Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 128 Make Me Cry!

Chapter 128 Make Me Cry! (Third update request)

Then, the poor protagonist Li Xiaoyao, who was originally only disliked by a female college monk, now has another girl who dislikes him.

Li Xiaoyao: (╬◣д◢) The protagonist, labor and capital, will never do it!Love so and so!

In Shuguang Entertainment, in Muchen's office, Tang Xiaomo was crying and looking at Muchen.

"I said, it's just a game, it's like I'm bullying you, there's nothing to cry about!"

Muchen looked at Tang Xiaomo whose eyes were red from crying with black lines all over his face, and said angrily.

"Why do you think you want to write the plot so cruelly? QAQ!"

As Tang Xiaomo talked, he began to babble and cry again.

There's no way, Mu Chen, the cruel blue obscene, didn't change the ending of the original Legend of Sword and Fairy One.

Still, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon merged with the water monster, and then flooded Nanzhao. In order to fulfill the great mission of her Nuwa clan and save the common people in the world, Zhao Linger finally chose to perish with the water monster.

emmm, how should I put it, in fact, don't look at Mu Chen's harsh words, in fact, when he looked at the lonely figure of Li Xiaoyao on the screen again, he himself still felt a little blocked.

After all, when this guy was playing Immortal Sword One in his previous life, he started crying T﹏T the moment Zhao Linger died.

This time, he was finally held back, so he bit the bullet again to comfort (let's call it comfort) Tang Xiaomo who was sad there.

"Then can Zhao Ling'er and Lin Yueru be resurrected in the future?"

No way, no matter how much you cry, no matter how sad you are, you can't stop the woman's spirit of exploration.

"Um... I haven't thought about this yet, and I haven't even decided whether to release a second part. Why are you so anxious to find out..."

Muchen could only speak to appease Tang Xiaomo who was still curling his lips.

Although Zhao Ling'er was not revived in Legend of Sword and Fairy II in the previous life, Lin Yueru was successfully resurrected by Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao's daughter, and finally got together with Li Xiaoyao.

But to be honest, Mu Chen didn't think about whether to make a sequel, or jump directly to Xianjian III, make a random plot animation of Xianjian II to explain the resurrection of Yueru, and then it's over.

After all, in his opinion, the plot of Immortal Sword II is much thinner than that of Immortal Sword I and Immortal Sword III. Although this is also to connect with the plot of Immortal Sword I, it is suspected of making a sequel to make money.

"Can you change the ending?"

Tang Xiaomo opened her big... red eyes, looking at Muchen hopefully.

"Cough cough cough..."

This woman can read minds?
Only then did Mu Chen think about whether to have a whole new ending like in the previous life, so that Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger's lovers will finally get married.

I didn't expect Tang Xiaomo to think of this so quickly. Could it be that the magical method of changing the ending is the product of these women?
Looking at Tang Xiaomo, who is self-taught, Muchen just said to think about it, after all, Tang Xiaomo played the game a few days earlier than the players, and there are still many players who have not played the game's finale.

What if the players in this life are more able to accept this sad ending?
Mu Chen still dreamed with a little luck.


A week later, the players who downloaded Legend of Sword and Fairy had cleared the game on the script, and of course they knew the final plot.

As for the players who have not cleared the level, emmm, I can only pray that I will not be spoiled.

Dawn Entertainment Official Forum.

"Mu Chen!!! Why did you write me, Zhao Linger, to death!!!???"

"Ahh! Mom asked me why I was crying and playing games!"

"My Ling'er wife!"

"I'm an imposing seven-foot man, but I cried because of a game!"

"Emmm, is this game so fun? My girlfriend is lying in my arms after she finished!"

"Fuck off! Your girlfriend is not Zhao Linger, she cries and cares about me!"

Well, most of the male players were wailing in the forum.

They felt resentful, or heartbroken, for Zhao Ling'er, who was like a fairy, but ended up dead in the end.

emmm, as for some female players' comments, the style of painting is quite strange.

"Lin Yueru is a third party! How can she interfere in Brother Xiaoyao's relationship with Ling'er!"

"That's right, if you eat and play until you get old, you'll become fat sooner or later!" Keke, it's obviously a girl with a more curious focus.

"You can't blame Lin Yueru! At that time, Li Xiaoyao had already lost his memory, and he couldn't remember Zhao Linger."

There are female players analyzing rationally below.

"Don't mention this smelly man, scumbag!"


Well, now our protagonist, Li Xiaoyao Children's Shoes, has once again received a new title - scumbag.

Li Xiaoyao: Get out!Labor and capital are no longer at play!


As for some players who did not reach the finale, they are now in endless regret.

"Why did I click into this forum so cheaply! Gan Linliang!"

"Hahaha, luckily I didn't click to read it, I just read the comments at the bottom, sorry for the brothers upstairs!"

"Hey, Mengxin is trembling, and he dare not click in!"

"Then let me tell you... Both Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru are dead!" The person who was the first to say that they were spoiled viciously posted this spoiler at the bottom.

And the players who were still gloating and glad that they didn't click in before, looked at the content posted by that person, and their heads were buzzing.

Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru are dead.

Zhao Linger died.


"Ahhh! I'm telling you! Why did this happen?! I just played to where Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger got married, but you told me that Zhao Linger was dead!"

"Hehe, I've already cleared the level in the forum, the cloud player is talking about me! But I just bought the game yesterday and haven't had time to play yet!"

"Spoilers for me****, what the hell are you*****"

"Spoiler dog is so cute!"

Finally, the bottom of the post is basically where the spoiled players are kindly greeting the curries of the malicious spoilers.

Two days later, more and more players reached the finale, which meant that more and more people knew the sad finale.

They gradually divided into two factions.

One faction believes that Zhao Linger is the original partner of the original partner.

From their point of view, Ling'er's identity and status are impeccable, and Lin Yueru is just a third party who sneaks in and meddles in other people's feelings.

The other faction is Yuerutuan, which maintains Lin Yueru's reputation.

From their point of view, when Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao were together, Li Xiaoyao had already lost his memory, so there was no such thing as whether to intervene or not.

emmm, in fact, there is another faction in the player group.

That is to always dive in the major forums, post bars, and watch the excitement on Weibo, eating melon pie, and netizens affectionately call it the wall-riding pie.

Although they are nicknamed the wall-riding faction, they come and go without a trace, rarely speak out, and mostly just be a quiet melon eater.

In the end, the original supporting group and Yueru group were torn apart inextricably on the Internet, from forums to post bars to Weibo, and finally to Mu Chen's Weibo.


The way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who will the heaven forgive?

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(End of this chapter)

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