Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 103 Rely on ability!

Chapter 103 Rely on ability!
In this way, the time went round and round to the end of December, and it has been more than three months since Mu Chen announced the new game "Minecraft", and the restless players who waited impatiently became restless again.

"I see! Has Mu Chen gone home to have a baby? It's been almost a year, why haven't the new games come out yet!?"

"666, the brother upstairs is really an arithmetic genius!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If you round it up a few times, it's a year!"

"Stay crooked, friends in the imperial capital, have you formed a team to go to Shuguang Entertainment to gank Mu Chen?! One is short of four, come quickly!"

"Come on, come on, my Da Diao, uh, Da Dao is already hungry and thirsty!"

. . . . .

So, the next day, Mu Chen, who drove Tang Xiaomo to work at Shuguang Entertainment, parked the car, and suddenly saw a group of people sneaking around under the office building where Shuguang Entertainment was located. Look, at first glance it looks a bit like kidnapping. . . . .

Thinking of this, Mu Chen pulled Tang Xiaomo and wanted to sneak upstairs from the side.

However, he was still found~
"Mu Chen is over there!"

"Catch him quickly, this ace pigeon of grd!!!"

Mu Chen, who was about to quietly go upstairs, heard the roar of this group of people, immediately pulled Tang Xiaomo and ran away.

Although it seems that these people don't seem to be here to kidnap tickets, but a group of burly men rushing towards you with arrogance still makes Mu Chen a little numb~
Emmm, obviously, a non-blinking support, coupled with a ghostly and stupid adc, can't outrun this group of big men in Liushen costumes who are sprinting, Mu Chen and Tang Xiaomo were blocked at the door of the office building.

The security guard at the door thought that some company's employees were rioting and was planning to call for support, but saw Mu Chen in the crowd waving at him, signaling him not to worry, Mu Chen can handle it by himself.

Although the security guard was very puzzled, he still knew Mu Chen as the second generation, so he smiled kindly and nodded to Mu Chen, indicating that he understood.

Muchen couldn't laugh now, he was gank by this group (actually only a dozen or so) fans of Shuguang Entertainment as soon as he got out of the car, and he was about to call the security guard over to maintain it, but the security guard who was so cool usually looked clever Why, waving at him at a critical moment doesn't work!
Still smiling at him! ! !

Flower Q! ! !

There was no other way, Mu Chen had no choice but to tell these fans not to worry.

After appeasing these fans, Muchen said: "emmm, why are you so anxious? Aren't you still working on a new game~ It will definitely be launched on New Year's Day, just ask on Weibo, and come all the way here gank me,,,,,"

Don't look at these people who were aggressive at the beginning, but as soon as they opened their mouths, they exposed the fact that they were just a group of sand sculpture netizens~
One of the burly men cupped his hands at Mu Chen, and said with a sneer, "Hey~ Young Master Mu, we've been asking you online for three months, and I see that you haven't got any confirmation yet, why don't you come here now?" Dawn Entertainment is here to try their luck, see if they can catch you, uh, I ran into you~"

"That's right, there are those bastards from Xinhuo Entertainment. Seeing that the new game of our Shuguang Entertainment has not been released, and they are blah blah on the Internet all day long, we are very angry. They dare not report their addresses, so they can only come to find them. You come to understand the situation~~"

After finishing speaking, he laughed at Mu Chen and the two of them.

Hearing these reasons, what else can Mu Chen say, he is completely blamed, the one who scolded is a fan of the fire game, it has nothing to do with me, Mu Chen! ?

But Mu Chen was quite relieved to see these people came to him specially for the new game.

After bragging with these people a few more times, they dispersed.

But before leaving, the sand sculptures did not forget to say: "Master Mu is so lucky, my sister-in-law is so beautiful!!!"

Then I just walked away with a smile, without taking a cloud~
Back at the company, Mu Chen didn't go to the "Minecraft" project team immediately, but was thinking about things in the office.The gank action of these few fans today was a reminder to him that it seemed a little inconvenient for them to stay here for Shuguang Entertainment.It's not that he's afraid that someone will come to gank him again, but he really feels that the place is too small; one is that Shuguang Entertainment has more and more employees; Well, Shuguang Entertainment can use a dedicated area to receive players, so it can cultivate more loyal fans, isn't it!The third thing is the safety issue. With his own building and a special place to meet fans, he will not be ganked at the door.

So, thinking of this, Muchen picked up his cell phone and dialed his father Mufeng again.

"Stinky boy! What's the matter?"

"Isn't there a building before? Where is it? I want to buy it!!!"

Look, after getting rich, Mu Chen has to be a lot tougher when talking to his father, without saying a word, he just throws money away! ! !
"Hehe~ Have you made money? That's fine. For the sake of our father-son relationship, let's count it as 20 billion for you!"

After hearing Mu Chen's tough words, Mu Feng said something lightly.

"What!!!??? 20 billion! You are not cheating...cough cough, cheating son!"

Muchen almost slipped his tongue, saying that he was cheating, it's no wonder that Mufeng didn't slap him.

In the end, after the father and son wrangled for a long time, Mu Chen got a building without spending a penny—the white piao really smells good!

emmm, of course Mu Feng would not say that this building was prepared for Mu Chen. After all, based on his understanding of Mu Chen, if he took the initiative to give the building to Mu Chen, this kid would definitely refuse, because it would look very useless. Although Mufeng didn't know how much face Mu Chen had the cheek to ask him for it. . . . .

Muchen: I wanted to come based on my ability, why would I lose face! ! !

After going upstairs with his ability, Muchen happily continued to participate in the production of "Minecraft".

Even though it’s just a pixel game, it’s still very time-consuming. First, Mu Chen has improved the overall picture quality of the game; otherwise, it’s easier to dissuade some colorists with the picture quality of the original version of "Minecraft". Value is the players of justice.

After the image quality of "Minecraft" has been improved, although it still has a square pixel style, it is much more refined, and the recognition of various items and colors is also much higher.

The second is the structure of the whole world. Although the program can allow different players to randomly generate different maps after restarting the game, there are many settings, some special maps, and special items. They still need to manually debug and add it to the program.

Finally, there is the huge material synthesis system in "Minecraft". What materials need to be used to synthesize various items, these need to be written by Mu Chen and the others into the game one by one, and various The synthesis path and materials of the items must be as realistic as possible. If the players use five pieces of wood but can give you a whole slab of stone, that would be to ignore the IQ of the players.

So, even though Mu Chen had the whole game in his mind, he still couldn't make it in a short time.

 Ask for a ticket! ! !grateful! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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