Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 150 First Experience of Eating Chicken~

Chapter 150 First Experience of Eating Chicken~
After Mu Chen announced that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Gunfire Heroes would be launched on the same day, he also wondered whether Ma Teng, an old thief, would admit his advice and change the launch time.

But on the second day, Mu Chen still didn't find any sign of Ma Teng changing the game's launch time.

tsk tsk~
Also, just!
Muchen sighed alone in the office.


July 7, 20:12 noon.

Yang Wei was holding a large porcelain bowl in the live broadcast room, planing rice, fighting landlords, and by the way, flirting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Hey~ What do you say about this one? I have three blows, and one pair of two plus one king, how do you think I should lose?
It's open!Brothers, it’s time to earn chicken feed (a free tipping gift for turkey live streaming), press me to win, and the spiral is steady! "

In this game, Yang Wei is the landlord, and he plays the cards first.

"Let's just go with one card and three! This is very comfortable!"

"Yo~ little brother, you still use 2 to hit me?"

"The backhand is a king!"

"Ouch! Four aces? If you have the guts, just finish playing your cards today, otherwise... I'm going to perform!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei looked at the peerless card on his screen with a look of embarrassment.

Ran goose ...

next second~

A clear and pleasant female voice came from Yang Wei's computer.

"Oh! Watfak!"

Looking at his Happy Beans that bottomed out at that moment, Yang Wei felt a little uncomfortable...

"Hahaha, after so many years, the charity gambling monster came out again, donating generously, and helping many poor netizens who are in trouble!"

"You do the math, how many screens do you owe us viewers that you haven't eaten over the years?"

"Cheat food and drink!"

"Hurry up and apply to Xiao Wu, let's recharge some Happy Beans~"

Yang Wei, who was planning a meal there, saw the audience on the bullet screen asking him to find his "leader"—Wang Xiaowu.

Immediately, Yang Wei became angry.

I, Yang Wei, a man of seven feet, need to ask my boss (girlfriend) for instructions to fill up some happy beans?

"Hehe~ Impossible, it is impossible to be full of Happy Beans in this life, I can only rely on daily subsistence allowances to maintain my life like this!"

Seeing Yang Wei's cowardly expression, the audience couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tsk tsk tsk, why did the impotence suddenly wither? What a shame!"

"Baboon, you have changed..."


After the audience in the live broadcast room blew for a while, Yang Wei suddenly saw a large group of people brushing the same barrage on the screen.

"Dawn Entertainment's new game is online!"

At first glance, it looks like the advertisement on the mysterious website, Macau Royal Casino...

"I'm at work, I beg the anchor to give it a try!"

"Quick, quick! Yang Wei, go download and play! I can't wait to see this game that Shuguang Entertainment has held back for so long!"

After a wave of new games came online, a large group of people asked Yang Wei to play new games on the bullet screen.

After all, today is not the weekend, and Kubi office workers can only take advantage of the noon to watch the live broadcast to satisfy their hunger.

Yang Wei himself is also looking forward to this game, so he clicked to buy and download the first time he saw the launch of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"Tsk tsk tsk, how much will Young Master Mu sell this time? This game is only 60RMB, a very affordable price!"

While Yang Wei lamented the price of the new game, he also played a soft advertisement by the way.

"666, do you still want to say that the price set by Mu Chen is a big sale?"

"Hold on, am I short of that money?"

"Hehe, 60RMB is enough for me to use for a week. Why are you local tyrants still crying?"


While the audience was having a heated discussion about the price on the barrage, Yang Wei had already installed PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"It's thunder, it's thunder, brothers, look over here!"

When Yang Wei got excited, he accidentally slipped his tongue.

"Meow meow? Yang Wei, what do you call us?"

The audience has a faint tendency to riot.

"Hehe, I'm talking about brothers~"

Counseling when it's time to counsel, Yang Wei hurriedly comforted the audience.

After the nonsense was over, Yang Wei had already entered the main interface of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

5 minutes later……

I saw that the characters manipulated by Yang Wei had AK in one hand and m4 in the other hand, people blocked and killed people, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas.

"Oh, this game is too simple, there is no challenge at all!"

Yang Wei showed his iconic baboon-style laughter again.

"Hold the grass, can I trouble you to order Bilian? Do you really think we are blind? I can't see that you are in training camp mode?"

Of course, Yang Wei must have selectively ignored these barrages.

This time, Mu Chen's version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds training mode has enemies, but they are all very good AI man-machines.

Finally, after Yang Wei burned guns for about ten minutes in the training camp, he felt that he was ready to be a teacher.

Then I quit and clicked to start matching.

A few seconds later, the screen in Yang Wei's live broadcast room changed, and his sight came to the sky above the island.

"Tut tsk tsk, yes, little excited duck!"

Yang Wei smashed his mouth, tightened the mouse in his hand, and said to the audience.

"Now before I start killing people, let's make a joke again, okay? Keep a low profile and just bet on whether I can kill 10 people!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei really cut out the game interface and opened a disk in the live broadcast room.

And the audience in the live broadcast room immediately went to bet after seeing that Yang Wei had opened the market.

"Come on, Baboon! I've pressed 100 packs of chicken feed to bet you to win!"

"That's right, I've crushed all of the 2000 packs of chicken feed that I watched in your live broadcast room, how about it? Dare you move?"

While pressing Yang Wei to lose, the audience brainwashed Yang Wei with barrage.

"You must dare to move! Thank you for your support!"

After speaking, Yang Wei immediately pressed the F key heavily after seeing that the place was suitable.

"Paratrooper No. [-] Yang Wei! Come and report! Get ready to face death! Brothers~"

When Yang Wei was landing on the parachute, he was speaking extremely neutral lines.

After that, he discovered a problem...

"Hey! Hold the grass! Why do I feel that others want to fly faster?"

Yang Wei looked at a player who jumped off the plane with him before, and found that they had already opened umbrellas and were about to land, while he was still flying in the sky.

"Emmm, in my opinion, it should be heavier for others, right?"

"No! It may be because of the blind chicken neck conservation law in Newton's second law-someone flies fast, then someone must fly slow, and then the overall speed maintains a unique balance! Then... I can't make it up down!"

"Hahaha, you are really a skr bastard!"

When the audience had a heated discussion about the flying speed of the parachute, Yang Wei finally floated to the ground.

"Wahhahaha! Tremble! Mortals!"

 There is only one update today, 嘤嘤嘤 QAQ
  Make up tomorrow!
  Very sorry! ! !

  Thank you "Dark Butterfly Blue" for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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