Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 114 Calm down

Chapter 114 Calm down
As time went by, more and more players came to join in the fun, whether it was their own business or not, and they all clamored that Shuguang Entertainment could not do so.

For a while, Mu Chen's Weibo and Shuguang Entertainment's official website were filled with a cloud of smoke.

On the other hand, Xinhuo Games also released the news of their new game, and the tone seems to be their own original game, not introduced from that mysterious European game company.

"This time, our company's game is a traditional RPG game with a horizontal version as the core gameplay. This new game has more types of mobs than previous RPG games, and more types are more powerful and cool. Boss, of course, has 9 different professions..."

At the same time, in Shuguang Entertainment's office, Mu Chen, Liu Jin and Lin Sen were watching the new game launch video of Xinhuo Games.

"How is it? Young Master Mu, do you see something amazing?"

Lin Sen asked Mu Chen who was thinking about something there.

"How do I know? It's just a side-scrolling RPG game. I'm not a fairy. There are so many games like this, I can't figure it out..."

Mu Chen gave Lin Sen an angry look, and shook his head to indicate that he didn't know what kind of medicine was bought in the firewood game gourd.

"Besides, as long as we make a game better than theirs, wouldn't it be fine? What are you afraid of?
What kind of knight game did they play before, they were also rubbed on the ground by "Minecraft"!
By the way, is the game cool now? "

As Mu Chen was talking, he remembered the riding and slashing game from the European game company that Xinhuo Games represented before, and curiously asked about the current status of this game.

Muchen looked at Liu Jin, after all, only Old Liu could answer this question.

Liu Jin pondered for a while, and said:

"Uh... this game, how should I put it, still has a lot of players.


Liu Jin paused here.

"But what? Old Liu, don't choke up, it's not good to finish it in one breath? Really!"

Muchen expresses his dissatisfaction with Liu Jin's way of talking and stopping, and motions Liu Jin to speak quickly.

"Uh... their "Knight Lord" seems to have increased the influence of players' krypton gold on the game's strength. The recent activities and the like are pushing players towards the recharge direction. What recharge rebates are there? ..."

Liu Jin told all the news about "The Lord of the Knights" that he knew in one breath.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this Ma Teng is so stubborn~ He actually used krypton gold to become stronger in this game with great potential. Does he think this game has too long lifespan?"

After Mu Chen heard Liu Jin finished speaking, he smacked his mouth there, and said very puzzled.

"But Young Master Mu, their krypton gold model seems to be okay.

Although in the game, players can become stronger by charging money, but they are also limited in strength.

In this way, they will not break the game balance too much. They are not only attractive enough to those local rich players, but also take care of the emotions of those players who don't spend money! "

After listening to Liu Jin's analysis, Muchen stared at Liu Jin very seriously for a while.

Those little eyes made old Liu feel terrified.

"Emmm, Young Master Mu, what's wrong?"

Finally, our old Liu couldn't help being stared at by Mu Chen's weird eyes, so he asked.

"I didn't see it, Lao Liu, although you are not good at planning, you are very business-minded!"

Hearing Mu Chen's compliment that didn't seem like a compliment, Liu Jin could only chuckle and didn't speak.

"How about this, you put the company's affairs in advance, I will ask Xiaomo to deal with the trivial matters, and I will give you a plan. Lao Liu, you and Xiao Linzi are respectively responsible for the game content and the game's business (krypton gold) ideas. When the time comes Let's use this game and Ma Teng's new game to break our wrists~"

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen dumped a planning book with a title in the drawer to Lin Sen, on which the words Dungeon, Seria, etc. could be vaguely seen...

And Mu Chen's mouth was thinking with a hint of evil smile.

After all, I let out this woman who cheated money and sucked liver. I don't know how the money and liver abilities of the players here are...

"Okay, you two go down and discuss it. Don't ask me if it's not a big deal. Even if you ask me, I don't necessarily know...

That's it, I still have to deal with my Weibo, among those commotion players, maybe many of them were called by Xinhuo~"

After Mu Chen handed over the task of recreating Celia to Liu Jin and Lin Sen, he went back to his boss chair and looked through the messy comments on his Weibo.

Muchen found that there were quite a few players clamoring for something to ensure the rationality of the game's behavior, most of them suddenly appeared during a certain period of time.

It would be strange if Ma Teng from Xinhuo Game wasn't playing tricks.

Soon, Mu Chen was typing on the keyboard what he wanted to say.

Soon, Muchen's Weibo will be updated again~
"This "Minecraft" game update will not explicitly prohibit certain unfriendly behaviors between players, but will only restrict them.

For example, players can only enter other players' buildings through certain special props, and cannot directly enter or dig out other players' buildings! "

That's right, Mu Chen didn't completely make the mutual theft between players disappear in the game.

After all, players steal from each other and looting supplies is also one of the characteristics of this mode. If it disappears completely, many players will be disappointed.

Besides, as a game company, when players had sharp conflicts before, how to ease the confrontation between the two parties is the key.

Otherwise, if they help either side, the players on the other side will definitely have opinions and even riot.

Although it is true that Suguang Entertainment does not need to treat the players as uncles like it did at the beginning, players are always the cornerstone of the game company.

Game companies can be arrogant, but they can't really ignore the feelings and opinions of players.

As Mu Chen expected, after seeing the plan given by Mu Chen, although the players on both sides thought it was not the most satisfactory result in their hearts, they were still acceptable.

Players who want to continue the profession of Jiangyang Bandit must have corresponding props, which makes this profession a threshold, and there will naturally be many fewer players who will continue to do so.

Of course, if there are corresponding entry props, then there must be defensive props as well.

In the end, the confrontation between the players of "Minecraft" caused by the Jiuyuetian clan of the Thief clan at the beginning can be regarded as calmed down~
 Emmm, due to some indescribable reasons in the early morning, the update was put in the morning...I saw a big brother saying that I hadn't updated at 03:30, so I would like to say sorry to that big brother.

  There will be two more tonight!
  I will not renege on my debts!

  will not!

  Finally, I would like to thank the boss "Luo Ziyuan" for the reward, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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