Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 149 Just now! ! !

Chapter 149 Just now! ! !
"Young Master Mu, will our "PUBG Mobile" still go live as planned?"

Mu Chen originally planned to officially launch PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds five days later, but he didn't expect that the old horse would suddenly appear on the way.

"Change, anyway, we didn't announce that it will be online for a long time, so that "PUBG Mobile" will be launched on the same day as "Gunfire Heroes"! Doesn't Ma Teng want to learn from it, so let him see the new fps overlord!"

Mu Chen's bastard air was overflowing, and he said in an extremely domineering manner.

Although seriously speaking, Xinhuo Game did not plagiarize anything. After all, the setting of your game, various elements, etc., cannot be legally defined as plagiarism.

As for the online crusade of players.

emmm, to be honest, Mu Chen believes that, except for those loyal fans of Shuguang Entertainment, no matter how much the rest of the netizens quarrel online, no matter how fiercely they scold Ma Teng for plagiarism, when the game comes out, they will still shout While smelling the real fragrance, I went to play games.

Therefore, Mu Chen didn't expect to punish Ma Teng with just a few curses from the players.

After all, if this was possible, then NetEase and Tencent in Mu Chen's previous life would have been sanctioned long ago.

"Then~ let's face it head-on?"

Old Liu tentatively asked Muchen.

"Just now! It must be just now! Isn't that gunfire game going to be launched in two days, so let's press it to the ground and just let it bloom in two days' time!"

emmm, the words are not rough~~~
"That's fine, I'll arrange to go online the day after tomorrow. Anyway, everything is ready, and it doesn't hurt to be three days in advance!"

"Well, let's go, I'll go to Weibo to warm up and warm up!"

Afterwards, the two with a clear division of labor began to prepare to trouble Ma Teng.

"The new game of Xinhuo Game is not plagiarized, and the similarities in some settings are purely normal! Netizens please don't over-interpret it!"

Mu Chen first talked about plagiarism that is now popular on Weibo.

Although these words seem aggrieved, the fact is that the concept of "game setting", which is difficult to define, is the same. If you go to the court to sue, they might throw you out as a fool.

Mu Chen posted a Weibo about the plagiarism incident, which immediately caused heated discussions among many people.

"Students can't be called copying. Mr. Ma's new game is just a little bit borrowed from the settings of some games of Suguang Entertainment. League of Legends!"

"Fart! Those games are not League of Legends. Without League of Legends, they can't think of the MOBA game mode!"

"Don't be noisy! Since Young Master Mu hasn't pursued anything, there's no need to hold on to this matter anymore!"

"That's right, what are the eunuchs in a hurry for?"

"Master Mu, if you are kidnapped by Ma Teng, just blink! We are here to save you!"

And when Mu Chen was planning to wait for this Weibo to ferment for a while, wait until the popularity is high enough, and there are enough people who follow it, before he announces the launch date of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the boss of Xinhuo Game - Ma Teng, suddenly appeared on the Weibo. Interacted with Mu Chen on Weibo.

Because after reading Mu Chen's Weibo, many Shuguang Entertainment fans were still angry, so they went to Xinhuo Game's official Weibo and Ma Teng's personal Weibo to find trouble.

After Ma Teng knew what Mu Chen said, he ran to forward Mu Chen's Weibo and said brazenly:

"Thank you Boss Mu for your contribution to the domestic game industry! Haha~"

Seeing Ma Teng's words, netizens laughed angrily at him.

"666, let me tell you, this guy's Bilian is not so thick!"

"Hehe, when it comes to thick skins in the game industry, Ma Teng is number one, Mu Chen is second, and the rest are nothing to worry about!"

Mu Chen was also scrolling through the comments, when he saw this, the smile on his face froze.

These people just scold Ma Teng, why involve me?
Flower Q!
But Ma Teng's face is really thick-skinned!

There is still the face to retweet, and the face to thank, there is no one else!
But when he thought of the second Weibo post he was going to post soon, Mu Chen showed a cruel smile on his face.

"Hehe, I'll see if you can still laugh later!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen waited for about ten minutes before posting on Weibo again.

Moreover, Mu Chen was afraid that the players would be suspicious (after all, he had a criminal record), so he specially asked the official website to send a message with him.

"July 7, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!"

At the same time, Dawn Entertainment's official website also announced that the new game will be launched two days later on July 7.

Muchen's Weibo can be said to add another fire to the already boiling pot.

"This... Are you sure it wasn't Mu Shaoxia Jier who said it?"

Cough, Mu Chen thought well, the players' first reaction was that Mu Chen was molesting the players again.

"After the appraisal, this is so true, 24k pure and true news! Because I went to the official website to check it out, and it was announced there. It was two days later, on July 7, the new game "PUBG Mobile" Officially launched!"

"Wori! The surprise came a bit suddenly. Is someone coming to kiss me? I'm afraid I'm dreaming!"

"Also, have you all overlooked one thing!"

Netizens who discovered something said mysteriously in the comments.

"What? Is it possible that even the official website is partnering to cheat labor and capital this time?!"

Uh. . . . .

"Ahem! No, haven't you noticed anything special about this time?"

That netizen continued to play tricks.

"Fack! Would you like to try another sentence?"

Some netizens couldn't stand it anymore.

"Online time! This launch time is on the same day as Xinhuo Game's "Gunfire Heroes"! Yesterday Ma Teng said that their new game will be officially launched on July 7th, but Mu Chen didn't expect it today It was also announced, and it was also on that day, tsk tsk tsk~"

After the netizen pointed out this time, the water that had been boiling before could no longer boil—now it evaporated directly.

"Hahahaha! I like this kind of slap in the face! The old horse was shameless before, and then he was thick-skinned and compared there. I didn't expect that Master Mu's retaliation would come so fast and so violently!"

"I don't know if the old horse will still laugh so hard after hearing the news! But anyway, I can't help laughing!"

"I was a little upset when I saw Mu Chen's first Weibo, but I didn't expect that Master Mu was holding back his big move!"

When the netizens were laughing, Ma Teng also saw Mu Chen's Weibo.

But this time, he sat on the chair with a gloomy face, really unable to laugh.

"President Ma, should we change it..."

The person next to him also knew the news and planned to propose to revise the launch date.

But before he finished speaking, Ma Teng shouted:

"What to change! Mad! Labor and management still don't believe in evil this time!"

Hmm~ full of energy~
 A little late~~~ But I still have to lick my face and beg for a ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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