Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 126 The Immortal Sword is True~

Chapter 126 The Immortal Sword is True~ (For the first order)


Mu Chen paused for a moment, and then said in an extremely surprised tone:

"Really?! I didn't even notice that the fairy sword can't be downloaded. It must be a small problem with the Shuguang game platform. Don't worry, it will be fixed soon."

Just like that, under Mu Chen's flickering, Yang Wei was successfully flicked into a limp by him, happily hung up the phone and went to chat with the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Look, I said that the game platform must be malfunctioning, and it will be fine soon!"

In the live broadcast room, Yang Wei said to the audience indifferently.

"Emmm, although I did hear what Mu Chen said, my rationality tells me... this matter is definitely not as simple as I imagined!"

"Xin Jici digs one Mohe and more! This shows that someone is lying!"

"666, what the fuck are you a bunch of dramatists? Even Mu Chen personally said that it's a platform issue. What do you think?"

Some viewers who didn't know much about Mu Chen's style rebutted those who doubted Mu Chen in the live broadcast room.

"Brother, the pattern is broken, you don't understand Mu Chen, your conscience is greatly damaged!"

"That's right, it's simply inhumane to take pleasure in molesting us vulnerable player groups all day long!"

"Just now I saw that some big hands analyzed in the forum, saying that this might be Mu Chen's latest way of molesting players."

Just when the audience in Yang Wei's live broadcast room were just skeptical, but not sure about the facts, someone suddenly said on the bullet screen that there was a crude analysis in the forum, and what he said was well-founded.

In the forum, a player whose ID is "The Strongest King on Earth" analyzed:
"In the past, every time Shuguang Entertainment released a new game, although Mu Chen also posted on Weibo, other official websites and official Weibo also had Weibo related to the new game, but most of the players focused on Mu Chen. body, so everyone ignored the real official speech channel of Suguang Entertainment.

For example, with the release of Legend of Sword and Fairy this time, Shuguang Entertainment only had Mu Chen's Weibo saying that the new game would be launched at ten o'clock, but there was no news on the official website official Weibo.This means that Mu Chen is probably the one who teased us for the launch of Weibo this time! "

As time went by, more and more players who paid attention to this matter gathered under the analysis emperor's post, complaining bitterly there.

Of course, many players greeted Mu Chen with sweet breath.

"Fuck, I fuck, Shet!"

emmm, I don't know what this brother posted, anyway, it's almost overwhelmed by the forum.

"Mu Chen, I super (qu) level (ni) love (da) you (ye)!"

"Betray my love, you have owed your conscience!"

"Uh... By the way, what if it's really a malfunction?"

Well, there are still people defending Mu Chen against the wind.

However, this person's post was subsequently flooded by angry players.

Shuguang Entertainment, Lin Sen, Liu Jin and Muchen were sitting in the office, watching the bustling Weibo and forums.

"Xiao Linzi, why did you see such success?"

Seeing Lin Sen looking silly at his cell phone, Muchen asked.

After Lin Sen heard Mu Chen's question, he first silently liked the comment he saw greeting Mu Chen, and then said: "It's nothing, it's just some netizens' comments."

"Master Mu, they are scolding on the Internet now, you said if..."

Old Liu was still worried as always.

In fact, Mu Chen didn't expect someone to analyze it so soon. Although there is no real evidence, but the netizens just believe it!
It's like that: I don't have any evidence, but I'm sure you're the murderer's detective.

"Well, it's eleven o'clock now, let's open the download at eleven o'clock, and I'll post on Weibo~"

Muchen said.

"Repost?!" x2.

Liu Jin and Lin Sen thought that Mu Chen was going to do something wrong, so they looked at Mu Chen in horror and asked.

Muchen: ... Am I the kind of person who is so unreliable?

"It's just a simple tweet to clarify the rumors in the forum, what are you doing? Am I the kind of person who doesn't know what to prioritize?!"

Lin Sen stared at Mu Chen dumbfounded.

No way, this is the first time he has met someone who can confidently describe the facts analyzed by others as rumors and then clarify them. Lin Sen said that his knowledge has increased.

It's not to blame that Xiao Lin has little knowledge, Mu Chen has seen this kind of thing a lot in his previous life, this time he just learned a little bit about the tricks of his predecessors.

"Ahem, what happened this time was entirely my fault, and I deeply regret it!
However, there was a reason for this mistake.

I strongly condemn the scheduled sending function of Weibo (Mu Chen added it himself).

Alas~ I am deeply sorry for this, and made many players happy in vain.

However, at the coming 11 o'clock sharp, Shuguang Entertainment's new game "Legend of Sword and Fairy" will be officially launched, remember to get it, dear!

Also, in order to appease the wounded hearts of the players, among those who forwarded Weibo, a thousand coupons of 8.8% discount on the Shuguang game platform will be given away~"

Player: Meow meow?

How can this be so?

Throw the blame to their own products, and then use a wave of sugar-coated shells to corrupt players.

Long live!
I actually don't want to forward this Weibo!
It's just... the number 8.8 looked really festive, so I couldn't help but clicked forward it, it had absolutely no other meaning.

"Everyone must stick to their hearts and not be fooled by Mu Chen's sugar-coated bullets!"

"Hiss~ I... seem to be unable to control my trembling hands!"

"Lou Zhu, I've already seen you clicked and forwarded it yourself, Nikouzhen and the four smart ghosts!"

"Hehe, I just want to verify whether what Mu Chen said is true. If I win the lottery, it means it's true; if I don't win..."

"Still here to compare, new games are on the platform, but this time the price is very affordable!"

"How much? Don't say a price close to the people that makes my student party feel desperate!"

"Don't want 998, don't want 888, the price of breaking the market is only 66.66!!!"

"Emmm, it's okay, it's just a bun, buy it now!"

"Does the tycoon upstairs still need steamed buns? I have them here, and they only sell 50 each!"


Seeing that the price of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is so close to the people, many netizens couldn't help but click to buy it with their rich little hands.

After all, this price is cheaper than the previous Black Soul, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, etc., and it is not even as good as a slightly better skin in League of Legends and CS.

Therefore, "Legend of Sword and Fairy", because of Mu Chen's self-directed and acted farce and affordable prices, as well as the promotional film full of fairy tale flavor - took off!

 Ask for a first order! ! !
  Ask for the first order! ! !
  First order! ! !

  order! ! !
  Grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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