Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 113 A matter between players is not called stealing

Chapter 113 A matter between players is not called stealing
After hanging up the phone angrily, Muchen directly asked Liu Jin to contact the decoration company.

There is no way, Mu Chen's idea of ​​moving into the new office building early is still aborted.

Now he can only pray that the decoration company Lao Liu found can move faster.

For the next few days, Mu Chen spent his days playing games, wandering around in "My World".

This day coincided with the weekend, after Mu Chen came to the office, he skillfully opened the game, preparing for another fast-falling day.

However, after entering the game, when he opened his storage box, Muchen found that he had stored those materials in there for more than half a month, and there was nothing left...

"Damn it! What the hell is this? Someone actually touched my Guangmingding!? Still stealing labor and capital? Believe it or not, your account is gone!"

Mu Chen was obviously very angry. He dug these things with a hoe and chopped them with an axe, but in the end he made wedding dresses for others...

How can it be repaired! ! !
As the owner of Shuguang Entertainment, his home was ransacked by other players!

Mu Chen expressed his anger!
Although he really wanted to go directly to the backstage to find this guy, his rationality still told Mu Chen that it is best to solve the things in the game in the game!

So, Mu Chen picked up the big knife in his backpack and walked out...

Muchen, who turned into a swordsman, led his entourage - Tang Xiaomo, looking for the thief everywhere.

emmm, although Mu Chen doesn't know how they can find this thieves!

Not surprisingly, Muchen and Tang Xiaomo wandered around their nest for more than an hour and did not find any trace of other players!

"Fack, I made the map so big in the first place to prevent this kind of comparison of entering other people's houses and stealing things in the early stage. The result is really hard to prevent..."

There was no other way, Mu Chen and Tang Xiaomo, who searched to no avail, had to return to their home with a look of displeasure.

However, just when Mu Chen thought that he was just unlucky, the forum exploded.


Romeo and the pig spent the night: "Fuck, near the coordinate '100.555.380' of the imperial capital, there was a mob who ransacked my old lair, not even a single hair was left, and he almost ransacked my house. It was dismantled!"

Tang Seng didn't wash his hair: "Damn it! I was also tricked, the perpetrator was extremely skillful, it's so frightening that I plucked all the feathers that were only the most valuable in Laozi's family! Not even the stones inside were spared!"

The loving mother keeps the center line: "The imperial capital was stolen +1, and the two cows I managed to catch were killed and taken away by me, tnnd!"

Wanderer in the field: "+1+1, but it's okay, I saw this guy just after I came back, so I chased him away!"

"Upstairs 666, what's the name of that person's ID?"

The player named "Wanderer in the wild" replied:
"I remember what it was called 'Stealing Iron September'~"

"God damn Jiuyuetian, can't there be nine people?"

Immediately, a player with online IQ sent out that this should be a specialized player theft organization.

Just when the players were all guessing based on the Jiuyuetian ID in the forum, another player's post completely confirmed the previous guess.

A player whose ID is "Your father is not your father" posted: "I also saw a thief who came to my house yesterday, called 'Stealing Bricks and September Day', and he also saw me running away as soon as I came back. It's like someone who has practiced light work."

Seeing this player's post, other people basically know that those who specialize in stealing other people's things are a combination.

Heart-stealing Jiuyuetian: "Wori! I, the genuine one who specializes in heart-stealing, haven't started to act yet, these pirated copies are actually ruining the reputation of labor and management!"

"How about... let's go to Young Master Mu for feedback?"

Immediately, a player proposed to find Mu Chen, the boss of Shuguang Entertainment, under the post.

"Uh... this... I don't know if Young Master Mu will take care of this matter?"

"Emmm, it's hard to say, but Young Master Mu will definitely pay attention to this matter, after all, isn't the name of the internet-addicted teenager just for nothing~"

"That's right, maybe he's also had his heart stolen or something!"


The players are also action-oriented, especially the abhorrent behavior of stealing.

So they quickly gathered under Mu Chen's Weibo and began to count the countless crimes committed by this heart-stealing organization.

Muchen also paid attention to this matter in the forum, so when the players started to react, Muchen sent out the Weibo that he had edited before.

"About the situation that most players in the imperial capital have been stolen, Shuguang Entertainment will solve this problem in the next version update of "Minecraft". Before that, please pay attention to the safety of your own materials!"

Originally, Mu Chen didn't want to take care of this matter, after all, it was only some players' behavior at the beginning.

But as time went by, more and more players reported in the forum that their lair had been hacked.

At this time, the players also understood that some people were fishing in troubled waters. Anyway, there was the Jiuyuetian organization in front of them, so these people did it recklessly.

As the players became more and more vigilant, these people would naturally not be able to succeed every time, so some people still found that those players who fished in troubled waters that appeared later were not the September Sky organization.

Seeing that more and more players were fishing in troubled waters, Mu Chen decided to ask the Shuguang Entertainment official to come forward directly to solve this increasingly large-scale theft.

Although Mu Chen made the announcement, he was still quite puzzled.

He recalled that in the online mode of his previous life, those players who stole their homes didn't seem to be so rampant?
In fact, this was Mu Chen's lack of consideration.

In the previous life, the online mode of "My World" was mostly a room with a small number of people. Where did so many players come from?

Therefore, although there were players who stole supplies at that time, because they were scattered in various rooms, it didn't seem as rampant as this time.

However... Mu Chen obviously underestimated how obsessed players are with getting something for nothing.

After Mu Chen posted on his blog, and then Shuguang Entertainment officially issued an announcement on the handling of the theft incident, those players who stole characters started to jump up and down under Mu Chen's Weibo.

"We didn't cheat, why should we solve this behavior?"

"That's right, this is just normal game behavior. Why does Shuguang Entertainment make such a fuss?"

"Labor and capital entered your house based on their ability, why is it called stealing?"

"That's right. Can something between players be called stealing? It's called borrowing!"


More and more players began to object to the handling of this matter on Shuguang Entertainment's official website and Mu Chen's Weibo.

 There is another one in the early morning...

  ○| ̄|_
  Thanks to the boss ",..." for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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