Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 151 98k

Chapter 151 98k
After landing, Yang Wei ran straight into the nearest house and started searching.

The room where Yang Wei lives is actually quite rich in supplies, such as magazines, muzzle compensators, grips, everything that one expects to find!
Kuo is...

Just no guns!
"Anchor! Mengxin, do you still need to use these accessories to assemble the gun in this game? I see that you picked up so many accessories, why don't you use them?"

"Hahahaha, that's right! This is to pick up the accessories first and assemble the gun yourself!"

"Impotence! Hurry up and assemble a big gun! Hold back and make me wait a long time!"

As for Yang Wei, he looked at the screen without saying a word, turning a blind eye to the demands of the audience.

Assemble, I assemble your balls!

Do you want to give you the whole mecha, Gundam or something?

Then, without saying a word, Yang Wei left this poor small building and walked towards the second-floor bungalow next to it that looked a bit grand (laughs).

"This building looks like a place where thieves are rich, so there are [-]% good things!"

After speaking, Yang Wei walked into this legendary affluent place with a backpack full of accessories.

"Taishang Laojun, Sanqing bless you!"

While opening the door, Yang Wei was still muttering.


Two minutes later, Yang Wei's face turned black and pale.

I saw him walking out from that legendary rich place with a gleaming machete in his hand.

On the bullet screen, laughter became a sea of ​​joy.

"6666, what the hell is wealth?"

"Don't laugh! How do you mortals know that Yang Wei's sword is actually the legendary one—the sword that slays the dragon?"

"So is this a shooting game or a martial arts game?"

"emmm, in my opinion, this should be a game of luck, please refer to the host for details~"

Yang Wei, on the other hand, was watching the barrage while silently reciting the Buddhist mantra of pure heart.

I'm not angry!
I'm not angry at all!

Just when Yang Wei was there to calm down the restless qi deep in his heart, a burst of rapid gunshots suddenly sounded near him.

"Brother Songmeng! I'm here to work! Today, let Nimeng see how Viagra, who slashed down a street in the imperial capital, slashed everywhere with a knife!"

Hearing the gunshots, instead of running away, Yang Wei's eyes lit up, and he eagerly spoke to the audience in the live broadcast room.

After all, when he was in the training mode before, he had killed a human machine with a machete with a machete.

Therefore, Yang Wei, who feels that he has cultivated well, is now extremely confident in his sword skills.

However, the audience in his live broadcast room persuaded (encourages) Yang Wei not to go up on the barrage out of humanistic concerns.

Yang Wei, on the other hand, stared at his screen intently after glancing at the barrage.

I saw Yang Wei holding the knife, twisting and twisting in a half-squat position and moving towards the direction where the gunshots came from before.

One minute later, Yang Wei saw a man in front of him shooting a gun with his back to him.

Seeing that the man hadn't realized that he had touched his back, Yang Wei licked his lips and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

I saw him standing up fiercely~
A gunshot rang out in the distance.

Yang Wei who just got up fell asleep on the ground.

Looking at his gray screen, Yang Wei still kept that bloodthirsty smile on his face, but upon closer inspection, he found that the smile was a little stiff.

"Hahahaha! xswl!"

"I'll give [-] points for getting up! By the way, Yang Wei, don't you always like pedicures when you play Black Soul?"

"Food picks!"

"It is estimated that the two people who fought were also confused. One didn't expect to kill someone, and the other didn't expect to have an extra ghost."

"I don't know how that person will feel when he looks back at Yang Wei's box~"

"What do you think, I'm [-]% disgusted!"


"Just now, the anchor just showed you some basic gameplay of this game. In fact, I know that there are no guns in those two houses."

Yang Wei forced himself to explain shamelessly.

"This one! I will let the other 99 people on this plane know what—— is the real killing!"

"Paratrooper One!"

"Rough hair!"

Jump off again, slower than others again.

However, this time his luck seems to be better than before, no, it should be much better.

This is better than after he landed, he picked up a long and slender gun in the next room - kar98k!

"Yo! 98k? The anchor's luck is fine!"

Emmm, this should be a real new viewer in the live broadcast room. After seeing the big gun in Yang Wei's hand, the barrage sent a barrage of emotion to Yang Wei's luck.

And it sounds like a player who played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the first place.

"Brother, you are big, let me explain. Is this robbery very annoying?"

Many viewers who haven't played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds so far have asked for science popularization on the barrage.

"kar98k, it's an old-fashioned bolt-on sniper rifle in the game. It can blow off a level-[-] or level-[-] helmet with one shot, and a level-[-] head can also cripple you!"

Although audiences who haven't played the game still can't understand it, it doesn't prevent them from hearing the abuse of this thing.

Yang Wei also saw the audience's science popularization, and said with a sullen face: "You see! The Chosen One is talking about people like me! Now, I unilaterally announce the end of this game!"

Yang Wei said proudly while loading the gun.

"Yang Wei, someone is coming in front of you!"

"Fuck him!"

"Enough time! Wooden house!"

At the same time, Yang Wei also saw a person running over with a small pistol in front of him.

At this time, Yang Wei was standing at the window on the second floor of the house where he was searching.

I saw him raise the muzzle of his gun, his eyes stern.

Mystery: Headshot with one shot!
After the gunshot, the person who ran towards Yang Wei was not killed by Yang Wei's secret method. Instead, he ran behind the tree and hid immediately after hearing the gunshot.

"Ahem, ahem, this... the first shot feels a bit bad, try again, try again!"

Yang Wei looked at his bullet that had drifted a little far away, and couldn't help scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Xiu'er! Please sit down!"

"Emmm, why do I feel that the gun is not as powerful as it is in the legend?"

"That's right, it's not as good as a fire stick!"

"Ahem, lighting a fire stick is too much. You can insult the skills of our impotence anchors, but you can't insult their personality! If you insist on insulting, then please take me with you!"

Yang Wei looked at the words on the bullet screen that made her feel dizzy, and tightened the mouse in his hand.

"Today! If I, Yang Wei, don't kill him, I won't download it!"

After finishing speaking, he carried the 98k and climbed down the window in an extremely chic posture.

 Thanks to the big guy "Association Liluo Going Hug℡" for the reward.

  There are two more tonight
  Ask for a ticket!

  Recommended tickets, monthly tickets and so on, I want them all!
  ○| ̄|_
(End of this chapter)

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