Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 127 The Angle of the Girl's Paper

Chapter 127 The Angle of the Girl's Paper (Second Update)
Su Su, a beautiful female college monk who is serious and honest, accidentally saw the promotional video of Legend of Sword and Fairy on Weibo before, and was immediately fascinated by the fairy-like scenes and beautiful female characters in it. The elegant moves and the soul-stirring background music attracted me.

When she first saw this video, she thought it was a new anime or movie, TV series or something.

After she clicked on the comment section, she realized that this was actually a game CG.At that time, she also hated iron and steel and complained about some TV series with special effects.

Then, Su Su began to pay attention to this game that she didn't know the name of at that time.

Later, she learned that the game was called "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

It sounds so fairy-tale!And it is a perfect match with the content in the promotion CG!

Of course, during this period, she also got to know the funny boss of Shuguang Entertainment—Mu Chen.

No way, Mu Chen is the most active when it comes to Shuguang Entertainment.Moreover, his Weibo is the first to announce everything. In comparison, Shuguang Entertainment's official website and official Weibo are like younger brothers (actually, they were posted at about the same time, but players are used to seeing pastors first. Dust’s Weibo, that’s why I had this illusion).

Afterwards, she was completely fascinated by Mu Chen's various manipulations.

Su Su has lived for 20 years, this is the first time he saw the head of such a company, he looks like an Internet celebrity, works on Weibo every day, and battles with netizens on the Internet from time to time, no matter what the netizens say Breathing out the fragrance, Mu Chen was as elegant and easy-going as ever.

Especially the more noisy Weibo in the comment section, Mu Chen liked it more.

No, the current Su Su is lost in thought just looking at the Weibo that Mu Chen just posted before (throwing the blame) + game release + forwarding the lucky draw.

Immediately, she also clicked forward!

Then, Su Su opened the Shuguang game platform that was downloaded and installed yesterday, and bought "Legend of Sword and Fairy" without any hesitation.

While waiting for the download, Su Su, driven by her curiosity, looked at other games of Shuguang Entertainment on the Shuguang game platform.

League of Legends?

This girl with a puppet panda is very beautiful!download!


shot! ?dislike!

Dark Soul?

Ouch~ The monsters here are too ugly!How could anyone play this game?

Huh? ! What is switch?Wow!It even has Super Mario!

I want to buy! ! !
Thinking of this, Su Su took a look at the price of the handheld switch plus the game Super Mario, which is a bright 1000+RMB. If this price is an ordinary college monk, he might have to hesitate for a while before thinking about what to find. Such an excuse.

but!For Su Su, a female college student with a small savings, this is not a problem!Place the order directly~ She even saw a Legend of Zelda on the switch, so she bought it along with it. After all, the scenery in The Legend of Zelda is really good.

After a while, Su Su saw that the download of Legend of Sword and Fairy had not been completed (because the image quality has been optimized to the extreme, so the installation package of Sword and Fairy is much larger this time), so he advanced another game, League of Legends.

Perhaps the focus of girls' papers is inherently different from that of boys' papers. Su Su entered the game. After completing the novice tutorial, she didn't start playing the game immediately, but first clicked on the mall page. . . . .

Then, Su Su started a shopping trip that men would be envious of and shed tears.

She first bought all the heroes she liked, who she thought looked beautiful and loved.Like Teemo, Lulu, Annie, etc., she originally planned to buy Fairy Qinser, but. . . . .Comparing is the devil, jealousy separates hostages! ! !
Then came the skins again. She bought Su Su, the skin of all the heroes she bought, and only spent a total of more than 2000 RMB.

After Su Su finished shopping to her heart's content, she found that Legend of Sword and Fairy was finally installed.

Click into Legend of Sword and Fairy, the background of the menu page is flowing clouds and mist, and there are looming pavilions inside, and you can feel the breath of fairyland just on the computer screen.

Click to start the game, and the picture on the screen changes to the inn where the protagonist Li Xiaoyao is.

Emmm, well, Su Su found that the feeling of being in a fairyland presented by the background of the previous menu page disappeared in an instant.

"Why is the main character such a stinky boy!? Where is the beautiful young lady in my promotional video? Ahhh, it's so sad! But I want to see the fairyland in the previous promotional video, and that young lady!!!"

In the end, Su Su's desire to see the little sister and the fairy scene in it still defeated the stinky boy Li Xiaoyao in her mouth, so she chose to continue playing.

However, because Su Su was anxious to look at the young lady she was talking about, she didn't think about any tasks at all, how to get items and so on. Anyway, she just kept following the plot, and when she encountered a place with a lot of dialogue, she would keep talking from time to time. Mumbled a few words about Miss Sister.

Finally, after playing for a while, Su Su finally met the fairy-like young lady she had seen in the promotional video in the game——Zhao Linger.

"Ahahaha, deserve it, why didn't grandma give Li Xiaoyao a hemiplegia, then only Zhao Ling'er will be the protagonist of the game!" I still don't forget to curse our poor and unlovable protagonist - Li Xiaoyao.

In this way, Su Su, the female college monk who we love to watch Miss Sister, was playing Chinese Paladin and admiring Zhao Linger’s beauty in his dormitory while cursing the protagonist Li Xiaoyao to hang up quickly. Lose.

"Su Su, what are you talking about there?"

Su Su's roommate saw her looking at the computer and thinking about it, so she asked Su Su.

Su Su was taken aback by the sudden question from her roommate, patted her own airport, and said angrily, "Die, scare me!"

"Uncle Su, isn't my little girl worried when she sees you chanting words to the computer alone~ Tell me, what are you looking at? Is it something shameful?!" After finishing speaking, her roommate said Face. . . . .Uh, it's hard to say that girls are obscene, anyway, they just look at Su Su with a strange expression, and glance at the computer from time to time.

"I, I'm just playing a game, why are you so excited? Put away your expression!" Su Su said to her roommate sternly, showing a little guilty conscience.

"Ha! Our uncle Su also plays games? You have fallen! How about working hard for the postgraduate entrance examination when we started school?" The roommate looked at Su Su with a teasing face.

"Cut~ I don't know who gave me the Amway League of Legends first!" Su Su launched a counterattack.

"Yo~ You know League of Legends now! Then you are playing League of Legends now, right?" Because Su Su's body is blocking the computer screen, the roommates are far away, so they can't see clearly.

"No, let me tell you, it's the new game of Shuguang Company. The scenes in it are beautiful, as well as the characters, and the heroine is also very beautiful!" Su Su couldn't stop talking about this.

However, our poor protagonist Li Xiaoyao was once again forgotten by Su Su in the corner.

And when her roommate heard that Su Su admired him so much, she came to Su Su's computer curiously, ready to see what the game Su Su liked so much was like.

 Thanks to "Luo Ziyuan" and "Huang 5418" for their rewards, thank you very much! ! !Thank you for your subscription support! ! !

  Continue to ask for reservations and tickets. If any boss has the remaining monthly tickets, I will also support it. Thank you very much! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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