Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 107 Realistic Thunder

Chapter 107 Realistic Thunder
At eight o'clock in the evening, Luo Ou returned to his residence, dragging his body and mind, which had been shattered by his superiors.

After taking a few casual mouthfuls of food, he took a bottle of happy water, sat in front of the computer, and drank it happily.

After taking a mouthful of happy water, Luo Ou felt that his body and mind, which had been devastated, became full of vitality again.

Sure enough, happy water is the best medicine for homeboys!

Afterwards, while biting the straw, Luo Ou opened the new game of Dawn Entertainment, which was downloaded at [-]:[-] in the morning and is still fresh up to now——"My World".

After entering the game, the main menu has options such as stand-alone mode, online mode, and game mods.

First, Luo Ou clicked on the stand-alone mode.

After clicking into stand-alone mode, there are two options inside.

Survival & Adventure Mode and Creative Mode.

For a game veteran like Luo Ou, he clicked on the survival adventure mode directly and decisively. After all, these two words are very exciting at first glance!
After clicking in... Luo Ou looked at the game screen on the computer screen...

emmm... I don't know what to say~

"Pixel games don't need to be so pixelated!"

Although he already knew it was a pixel game when he read the introduction before, but he didn't expect the pixels to be so crazy!

Uh... As for why not watch the game video.

Hehe, Luo Ou wanted to watch it too, but neither Mu Chen nor Shuguang Entertainment officially released any video, only a name and a brief introduction, and let the players download it directly.

But... the players still bought into Suguang Entertainment's aloofness this time!

There are even many players who think that Suguang Entertainment deliberately supplemented the promotional video in order to surprise the players.

Even before Luo Ou opened the game, he looked like this too.

emmm, this is indeed a surprise...

A P!

Because Mu Chen overestimated his construction and design ability, he didn't put the "Minecraft" game video on it.

After all, Mu Chen also felt that if the Leaning Tower of Pisa he made before was put on the Internet, besides making the players think it was a dangerous building, it would also embarrass himself.

Therefore, now the "Minecraft" project team of Suguang Entertainment is working hard to produce some classic buildings in the game.

Fortunately, Shuguang Entertainment has a legendary technical house like Hu Feng, and he can directly compare the data of those buildings in the background to input data.

Closer to home, Luo Ou quickly accepted this pixel world and the empty-handed pixel man.

After choosing a name and going through the novice tutorial, Luo Ou has already mastered eighteen superb skills such as how to cut trees, dig holes, dig soil, build houses, and so on. (As for familiarity or not, that's another story...)
Walking in the rivers and lakes, you can't overwhelm yourself with too many skills!
However, Luo Ou, who is very adventurous, did not build a house for the first time, but started to wander in this huge (infinite) pixel world.

After all, from Luo Ou's point of view, in reality, he can only stay in one place, and even on vacation, he can't go very far.

So in the game world, he aspires to be a prodigal son who makes his home all over the world and roams the world.

Emmm, but soon, Luo Ou discovered that in this game, prodigal sons don't seem to be so easy to be prodigal.

Because he was wandering all the way, he couldn't get any food, and the red heart showing the amount of blood on the screen would drop half a square after a while.

It didn't take long, and his ten red hearts kept falling, and there were only 3 squares left.

The conscientious Luo Ou decisively chose the prodigal son to turn around, he didn't want his virginity to starve to death.

So, our prodigal son Ou began to synthesize items as taught in the tutorial.

Ten minutes later, after blasting a pig's butt off with a wooden axe, Roo finally hangs him.

Hehe~ Raw pork is so delicious!
Then, Luo Ou, who was rubbed against the ground by the game world, was about to completely give up his dream of a prodigal son and start building a house.

Perhaps this is fate, Luo Ou, like Mu Chen, chose to build his nest on a thieving high "Bright Peak".

After a while, Luo Ou, who was digging a hole there, suddenly discovered that the sky, which was still sunny before, suddenly became dark.

"Hold the grass! This weather system is a bit realistic, and lightning can be seen in the dark clouds, 666!"

Luo Ou, who moved the bricks, did not forget to say something.

Then he went back to the "Brighting Top" and started to build a mound of soil, er no, to build a house.


Hearing the sudden voice in the game, Luo Ou was startled, and then praised:

"Cheating, this thunder sounds very righteous, but I don't know if it will come down? If it really comes down, labor and capital will definitely be fans of this game for a lifetime!"

After speaking, he continued to build the house like a hardworking bee.

However, just after he put a stone, five words floated in the sky, uh... no, it was the thunder of "clang-cha-cha" sounded again.

In the next second, Luo Ou saw his computer screen flickering slightly, and the character he controlled named Prodigal Son fell asleep on the "Bright Dome" with his whole body blackened.

"you are dead"

Looking at the three big characters on the screen, the corners of Luo Ou's mouth couldn't help twitching, it was so realistic, and it could kill people.

After sighing, Luo Ou was so angry, he was a virgin!It's so cold~
"Wori! What the hell! I was struck to death by lightning?!"

"It's not scientific!"

Muchen: No, this is science!

"Forget it, just come again!"

Luo Ou quietly cheered himself up, and then entered the game again.

This time, in order to avoid God's punishment, Luo Ou once again chose to surrender to the game.

This time he built his small nest in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, cattle and sheep everywhere, and birds singing and flowers fragrant.

In his opinion, this time's start is definitely a good start, and there is simply no solution.

Afterwards, the prodigal son Ou completely turned into a construction Ou, a digger Ou, and a slaughter Ou.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Luo Ou looked at the contents of his backpack and locker, and felt that he was definitely ahead of many players, and he should barely be considered a wealthy family.

As the saying goes, full and warm.

Now Luo Ou, who claims to have a rich family, wants to become the prodigal son Ou again.

Immediately, Luo Ou, who left as soon as he said he would, brought enough rations, a green dragon knife in his left hand, a white tiger sword in his right hand, and a sun god bow on his back, walked out of his mansion with a width of dozens of cells, and started his adventure.

"Hey! A few wild pixel wolves dare to make trouble in front of your grandpa Ou!"

Luo Ou looked at the wolves walking towards him, and roared in a very subdued manner.

Then, he drew out the Sun Shooting Bow, ready to shoot these ignorant pixel wolves to death.


Five seconds later, the ignorant prodigal son Ou was bitten to the ground by these "unknown heights" pixel wolves.

you are dead
"What am I &¥*#*~#?$-"

 I, the author, once again... screaming for votes! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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