Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 106 What is a MOD?

Chapter 106 What is a MOD?
Early the next morning, Muchen angrily knocked on Tang Xiaomo's door.

Muchen, who was going to ask Tang Xiaomo why he put Mu Xiaosan on his bed, looked at Tang Xiaomo in his pajamas with sleepy eyes.

Mu Chen... swallowed his saliva!

Then, he decisively went to trouble the silly dog ​​Mu Xiaosan.

Immediately, there were bursts of dogs howling in the Mujia Manor (if Muchen's dog language has passed level [-], you can hear it, all the dogs scolded are Hua Q, Xie Te and other quality words ).

After that, Mu Chen was on his way to work with Tang Xiaomo, he kept thinking about a question...

Is he really dying? !
Not physically, but mentally!

Having lived with Tang Xiaomo for such a long time, Mu Chen never had any wrong thoughts in his head, except playing games, playing games, it's all games anyway...

Is it possible that I actually love games the most? !

Then should I marry You Yu as my wife in the future?


Mu Chen tilted his head to look at Tang Xiaomo's delicate face and grandeur.

Then he threw out the frightening thought of marrying You as his wife.

Tang Xiaomo looked at Muchen strangely.

She found that Mu Chen had been acting weird since he woke her up in the morning.

First, he grabbed Mu Xiaosan by the ear and scolded it, one person and one dog scolded each other all morning.

Then, even on the road, Mu Chen would still stare at her from time to time today, moreover, his eyes were slightly different from usual...

Emmm, just Jiang, the two of them looked at each other from time to time and came to Shuguang Entertainment.

It's just that Mu Chen's attention was mostly on Tang Xiaomo, and he almost got into a car accident several times in the middle. If it wasn't for the rush hour, the road was too congested and the speed couldn't be increased, Mu Chen and the two of them might not be able to finish their work today. Completely to the company.

Lao Liu is a very competent and good employee.

After arriving at the office, Mu Chen was still a little absent-minded.

As a result, Lao Liu soon came to report on his work and brought very good news.

"Young Master Mu, as of 9 o'clock this morning, the new game "Minecraft" has already had 20 downloads, and judging from the statistics, the download increment per hour will continue to grow."

Liu Jin also did not expect that this game world made up of pixel blocks would be so popular with players. It is estimated that the download volume of "Minecraft" will easily exceed one million by tonight.

Although Mu Chen was also a little surprised, this statistic was generally within his expectation.

But what he is most concerned about is actually in another place.

There are 9 downloads by 20 o'clock this morning, does it mean that at least 15 players were cultivating immortals last night...

hey hey~
Today is Wednesday...

After mourning for those sand sculptures cultivating immortals in his heart for a while, Mu Chen's wandering brain circuit returned to the topic.

"By the way, go and check the server's records, and announce the list of the winners with the rankings I mentioned last night. It's past nine o'clock now, and these sand sculptures probably think that I'm going to dove them again~ "

There is an old saying that goes well, the one who knows you best is often your enemy.

Although Mu Chen and these sand sculpture netizens/players are not in a hostile relationship, after all, the two sides have fought against each other on the Internet, PK many times, Mu Chen still understands the bird nature of these people very well.

Sure enough, when Mu Chen and Liu Jin went to see the list of winners, netizens started their performances online again.

A loving mother with a sword in her hand: "Is this Muchen kidding us? Why haven't you announced the list!? I can guarantee that I'm in the top ten!"

Wandering on the body: "Oh~ how do you see it? Could it be that brother Tai is also surnamed Mu?"

That netizen replied: "Hehe, when you and Mu Chen were tearing each other up, I first took a shower and changed clothes, then burned incense and prayed, and finally - I even upgraded the internet speed!"


"The last sentence is the key point, circle it, it will definitely take the test~"

"Wori! Why didn't I expect that, it's a 6% or even 3% discount coupon!!!"


Well, this time someone successfully deflected the topic of denouncing Mu Chen and attracted firepower for Mu Chen.

Ten minutes later, the official website/official Weibo of Dawn Entertainment and Mu Chen's Weibo announced the list of winners this time.

"Let's congratulate the following sand sculptures: Liang Shanbo and the pig come hard, Romeo and the pig spend the night...etc~"

Many players who stayed up late last night cultivating immortals saw the announcement of the winning list and quickly clicked in to look through it, expecting to find their ID in the list of 100 players.

"Muhahahaha! I won the lottery!"

In the office area of ​​a company in the imperial capital, a man suddenly looked at his computer screen and let out a burst of uncontrollable laughter, which was extremely embarrassing to the ears of others.

"What prize did you win? So happy!"

A colleague next to him asked.

Luo Ou smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, it's just a [-]% discount coupon for the Suguang game platform~"

Emmm, as for another prize, the random mysterious mod of "Minecraft", it was selectively forgotten by Luo Ou.

After all, he had never heard of this thing at all (because there had never been a sandbox game before), and subconsciously thought it was just equipment in the game, so he didn't care about it.

When Luo Ou's colleague heard that his prize was a 3% discount coupon from Shuguang Entertainment, he immediately showed a sour expression. Obviously, this is also one of the players of a game under Shuguang Entertainment.

"You don't have such a high European spirit because of the word "Europe" in your name, you kid. How can you win the 5% discount coupon? There are only [-] people!"

"Ahaha, so-so, I've always been very European~ Yesterday I was lucky to grab a red envelope in the company group!"

Luo Ou once again pretended to be a big and small comparison in front of his colleagues.

At this time, Luo Ou's colleague came over to ask him again.

"Hey, by the way, what is the reward for that mysterious MOD? Have you seen it?"

"I haven't watched it yet. I'll talk about it when I go back tonight. But it should be some kind of equipment. I didn't have time to play it last night. I just downloaded the game and registered it."

Luo Ou's colleague gave him a thumbs up, and said with admiration: "I admire your great power in the world of cultivating immortals. In novels, you may not be the kind of big boss who shatters the void!"

"Haha, I'm still rich, I can only say that I'm very talented!" Luo Ou was even more embarrassed.

"Oh~ can our talented Comrade Luo Ou come to my office? Let's discuss about working overtime~"

Just when Luo Ou was screaming, a gentle and pleasant male voice pierced through behind him.

"Hehe, boss, good morning!"

Luo Ou understood the truth of being cowardly when he should be cowardly, so he went to his boss's office bitterly...

 Thank you "Luo Ziyuan" for your reward, thank you very much!
  I, the author, you guys, hit... um no, it's a vote!
  (kneeling ○| ̄|_)

(End of this chapter)

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