Chapter 105
Mu Chen expressed that he was very hurt!
It is obviously the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but Yang Wei and his group of sand sculpture viewers described it as a dangerous building.

Flower Q!

Emmm, although it does look a little crooked, it is too much to say that it is a dilapidated building!

So, in order to prove that he is an ingenious man, Mu Chen swung his hoe again!


When Mu Chen looked at the time again, it was already ten past twelve.

Obviously... Mu Chen missed the time he expected to clean up those sand sculpture netizens.

However, when he opened Weibo, he found that this group of people was still active, just because he released pigeons again.

Seeing this, Mu Chen smiled mysteriously, quickly typed a line on the computer, and then sent it on Weibo.

He, the war with these sand sculptures - has begun!

At the same time, those netizens on the Internet who were still talking about Mu Chen's unpunctuality suddenly discovered that Pigeon King's Weibo had been updated.

They were so excited at the time~ they thought they would finally be able to play Shuguang Entertainment's new game.

Ran goose ...

When they clicked on Mu Chen's Weibo excitedly, many people couldn't help but have a quality triple!
"Aren't you all guessing that I will release a new game at 12 o'clock, haha, then I will tell you desert eagles, today... I will be late at night, maybe two o'clock in the morning, three o'clock or four o'clock in the morning When the time comes, quietly put the new game online!
If the sand sculptures are patient, or if you don’t have to go to work tomorrow, you can wait, and those who enter the game ahead will have a mysterious gift bag!Dear~"

Sand sculpture netizens looked at Mu Chen's Weibo, and immediately exploded!

It stands to reason that for game companies, the sky and the earth have always been big, and the players are the biggest!
But how did Mu Chen's coquettish operation make Si four fatter?Actually let us players (Master God) wait!It is simply unreasonable!

As a result, many players yelled on the Internet one by one, and many radicals even yelled that they would never download the new game of Suguang Entertainment!
At one o'clock in the morning, there was still no movement on the official website of Shuguang Entertainment and the download channel of the Shuguang Game Platform.

More and more netizens began to clamor on the Internet not to download new games.

"The top five to ten rewards include a 6% discount coupon for all platforms of Suguang Game Platform; not only that, seeing how enthusiastic you are, the top 8.5 players also have a [-]% discount coupon for all platforms~"

hiss! ! !
Netizens who were still cultivating immortals and Muchen's hard steel gasped after seeing Muchen's Weibo the next day!
Big money!

However, Ma Ma appealed to others not to be fooled by Mu Chen's sugar-coated bullets.

Tang Seng washes his hair with Rejoice: "Ivy Batty, keep our bottom line, don't let Mu Chen play tricks on us players!"

Leopard head Ling Chong: "That's right! Don't say 6% off, even if it's 1% off, I won't be tempted by Zero Chong! Mu Chen don't want to use money to corrupt our players!"

Romeo and the pig sleepover: "Money is a small problem for me, the main thing is the new game, and the big problem is to go online as soon as possible!"


Mu Chen looked at the netizens who were still commenting on his Weibo, and showed a wicked smile. He is ready to unleash a big move!

The rewards for the top five have not been announced yet~
"The top five players will get a 3% discount coupon for all platforms of Shuguang Entertainment; in addition, they will also get a random, mysterious, and unique MOD of the new game!

Don’t miss this opportunity~ Dear~()”

This is really unbearable!

Although I don’t know what the cute mod (mod) is, but——3% discount coupon is really an opportunity not to be missed!
You know, before Mu Chen won the honorary title of Ace Pigeon, his title was: wallet harvester & player exploiter-Mu.

Before, players could only look at their shriveled wallets and single-digit bank card balances, while at the same time looking at those crazy and cool skins with bitter tears and salty saliva.

And now, a chance for Xianyu to turn around has come!

Thus, Mu Chen's Weibo became a large-scale real fragrance + confession scene...

Leopard's head is zero red: "Ahem~ The Weibo I posted before was hacked for some reason! Father Mu Chen, bless me with a [-]% discount, and I will change my username immediately when the time comes!"

Romeo and the pig stayed overnight: "emmm, money is not a problem, I just want to see if the skin bought at 3% off looks better, don't you think so? Father Muchen!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Bian said: "Father Muchen, I just want to ask, will it affect my moving bricks after winning 3% off?"

Tang Seng has long hair: "Daddy is big, dad is cheating!"

A diving netizen: "I'm pretending upstairs, you were the one who used Rejoice before, don't think that you can get away with getting away with a long-haired trumpet!"



that is!

Money ability!
Mu Chen looked at these netizens who quickly changed their direction, and showed a smug smile.

Moreover, he believed that by the day, "Minecraft" would definitely become extremely popular because of this lottery.

In Muchen's opinion, "Minecraft" is an extremely important game for Suguang Entertainment.

Because of the characteristics of the game itself, it can be linked with those games before Suguang Entertainment, such as League of Legends mod, CS mod, Dark Souls mod and so on.

The most important thing is that Mu Chen also wants to use this to cultivate players' understanding of the concept of virtual world, which is related to a brand new game mode in the future.

That's why Mu Chen stayed up until midnight, arguing with these sand sculptures, be precise, watching these sand sculptures' various confessions on Weibo!
ヾ§ ̄▽)ゞahhhhhhh!

Finally, at three o'clock in the morning, the sleepy Mu Chen opened the download channel of "Minecraft".

Many powerful people in the world of cultivating immortals discovered the changes on the Shuguang game platform and official website in the first place, so they clicked the download button with the speed of being single for a lifetime.

Afterwards, I hope that Mantian God and Buddha can bless their own network not to provide a stuck package during this racing moment.

But Mu Chen held back his drowsiness, and looked at the downloads of "Minecraft" in the data room for the first time.

3 million~
5 million~

In just 5 minutes, the downloads of "Minecraft" skyrocketed, just like a crazy rabbit who has been beaten with chicken blood.

Seeing this data, Mu Chen went home to sleep contentedly~
After returning home, Mu Chen saw a graceful figure lying on his bed by the dim light...

Could it I can finally...

After that, Mu Chen pulled the quilt open a gap with his trembling hands.


He stretched out his sinful and eager hand again...


 Two updates will be resumed tomorrow...

  Almost died on the subway today...

  (▼皮▼#) almost into a box
(End of this chapter)

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