Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 110 'World Mode'

Chapter 110 'World Mode'

The next day, after the download of "My World" was opened for foreign players on the Suguang game platform, the download volume soared again.

It jumped from the previous 200 million downloads to nearly 300 million.

Seeing this data, although Mu Chen was prepared, he was still very tongue-tied.

The charm of my big MC is still as high as ever!
Judging from the data of the past two days, after the release of "Minecraft", the maximum online number and online time of CS and League of Legends players have dropped to a certain extent.

After all, an open world, a world where players can do whatever they want, is very attractive to players.

In addition, there are adventure & survival elements, as well as the creation mode that few players have tried (that is, building houses with blind chicken necks), which attracts players from all over the world to enter this magical pixel cube world all the time.

And, most importantly, Mu Chen still has one ultimate ultimate move that he hasn't released yet.

You know, "Minecraft" is not a game that can only be played on the computer.

The two platforms of mobile phone and handheld switch can also carry the game "Minecraft" very well.

Even, the myth of over [-] million sales created by MC in the previous life is due to mobile terminals such as mobile phones.

After all, there is basically one smart phone in everyone's hands, and even some old men and women in their [-]s and [-]s can hold their phones and play happily.

And how can young people fall behind?

Thinking of this, Mu Chen began to prepare for the promotion and launch of the mobile game version and the handheld (switch) version of "Minecraft".

Two days later...

Many people in Xia Kingdom have found that their Xunlong pop-up windows, Weibo top searches, and browsers are all promoting a mobile game called "Minecraft".

Many people who clicked in out of curiosity were attracted by the two promotional videos released by Mu Chen before, and chose to download the game.


Once you enter the cube, it is as deep as the sea, and you will be a passerby from now on!

I believe that if the players of the mobile version of "Minecraft" are interviewed, they will definitely say:

"The person involved expressed regret, very regret!"

Once the mobile game version "Minecraft" was released, it immediately swept across the country's young people, and every mobile phone was ringing with the sound of mining and cutting trees.

Two days before the opening of the online mode mentioned by Mu Chen, the global downloads of "Minecraft" have reached more than 3000 million, directly tying the global downloads of CS and League of Legends, and the two major players of Suguang Entertainment. The overlords of online games are on equal footing.

The reason for such a high increase this time is mainly because some young people who don't usually play games have been washed away by the carpet-bombing publicity of Suguang Entertainment; Play, and their recommendations, so "Minecraft" can reach the height that took three to five years to reach in the previous life in just about ten days.

Two days later, it happened to be Saturday.

Early in the morning, when the players started to mine the game every day, they found that the online mode they had been thinking about was finally activated.

However, it seems to have changed its name to "world mode".

Luo Ou also discovered this revamped online mode for the first time.

Click to enter, but Luo Ou failed to enter the game immediately, but a video popped up.

"Dear Minecraft players, now you are about to enter a world like never before.

In it, you can play and communicate with players from all over the world.

Next, briefly introduce the game rules of the "world mode": First, the core gameplay is still based on survival and construction; second, the second core gameplay of this mode is player interaction. After entering the world mode, all players will encounter possible.In it, players can choose to trade materials with each other and exchange game experience with each other; of course, they can also choose to find a corner alone and quietly play stand-alone mode;
Don't panic, it's not over yet, there is a third core of the 'world mode' - his map is no longer infinite in size like the stand-alone mode, but is based on the map of the real world as a template, enlarged by two times in proportion. times! "

Seeing this, Luo Ou didn't know what to say.

This Shuguang Entertainment has released a huge and incomparable trump card!
Not to mention those competitors, even players like them were too shocked.

For example, Luo Ou, who is about to drool now.

The video continued to play, and it was still talking about:

"After the player enters the game, please be sure to turn on the positioning function, so that the players will be born in their own positioning location, how about it? Isn't it very exciting?

But it's not over yet~ Players please remember, don't ignore the stand-alone world that you have worked so hard to play for so long after you have the "world mode".

Because, at some point in the future, the stand-alone mode will have some indescribable connections with the 'world mode', so--players please consider carefully~
I wish all players a happy game~ Dear~”

After watching the ten-minute-long video, Luo Ou was shocked beyond measure, and couldn't calm down after looking at his computer for a long time.

Afterwards, Luo Ou, who had recovered, tremblingly clicked the start button on the computer screen.

He successfully entered the game.

After entering the game, what catches the eye is still the same as before in the stand-alone mode, with mountains, trees, and streams. At first glance, there is no difference.

Therefore, at the first moment, he couldn't tell whether this was where he was - the imperial capital.

However, there was a world map next to it that could be clicked on, and he found that the position of his own cursor on the map was exactly the area where the imperial capital was located in reality.

An hour later, after the three-piece suit and food and grass were ready, Luo Ou once again embarked on his prodigal son's journey.

...another hour passed...

"Fake! Is Mu Chen a fool? Why can't I even see a ghost of a player after walking for so long? Could it be that I don't have any players from my imperial capital at all?"

Luo Ou looked at the screen where there were only mountains and trees, and he felt that Jio had been deceived...

After spending some time building a temporary residence, Luo Ou quit the game and went to the forum to learn.

"Where are the players in the magic capital? I've been walking for an hour, and I haven't seen half of them!"

"The imperial capital is also..."

"Hangcheng is also..."


When I opened the forum at one point, all I saw were posts saying that I couldn't find other players in my location.

Luo Ou had no choice but to switch to Weibo to see if any bosses had dug up any news...

 There is only one update today, and the exam is tomorrow, so nervous! ! !

  I hope I can take advantage of the European spirit of the big guys and let me draw a simpler question tomorrow! ! !

  ○| ̄|_
  emmm, spoiler, the new mode of Minecraft will evolve into a new game later...

(End of this chapter)

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