Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 161 After-school tutoring group

Chapter 161 After-school tutoring group (seeking tickets)

Not long after Shuguang Entertainment released the announcement, in a chat group called "After-school Tutoring", many people were chatting about the title incident of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"Fuck! Laozi's account has been banned!"

"Mine too! I only used 5 handfuls, and after eating 4 handfuls of chicken, it was so cold!"

"Hehe~ What's yours? Labor and management only played for a while, and the chicken hasn't even been eaten yet, so they just gged it."

"666, brother, what do you use? You can't even eat chicken!" Everyone expressed surprise, and many people even wondered if this brother had a problem with his cerebellum.

The man immediately replied: "Fake, I used the wall-penetrating method. I had already killed 10 people before. When I was about to reach the final round, I saw a second player lying behind a tree and aiming at me. When I was about to kill his teammate after killing him, his teammate actually dodged a shot. After that, I planned to walk over to understand his teammate. A teammate got shot in the head."

After hearing the brother's bloody and tearful accusation, everyone in the chat group expressed sympathy for what happened to him.

"Excuse me, is this still a group for sale?"

While everyone was chatting happily in the group, someone suddenly came out and asked.

"Emmm, is this group really selling after-school tutoring materials???"

Someone immediately asked back.

"That's right, the group of pigs will be fucked by labor and management!"

"I thought you could pretend to be deaf and dumb!"

"What do you say about the labor-management League of Legends account being blocked for 20 years? Should you give me an explanation? Are those who buy and hang up not consumers?"

After the player who bought and hung up confirmed that this was a selling and hanging group, he immediately screamed for the group leader to come out.

And the other people in the group were amused again after seeing what this person said.

"Pfft~ Songshui, you went to the wrong set, didn't you? We are in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds class here, and the after-school tutoring for League of Legends is not here."

Someone in the group immediately replied to this violent person.

"Wrong fart! Labor and management were in this group three years ago. At that time, this place was selling League of Legends scripts! I bought a script and used it for more than a month. , I was sentenced to 20 years! You said that the title is fine, but the labor and management opened a script for a month, and instead of getting points, they fell from Black Iron 1 to Black Iron 4. What the hell? Whoever makes sense! The group owner, get the hell out of here and refund the money! Spicy chicken cheats ruin my youth, cut off my ranking, and ban my account!"

Emmm, I have to say, this story is even more touching than the one above, which filled the after-school tutoring group with laughter.

However, what this League of Legends player said reminded many people in the group who were banned from playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"That's right, this sad reminder brother is right! The group leader, please come out and explain, labor and management have only bought it and not played it for two days before being banned, shouldn't we talk about this cheating money?"

"When we bought it, we swore to us that this cheat could perfectly avoid the anti-cheat system of Suguang Entertainment, but I avoided Nima! Labor and management went in and played a training mode to try the effect of the cheat. When you first started playing, you were directly detected by the system, and then gg! Isn’t this a lot of cheating? Isn’t cheating players considered consumers? Believe it or not, labor and management will go to the Consumer Association to sue you for selling fake products and defrauding consumers !"

"What did you buy? Such a scam?"

Immediately a curious player asked.

"That kind of weapon enlargement is the kind that can make the pan taller than the mountain!"

The player who died in the system detection said cutely.

"Our group sells high-end goods that can avoid system detection. Brother, you must have gone to the wrong set, or you were tricked by someone. We still have integrity in selling them!" "I'm a melon seller," said the person.

And this person's prefix is ​​impressively bearing the word "group leader".

Immediately, after dispelling the rumor (washing the pot), the group leader @all the members said: "Please rest assured, students, our tutoring center adheres to the principle that the world is big and the students are the biggest, and we will definitely solve the problem that the tutoring equipment cannot continue to be used. Questions, please be patient and calm!"

After the group leader uttered a plausible industry slang word, he disappeared again, quite a sense of jio.

And these cheating players who have been banned, after the group leader disappeared, they compared each other crazily in the group.

At the same time, in Shuguang Entertainment Company, Mu Chen's office was also discussing about the cheating of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"Young Master Mu, according to our previous data comparison, most of these players came out one week after the launch of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and most of these cheats can bypass our company's anti-cheat system. According to our analysis, this should be a company in the industry deliberately targeting us, and then deliberately researching the anti-cheat system.”

Lao Hu, who hadn't come to Mu Chen's office for a long time, took a report and told Mu Chen who was sitting there the results of this large-scale investigation of player cheating.

"How about the review of the player's report? Can the account title keep up with the speed? Don't let the player report countless times, and the processing result is still not going down!"

Mu Chen didn't care much about the old nonsense that a company targeted him at Shuguang Entertainment, and continued to ask questions about how to deal with cheating.

After all, he was also disgusted by the speed of the plug-in seizure of Blue Hole (the development company of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in Muchen's previous life) before.

So this time, Mu Chen pays special attention to the speed of the seizure of cheats. As for the root cause of cheats, he will be able to deal with them sooner or later; at present, the top priority of Shuguang Entertainment is to stabilize the ordinary players of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds who have been hurt by cheaters.

For example, right now, on Weibo and forums, there are quite a few players of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds frantically @木陈 and Shuguang Entertainment's official website.

"Now, a lot of people have been sent to manually review, and the speed can still keep up. Basically, the title can be processed within a day after the player reports it."

Lao Hu said that the current review speed can still keep up with the reporting speed.

Mu Chen felt more relieved when he heard this, nodded, and said, "That's good, Lao Hu, you go down and continue to watch the progress of the cheating report, Lao Liu stays."

After Lao Hu went out, Muchen said to Liu Jin: "Which company is causing trouble?"

Muchen asked Liu Jin to investigate when he discovered the large-scale cheating, and he also specially called his two uncles to ask them to help a little bit, so Muchen was so sure that Liu Jin could find the mastermind behind it.

"Found it, my old friend from Shanghai, Ma Teng~"

 Hey, I beg everyone to reward you with tickets~~~ Tomorrow will add an update!

(End of this chapter)

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