Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 148 Low Configuration Overwatch

Chapter 148 Low Configuration Overwatch

The next day, after completing the transformation from a boy to a man, Mu Chen took care of Tang Xiaomo who was inconvenient at home, and then went to the company leisurely in the afternoon.

After Mu Chen came to the company, he was always happy, laughing at everyone.

"Master Mu, this is... have you found the money?"

Employee A looked at Mu Chen who had just walked away from him, and asked the colleague beside him.

"Do you think Master Mu will pick up money? There must be some happy event!!!"

Employee B first refuted Employee A's idiotic speculation, and then said with a determined face.

On the top floor, in Mu Chen's office.

Old Liu looked at the smiling Mu Chen, a little confused.

"I didn't shave today? Or is there a leaf between my teeth? But I only drank some soup at noon!?"

Liu Jin looked at the smiling Mu Chen suspiciously, and when he was about to speak to break the weird atmosphere, Mu Chen spoke suddenly.

"Old Liu, how did the promotional video of our PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds react? Is it so good!?"

Hearing this, Liu Jin stopped worrying about whether there were any vegetable leaves between his teeth, and said with a bitter face, "Young Master Mu, I just came to talk to you about the promotional video."

Seeing Liu Jin's bitter face, Muchen's heart froze, thinking that something happened, the excitement of ending the boy's body completely faded, and asked Liu Jin eagerly:

"What's wrong? What's wrong with the video?"

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is an important part of Muchen's plan.

Because he plans to start the development of holographic games in the second year after the end of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, that is, next year, he needs a phenomenal game to fill the blank period of Suguang Entertainment's large-scale games.

When it comes to holographic games, Muchen’s father, Mufeng, called to tell him that the holographic game warehouse technology has made a breakthrough during the production of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. As for why the Mu’s Group attaches so much importance to holographic games Cang's skills, that's what Mu Chen pestered Mu Feng before, so desperately begging for it.

After all, Mu's Group itself is researching the popularization and application of holographic technology, and the holographic game warehouse is also in line with this research direction, so Mufeng agreed.Otherwise, no matter how much he dotes on Mu Chen, he will not deliberately do anything in the company's strategic direction.

Closer to home.

Seeing Mu Chen's anxious look, Liu Jin said awkwardly: "Uh, it's not a big problem, because we didn't explain in the first video that players rely on picking up equipment when they play the game, so players watched the skydiving After watching the video of the shootout, I thought those guns appeared suddenly, but now they all say it’s a bug~”

Muchen:. . . . .

The pants are all put on, and after a long time, this is the end result.

Although it was nothing special, Mu Chen still said, "It's okay, it's simple, I'll post a Weibo to explain it."

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen edited a Weibo and sent it out.

"The origin of the characters' weapons and equipment in the video is a major feature of the game, not a bug. So, you should hurry up and practice your marksmanship. This game is a hardcore gunfight game, which is very different from CS! "

At the same time, those netizens who seemed to be checking Weibo all the time saw Mu Chen's Weibo immediately.

"It's not a fake number, the identification is complete!"

"Hey, Young Master Mu, the Lun family misses you so much~"

"Fuck off, dead ladyboy!!! Young Master Mu is mine!"

"Mu Shao, Mu Shao, when will the new game be confirmed! The old horse next door said that the new game will be launched in three days, we can't be behind, let this horse copy and steal the limelight!"

"That's right, since it's not a bug, there's nothing to say. The problem now is that Ma Teng is so shameless. His new game is a copy of League of Legends and CS, this orphan!!!"

"Emmm, although the conscience in my heart tells me that this game is borrowed from League of Legends and CS, but, after watching the promotional video, I actually developed a strong interest in this game~~"

After Mu Chen posted on Weibo, he also kept looking at the comments below.

However, unlike what he imagined, the netizens didn't bother about the bugs, instead they kept talking about Lao Ma's new game copying his League of Legends and CS.

This style of painting is a bit wrong!

He called Liu Jin over to read the comments of these netizens.

"That's not right! There was still talk about bugs on the Internet last night, why did it stop so quickly today!?"

Old Liu was also a little surprised.

"However, Ma Teng did say that their new game will be launched in the near future, but I haven't had time to watch their promotional video. I really don't know what the netizens are talking about plagiarism."

After being puzzled, Lao Liu said again.

"Hehe, it seems that the old horse diverted the attention of the players, so let me take a look at how to plagiarize a game~"

After Mu Chen heard what Liu Jin said, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, he wanted to see what the new game Xinhuo was all about today.

Enter the official website of Xinhuo Game, and click on the promotional video of the new game on the top.

"What the hell?! FPS with skills! The old horse can still make a butt (another name for Overwatch)?"

After watching the video for 20 seconds, Mu Chen was shocked by the game character in it.

Muchen put away the contempt in his heart, and continued to watch the video very cautiously.

After 2 minutes, Mu Chen, who watched the video, heaved a sigh of relief.

After watching it, Mu Chen found that the new game of Xinhuo Game is not Overwatch, which was very famous in the previous life, but it has a bit of resemblance.

It is also a player confrontation, and you can choose a hero, but the difference in this game called "Gunfire Heroes" is that the heroes in it seem to have a lot of skills. This can be said to be a replica of the League of Legends. Each hero has active and passive skills. There are 5 skills in total; and the confrontation is also different from Overwatch. Although this game has shooting elements, there are npc humanoid monsters like the League of Legends soldiers in it. The map is quite big.

"Uh, this game, ahem, does look a little familiar."

After watching the promotional video, Lao Liu had to sigh with emotion.

"It's okay, Lao Ma has made great progress! At first I thought that the plagiarism mentioned by netizens was really the kind of copying. At that time, I wondered, thinking that Ma Teng is not like this. Sure enough, he It’s just a reference to some of our settings and game elements, and in all fairness, the idea of ​​combining hero skills with shooting games is really good.”

Mu Chen was sitting on a chair, commenting on "Gunfire Hero", a low-profile version of Overwatch, with the appearance of someone who has experienced it.

Liu Jin: You are really smart—wisdom!
(End of this chapter)

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