Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 163 Update~

Chapter 163 Update~
After Shuguang Entertainment killed almost all the cheats of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the game environment has been greatly improved. Players no longer have to worry about being knocked down by the shooting skills that fell from the sky while fighting in the game.

And with the end of the cheating incident, Mu Chen also turned his attention to the arrangements for the forthcoming [-]th SG Global E-sports Competition.

"I won't be going to the match this time. Old Liu, you and Xiao Yezi are all in charge. If you have anything to do, just report to me."

Mu Chen first explained to Lao Liu about the competition half a month later in the office.

"Then are you going to make a new game?"

After listening to Mu Chen's instructions, Liu Jin raised his eyebrows, and asked a little doubtfully, "Uh, Young Master Mu, didn't you say you weren't going to make a new game?"

Liu Jin felt that Mu Chen was fooling him, an honest man again.

"Ahem~ Isn't it just a matter of time..."

Mu Chen subconsciously expressed his inner thoughts.

However, after he finished speaking, he heard Liu Jin's resentful voice drifting over.

"Then why don't you go to the competition site to see..."

Liu Jin touched his bald forehead, like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

"Uh...hehe, Lao Liu, why don't I take you to a health care later? It's a serious one, guaranteed to make your hair grow back!"

Here Liu Jingang wanted to refuse, but suddenly caught Tang Xiaomo who was looking at him, so...

After Liu Jin left the office, Mu Chen received an indescribable treatment from Tang Xiaomo.

After the young couple quarreled in the office for a while, Mu Chen turned on the computer and began to write the plan for the new game.

However, before he wrote again, looking at the icon of League of Legends on the computer, he suddenly thought of something that he had forgotten, but it was really interesting.

That is the few distinctive and interesting casual modes in League of Legends.

Smash Bros. and Clone Mode!

These two entertainment modes were launched by Riot Games in order to continue to stabilize the position of League of Legends, and at the same time, they also wanted to restore some lost players.

Although the League of Legends has not declined under the blessing of Suguang Entertainment, and the players have not lost, but sometimes there is an upward trend.

But Mu Chen doesn't mind using these two modes to attract some new players, no matter how bad it is, it can increase the game viscosity of old players, or maintain a sense of freshness.

After all, playing ranked all the time will also make you tired. If you lose some points, you will be very depressed.

And these two modes can just relieve the aesthetic fatigue of players and the resentment after losing the ranking.

After remembering these two modes, Mu Chen's thoughts could not help but drift to another veteran game of Shuguang Entertainment.


This Mu Chen produced four years ago, and it is also the first game of Shuguang Entertainment.

In fact, the current situation of CS is much better than when Mu Chen came through in his previous life.

At least the number of players can be crushed.

However, it is unavoidable that the lifespan of fps battle games will not be too long. Compared with the number of CS players today, there are nearly 500 million players lost in total compared with four years ago.

What kind of concept is this...

The peak number of Dawn Entertainment CS players (real players, with a guaranteed upper limit) is about 5000 million. Four years have passed, and the number has decreased by 500 million, which is one-tenth.

As for the number of players online at the same time, needless to say, it is now as low as 100 million or less.

But the blame is mainly on Muchen himself, after all, who told him to release PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds so quickly.

The game Chicken Eater is like the natural enemy of all fps games (online games) on the market. Once interviewed, it will attract players of other fps games.

But Mu Chen had already thought of this situation when he made it, but he didn't expect that the impact would come so fast and so violently.

Now it’s only been 20 days since it’s been online for [-] days, and it’s really fierce to directly pull down the old-timer of CS, an fps game.

And this is the case for CS alone, not to mention other fps, it is called a tragedy.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the new game of Mu Chen's "old friend" Ma Teng.

Earlier, Muchen deliberately used chicken to touch porcelain (Ma Teng put gold on his face) for his new game, Gunfire Hero.

At that time, our classmate Ma Teng was ridiculed on the Internet. Although he was used to it, he still remembered this Liang Zi.

Then after the two games were launched, because the chicken eater was too good, no matter how hard our classmate Ma Teng's gunfire hero struggled, he could only be ranked behind the ass of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Regardless of the number of players, the number of concurrent online users, daily turnover, player ratings and other game evaluation indicators, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is firmly on the head of the gunfire hero.

This made Ma Teng very upset.

Afterwards, he was amazed by the strength of Shuguang Entertainment, which made the games he and Griffin jointly created can only be left behind; on the other hand, he was trying to find a way to suppress the arrogance of Shuguang Entertainment, so as to cause trouble for Mu Chen the goal of.

Therefore, there was the PUBG Survival plug-in incident some time ago.

Closer to home, after the appearance of Chicken Eater slammed the fps games in the entire game market, Muchen's original goal was achieved - to make a large game that allows Suguang Entertainment to pass the blank period.

Now it seems that eating chicken can fully meet the requirements, even exceeding Mu Chen's expectations.

After the goal was achieved, Mu Chen couldn't help thinking about the current situation of CS.

"Forget it~ League of Legends has added a new mode, so I might as well update CS as well. Anyway, it's the first game I play. It's still uncomfortable to watch it slowly fall from the altar..."

After talking to himself, Muchen began to think about how to save CS.

He doesn't expect to be able to return to the top, but it's okay to continue his life anyway and stop the trend of player loss.



Fight against...

CF? !
All of a sudden, Mu Chen thought of a fps game that was popular in China for a long time, although it was extremely criticized by players—CF!

Needless to say about the game itself, except for the krypton gold part and some pve modes, the others are basically carved out of the same mold as CS.

What Mu Chen thinks this time is precisely those interesting modes in CF.

The challenge mode of killing monsters and mowing grass, the biochemical mode of alternative PVP, and some weird hide-and-seek and the like, are all quite good.

Regardless of the krypton gold elements contained in it, in Mu Chen's opinion, CF is really an excellent game.

Therefore, Muchen's new game plan was put on hold for a while, he planned to finish the update version of League of Legends and CS first.

 Tomorrow three more...

  If there are more tickets, there will be four changes...

  Hey, I want a ticket! ! !
  (*°`*) We are also a baby! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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