Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 141 Put on the Resurrection Armor!

Chapter 141 Put on the Resurrection Armor!
At the moment when the crystal of the WJ team's base became violent, the players on the scene completely boiled.

But not to celebrate, but to feel incredible.

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game, it was even more heated.

Most of the players said on the barrage that they could not accept the fact that the WJ team lost the game.

"This... is the end? We were 3:0!"

"It doesn't feel real... This ending is too dreamy!"

"Before ACE-5 lost, I held back and didn't cry; but today my favorite WJ also lost, I really couldn't help it!"

Of course, among the regretful voices of these fans, there are also other disgusting voices,
"Hahahaha, cry for me!"

"Keep blowing!"

"Wang Tianqi would run away, why didn't he dare to play in the third game?"

"Let's disband!"

"Haha, the WJ team is surrounded by Mu Chen, how could it be disbanded!"


At the same time, Turkey Live, 6612138 room.

"Don't bring the rhythm of the WJ team and Tianqi on the barrage. Tianqi's hand injury is indeed a bit serious. When I went to their base before, he couldn't play training games for a long time every day.

If you lose this time, you can come back next year. Can't just because of this failure negate their hard work in the past two years! "

Yang Wei looked at the barrage with the rhythm of the WJ team floating over the barrage from time to time, and said there earnestly.

"Damn you, although impotence guy is usually cheap, but he can still say some reasonable things~"

"That's right, don't use the barrage of swearing, don't let our baboon manager (Yang Wei's live broadcast room manager) just give you a set meal and you won't be happy."

"Isn't there still a final? At that time, the school team won't be able to win the championship without it! Why are you so pessimistic!"

emmm, someone finally mentioned our poor school team that was forgotten in the corner.

ENG: Coach~ I want to retire!
Yang Wei also saw the barrage that said there was ENG, and nodded in agreement, saying:

"That's right, you guys are right when you look at the big brother. We're not completely wiped out, and the school team still has a good chance to win the championship!"

Ran goose ...

The audience on the barrage was not so convinced.

"The school team won the championship? Impossible?"

"Emmm, it's not that I don't have great ability, after all, the school team is also crushed when playing LT~"

"Can it be the same? King crushed last year's world champion WJ, while the school team crushed rookie LT. It's not even close!"

"LT: wqnmd!"

"Hahaha, rookie is okay, but one thing to say, LT is indeed much worse than king!"

"I don't care, rubbish WJ, ruin my youth, ruin my future!"

"The user - Sima Pun - has been banned by the housing management."

Right here, Yang Wei was comforting many restless viewers in the live broadcast room, when a piece of news came out suddenly, causing the viewers in the live broadcast room to riot again!

It was the mid laner of the king team who posted a post on their common social platform in Europe that caused an uproar among countless League of Legends players.

king-px: "Now, standing in front of you is the mid laner of the King team who is about to win the championship—px!"

After this news was discovered by netizens who like to go over the wall and wander around, it immediately spread to the League of Legends player circle in the entire Xia Country Division.

"Impotence! Impotence! Have you seen the dynamics of the single fart Exfa in the King team?"

"I'm afraid I'm not thinking about farts! Floating like this before the game started?"

"Emmm...but I jio'd say it's very possible!"

"Fake! I don't care, anyway, in the next few days, I will be a fan of the school team! I must support the school team to kill this competition!"

This viewer's suggestion immediately attracted countless people to respond.


Under the official Weibo of the school team, a large number of fans suddenly appeared.

"In the next few days, no matter whether we have conflicts before or whether I have sprayed you, as long as you support ENG from today, you are my brother! If I ever scolded nmsl, then you support ENG from today, Not only is the aunt alive, but I will personally put on the resurrection armor, a stopwatch, and the Zhongya hourglass for my aunt! So, please be sure! Definitely! Support the school team ENG!"

This is a speech by a WJ team fan on the ENG team's Weibo, which has won countless likes and reposts from netizens.

"Bring the brothers to the batch!"

"In the same nine years, why are you unique!?"

"Unilaterally announce that this brother has been hired by the PR department of Team ENG!"

"Is there anyone who wants to revive A? Ten likes are a set, and I promise to delete the nmsl comments I scolded, and then put on Resurrection A! Of course, Stopwatch and Zhongya need to increase the price by [-]!"

"The profiteer upstairs, the appraisal is complete!"


Mu Chen was also laughed at by this big brother's weird comment in the office.

These netizens are really more talented every time, and each one is more sandy than the other~
But this is also good, more or less diluted the extremely sad and irritable network environment brought about by the defeat of the WJ team.

Mu Chen naturally also read the speech of the mid laner of the King team, and even under his Weibo, many netizens asked him to stand up and say something.

Of course, Mu Chen would not take these proposals seriously.

After all, netizens may not need to be responsible for what they say, but Mu Chen is not. He is still a public figure anyway, so he should pay attention to the influence (idol burden).

But he still got a call from the boss behind the ENG team, of course it wasn't a py deal!

It's just a simple call to give some verbal and spiritual encouragement, as well as a bit of material encouragement.

Two days later...

"ENG! Come on!"

"In order to revive A! Come on!"

"Break the head of the opposite dog!"


In the past two days, everyone in the school team will occasionally watch some dynamics on the Internet after training. Naturally, they also know that they are now a team that their uncles don’t care about and their grandma doesn’t love. hoped.

In this regard... the five people involved said that these are trivial matters!

Although they also wanted to win the championship, the experience of the second child of Wannian told them countless times that they should not float before the game, must not float, must not float!

Not to mention that they are still facing the existence that can crush the WJ team.

Therefore, the five members of the school team not only have the joy of being supported and recognized by so many people, but also have the tension and excitement of facing a strong enemy!

"I said Ah Wei, aren't you a King team, why are your legs shaking like that?"

Tang Yujun, who was in the jungle position, saw the top laner Li Wei shaking his legs and thought he was nervous, so he joked.

"I'm so nervous! Labor and management are called habitual leg shaking, understand?"

Li Wei had an expression that was not as knowledgeable as Tang Yujun's.

"Fuck, believe it or not, I took the resurrection armor from your body for you?!"

Tang Yujun's reply caused several people to laugh wildly.


"Okay, I won't be nervous after Brother Jun said that!"

"Fuck them!"

(End of this chapter)

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