Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 162 The end of the storm

Chapter 162 The end of the storm
When Muchen heard Liu Jin mention Ma Teng, he was not very surprised, it could even be said that he expected it.

After all, Ma Teng is currently the only domestic game company that can make a bridge for Mu Chen.

"Old Ma is relying on someone to back him~"

There was a bit of banter on Mu Chen's face, talking to himself there.

"Then should we do something, such as report to the game management committee, or sue those?"

Liu Jin, an honest person, now feels that he can't take advantage of Ma Teng.

After Mu Chen heard this, he smiled and said, "There's no point in complaining about it. I feel ashamed to talk about such nonsense! As for the prosecution, hehe, I can assure you that Ma Teng is doing it. This kind of old thief may not be good at the front, but he is still very good at making some gaudy conspiracies."

Although Mu Chen may be suspected of boosting other people's ambitions by saying this, but the fact is like this.

Taking the information that Liu Jin found alone, a sensible person would be able to see that these cheats were written by Ma Teng when they saw them, but the judge would definitely not be able to do so~ What is important in court is evidence, the kind that is as solid as a mountain of evidence.

Besides, even if Mu Chen really had Ma Teng's evidence in his hand, he didn't want to just kill Xin Huo Game because it was unnecessary.

After killing Ma Teng, there will definitely be Li Teng, Wang Teng, etc., Mu Chen doesn't have that much energy to meet new people, he is very nostalgic.

Moreover, Mu Chen thinks that this is actually quite good.

There is a competitor who will always jump out from time to time and dangle in front of you twice, provocative and provocative, showing a sense of presence, this will also keep Suguang Entertainment on guard, so that you know that you still have an opponent, and you will not slack off so easily up.

"Then we won't bother them?"

Liu Jin was very suspicious of whether Mu Chen in front of him was pretending to be someone else.

"How is it possible! Trouble still needs to be found, otherwise people will think that I, Mu Chen, is easy to provoke, so how can it be done! I mean there is no need to directly trouble Ma Teng, he has prepared a scapegoat Well, then we can't let the old horse prepare in vain~"

When Liu Jin heard this, he understood what Mu Chen meant, and then he mourned silently for the scapegoat he had never met before.

Scapegoat: Baa baa? ? ?

The next day, the after-school tutoring group.

"The group leader, come out!"

"Labor-management's trumpet, small trumpet, and small trumpet are all blocked! Didn't you say that the kind of light auxiliary hang (instant drinking, instant reloading, etc. that don't directly affect the gun) will not Is there something wrong? Hurry up!!!"

At this time, a half-step true immortal (not powerful enough to be called an immortal) player was screaming in the group, expressing his dissatisfaction with the group leader.

As soon as this half-immortal finished posting the news, someone replied in the group: "Didn't you read the news? The group owner is in trouble, it seems that because of selling too much, he was given by Shuguang Entertainment." Staring at it, the result——you know~"

"Damn it! Got caught?!"

"Yesterday I said I would upgrade my technology, but today it's cold. Alas~ I want to come back after the limelight has passed."

"Brother, is the news reliable?" This is a question from the group administrator, Mr. Wang.

The rest of the group were extremely surprised to see that the administrator was still able to speak.

"Fuck! Yaoshou is hot! The administrator is not cool?"

"Brother, is it so stable? Are you still running away?"

"Maybe this is an undercover agent~ I'm already doing good!"

Not to mention the infernal speculations of a group of gods and half-immortals in the chat group.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds hack sellers discovered this morning that they couldn't get in touch with their cheats online, they couldn't get through their calls, and couldn't get back their messages.

Then, they started to worry when they went offline.

Afterwards, the group discussed and said they would meet offline to discuss how to deal with this problem.

In the end~ the police uncles easily wiped out all the offline cheaters of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

The whole process was so smooth that I don't know how to describe it. At first, the police uncle who led the team thought that some of these people were undercover agents of their own, but after the interrogation, they found out that none of them were there. . . . .

Uncle Police: You are the worst criminals I have ever caught!

That's why those group owners lost contact, and later there was a local news in the magic capital.

As for the other administrators in the group, Mu Chen didn't have the heart to take care of them, after all, those people were really small shrimps.

So far, after more than ten days, the cheating incident of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has completely disappeared, and the players basically can't see any cheating. True. Immortal player.

For example, our He. Yang Wei's thigh. Zhu Xian. Self-propelled [-]x mirror. Xiu is the fairy in the hearts of countless players.

Turkey live broadcast, Yang Wei live broadcast room.

"Brother Xiu, do you want an [-]x mirror?"

Although Yang Wei looked at the black, long and thick eight-fold mirror very hotly at the moment, but--strength does not allow it!He also wanted to use an 686x scope, but unfortunately, the s[-] (dual spray) does not allow a scope.

Therefore, he could only ask He Xiu if he wanted it with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Well! Keep it for me, come here right away!"

He Xiu, who was broadcasting live on the other side, responded very calmly. He was not like Yang Wei, who had never seen the world ([-]x mirror).

The techniques and styles of the two are different, so the audiences in the two live broadcast rooms are also different, uh~ not necessarily, the main reason is that the style of barrage in the live broadcast rooms is different, and the audience may still have the same audience.

Yang Wei's live broadcast room:

"Heh~ spicy chicken!"

"Yang Caiji. Hand disabled. Wei, please focus on licking brother Xiu and don't get distracted!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, grd Yang Wei has enjoyed eating chicken for the past two days! I am so happy that I can't close my legs every day!"

And He Xiu's live broadcast room:
"When will Brother Xiu come to bring a wave of water friends! Hey, the Lun family wants to have a dick!"

"The cute girl upstairs is dead, Brother Xiu is ours!"

"Brother Xiu is so handsome!"

You have to throw away things when you compare goods, and people compare people—there is no way to compare!
These days, Yang Wei and He Xiu have been in double row, and he has a very deep understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

Thinking of him being the number one turkey, he has worked hard for several years to live broadcast, and managed to accumulate a lot of female fans, but in the end, they all ran away with He Xiu in the past few days.

It made him always want to play a song these days: Love is like a light, so green that I panic!

All in all, the two are like extremes. Yang Wei only has a lot of male fans who like to breathe out fragrance, and basically no female fans; and He Xiu has both beautiful female fans and many diving in the live broadcast room. A male fan who wants to learn Cha Chicken skills!

The world is different, nothing more than this!

  Thanks to "Book Friends 20190501143022893" for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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