Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 109: Scolding Battle~

Chapter 109: Scolding Battle~
In addition to these two videos, Mu Chen's Weibo also has a text attached.

"Darling~ I suggest that you master the stand-alone mode first and then play online, so as to bring you and your teammates a better gaming experience~ We will post a video of how to play the online mode in ten days!"

Emmm, after watching these two videos and Mu Chen's text, the "Minecraft" players have basically given up the idea of ​​playing online now.

After all, they still can't play stand-alone mode, and they really can't find any fun in rashly going online.

Besides, Mu Chen used numerous facts to prove that the one who fights against him will always be the player who suffers.

Of course, there will be iron-stealing players who don't believe in evil and play online mode, but... er... they find that they don't seem to know how to play! (Here, Mu Chen slightly modified the gameplay of the online mode, emmm, it is more exciting than the original one).

Muchen can't help it, after all, he can say that he has changed the online mode of "Minecraft", basically changing this mode to be a bit like an online game, and the interaction between players will be stronger.

Speaking of Mu Chen, at this time our Young Master Mu looked at Liu Jin standing in front of his desk and the computer screen, feeling a little worried.

"Uh... You mean, when I launched "Minecraft" before, I didn't make it so that it was launched globally simultaneously?"

Mu Chen was a little confused.

"Ahem, yes, Young Master Mu~"

Liu Jin couldn't say much, so he could only answer in response.

"So... now these foreign players are making trouble on the international forum of Suguang Entertainment? Even domestic players are fighting with domestic players?"

Muchen looked at the Shuguang Entertainment International Forum on his computer, there were two groups of people who were scolding very loudly and exhaling sweetly to each other.

The reason for this scolding battle is because when Mu Chen released "Minecraft" in the early morning, Mo You chose to release it globally simultaneously.

And many fans of Shuguang Entertainment from abroad came over the wall every day as usual, and saw new games on the official website of Shuguang Entertainment in China, but there was no movement in their country, so they couldn't help complaining on the international forum of Shuguang Entertainment.

After that, everything will be simple. There are many domestic players who like to go over the wall and go to foreign websites. They see these foreigners complaining about Shuguang Entertainment, and then they naturally invite their friends to go over the wall and come out to fight~
It's just that the combat power of the two sides is very different. The foreign players are basically defeated at the touch of a touch, and they are retreating steadily.

As for the reason, the foreign players are English mixed with some French, German, Arabic and other ten or twenty different languages. In short, they are like a group of miscellaneous troops, and it is difficult to form a unified "army", so the combat effectiveness is underground. .

As for the domestic players, they are more unified, either they are all Chinese, or they are all English, or they are... er... that kind of wild English.

Needless to say, the serious Chinese and English, but the wild English spoken by those players really made Muchen dumbfounded. Apart from Hua Q, Ma Jie, Xie Te and the like, there are even more popular ones. .

For example, a fan of Shuguang Entertainment probably wants to say: Shuguang Entertainment has made a good game for you to play, and you foreigners should "repay the favor of a drop of water, and the spring will repay you" or something. Anyway, it probably means gratitude. of.

However, the wonderful work is the strange work in this dripping water..., Yongquan..., this domestic player translates it into English like this

: shuguang give you di da di da, you give shuguang hua la hua la!

With all the onomatopoeia used, will those foreign players have a chance of winning?
However, Mu Chen was very pleased to see these domestic players defending his Shuguang Entertainment like this.

"Did this happen early this morning?"

"Yes, Young Master Mu~"

"Then let's ban the forum for a while, you should be tired of scolding after so long. Then issue a statement to explain, we don't want domestic players to be scolded in vain~"


Liu Jin once again saw Mu Chen's thick skin, tsk tsk tsk, although the scolding battle was indeed caused by foreign players.

However, obviously those foreign players who have been tortured dare not speak in the forum...but Mu Chen also said that domestic players are the victims...

But Liu Jin was still very relieved.

The current Shuguang Entertainment is no longer a small game company that only had a CS to support its appearance.

At that time, they still need to check the faces of the players, otherwise the game may not be sold, or the results may be very bad.

But now, Shuguang Entertainment is the boss.

For example, some time ago, Shuguang Entertainment shut down CS and League of Legends for nearly a day because of server upgrades.

And that day falls on Saturday.

Tsk tsk tsk, that guy, Shuguang Entertainment's official website/official blog and Mu Chen's Weibo were directly blasted by the comments from the players.

The following are all begging for Suguang Entertainment to upgrade the server quickly.

Players have said that the weekend without CS or League of Legends, the sky is black (in fact, it just happened to be raining that day).

However, the sales of Switch, Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda had a small and obvious increase that day.

This made Mu Chen almost stop the servers of CS and League of Legends for two more days, but in the end he resisted the temptation...

All in all, the current Shuguang Entertainment is the kind of arrogant.

Soon, after Shuguang Entertainment officially dealt with it, the scolding battle between foreign players and domestic players stopped this time.

However, because of this incident, the players from both sides basically started working without saying a word when they met in Suguang Entertainment's international server game!
And because of this incident, Muchen obviously remembered a h1z1 in his previous life, where the foreign players were dominated by the domestic "red army".

"Old Liu, turn off the online mode of "Minecraft" later!"

Muchen decisively told Liu Jin to turn off the online mode:

After all, only domestic players were okay before, and there were some top players who went in to play, and they would quit because of the small number of people now.

But if foreign players also enter the online mode, and the two sides meet again, then Mu Chen believes that even if there are only two players, they can still have a good time.

After all, now that the online mode of "Minecraft" has undergone Muchen's magic modification, all players who enter the online mode will be in a huge and incomparable world (the area will increase with the increase of the number of players, don't ask how it is done) , asking because of "science"!).

Emmm, this is also due to the server upgraded by Suguang Entertainment before, and the quality of the products produced by itself (Mu's Group) is still good!

Otherwise, Mu Chen hadn't thought of putting so many players in one server...

Now, Mu Chen believes that the beams that the players have received outside will completely explode in the online mode that will be released ten days later...

 Thank you "Zero Tianzun" for your reward, thank you very much!
  I, the author,, no, vote!

(End of this chapter)

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