Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 140 3:0

Chapter 140 30
There was no suspense about the outcome of the first game.

Although the lineup is happy, and LT's fighting will is not as weak as the audience said.

But... In the end, they lost to the school team with superior skills.

"Emmm, why do I think if this LT mid laner is not Feng Nan, will they win?"

"Haha, Feng Nan's strength is behind him!"

"You are talking about Feng Nan, what does Yasuo have to do with me?"


In the second game, maybe just like what the audience said before, the LT team also felt that Yasuo seemed to be the one to blame, so they chose a more conventional hero this time, and planned to Shame on me.

Then...they lost even faster!
Rolling without suspense.

Even in the third tiebreaker, LT failed to make any effective counterattack, and was solved by the school team suddenly.

In the end, the school team ENG easily took away LT 3:0.

"What the hell! Is this the fabled chicken pecking at each other?"

"A pineapple, obviously there is only one rookie, the school team is a brain ax or tearing paper!"

"Uh... Didn't you say that LT is an old and strong team? How the hell was it crushed like this?"

At this time, a brother was very puzzled and asked questions on the barrage.

"Emmm, the LT team is indeed an old-fashioned club, but the strong team is CS, and the League of Legends branch was established only this year~"

Immediately, enthusiastic spectators who knew some details explained the origin of LT, a veteran and strong team, on the barrage.

"Haha, there's nothing wrong with it! LT is a veteran team!"

"Forget it, let's look forward to the game in the afternoon, I hope we won't be disappointed!"



Soon, under the anticipation of countless players, the semi-finals, known as the battle of Tianwang Mountain, began!

"Come here! I want to see my idol!"

"Damn the director! Why did you move Wang Tianqi's camera away!"

"Two stupid fans upstairs! The appraisal is complete!"

"One thing to say, if Wang Tianqi's state is not good today, I think today's game will be a bit hanging."

Many spectators who were paying attention to the WJ team and the talented mid laner Wang Tianqi were obviously very worried about today's game.

"Tian Qi, don't stress, the body is the most important thing!"

On the player's seat, Wang Tianqi still heard what the coach said to him before stepping down.

To be honest, although he also wanted to completely let go of himself, when he saw the golden championship trophy in the middle of the stage, he was full of unwillingness.

Looking at his left hand, Wang Tianqi had no choice but to suppress the unwillingness in his heart.

"I still want to win~"

Wang Tianqi sighed silently in his heart.

The jungler from WJ next to him saw Wang Tiantian staring blankly at his left hand, and said, "Captain, you..."

"It's okay, let's start right away, come on!"

Knowing what his teammates wanted to say, Wang Tianqi pointed to the screen and interrupted.

The rest of the WJ team naturally heard the conversation between the two, and seeing the state of the captain Wang Tianqi, they were even more uncertain about the result of today's game.

There is no way, the strongest combat power of their own team cannot be brought out, even if the opponent this time is only a young European team, they still have a bad feeling in their hearts.

In this way, in the prayers and expectations of the audience, the five members of the WJ team entered the game with heavy hearts.

As the saying goes: A mourning soldier must be defeated!
It is the state of the five members of the WJ team.

In the first game of BO5 in the semi-finals, the middle lane collapsed first, and then radiated to the wild area and other lanes. In the end, the WJ team lost the first game at an extremely incredible speed.

When Wang Tianqi saw the explosion in his home base, he froze for a moment.

It had been a long time since he felt the feeling of losing a game in the first game.

"No way?! The first game only lasted 20 minutes, so it's over?"

"Emmm, it feels like king is like we sometimes play rank games, we win when we hit each other, and the opponent has no resistance."

"Wang Tianqi has a big problem! Their mid lane collapsed too quickly in this round."


Seeing how the WJ team's first game was written so neatly and without muddling, the audience was blown away.

"I hope the second game will be better. If we lose again, King will hold three match points. It is not so easy for the second to chase the third!"

"Haha, still want the second to chase the third? It doesn't exist!"

"Knock Nima, you can do it, you are powerful, you go up and fight!"

"Call Dad, I'll go!"

"Father! Go! Go now!"


"Ahem, cough, this friend is a wolf!"

While the audience was arguing on the barrage, the second round of the semi-final had already begun.

Two 10 minutes later.

"It's okay, this WJ is still an advantage, and Wang Tianqi's condition seems to have picked up. Although he didn't beat the opponent's mid laner, he didn't collapse anyway!"

"I hope his hand injury doesn't happen this time~"

Ran goose ...

Just when the audience had just finished praying, Wang Tianqi, who was engaged in a team battle at the dragon, decisively used his physical body to start the team.

"Ionia is high and immortal!"

Wang Tianqi's Daomei is as big as the four members of the king team.

Just when he was about to take the opportunity to go in and kill all directions, his left hand was in pain and he couldn't help but twitched.

But it was this moment that slowed him down.

Then... the king team reacted decisively and launched a wave of counterattacks.

ACE (group destroy)!

One minute later, the five members of the king team bathed in the dragon buff directly smashed the base of the WJ team again.

Except for the fans of the king team cheering and shouting, the rest of the audience was silent.

Even the barrage in the live broadcast paused for a few seconds.

"Where is the big brother who just said he hoped the hand injury wouldn't happen?"

"Please come out, I have some souvenirs here that I want to give you, please report the address."

"Sigh~ I don't blame Nabi Crow's Mouth, it's true that the hand injury happened at an inopportune time!"

"What kind of hand injury, foot injury, food is food, if you lose, you lose, don't make excuses!"

"Are you so blind? Didn't you see the footage shown by the director before? Wang Tianqi's face turned pale from the pain!"

"It's the food..."

Not to mention the mutual tearing on the barrage, the atmosphere in the lounge of the WJ team is also extremely dignified.

"Let Xiaokai go, now I can't fight anymore..."

Wang Tianqi looked at his hands and said to the coaches and teammates beside him.

In the end, when the five members of the WJ team took the stage again, the sharp-eyed audience immediately discovered that there had been a change in the mid laner position, and it was no longer Wang Tianqi.

"What the hell? Changed?"

"Oh~ I guessed it, after all, Wang Tianqi's condition is really bad!"

"Hehe, back off before the battle! It's a shame you guys are blowing so hard!"

"It's normal, I'm afraid of taking the blame, Wang Tianqi won't be scolded to death when it's 3-0!"

"Hehe, you can't win if you change people!"


Indeed, as netizens imagined, last year's champion team, WJ, was eliminated by a European team with an absolute score of 3:0 in this year's semi-finals.

All of a sudden, more than [-] million players in League of Legends were excited!
 Keep asking for votes...

(End of this chapter)

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