Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 104 What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Chapter 104 What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Finally, at the end of January, the players discovered that Mu Chen's Weibo, which had been quiet for a long time since he was gank last time, had updated his dynamics again.

After countless players saw it, they were overjoyed!

"Hahaha! See Moyou! I said that Mu Chen will definitely release a new game in January, and you still don't believe it!"

"Cut~ Mu Chen is a big water bastard, the king of pigeons! When we caught him before, he was around New Year's Day, but he didn't come out until now!"

"Emmm, when do you guys say the new game will be available for download tomorrow? Will it be in the middle of the night again?"

"Hehe, labor and management will wait until 12 o'clock today to see if he sells it at 12 o'clock!"

Some players have already begun to guess the release time of Mu Chen's unpredictable new game, and they are planning to wait until midnight.

emmm, it's just that Mu Chen is destined to disappoint these impatient and trembling netizens again this time.

Shuguang Entertainment, Mu Chen has just finished his happy life of moving bricks, cutting trees, and mining for a whole day.

"Young Master Mu, this time "Minecraft"...uh, when is the right time to launch it?"

Liu Jin was also afraid of Mu Chen's random release time, so this time he planned to ask clearly first, so as to be mentally prepared.

Mu Chen smiled charmingly, and said, "Didn't these bastards on Weibo say they would wait until midnight? Then I'll follow them and go online at midnight, but it's three o'clock in the morning!"

Muchen feels that the greatest joy is to fight wits and courage with these sand sculpture netizens.

After all, fighting with others is a lot of fun!

"Ahem~uh...that's not good, our employees also need to rest~"

Lao Liu thought that this time Mu Chen would still ask the staff of Shuguang Entertainment to operate and go online like the previous two times, so he tactfully persuaded Mu Chen.

Mu Chen also knew what Liu Jin was worried about, so he said with a smile: "Don't worry, this time I will operate and go online by myself. Anyway, I have background permissions and everything. This time, I want to have fun with these sand sculptures!"

In this way, after Muchen sent Liu Jin away, he first sent Tang Xiaomo home, and then returned to Shuguang Entertainment's office by himself.

It was a bit boring to stay in the company alone, so Mu Chen walked around the company and finally came to a's really too small!

After returning to his office, Mu Chen felt that when he was free, it was necessary to go to the building he just framed from his father to take a look.

Because Mu Chen prepared a surprise for netizens at 12 o'clock, but now it's only after 8 o'clock, so, bored, he opened up his second source of fast-falling - Turkey Live Streaming.

"Place your bet! Make your bet! Blindly guessing impotence today will be disgraceful!"

"Haha, this guy actually finds someone to duo, and she looks like a girl!"

"Diao Da's explanation, why is impotence so shameful?"

"Before this guy asked someone else's girl to double row, and said he wanted to fly her, but he hugged other girl's thigh the whole time, not to mention, the most important thing is, this guy is not qualified to line up with the girl's king size, and his girl is still The silver trumpet used!"

"Hey~ This girl's ID looks familiar!"

"Hehe! Do you still remember the Titan who chased impotent children all over the map? It's that girl named Xiao Wufa!"

"The upstairs is talking nonsense, people are dancing titans!"


Mu Chen looked at the barrage in Yang Wei's live broadcast room saying that Yang Wei was led by a girl, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

This is better than finding a double row of girls?

But since this guy is queuing with his sister, Mu Chen doesn't plan to go find this baboon who is busy looking for a mate.

No way, Muchen opened "My World" again, ready to move bricks to build his nest.

As a "senior" mc (English abbreviation for Minecraft) architect, Mu Chen's skills in digging holes, making holes and adding trees are outstanding.

Twenty or ten minutes later, on a bare mountaintop, um, the place Mu Chen named "Guangmingding", a crooked three-story house bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, looked extraordinarily bleak .

"Hold the grass~ It looks a bit wrong! I obviously built it according to the photo!"

While Mu Chen was talking, he also looked at the pictures of his manor in various directions on his mobile phone, and he always felt that the taste was not so good.

So the industrious Mu Chen picked up his ax and shovel and continued to dig ore and cut trees.

After another hour, Mu Chen looked at the building on his "Bright Peak", and it became more and more familiar, as if he had seen it several times.

Looking back, I took out my phone, took a picture, and sent it.

Uh... Looking at the time, Muchen had no choice but to send the photo to Yang Wei who was still cultivating the live broadcast, to see if he could recognize the building.

While waiting for Yang Wei's reply, Mu Chen felt that he must have built a remarkable building, and it was very famous, otherwise Mu Chen, who has been a man for two generations, would not remember it so clearly!

After waiting for a few minutes, Yang Wei's message came.

"Master Mu, they said that this thing looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa at first glance!"

"Shabi, what kind of tower is the Leaning Tower of Sa? You told you to look at the picture, why are you still cursing? Have you got fat again?!"

Mu Chen felt that it was necessary to do some ideological work for Yang Wei, this baboon relied on the support of the king's sister, so he didn't pay attention to him, the black iron boss! ! !
Over there, after Yang Wei received the news from Mu Chen, he couldn't help laughing.

"Oh shit! Young Master Mu...hahaha!"

Just kidding, Yang Wei hurriedly explained to Mu Chen, otherwise it would be uncomfortable if there was another big scene in the live broadcast room later, after all, there are still girls and him double rowing.

You know, Yang Wei also has the burden of being an idol!
Watching Yang Wei's explanation, Mu Chen suddenly realized.

He said why it looked so familiar, it turned out that it collided with the Leaning Tower of Pisa!
emmm, it's a slanted slant!

It's just that the "Bright Roof" building built by Mu Chen is much more inclined than the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Guaranteed to make Mr. Newton jump out of the coffin and knock Mu Chen's head to pieces; similarly, if Mr. Galileo was still alive, he would definitely not dare to conduct experiments on the upstairs at an angle of 45°.

However, Muchen still felt that he was an old cow!

This is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. He, Mu Chen, didn't even need an instruction manual. He just built it with blueprints, which is enough to prove his talent!
It's just... when you feel that you are successful, there are often people who will spoil your scenery and say things that spoil your scenery...

For example, now, Yang Wei is such an existence that disturbs Muchen's scenery.

Just when Muchen was having fun in front of the computer, Yang Wei sent another message.

"Master Mu, it's just that I discussed it with the water friends in the live broadcast room just now, and I think that thing just now is not the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it is too inclined!
We think that if we spray a red word "demolition" on it, it should be more in line with the actual situation of this building! "

The red split words...

Split words...


Mu Chen: What the hell am I—(ノ`⊿)ノ︵┻━┻

 Emmm, a bad news...Because the teaching qualification interview is going to take place this Saturday, the author will sometimes change it these few days...For example, today, I spent a whole day in the library during the day, and I have to go out tomorrow...

  ○| ̄|_I'm very sorry~ Ivy Batty!

  Finally, thank you "Luo Ziyuan" for your reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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