is the taste?"

When Shangguanjue saw her flushed face and a little bit of drunkenness in his eyes, he smiled brightly, his blue eyes were indescribably charming.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ye Qingxin said perfunctorily, because she couldn't remember what she was drinking, let alone the taste.

"I'll smell it!"

Before Ye Qingxin could react, suddenly, he turned her face around, and his face moved closer, followed by her lips. She widened her eyes, and her eyes were full of shock.

What is this!Why does this scene seem familiar!This is not the plot of the male god Bidong Qiaomei, Shangguan Jueshi actually did the same thing to her.

When did he learn this trick.

"This wine tastes good, how do you feel?"

Seeing her dull reaction, she was still so young, she couldn't even take a breath, Shangguan Jueshi had no choice but to let go of her, and he stared at her with an evil smile on his face, does she feel the same now? Quite a romantic surprise.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you bully me!"

Ye Qingxin blushed half the sky, covered her mouth and looked away angrily, but the scene just now was still vivid in her memory, her heart was beating violently.

Really surprised and delighted!To be honest, my mind went blank just now, and I didn't know how to react. This feeling was unprecedentedly exciting.

It turns out that the feeling of being taken advantage of by others is so exciting!
"I just watched you repeating this scene all the time, and thought that you might like such a scene. Of course I want to cater to you to make you happy. It seems that you don't like it!"

Shangguan Jueshi had a smirk on his face, his eyes were full of amusement.

Ye Qingxin was powerless to refute, with an angry and annoyed expression on her face.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I don't want to talk to you now, you keep a distance of one meter from me!"

Ye Qingxin pouted her small mouth, sat up and moved away from each other, took advantage of him, and even made fun of her, he was getting worse and worse.

"How can a distance of one meter be enough, or two meters, three meters, four meters..."

Although he said so, he moved step by step, and directly wrapped her in his arms.

Ye Qingxin clenched her fists and beat him in the chest indiscriminately. Of course, she didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of beating him badly.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I noticed that you always leave early and return late these days. Did you do something behind my back? And about Leng Yisheng, I haven't settled with you yet!"

Ye Qingxin pointed at him with a serious face.

She still took what the old man said just now, and she still couldn't let this man be too lenient. She was just too lenient to him these days, and he even lied to her about Leng Yisheng.

"Everything I do is for our stable life in the future. When the time comes, I will naturally tell you. As for Yi Sheng's matter, if I tell you, will you be able to keep your mouth shut and hide it from Liu Silian?"

With her warm heart, once she saw Liu Silian so haggard, she must have told her the truth without saying a word, and before Yisheng left, she said not to tell anyone, especially Liu Silian, he could only keep it from her. .

It was indeed his fault for keeping this matter from her, but he was also entrusted by his brother, and now that Yi Sheng is back, the result is still very satisfying.

"This!! But you said, you won't hide anything from me, anyway, this matter is your fault." Ye Qingxin stammered, this matter is really hard to say, because she never hides things in her heart, Especially seeing idiot Liu haggard all day long for Leng Yisheng's safety, if she knew about it, she might really tell her.

But this can't be a reason, he just can't hide the truth from her!
"I was indeed wrong about this matter. If you want to beat me or punish me, I'll let you!"

"It hurts my hand to beat you, so I will punish you not to hide things from me again in the future."

Seeing his submissive attitude, Ye Qingxin gave him a light thump, and that was all.

"Okay, I won't hide anything from you in the future! But what about you, my wife, I'm worried that I've neglected you because of work. Considering your mood, I'll come back from get off work early tonight to accompany you, but what about you! Do it again What?" Shangguan Jueshi's gaze fell sharply on the TV, Ye Qingxin lowered her head with a guilty expression on her face.

Now that she had finished her reckoning, it was his turn to begin.

She would rather watch the male god on TV than care too much about his real-life husband, isn't it unreasonable.

"What did I do? I'm not thinking that you haven't come to look for me yet, so I'll wait for you here. You said where can you find such a virtuous wife?"

Ye Qingxin quibbled, obviously lacking confidence, but the peripheral vision from the corner of her eyes still fell on the screen from time to time, and she secretly glanced at it a few times.

"Then I'm back now, let's have a good talk, and don't watch this TV." Shangguan Jueshi's blue eyes lit up with a faint smile, how could he not be able to read her mind.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shangguan Jueshi picked up the remote control and turned off the TV without hesitation. Now that he is back, he can only watch it if he wants to.

Ye Qingxin looked at the blacked-out screen with a sad face, and was about to say something, but Shangguan Jueshi's half-smile eyes looked away lightly, and she became dumb for a moment.

Just talk when you talk, why turn off the TV!

"Shangguan Jueshi, actually, this TV doesn't hinder our chatting, why don't we turn it on?"

Ye Qingxin tried to discuss, feeling itchy in her heart, she really saw the critical moment, so she closed it like this, how could she bear it!Don't bring such an appetizing ah.

This feeling is worse than holding a bowel movement.

"It seems that we haven't sat together seriously for a long time to talk about what's on our minds. It's better not to leave. You see, I'm better."

Shangguan Jueshi embraced her shoulders, seeing her uncomfortable, he couldn't help it.

As for her!He also cast a glance at the man just now, he looks far worse than him, to see if he is better.

Or she likes to see other men in uniforms, should he find time to show her them too.

Anyway, he didn't like her eyes on others for too long, not even women.

"What's so good about your face? I'm tired of looking at it all day long." Ye Qingxin couldn't help grumbling inwardly, because she was unhappy that her little mouth was so high that she couldn't care less about hanging a few catties of pork.

"Shangguan Jueshi, your face has become thinner recently, and you have dark circles under your eyes. Your skin has also become rougher. You should pay more attention not to stay up all night. After all, men age quickly when they reach 30!" Ye Qingxin He said casually, not noticing that Shangguan Jueshi who was at the side heard this, his face was as black as a rag with ink dripping on it.

His face was gloomy and cold, and his eyes that penetrated deep into the sea burst out a terrifying breath.

Well, since the male god has nothing to look at, I can only look at him.

I don't know if she is used to Zhongji Ouba's 360-degree face with no dead angles, but when she saw Shangguan Jueshi's face, she always felt that it was not perfect, so she told the truth.

She directly dislikes it!It's just that he's a bit busy with work these days, and he doesn't have time to tidy up. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before he became a disgusting product in her eyes.

If she didn't see him for a while, would she not even recognize her own man?

Needless to say, the fact that she is like this now must have been influenced by that damn bubble drama, so she has such an illusion about him.

No matter how old he is, he is still very handsome, and his skin is better than ordinary people, so it is not rough!Besides, why do men have thin skin and tender flesh? They want to be high-end cows!

"You dislike me for being old?"

Shangguan Jueshi suppressed the anger in his heart, and only this sentence came out of his mouth.

If she dared to say yes, she would be dead, and he would definitely punish her on the spot without saying a word.

"It's okay! At least you are not too old to be misunderstood by others. You are my father... No, you are my long-legged Oppa!"

Halfway through speaking, she felt chilly all over her body, and then looked at Shangguan Jueshi's face that was about to freeze to death, her mouth froze, and she hurriedly changed her words.

Thinking of what she said without thinking just now, she didn't dare to look him in the face anymore, Ye Qingxin had a begging expression on her face.

These days, being teased by Zhongji Ouba makes my heart tremble, seeing other men, I think it is quite normal, and Shangguan Jueshi is of course no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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